
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)
八 年 級 英 語 試 題
( )1. Katrina is mad_______ me. She doesn't want to talk to me any more.
A. at B. in C. on D. for
( )2. — Who helped you with your homework, Lucy?
— Nobody, I did it by______.
A. himself B. herself C. myself D. themselves
( )3. — Where is Nicole? I didn’t see her.
— She left a (n)_______ saying that she had something important to do.
A. experience B. predictionC. message D. plan
( )4. We are supposed______ a black suit for the party.
A. wear B. to wearC. wearing D. wore
( )5. The plane is going to_______ soon. We should be quick.
A. take away B. take offC. work on D. run away
( )6. — Do you know you won the first prize in the talent show?
— Really? I won't believe it until I see with my_______ eyes.
A. amazing B. recentC. own D. wrong
( )7. The old man was very______ whe n he saw the alien get out of the UFO.
A. surprise B. surprisingC. surprises D. surprised
( )8. You can't______ what a wonderful vacation I had in Harbin. There was an Ice and Snow Festival there. It was fantastic.
A. think B. wish C. hope D. imagine
( )9. — I passed my exam.
— How ______you are!
A. lucky B. strangeC. simple D. disappointing
( )10. Mr Green _______ me and he wasn’t angry with me anymore.
A. came over B. got over C. got on D. got out
( )11. Attention, please. There a football game between China and Korea this evening.
A. is going to beB. has been C. has D. will have
( )12. — What’s the matter?
—My clothes are .
A. in st yleB. out of style C. in the style D. out of the style
( )13. What _____ you _______ when your father _______ yesterday?
A. were doing, came backB. were doing, was coming back
C. did, came back D. did, was coming back
( )14. She is new here, so we know ________ about her.
A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything
( )15. Many parents complain _______ their children.
A. of B. about C. for D. on
二. 完形(共10小題.計l0分)(溫馨提示:把答案寫在答題卡上面)
The Internet can make our lives interesting. Some people 16 that reading books is out of date. This is not true. Reading books is a good 17 for all kinds of reasons.
First, reading books is fun. You can always keep yourself 18 if you like reading. This is very useful when the weather is bad. It is a relaxing hobby, too. You can really enjoy 19 in books.
Next, you can read a book almost (幾乎) anywhere: in a car, in a waiting room, on a plane, in bed and 20 in the bathroom. Reading is a convenient (便利的) hobby 21 it is easy to stop and then start again.
22 good reason is that reading is useful. Many school subjects depend on good reading. The more books you read, 23 knowledge (知識) you will get. Your schoo lwork will become much 24 , too.
Reading is 25 out of date. Don't forget to do some reading every day!
( )16. A. makeB. say C. predict D. turn
( )17. A. hobbyB. message C. instruction D. note
( )18. A. sadB. talented C. happy D. wild
( )19. A. itselfB. yourself C. himself D. themselves
( )20. A. tillB. still C. yet D. even
( )21. A. becauseB. so C. why D. how
( )22. A. OtherB. Others C. Another D. The other
( )23. A. the moreB. worse C. better D. more
( )24. A. differentB. easier C. more easily D. more difficult
( )25. A. a lwaysB. hardly C. ever D. never
三. 理解(共15小題.計30分)
Dear Zhang Ming,
How are you? Right now I’m watching the weather report on TV. It says it’s snowing in Beijing. But here in Australia it's summer! Our summer is in December, January and February. It’s really hot now. I like summer because my favorite sports are swimming, beach volleyball and surfing.
Our autumn is from March to May. Some trees turn yellow and orange, but many trees are green all year. The weather is warm and sunny. We often drive to the Blue Mountains to enjoy the fresh air.
Winter in Sydney starts in June and ends in August. The weather is not very cold. It never snows, but it rains a lot. Emilio and I often watch football games, even in the rain. Sometimes we go to a beach to play beach vo lleyball.
Spring here is from September to November, and I like spring best. The weather gets warmer and everything begins to grow. Trees turn green and flowers come out. My family often has a barbecue (燒烤) in a park or on a beach.
What about the seasons in Beijing? I know they are really different! What do you usually do in different seasons?
Please write back soon!
Yours, Jeff
( )26. What season is it now in Australia?
A. Spring.B. Summer. C. Autumn. D. Winter.
( )27. What's the weather like in autumn in Australia?
A. It's really hot. B. It is rainy. C. It's warm and sunny. D. It is cold.
( )28. What do Emilio and Jeff often do in winter in Sydney?
A. Go surfing. B. Climb the mountains.
C. Watch football games.D. Have barbecues.
( )29. When is spring in Australia?
A. From December to February.B. From March to May.
C. From June to August.D. From September to November.
( )30. Which of the following is true?
A. Zhang Ming told Jeff the time of different seasons in Beijing.
B. Emilio likes swimming very much.
C. Jeff invited Zhang Ming to visit Australia this summer vacation in this letter.
D. Jeff told Zhang Ming different activities in different seasons in Australia.
Little Bob was born in a pool family. What’s worse that his father is ill for a long time and can not do any housework at all. Bob’s mother is very busy with the housework besides working in her factory. Bob can understand her mother’s hard work and he always does some housework for his mother, though he is only five years old. Here is what he usually does every day.
Keep his bedroom clean. Take good care of his things and put them away every day. If he makes them dirty, he will clean them up quickly.
Ask his mom what he could do. His mother will probably have suggestions(建議) for things he could do for her.
Feed the pets every day. There is a parrot, a cat and a dog in his house, he feeds them often and gives them water every day. And after school, he often plays with his dog.
Wash his own clothes. When his clothes are dirty, he will wash them by himself. He says it’s a good thing to make his mother happy.
( ) 31._____ has be en ill for a long time.
A. Bob B. Bob’s mother
C. Bob’s friend D. Bob’s father
( ) 32. Bob often does some housework because _____.
A. he likes doing that B. his family is poor
C. he wants to make pocket money D. he wants to make his mother less tired
( ) 33. Bob often cleans ______.
A. his bedroom B. his car
C. the kitchen D. the living room
( ) 34. According to Feed the pets every day. We can infer _____.
A. Bob has a pet rabbit
B. Bob often plays with his carrot at lunch time
C. Bob is a student at the moment
D. Bob’s mother doesn’t like pets
( ) 35. Bob feels _____ to make his mother happy.
A. tiredB. good
C. stressed outD. busy
Many students are always afraid not to do better in the tests and become worried. Here are some tips to get over the test anxiety(焦慮).
Before the test:
★Review and practice lessons until you are full of confidence(自信).
★Get a good night’s sleep the night before the test.
★Arrive at test places a bit early.
★Avoid reviewing the lessons with other anxiety-filled students.
During the test:
★Write down key information that might be forgotten .
★Take a moment to look through the test to learn about the type and quantity of questions.
★If you meet a hard question, relax and move onto the next question you feel confident answering.
★Take deep breaths if you feel stressed in the test.
★Stop negative and self-defeating(自我懷疑) thoughts. Repeat “I can do this”.
★Don’t rush. High points are not given to students who hand their test in early.
★Review the test carefully before handing it in . Make sure that you are careful and won’t make any mistakes(錯誤).
( ) 36. Students should _____ on the night before the tests.
A. have some good food B. listen to lots of music
C. have a good sleepD. exercise and surf the Internet
( ) 37. Students should spend some time to look through the paper to _____.
A. get to the test places earlier
B. write down key information
C. make sure get the answers all right
D. learn about the type and quantity of questions
( ) 38. If you meet a hard question, you should _____.
A. move onto the next questionB. copy othe r’s paper
C. put up your hand and ask the teachersD. stop doing it
( ) 39.The sentence “★Stop negative and self-defeating thoughts. Repeat “I can do this”.
means _____.
A. negative and self-defeating thoughts are necessary
B. students should be confident during the tests
C. everything is very easy for you
D. students should have many self-defeating thoughts
( ) 40. The passage mainly tells us _____.
A. tests are very important for students
B. how to do well in the tests
C. some advice to get over the test anxiety
D. students shouldn’t hand in paper earlier
(溫馨提 示:把答案直接現(xiàn)在橫線上面)[
41. Do you think there will be more ________(建筑物) in the future?
42. —I don’t like junk food.
—I don’t, _______(也不).
43. Do you know what ______ (發(fā)生)in the park last night?
44. Don’t be _______(緊張), You can do it very well.
45. Tom borrowed my bike yesterday, but he didn’t ______(歸還) it to me.
46. Let’s bring some _____(花朵) to the old people.
47. —Give you two _____(票) to the movie.
—Thank you very much.
48. Look! The cat is _____(爬) the tree.
49. The air in the mountains is very _____(稀薄的).I can’t stand it.
50. —I think we should play some computer games after school/
—No, I’m _____(反對) you.
51. ______(watch)TV too much is bad for your eyes.
52. The old man made a living ______(sell)fruits.
53. While Lucy ______(walk)down the street, the plane took off.
54. The teacher ______(take)away my mobile phone because I used it in class.
55. It rained very hard. And a few drivers got______(injure)in the race.
56. There ______(be)many tall trees in the future.
57. Please tell him _____(not eat) too much junk food.
58. The teacher said that the earth _____ (go) around the sun.
59. If it _____ (not rain) tomorrow, I will go camping with my class.
60. Lucy told me she _____(fly) to Japan the next day.
61. 在未來人們會活到200歲嗎?
_____ people live to ______ 200 years in the future?
62. 我們班的其他的每個人都被邀請了, 除了我。
Everyone ______ in my class was invited ________ me.
63. 當UFO起飛時,那個女孩子正在做什么?
When the UFO _______ ______ , what was the girl doing?
64. 爸爸說我奶奶身體很好。
My father said that my grandmother was ______ good ______.
65. 實際上,許多學生抱怨他們并不快樂。
_______ ______, many students complained tha t they weren’t happy.
66. 你怎么了?
_____ the _____ with you?
67. 上周末我與我弟弟吵架了。
I _____ ______ with my brother last weekend.
68. 當我在理發(fā)時,不明飛行物到達了。
While I _____ ______ hair, the UFO arrived.
69. 英語老師說我能夠做得更好。
English teacher said I _____ ______ better.
70. 昨晚我很難找到我的手機。
Last night I _____ a hard time _____ my mobile phone.
A: I need more leisure time to read some interesting books at home.
B: Well, 71 .
A: I don’t think 72 . I have to do all the chores.
B: Well, 73 .
A: He can’t help me. 74 .
B: I think 75 . Then you can get more free time.
A: You are right.
A. You should tell your child to help you.
B. It’s a good idea.
C. It’s a bad idea.
D. He is too young to do anything.
E. Maybe you shouldn’t do any chores at home.
F. You could be outside.
G. You should plan things well.
書面表達(10分) (溫馨提示:直接寫在橫線上)
1. ...want to be
2. live in
3. the pet tou keep
4. the place you want to travel
5. the clothes you wear
In fifteen years, I think I will
be a\an...______________________________________________________
______________________________________________ _______________ ____

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/56399.html
