
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學習網

(Unit 1- 3)
1.A. stoach B. stoachache C. headache
2.A. balance B. base C. balanced
3.A. results B. rest C. read
4.A. bus B.ship C.subway
5.A. vacation B. vegetables C. faily
6.A. south B. seven C. stay
7.A. word B.walk C.work
8.A.too long B. too uch C. uch too
9. A. Two hours. B. Five yuan. C. Twice a onth.
10. A. I’ sorry to hear that. B. That sounds good. C. Yes, please.
11. A.She's at school. B.She's going to the beach.
C.She's in the ountains.
12 A. Have a good tie. B. Oh, dear. C. I want to go.
13 A. Yes, I think so. B. No proble. C. No, thanks.
14. A. A week. B. Three ties. C. Nine hours.
C 對話理解,根據所聽對話內容,選擇正確的答語,念兩遍。(每小題1分,共6分)
15. A. He has a toothache. B. He can sleep well. C He is very healthy.
16. A. In his school B. In his house. C. We don’t kno
17. A. Two or three ties a week. B. Soeties. C. Often.
18. A. Just two onths. B. For about 5 days. C. About three onths.
19. A. She is spending tie with her friends.
B. She is babysitting Ji.
C. She is leaving for Beijing.
20. A: By bus. B.By car. C. By train.
( )1. I usually spend tie _____y friends _____weekends.
A, with, in. B, for, on. C. with, on. D, for ,at.
( ) 2. Although it is far , _______I walk to school.
A. but B. or C. / D. so
( ) 3. ______books in bed is bad for your eyes.
A. Read. B. Reads. C. Not read. D. Reading.
( ) 4.What's Gina doing _______vacation?
A, for. B. in . C. to. D. of.
( ) 5. I just finish ________y last ovie yesterday.
A. ake . B. akes. C. to ake. D. aking.
( ) 6.You should try _______down and take a rest.
A. lie. B. to lie. C. lies. D. lay.
( ) 7. organ's parents aren't at hoe. He has to ______his younger brother.
A. look at . B. look for. C. look after. D. take away.
( )8. It's very iportant ______healthy food.
A. eat B. eating C. eats D. to eat
( ) 9. He always eats _____eat for eals.
A. too any B. too C. too uch D. uch too
( ) 10. He thought about ______Greece or Spain for vacation.
A. go to B. to go to C. going to D. going
( )11.She is ______Hong Kong next week.
A. leaving to B. leaving off C. leaving for D. leave
( )12. This tie I want to do_________.
A. different soething B. different anything
C. anything different D. soething different
( )13.------When are you leaving? -------I' leaving_______.
A. in next week B. last week C. on the 12th D. in Sunday orning
( )14.------______do you go to the city park? ------Usually by bike.
A. How's B. How C. What's D. What
( )15.______hoework, soe students do hoework every day.
A. As for B. As C. About D. To
( )16.Linda often stays at school, so she___ goes hoe .
A. hardly B. ever C. hard D. ost
( )17.— What’s your plan, Lily ?
—I plan______ hiking in the countryside.
A. go B. to go C. going D. goes
( )18.—____ do you go hoe to see your parents ?
— Twice a onth.
A. How often B. How long C. How far D. How old
( )19.She doesn’t feel___ these days. She has to see the doctor.
A. good B. well C. nice D. bad
( )20.Too any exercises ake the students____ very tired.
A. feel B. to feel C. feeling D. felt
What do you do on weekends? Soe people like to __1__at hoe, but others like to go for a walk__2__play football. y friend, Jack, works hard in a factory on __3_.On weekends, he always ___4__different things. On Saturday he __5___his car and on __6___he goes with his faily to a village(村莊) by car. His uncle and aunt have a far(農場) there. It isn't a ___7__one, but there's always uch work to do on the far. The children __8__with the anials and give the their ___9__. Jack and his wife help his uncle in the fields(田地). At the end of the day, they are all__10___and Jack's aunt gives the a big eal.
( )1. A. play B. live C. stay D. likes
( )2. A. and B. or C. but D. so
( )3. A. weekend B. weekends C. weekday D. weekdays
( )4. A. does B. akes C. borrows D. has
( )5. A. watches B. drives C. sells D. washes
( )6.A. onday B. Sunday C. Saturday D. Wednesday
( )7. A. sall B. big C. hard D. short
( )8. A. help B. eat C. feed D. keep
( )9. A. clothes B. places C. food D. drink
( )10. A. clean B. late C. hungry D. friendly

Do you often have a cold, headache or sore back? If your answer is “Yes”, your health is a proble. Healthy food is good for our health. Tofu is a kind of healthy food. It is also a traditional Chinese food. We often eat it in China. Now, any people in other countries think tofu is good for health, too. They also like eating it.
ilk is another kind of healthy food. You should drink one or two glasses of ilk every day.
Vegetables are iportant, too. You should eat lots of the. There are vitain(維生素)A, B, C, D, E and other vitains in the.
Of course, it’s iportant to eat a balanced diet. You need soe pork, chicken or beef every day. But you shouldn’t eat uch of the.
( )1. If you often have a cold, headache and backache, you aren’t healthy.
( )2. Tofu is healthy food.
( )3. People only in China eat tofu.
( )4. To keep healthy we should drink soe ilk every day.
( )5. We should eat a lot of pork, chicken or beef.
We all need to exercise. Doctors say it is good for us. It akes your heart and body strong. It also gives you ore energy. And you will feel better about yourself. It’s good to exercise twice a week. Twenty inutes each tie is enough.
There are any ways to exercise. You can walk, run, play sports or swi. any people go to exercise. They are called “ fitness centers.” These places have a lot of equipent. Soe people buy equipent for their hoes. But it is very expensive.
Exercise can be fun. Friends can exercise together at a fitness center, or they can play sports together. How do you exercise?
( )1.What is the ain idea?
A.Exercise equipent is expensive.
B.Playing sports is a good way to exercise.
C.Every person should exercise.D.Fitness centers are popular.
( )2.We should exercise ________.
A.every day B. 20 inutes a week C. twice a week D. two ties a onth
( )3.At fitness centers,___________.
A.you can buy expensive equipent
B.people can do any kinds of exercising
C. it is very expensiveD.exercising is not fun
( )4.Which kind of exercising is not in the article?
A. Sports B. Swiing C. Running D. Dancing
( )5.Which of these sentences about exercising is TRUE?
A. Exercising is expensive B. Exercise is good for your heart.
C. Only doctors exercise D. Friends never exercise together

In Aerica, boys and girls like watching TV. Soe children spend six hours a day at school and four to six hours a day in front of the TV sets. Soe children even watch TV for eight hours or ore on Saturday.
Television is like books and fils. A child can learn both good things and bad things fro it. (1)Soe TV progras help children to understand the news, the people and places in other countries. With TV, children do not have to go to the ovies. They can listen to interesting usic or watch a gae at hoe. (2)But soe progras are bad for children, so parents soeties should help the to find other interesting and useful things to do.
1.How any hours a day do soe children spend at school?

2.How any hours a day do soe children watch TV on Saturday?


5.The parents had better not let their children watch ________on TV.
A. good progras B. bad progras
C. news D. weather report
1. how , you, often, do ,exercise ?
2. is , the atter what you with ?
3. for doing you are what vacation ?
4. e y healthy helps get grades lifestyle good .
5. It’s have a healthy lifestyle easy to
6. on weekends usually do you what do ?
7. show your you e photos when get back school to
___________________________________________________________ _.
8. is going his house he to cousin’s
9. I well not a feeling
10. students do hoework a week four ties or three soe
buy, eat, write, until, sing,relax, vegetable, read,two, drink,
1. He goes caping _________ a year.
2. He eats lots of ____________ every day.
3. She doesn’t have a good _________ habit.
4. It’s easy ___________ an e-ail.
5. His brother enjoys ____________ilk, but he likes juice.
6. She decided _____________ a new coputer.
7. She is thinking about ___________books or watching TV .
8. Don’t worry about it. Just try ______________.
9. I won’t go hoe _______________ I finish y work.
10. Joy Zhou is a popular ______________.
1. The boy often____________________(照顧) hiself when his other isn’t at hoe.
2. They are ___________________( 動身去) Paris next Sunday.
3. __________________(至于) cola, I think it’s junk food.
4. Her bike is ________________________(一樣) ine.
5. It’s a good habit to brush your __ (牙齒) twice a day.
6. You ____________ (不應該) go to bed so late.
7. A lot of exercise helps you to keep in good ___________(健康)
8. ________________(多久)do you sleep every day ?
9. How often do you drink coffee ? ___________(幾乎不)ever.
10. Lots of __________(游客) visit Beijing every year.
七、書面表達。( 10分)
你的朋友 Kate給你發(fā)郵件詢問你的身體狀況及生活習慣,請你以To的名義給她回一封郵件,介紹一下你的實際情況。
Dear Kate:
Thanks for your letter . I ‘ very well now ._______________________________________ ____

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/44618.html
