
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級(jí) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

A 看圖聽錄音,請(qǐng)找出與所聽句子相符的圖畫,每題聽兩遍.(5分)

( )6.A.Who’s calling? B.Who are you? C.How do you do?
( )7.A.On the 4 floor. B.In a flat. C.I like it.
( )8.A.By bike. B.Good idea. C.At six.
( )9.A.It doesn’t atter. B.I’ sorry to hear that.C.Thank you.
( )10.A.Next onth. B.Last week. C.In France.
( )11.Where is the anial world?
A.Near the post office. B.Near the road. C.Near the bus stop.
( )12.What was the weather like yesterday?
A.Sunny. B.Rainy. C.Cloudy.
( )13.Who is the essage for?
A.Ti. B.rs Read. C.r Read.
( )14.What’s wrong with Dick?
A.Soething is wrong with his hand.
B.Soething is wrong with his head.
C.Soething is wrong with his legs.
( )15.Why didn’t the boy go to schoo1 by bike today?
A.He lent it to Pingping.B.It’s broken. C.He had no bike.
( )16.The doctor told rs Brown not to eat eat and cakes because_________.
A.rs Brown liked the B.eat and cakes would ake her fatter
C.r Brown told hi to do so D.eat and cakes are not good food
( )17.The next orning rs Brown ade a cake for________.
A.her husband B.herself
C.her children D.the doctor
( )18.Which of the following is true?
A.r Brown ate half of the cake and left the 0ther half for his wife.
B.rs Brown ate half a cake that orning.
C.rs Brown ate one cake that orning.
D.rs Brown didn’t eat any cake that orning.
( )19.rs Brown ade another cake because_________.
A.she was good at aking cakes
B.her husband loved cakes
C.she wanted to eat soe ore
D.her husband would be angry if he knew she had eaten the cake
( )20.Why was r Brown very happy when he saw the half of the cake on the table?
A.Because he was hungry.
B.Because cakes were his favourite food.
C.Because the cake was beautiful and delicious.
D.Because he thought his wife began to stop eating cakes.
( )1.y cousin can’t play ____piano,but he can play _____baseball very well.
A.the;/ B./;the C.the;the D./;/
( )2.一_________did he stay in hospital? —About two onths.
A.When B.How long C.How often D.How uch
( )3.Wait for e! I have _________to tell you.
A.iportant soething B.iportant anything
C.soething iportant D.a(chǎn)nything iportant
( )4.illie, _______ her other _________cooking very uch.
A.is like,like B.like, likes C.likes, likes D.likes, like
( )Paul took exercise after school. He needed a good rest.
A. uch too B. too uch C. too any D. any too
( )6. He always looks . Now he's looking at his new drawing.
A. happy; happily B. happy; happy C. happily; happily D. happily; happy
( ) 7. y cousin is in in Shanghai No.11 iddle School.
A.3th Grade B.3 Grade C. Grade 3 D. Grade 3rd
( ) 8.He has __________ oney than Jack. But he has __________ friends.
A. little, any B. less, ore C. less, any D. little, ore
( )9 --- What’s your father like? ---_____________.
A. He likes reading newspaper B. He likes watching football atches
C. He is tall and fat D. A and B
( )10. She is better ________singing than you.
A. at B. in C.of D. by
( )11 . Shanghai is bigger than _____ in Jiangsu and bigger than _______ in China.
A. any city, any city B. any city, any other city
C. any other city, the other cities D. any other city, any city
( ) 12 Both skiing and cycling are ______________ diving.
A. so interesting as B. as interesting as
C. ore interesting as D. as interesting so
( ) 13. y shoes are too old.I’ going to buy____________.
A. a new one B. another one C. a new pair D. any one
( )14.They want to do it better with __________people and _______oney
A.fewer,fewer B.less,less C.fewer,less D.less,fewer
( )15.---Can you ake hi _______the roo? ----Yes, I’ll ask hi ____it.
A.to clean, to do B.clean, do C.clean, to do D.to clean, do
三、完形(共10小題;每小題1分,總分10分) 下面短,從短后所給各題的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)(A、B、C、D)中,選出可以填人空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。
A teacher was asking a student a lot of questions,but the student couldn’t answer any of the.The teacher decided to ask hi __1____questions so that he could get a few right.“Who was Beethoven(貝多芬)?”she asked.
The student _2____ for soe tie and then answered.“A king.” “ __3__ .He was a Geran usician(音樂家).”The teacher said.She was getting a little _4__ now,__5__ she was trying not to show it.
Then she asked.“Who was the first president(總統(tǒng)) of the United States?”
The student thought for a long tie,but he didn’t say 6____.Then the teacher got very angry and _7_ ,“George Washington!”The student __8_ and began to walk to the door.“Coe back!”the teacher said,“I__9__ you go.”
“Oh,I a __10_ ,”the student said.“I thought you called the next student.”
( )1.A.very hard B.very easy C.ore difficult D.difficult
( )2.A.listened B.thinks C.thought D.guessed
( )3.A.No B.Yes C.All right D.a(chǎn)ybe
( )4.A.happy B.glad C.young D.a(chǎn)ngry
( )5.A.so B.but C.or D.a(chǎn)nd
( )6.A.a(chǎn)nything B.nothing C.soething D.everything
( )7.A.siled B.spoke C.shouted D.talked
( )8.A.get in B.gets up C.got off D.got up
( )9.A.doesn’t let B.didn’t let C.can’t let D.will not let
( )10.A.sorry B.sad C.happy D.glad
ike and Dick work in the sae office.They don’t like the cold weather.And one day they decided to take their holiday in Australia.Their plane arrived in Sydney at nine in the orning.They had a good rest in a hotel.The next orning they rented a car in the city and began their trip.A few hours later the sun was shining in the sky and there were no shade trees beside the road.It was so hot that they could hardly go on driving.They had to stop to look around.ike found a river was about half a kiloeter away fro the.They were both very happy and drove the car quickly.Soon they got to the river.Before they juped into the river,Dick saw a boy playing under a big tree.He asked the boy,“Are there any sharks(鯊魚) in the river?”
“No.”answered the boy,“There aren’t any.”
So they began to swi in the water.After a while,Dick felt soething hit against his leg.He told ike about it.They were very afraid and stopped swiing.Dick asked the boy loudly,“Is it sure that there are not any sharks in the river?” “Yes.sir.There are a lot of crocodiles(鱷魚) in the water.The sharks have all swu away.”
( )1.The story happened when it was ______in the two en’s country.
A.spring B.suer C.a(chǎn)utun D.winter
( )2.The two young en went to Australia to
A.swi in the river B.study to drive
C.a(chǎn)ke a travel D.find soe work
( )3.Dick becae afraid because________.
A.he saw a shark in the water
B.he thought it ight be a shark that hit his 1eg
C.he saw the boy laughing at the under the big tree
D.he had been told there were soe sharks in the river
( )4.Having heard the boy,the two young en ay begin to __________.
A.catch the crocodiles in the water B.1ook for the crocodiles there
C.run to beat the Australian boy D.coe out of the river at once
(Letter A)
Dear Rose,
I like you prograes very uch.I’ noriting to ask you soething about Aerican social custos(風(fēng)俗)in their dinner party.I a very happy and have decided to go,but I a a little worried about it,too.The social custos in y country are very different fro there,so I’ afraid of aking istakes..
Should I bring a present, such as sweets or flowers? Should I arrive on tie or a little late? At the dinner table,how can I knohich fork or knife to use? How can I let the faily know I’ thankful for their kindness?
Wang Fang
(Letter B)
Dear Wang Fang,
It’s a good idea to bring a sall present when you go to a dinner party.Flowers are always nice,or you ay bring a bottle of wine if you know that your friends drink it.
You should arrive on tie or five to ten inutes late.Don’t get there early.If you're going to be ore than fifteen inutes late,you should call and tell the.
Try to be free at the dinner table.If you don’t know about choosing the right fork or knife,just watch the other people,and follow the.If you still have no idea of what to do,ask the person next to you.
If you like the food,say to.Of course,you’11 thank the for the eal and for their kindness.It’s also a good idea to send a thank-you card the day after.
( )5.If you're asked to a dinner party but not sure about what to bring as a present,it is good to bring_________.
A.soe fruits B.a(chǎn) bottle of wine
C.soe flowers D.a(chǎn) knife and fork
( )6.Which of the following is not proper(合適)for joining in a dinner party?
A.Get there fifteen inutes earlier. B.a(chǎn)ke yourself at hoe.
C.Follow others to use forks and knives.D.Thank your friends for the eal.
( )7.Fro the letters we’ve learned that it’s very _______to know soething about Aericans social custos.
A.difficult B.friendly C.enjoyable D.helpful
All students need to have good habits(好習(xí)慣): When you have good study habits, you learn things quickly. You also reeber the easily.
Do you like to study in the living roo? This is not a good place because it is usually too noisy. You need to study in a quiet place, like your bedroo. A quiet place will help you only think about one thing, and you will learn better.
Before you begin to study, do not forget to clean your desk. A good desk light(臺(tái)燈) is iportant, too. You’ll feel tired easily if there is not enough light(光線).
( )8. When you have good study habits, you will .
A. learn things quickly B. reeber things easily
C. think about one thing D. both A and B
( )9. You should reeber to___________before you study.
A. clean the desk B. tidy the roo
C. turn on the light D. go to the bedroo
( )10. The best title(標(biāo)題) for this passage() is .
A. Study in the bedroo B. Good study habits
C. How to study D. Desk light is iportant(重要的)
五、填空 (共10小題;每小題1分,總分10分)
A) 根據(jù)中解釋或首字母提示寫出相應(yīng)單詞
1.The________(九)lesson is very interesting.
2.He is very clever.He can solve any probles e___________.
3.A person who often gives oney to poor failies is g__________.
4.The trip to Shanghai is _________(令人愉快的), we will never forget it forever(永遠(yuǎn)).
5.Nobody is ________(苗條的)than e in your class, I think.
B) 用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空
6.He is _________ (care) with his oney. He often spends it on uniportant things.
7. Hurry up! Your other _________ (wait) for you at the school gate.
8.The boy likes sports very uch, he is very ___________(sport)..
9. Shanghai is one of _____________(large) city in China.
10. Danniel was so tired that he went to bed before __________ (finish) his hoework.
六、完成句子 (每句1分,滿分5分)
1. 我認(rèn)為爬要比看電視好多了。
2.我將投Ji 一票,因?yàn)樗苡哪?br />___________________________________________________
5.. 現(xiàn)在我知道怎么做出健康美味的飯菜。
七.根據(jù)短意思及首字母提示,填入所缺的單詞 (每空一詞,共10分)
How Do the Students Around the World Get to School
In North Aerica, ost students go to school o 1 the school buses. Soe students also walk or r 2 bikes to school. In other parts of the w 3 , things are d 4 . In Japan, ost students t 5 trains to school, although o 6 also walk or ride bikes. In China, it depends(取決于) w 7 you are. In big c 8 , students usually ride bikes or take buses to school.And in places where there are rivers and lakes, like Hongshanhu, Hubei a 9 Kaishandao, students usually go to school by b 10 . That ust be a lot ore fun than taking a bus .
1.o 2.r 3.w 4.d 5.t
6.o 7.w 8.c 9.a 10.b
八.書面表達(dá) (10分)
以“y best friend”為題目,介紹你的朋友周杰,不少于80字,要點(diǎn)如下:
3.樂于助人。很幽默,逗人開心。 4.理想:想當(dāng)一名世界聞名的歌手,并幫助有困難的。
y best friend

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/40688.html
