Unit 5 My Future

編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

Unit 5 y Future
Lesson 39
[前預 習•快樂體驗]
Bad news travels quickly.好事不出門,壞事傳千里。
1.do_______ 2.are_______ 3.have_______ 4.ask_______ 5.study______ 6.stay_______
7.go_______ 8.want______ 9.pla y_______


1.Who are sending each other e-mail?
2.Who loves playing basketball?
3.Does Li ing want to be an English teacher?
4.What does Helen think Danny would be when he’s older?
5.What did Li ing do at school this week

Years knows more than books.歲月所知勝于書本。
1.His brother is a good running p______.
2.Lu Xun was a f______ writer.
3.Is there anything new in today’s n_____?
4.s Li is a movie s______.
5.Do you want to be a TV a ______?
6.She is much t_______ this year.
7.I h_______ to be an English teacher.
8.Danny has a new c_______, he often uses it to s_____ e-mail.
9.Last week I w_____ a letter to her.
10.He wants to be a singer when he is o______.

1._____ you have a friend in Wuxi?
A. Does B. Do C. Are D. Is
2.______ she your sister?
A. Does B. Do C. Are D. Is
3.I like watching football matches _____ TV.
A. behind B. at C. in D. on
4.-Do you have a television?
A. do B. does C. don’t D. am
5.I think Susan is better for playing basketball, because she is _____ than ary.
A. shorter B. quieter C. taller d. older
6.Who is _____, John or ate?
A. outgoing B. outgoinger C. more outgoing D. much outgoing
7.Lily is ____ than Lucy.
A. funnier B. fun C. funny D. funy
8.It’s very important _______ us to learn English well.
A. to B. as C. for D. of
9.Jake is ike’s brother,and they_____.
A. the same B. look the same
C. different D. same
10.I will be a player when I’m______.
A. old B. older C. young D. younger

1.Which one is ______ (big),this one that one?
2.Do you want to be a ____ (play)?
3.-When ______ he _____ (give)you advice?
-Last week.
4.I hope _____ (be) a film star.
5.I think you’re much ____ (tall) this year than last year.
6.iss Liu’s classes _____ (be)always fun.
7.Our teachers make us ______ (work) hard every day.
8.He wrote that he_____ (want)to be an actor.
9.Help ____ (you)to some fish,Li ing.
10.Listen_____ (careful)and write it down.

1.y father left Shanghai yesterday.(就畫線部分提問)
______ ______ your father _____ Shanghai?
2.He wrote a book last year.(改為否定句)
He ___ ___ ______ a book last year.
3.I think. I’m not going to be a player.(合并為一句話)
I ______ think I ______ going to be a player.
4.Lucy is taller than Lily.(改為同義句)
Lily is ______ ______ Lucy.
5.aybe you’ll be a teacher in the future.(改為同義句)
You _______ _______ a teacher in the future.
6.Xiao ao’s brother is sending e-mail on the computer.(就畫線部分提問)
______ is Xiao ao’s brother _______ on the computer?
7.You can’t talk in class.(改為祈使句)
______ _____ in class.
8.We talked about our goals last onday.(改為否定句)
We ______ _____ about our goals last onday.
9.I’m going to play basketball tomorro(就畫線部分提問)
______ _____ you going to____ tomorrow?
10.Some students didn’t kno What did they want to be?(合并為一個句子)
Some students didn’t know _____ _____ _____ to be.

Busiest men find the most time. 忙人時間最多。

( )1.Is she a film star?
( ) 2.When do you have lunch?
( ) 3.What’s he doing?
( ) 4.Can he play computer games?
( ) 5.What’s your favourite sport?
( ) 6.Who’s that boy?

A.At twelve.
B.Yes, he can.
C.Yes,she is.
F.He’s writing a letter.

1.That’s a cat.It’s name is imi.
2.He will famous when he’s bigger.
3.You’re much careful th an before.
4.His friend loves play basketball.
5.They are talking to their goals.

A little boy comes to 1 new town.His name is Peter.Of course he lives 2 his mother and father. His family is very 3 .They have a cook, a gardener and 4 other servants(傭人).Peter 5 a new school. 6 the first day his mother says to him, “Peter, be modest(謙虛)at your new school. Be careful. 7 say we are rich. Be careful.”And Peter says, “Yes,ummy.”
So Peter goes to school. He meets his new teacher. And he sits 8 with the other children. The teacher says, “Good morning, children.”The first exercise 9 is a composition(作).The 10 of the composition is “y family”,so all the students write a composition. This is Peter’s composition: “y name is Peter. y family is very poor. y father is very poor. y mother is very poor. The gardener is very poor and all the servants are very poor.”
1.A. the B. an C. a D./
2.A. with B. in C. on D. from
3.A. poor B. big C. rich D. small
4.A. some B. any C. an D./
5.A. shall go B. will go C. goes to D. is going to
6.A. At B. On C. Under D. In
7.A. Do B. Be C. Don’t D. Not
8.A. down B. near C. up D. by
9.A. tomorrow B. today C. today’s D. yesterday
10.A. book B. paper C. work D. subject

A Russian student in London
I am a Russian student. Last year, I went to Engl and. I went by plane. At ten o’clock in the evening, I got to London at last. I was tired and wanted to find a place to have a good rest. The airport was big and black. Of course, I didn’t k now the way. Th en I saw an English man in front of me. I went over to him and asked him to tell me the way. I studied English at school in my country. I spoke to the man in English. I spoke slowly, but the man couldn’t understand me. I asked the question again and again, at last he understood. He answered my question, but I couldn’t understand him. y teacher didn’t speak English like that. The man and I looked at each other and smiled. Then he said something and I understood it. “You will soon learn English here.”He said.
( )1.The student studied English at school, but couldn’t use it well.
( )2.The student arrived in London very late that day.
( )3.The Englishman couldn’t understand English.
( )4.The Englishman got very angry because the student couldn’t understand him.
( )5.The Englishman thought that the student should learn English in England.
eys:一、1.does 2.is 3.has 4.asks 5.studies 6.stays 7.goes 8.wants 9.plays
二、1.this year 2.give sb. some advice 3.basketball player 4.write to 5.an English teacher 6.play basketball 7.this week 8.a famous mov ie star 9.in the future 10.in the newspaper
三、1.Li ing and Danny 2.Danny 3.Yes, he does 4.A famous movie star 5.He talked about his goals and ambitions.
四、1.player 2.famous 3.newspaper 4.star 5.actor 6.taller 7.hope 8puter, send 9.wrote 10.older
五、1.B 2.D 3.D 4.C 5.C 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.B
六、1.bigger 2.player 3.did,give 4.to be 5.taller 6.are 7.work 8.wanted 9.yourself 10.carefully
七、1.When did,leave 2.didn’t write 3.don’t,am 4.shorter than 5.may be 6.What, doing 7.Don’t talk 8.didn’t talk 9.What are,do
10.what they wanted
八、1.C 2.A 3.F 4.B 5.E 6.D
九、1.It’s改為Its 表示“它的名字”用Its name. 2.famous改為be famous will后面須跟動詞原形。 3.much 改為more than表示本句須用比較級,故careful用 比較級more careful. 4.play改為playing/to play love 和like后跟動詞時用不定式或v.-ing形式。 5.to改為about 從意思上分析應用talk表示談論。
十、1.C 2.A 此句表示和父親、母親住在一起,用live with sb.。 3.C 由后邊他母親的話可看出。 4.A 后面的servants是復數(shù),故選some。 5.D 6.B “在上學的第一天”表示在“某一天”時用介詞on。 7.C 否定祈使句開頭用Don’t. 8.A 9.B 10.D
十一、1.T 由全意思綜合推知。 2.T 由開頭第四句話可知. 3.F 與原意思不符合,故錯誤。 4.F 原無get angry 方面的說明。 5.T 與原最后一句相符。

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/40990.html

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