
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)


( )1. Eating a lot of vegetables is good for your health.
A. is good to B. is good at C. isn’t bad for D. is bad for
( )2.I a not feeling very well at the oent.
A. now B. just now C. next week D. last week
( )3.Please show e your English book when you get back hoe.
A. get to B. get C. coe over D. coe back
( )4.There are soe students in the classroo.
A. few B. a few C. little D. a little
( )5. To is good at playing football.
A. is bad at B. is good for C. does well in D. does well for

B) 根據(jù)題意,從A、B、C、D四個選項中選擇一個可以填入空白處的最佳答案
( )6. —_____ do you write to your friends?
—Four ties a years.
A. How long B. How far C. How often D. How uch
( )7______is it fro your hoe to school ?
A. How often B.How uch C. How far D. How soon
( )8. —Who is _____taller, Lily or Lucy?
A. a little B. very C. quite D. ore
( )9. — Can you coe to y birthday party on Friday afternoon ?
A. Yes , I’d love to B. Yes , it’s your birthday
C. No , it’s Friday D. No , I’d love to
( )10. I enjoy_____ TV very late at night, I need________ a good rest.
A. to watch, to have B. watching, to have
C. watching, having D. to watch, having
( ) 11. —Where is ary's skirt? —______is on the bed.
A. She's B. Her C. His D. Hers
( )12. —Ji can play _______soccer very well. What about you?
—I can play _______piano very well.
A. /; the B./; / C. the; / D. the;the
( )13. —What akes the ______we coe fro Australia? —The way you speak.
A. to think B. think C. thinking D. thinks
( )14. The pears are too big. You can _______first.
A. cut the up B. cut it up C. cut up the D. cut up it
( )15. —Let's go _____for vacation next onth. —That's great.
A. anywhere beautiful B. beautiful anywhere
C. beautiful soewhere D. soewhere beautiful
( )16. —When was To born? —He was born ______Deceber 10th,1968.
A. in B. on C. at D. to
( )17. —When did the twins go to the aquariu? —_______
A. Three days ago. B. Next onth.
C. For four days. D. Once a week.
( )18. That boy shouldn't eat ______eat because he is ______fat.
A. too uch; too uch B. uch too; uch too
C. too uch; uch too D. uch too; too uch
( )19. —Could you please _____ your watch to e? —OK. Here you are.
A. show B. to show C. showing D. shows
( )20. —y other was ill in bed yesterday. —________
A. Why B. Sure. C. That’s good. D. I’ sorry to hear that.
( ) 21. This text is_____ easier and _____ interesting than that one.
A. ore; uch B. uch; ore C. ore; ore D. uch; ore
( )22. To is the tallest_____ the students______ his class.
A. of, of B. in, in C. of, in D. in, of
( )23. _____ it is raining._______ they are still working in the fields.
A. Though , but B. But , though C. Though ,/ D. /,so
( )24. —What does ary do after she gets up? —She always ______her bed.
A. does B. akes C. sweeps D.takes
( )25.Luding is very beautiful. It has _______ scenery in Sichuan.
A. beautiful B. ore beautiful
C. ost beautiful D. the ost beautiful


Qu Yuan was born in China around 2000 years ago. His job was to give soe 21 to the king(國王). The old king always took his advice. 22 the new king didn't like listening to Qu Yuan after the old king 23 . Qu Yuan finally 24 his job.
Qu Yuan was very 25 at writing poes(詩). People still love his poes very uch no He was a 26 poet(詩人), but he was always 27 because the king didn't take his advice and it ade his country lose any battles(戰(zhàn)役).
At last, he juped into a 28 and died. It was the 29 day of the fifth lunar(農(nóng)歷)onth that year.
The Chinese people will never 30 Qu Yuan. They eat rice duplings (粽子) and have dragon (龍) boat race in honor of(紀念)hi every year.

( )26. A. job B. advice C. idea D. work
( )27. A. But B And C. Then D. So
( )28. A. were off B. stayed in the country C. died D. out
( )29. A. got B. found C. wanted D. lost
( )30. A. good B. hard C. bad D. well
( )31. A. usual B. happy C. talented D. sad
( )32. A. exciting B. sad C. healthy D. glad
( )33. A. house B. ountain C. town D. river
( )34. A. eight B. fifth C. six D. seventh
( )35. A. forget B. reeber C. study D. think


The story is about a young student. She worked very hard at her lessons. She worked so hard that she becae ill. She couldn’t go to sleep at night. But when she got up the next orning. She felt very tired.
So she went to see a doctor. Hearing the student’s, the doctor said,“You are too stressed out. You ust eat ore yin foods like vegetables and tofu. Besides(此外),you can try to count(數(shù)) nuber when you are lying in bed. By the tie you reach one thousand, you will be asleep(入睡).I’ sure of it”
The next day, the student cae to see the doctor again.“Well,”said the doctor, “How are you feeling today?”
The student still liked tired. “Yes,” she said. “I tried to count one , two, three, four…up to one thousand. But when I reached five hundred and sixty, I feel sleepy. I had to get up and drink soe coffee so that(以便 )I could go on counting up to one thousand. But then I still couldn’t be asleep.”

( ) 36. Why couldn’t the young student go to sleep?
A.She was worried about her lessons.
B.She always couldn’t finish her hoework
C.She worked too hard and becae ill D. Her bed was too sall
( ) 37. What did the doctor ask the young student to do?
A. To eat ore yin foods and count nubers when she was lying in bed in the evening.
B. To exercise ore in the orning
C. To do ore reading D. To take soe edicine
( ) 38. What did the young student do after she felt sleepy?
A. She fell asleep B. She got up have soe coffee
C. She listened to soe usic D. She got up do soe hoework
( ) 39. What ade the girl unable(不能)be asleep during the night after she went to see the doctor?
A. The doctor’s advice B. The student’s lesson
C. The student’s illness D. The coffee
( ) 40. If you are a doctor, what will you ask the girl to do?
A.I will ask the girl to do ore hoework every day
B.I will ask her to go to bed earlier
C.I will ask her not to do so uch hoework
D.Both B and C

It was a onday orning. As the teacher walked into the classroo, he heard a low voice(低聲), “Here's the teacher. I' sure this boring fellow(家伙)is going to talk about how to use coas(逗號).”It was a boy's voice and the teacher kneho he was.
However, the teacher didn't get angry. He said nothing about it, but really began to talk about how to use coas And then he wrote the following sentence on the blackboard, “Nick says the teacher is a boring fello”
The class laughed and Nick's face turned red.
“Now,” said the teacher, “I'll tell you the iportance of coas.” He put two coas in the sentence, and then read, “Nick, says the teacher, is a boring fello”
The whole class laughed again. Nick felt very surprised first, then his face uch redder. Finally he couldn't help(情不自禁) laughing with the other students, too.

( )41. What subject did the teacher teach the students?
A. ath B. English C. usic D. Science
( )42. What kind of boy was Nick like? _______.
A. A tall boy B. A healthy boy C. A funny boy D.A sall boy
( )43. I think Nick liked to have ______lessons.
A. boring B. bad C. no D. interesting
( )44.“Nick says the teacher is a boring fello” is _______“Nick says the teacher, is a boring fello” in the eaning.
A. the sae as B. quite different fro C. bad for D. good to
( )45. What do you think of the teacher? He is very______.
A. good B. boring C. bad D. terrible

Xiao Shenyang was born in 1981 in Liaoning, China. He becae faous after taking part in the CCTV Spring Festival Gala. He becae a student of Zhao Benshan, a faous coedy actor, in 2006. He is good at Er Ren Zhuan, a popular folk (民間的) song-and-dance duet in northeast China. any people enjoy his Er Ren Zhuan perforances.
Can you find a ring in an egg? But Liu Qian, a well-known agician(魔術(shù)師) fro Taiwan, found it in front of the audiences at 2009 CCTV Spring Festival Gala. Liu Qian was born in 1976. At the age of 12, he won Taiwan’s Youth agic Copetition. To ake his perforance better, he often perfored on streets, roads and other places for people.
Jackie Chan was born on April 7, 1954. His parents called hi “Chan Kongsang”, which eans “born in Hong Kong”. In the early 1980s, Jackie went to Hollywood. Today, he is well- known all over the world. any people like his action ovies very uch.

( )46. When he was ____________ years old, Xiao Shenyang becae a student of Zhao Benshan.
A. 23B. 24C. 25D. 27
( )47. Where was Liu Qian born?
A. In Liaoning Province.B. In Taiwan.
C. In Hong Kong.D. In Beijing.
( )48. When did Liu Qian win Taiwan’s Youth agic Copetition?
A. In 1976.B. In 1980.C. In 1988.D. In 2006.
( )49. Jackie Chan is a well-known ____________.
A. actorB. agicianC. pianistD. player
( )50. Which of the following is NOT right according to the passage?
A. Zhao Benshan is a faous coedy actor.
B. Xiao Shenyang is younger than Liu Qian.
C. Jackie Chan was born in Hong Kong, China.
D. Liu Qian perfored in the street to ake oney.

In August 2004, China’s Liu Xiang won in the Athens(雅典) Olypic Gaes. He got the gold edal in the en’s 110 hurdle final. His record was 12.91 seconds. His record equaled(平了) the world record tie. He becae the first Chinese an to win this title(冠軍).
Liu Xiang was so excited that he ran and juped after he crossed the finish line.
Liu Xiang is the pride or our Chinese people. And we hope he will achieve ore success in the 2008 Olypic Gae in Beijing.

( ) 51. Liu Xiang won the gae at the first Olypic Gaes.
( ) 52. Liu Xiang got the gold edal.
( ) 53. The world record was 12.91 seconds.
( ) 54. It was the second tie that Chinese people won the gae in the en’s 110 hurdle final.
( ) 55. China is hosting the 2008 Olypic Gaes.

A: Hi, John.
B: Hi, Paul.
A: 56
B: I' going to take an acting class.
A: 57
B: Yes, I a.
A: 58
B: I' going to be an actor when I grow up.
A: Really? 59
B: What are you going to do when you grow up?
A: I like playing basketball, so I'd like to play basketball in a professional basketball tea.
B: 60
A: I' going to practice playing basketball every day fro now on.
A. What are you going to be when you grow up?
B. How are you going to do that?
C. Are you interested in acting?
D. Where are you going?
E. I think it is very interesting.

61. y parents want e ________ (not watch) TV every day.
62. It is very easy for e _______ (study) English.
63. When I finish ______ (do) y hoework, can I play basketball?
63. She plans _______ (visit) Kangding next onth.
64. I spend 30 inutes _______ (read) that English story.
65. It _____ (take) her two hours to do chores yesterday orning.
66. Can you _______ (invitation) your classates coe to your party?
67. Thank you for ________ (give) e so uch help.
68. To is uch ______ (funny) than Lucy.
69. This year red as ________ (popular) as yello
70. He is _______ (old) of us all.

71. y father stayed there for two weeks. (對劃線部分提問)
_______ ________ ________ your father _______ there?
72. Jack often goes swiing. (用 last year改寫句子)
Jack often ________ swiing _______ _______.
73. He had a bad cold. (改為否定句)
He ______ _______ a bad cold.
74. Why don’t you ask the teacher? (改為同義句)
Why ______ _______ the teacher?
75. y sister is young. He can’t go to school. (合并為一句)
y sister is _______ young _______ go to school.
76. I think you are right. (改為否定句)
I ______ _______ you are right.
77. He usually goes to see his grandparents by train. (對劃線部分提問)
_______ _______ he usually go to see his grandparents.
78. Li ing is outgoing. Lily is outgoing, too. (合并為一句)
Li ing is ______ _______ ________ Lily.
79. To is the tallest boy in his class. (改為同義句)
To is ______ than ______ _______ boy in his class.
80. They play football every week. (用next week 改寫)
They ______ ______ _______ _______ football next week.


81. 大部分學生一星期看三到四次電視。
________ students watch TV three or four ______ a week.
82. 媽媽,別擔心!我會好好照顧弟弟的。
Don’t worry, u! I can ______ ______ y brother well.
83. 他父親在大學時主修英國學。
His father _______ ______ the English literature at college.
84. 他把作業(yè)忘在我的房間里了。別忘了告訴他。
He left his hoework at y roo. Don’t ______ _______ tell hi.
85. 你認為我們學校的老師們怎么樣?
What do you ______ ______ the teachers in our school?


(Lucy—L Peter—P)

L: Hi, Peter. What akes you so happy? Do you have any good news?
P: There is a new coer in our class. His nae is Ji.
L: 86 does he look like?
P: He is of the sae height and build 87 e. y classates say we look the 88 .
L: Is he quiet?
P: Yes, he is 89 than e.
L: Does he like playing basketball?
P: Yes, he does. Every day he play with it for 90 hours than e.
L: Oh ,you’re really siilar(相似地).
86. _________ 87._________ 88.__________ 89._________ 90.____________

提示詞語:study hard, read, healthy food, exercise, help, chores, at hoe, travel

New Year’s resolution
Now, it’s the year of 2011. I have a new plan for the New Year. I a going to



本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/43390.html
