八年級上冊英語Units 1-6復(fù)習(xí)教學(xué)案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

Review Units1-6
Teacher’s word: Lost time is never found again
一、 學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)
知識目標(biāo): 掌握重點單詞、短語如:hardly/try/angry/depend on/beat /have a cold/how long/how far/be good at/begin with等。熟練運(yùn)用句型How often do you …/What’s the matter/How do you ----/Can you come to----等及比較級結(jié)構(gòu)
能力目標(biāo): 學(xué)會提問頻率,談?wù)搶ⅲ鞅容^及禮貌的提出請求。
二、教學(xué)重、難點:比較級 結(jié)構(gòu) 及單詞短語的識記
Step1 自主學(xué)習(xí),豐富知識。
A 重點單詞
1. h_ dly 2._ lth _ gh 3.m _ tter 4.f__ get 5.m_ n_ te 6.d_ pend
7.w_ rry 8.wh_ le 9.how_ ver 10.t_ g_ ther 11.health___(adj)
12.foot__ (pl)13.ill_ (n)14.far __(比較級)____(最高級)
B 重點短語
1.how often 2.look after
3.be stressed out 4.depend on
5.begin with 6.keep in good health
7.beat me in tennis 8.與…不同 9.患感冒
10.多遠(yuǎn) 11.擅長 12.花費(fèi)某人…時間做某事
13.共同點 14.去觀光
What___ you often___________?
2. 大部分學(xué)生每周鍛煉三到四次。
ost students exercise______________.
y lifestyle is__________ you.
3. 我想我有點不健康。
I think I am——————.
4. 吃健康的飲食是很重要的。
It’s important_____________.
5. 我聽說泰國是一個觀光的好地方。
I hear Tailand is a good place__________.
6. 少數(shù)同學(xué)乘地鐵。
A_______ students ___ the subway.
7. 我們兩個都喜歡參加聚會。
We___ like___ to the parties./___ of us like ___to the parties.
8. 他比我更懂得多。
He________ than I do.
Step3 拓展創(chuàng)新
1. —I want to go to different places, but I don’t know the___ .
—A map is helpful, I think.
A. price B. way C. time D. ticket
2. —Is your toothache getting better? —No, it’s even___.
A. bad B. serious C. worse D. worst
3.— um,Tony is coming to dinner this evening. —O. Let’s give him___ to eat.
A. something different B. different anything
C. anything different D. different something
4.To keep healthy, we should eat more vegetables and less___.
A. meat B. food C. wine D. drink
5. I enjoy__ my bike in the mountains. It’s not always easy, but exciting.
A. ride B. rode C. to ride D. riding
6. —Did you have any problems___to London?—Yes, I couldn’t___Chinese food.
A. travel, find B. traveling, found C. traveled, finding D. traveling, find
7.The twins __ going to the movies.
A. both like B. like both C. like all D. all like
8. Bob,with his parents,__ going to hawaii for vacation.
A. are B. am C. like D. is
9. sorry, I can’t go fishing with you.
A. It sounds great B. I’m afraid not C. It doesn’t matter D. That’s right
10. ___ raining, __he is still working outside.
A. Although, but B. but, although C./, although D. Although,/
Step4 練習(xí)鞏固,能力提升。
A. Finish the words according to the sentences.
1.She spent the w______ morning reading books.
2.He is so tired and can h_____ keep his eyes open.
3.Jack’s birthday is on Sunday. I got his i____ this morning.
4.We shoud eat less meat and more v________.
5.Liu Ying is my best friend. We have many things in c_____.
B. Writing.


Review Units1-6
Step A: 1、hardly 2、although 3、matter 4、forget 5、minute 6、depend 7、worry 8、whole 9、however 10、together 11、healthy12、feet 13、illness 14、farther 、farthest
Step B: 1、多久一次 2、照看 3、緊張的 4、依靠 5、以、、開始 6、保持健康 7、在網(wǎng)球方面擊敗我 8、be different from 9、have a cold 10、how far 11、be good at
12、It takes sb some time to do sth 13、in common 14、go sightseeing
Step2: 1.What do you often do ? 2.three or four times a week 3.the same as 、a little unhealthy 4.to eat healthy food 5.to go sightseeing 6.few 、take 7.both coming/Both coming 8.know . more
Step3:1—5 B C A A D 6——10 D A D A D
Step4: 1.whole 2.hardly 3.invitation 4.vegetables 5mon

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/41677.html

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