Unit 6 I’m more outgoing than my sister教學(xué)案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
Unit 6 I’m more outgoing than my sister案
一、 學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo):
1. 在音形義上突破Unit 1的單詞及詞組。
2. 找出本單元的功能句并確定本單元的主要時(shí)態(tài)。
二、 學(xué)習(xí)過程:
1.更多的,更大的 2友好的/外向的 3孿生的 雙胞胎 4鎮(zhèn)靜的
5 鹵莽的 6嚴(yán)肅的 7 聰明的 8擅長運(yùn)動(dòng)的 9注釋/說明 10 表示… 的意思 11以…方式 12某個(gè)方面 13兩個(gè)都 14 她的( )屬于她的東西 15物理
16然而 17超出 18共有的 19 擅長
20學(xué)業(yè) 21使 22笑 23為
24對立的 25觀點(diǎn) 26 興趣 27雖然 28必要的 29打敗 30 對…有意 31友誼
32初級的 33 小學(xué) 34 信息

B: 你知道以上單詞中哪些是形容詞嗎?你能寫出幾個(gè)這些形容詞的比較級?

1、twin sister 2、 as you see
3、in some ways___________ 4 look the same
5.look different 6.enjoy doing something
7 the same as 8 a little outgoing_____________
9.be different from_______________10. in common______________
11.more than _____________12.make somebody laugh
13 be important for sb_______________14 like to do the same things_____________
15 be good at____________ 16 be popular__________
17 for me___________ 18 like to do sth
19、have opposite views and interests 20、have good grades 21、stay at home 22.primary school
23 enjoy telling jokes 24、be good with children
25、stop talking 26、I’m more outgoing than my sister.
27、Pedro is funnier than Paul. 28.In some ways we look different.
29.We both have black eyes. 30.We both enjoy going to the party.
31We are both quite 32.Her best friends are both tall.
33. I like to have friends who are like me. 34There are some differences.
35.A good friend has cool clothes. 36. He is popular in school.
37.For me ,a good friend likes to do the same things as me。
38. She is good at schoolwork. 39. I think a good friend makes me laugh.
40、He always beats me in tennis.
41、I think differences are not important in a friendship.
42.Two days ago, I was a primary school student.
43.She likes to stay at home and read.
D:語法:1.什么是比較級。 在英語中,當(dāng)我們要對________ 個(gè)人或事物進(jìn)行比較時(shí),就采用比較級,譯成____________或“較……”標(biāo)志詞______
1)在詞尾加_______ tall ? taller
2)以___________________,加-r nice ? nicer large ? larger
big-bigger thin-thinner hot-hotter
happy?happier early?earlier funny-funnier
serious-more serious athletic- more athletic outgoing-more outgoing
glad- more glad
第一課時(shí)Section A 1a-2c
1、知識目標(biāo):words and phrases:
Key vocabulary--- taller, shorter, thinner, longer, calmer, wilder, heavier, funnier, smarter, quieter, more outgoing, more athletic, more serious, than
Key structure----- S + be + adj.比較級+than+被比較對象
4. 學(xué)習(xí)重點(diǎn)和難點(diǎn):了解并初步運(yùn)用形容詞的比較級,能描述人物外表和個(gè)性的差異。
5. 學(xué)法指導(dǎo):對話練習(xí),角色表演。任務(wù)驅(qū)動(dòng)下的小組合作學(xué)習(xí)。
課型: speaking writing & listening
方法: 多媒體
教具: 錄音機(jī) 多媒體
寫出下列形容詞:高的 矮的 長的 短的 重的
輕的 大的 小的 鎮(zhèn)靜的 鹵莽的 嚴(yán)肅的
活躍的 外向的 害羞的 聰明伶俐的 滑稽好玩的
Step1.Leading-in用典型的雙胞胎或名人的照片, 先用所學(xué)的形容詞描述外貌和性格特征, 然后進(jìn)行比較, 引出本單元的主要句子結(jié)構(gòu)“S + be + adj.比較級+than+被比較對象”。
例如:Yao Ming is taller than Pan Changjiang.
Zhao Benshan is funnier than Bai Yansong.
Bai Yansong is more serious than Li Yong.
Han Hong is fatter than Lin Xinru.
2 根據(jù)黑板上的例句, 教師引導(dǎo)學(xué)生歸納形容詞的比較級的構(gòu)成形式。
1)在詞尾加-er tall ? tal ler
2)以不發(fā)音的字母e 結(jié)尾的,加-r nice ? nicer large ? larger
big-bigger thin-thinner hot-hotter
happy?happier early?earlier funny-funnier
important?more important tired ? more tired
wild _______  small_______ tall______ small_______ calm_______ quiet______ long_____ short______ young_______ ; nice________ fine_________; big_______ fat______ hot_____ thin ________
happy_________ healthy_____________ funny___________ easy________ friendly________; beautiful____________________ athletic_______________________ serious_____________________ interesting_____________________ outgoing___________________ important______________________ friendly____________________ popular_______________________
Step 2. 1a Match each word with its opposite.
Step 3. 指著班上的兩個(gè)同學(xué)進(jìn)行比較“從頭到腳”,可以從頭發(fā),身材,體格,性格等方面來比較,
A has longer hair than B;A is taller than B
Groupwor k
1 .A: Is that Sam?
B: No, that’s Tom. Sam has longer hair than Tom.
C: Yes, and he is more serious than Sam.
2. A: Is that Li Yong?
B: No, that’s Bai Yansong. Li Yong is much funnier than Bai Yansong.
1.1b.Listen. and number the pairs of twins {1-3} in its picture.
Conversation 1.
A: Is that Sam ?
B: No. That’s Tom .Sam has hair than Tom
C: Yes ,and Tom’s than Sam
Conversation 2.
A: That ’s Tara ,isn’t it?
B: No, it .It’s Tina. Tina is than Tara. And she is also .
A: Is Paul?
B: No, that’s Pedro. Pedro’s than Paul. And Paul’s ____ than Pedro.


1)Which girl is funnier?
2)Is Tara more outgoing?
3)Who is more athletic?
4)Tara is more serious than Tina, isn’t she?
5) Which girl is smarter?
5.Listen and fill in the blanks.
Interviewer: Tina, do you think you are ________ _______ Tara?
Tara: Oh sure. We’re very _______. I’m ________ than Tara. And I’m ______ _________. Let’s see, what else? Oh, I’m more __________, too.
Interviewer: So, Tara. Are you more __________ than Tina?
Tara: I ________ so .I’m more ________ than Tina. And I’m ________.
Step 5 2c Pairwork造句子
Step 6 閱讀背誦語法知識點(diǎn),總結(jié)本節(jié)課重難點(diǎn),看看自己收獲有多大!
1. 寫出下列形容詞的比較級:
Wild _______  small_______ tal______ small_______ calm_______ quiet______ long_____ short_______ young_______ ; nice________ fine_________; big_______ fat__________ hot________ thin ________ happy_________ healthy_____________ funny___________ easy________ friendly________; beautiful_____________________athletic_______________________
serious______________________ interesting_____________________ outgoing___________________ important______________________ friendly_____________________ popular______________________
2. 寫出下列形容詞的反義詞
tall______ thin_______ long________ calm_______ fat_______
3. 連詞成句:
(1) has, hair, long, Sam, Tom, than.
(2) is , also, Tina, than, Tara, wilder.
(3) Tara, you, are, do, different, Tina, think, you, from?
(4) Tara, am, I funnier, than.

第二課時(shí) Section A 3a-4
課型: Speaking, listening & writing
方法: Formal and interactive practice
目標(biāo): 能將上一節(jié)課所學(xué)的描述和比較人物實(shí)際運(yùn)用到真實(shí)的生活情景中去。
Key vocabulary----as you can see, in some ways, look the same, look different, both, however, hers, as… as…, have some things in common, a little, the same as
Key structures---- S + be + adj.比較級+than+被比較對象 as….as
教具: 多媒體, 學(xué)生自帶一些小時(shí)侯和現(xiàn)在的照片
A:比較比較級的用法:1.什么是比較級。 在英語中,當(dāng)我們要對________ 個(gè)人或事物進(jìn)行比較時(shí),就采用比較級,譯成____________或“較……”標(biāo)志詞______
1)在詞尾加_______ tall ?
2)以___________________,加-r nice ? large --
big- thin- hot-
happy? early? funny-
serious- athletic- outgoing-
B: 寫出下列詞的比較級
wild _______  small_______ tall______ small_______ calm_______ quiet______ long_____ short_______ young_______ ; nice________ fine_________; big_______ fat__________ hot________ thin ________ happy_________ healthy_____________ funny___________ easy________ friendly________; beautiful____________________ athletic_______________________ serious_____________________ interesting_____________________ outgoing___________________ important______________________ friendly____________________ popular_______________________
C: 翻譯下列短語:
我的一些照片 為…而感謝 在一些方面 看起來像
看起來不同 喜歡做某事 超出 通常 擅長
與 … 一樣 外向一點(diǎn)
D;找出含有both 的句子,總結(jié)一下boith的用法?
1.我們兩個(gè)都有黑色的眼睛We both have black eyes. 我們兩個(gè)都喜歡運(yùn)動(dòng)We both like sports. 我們兩個(gè)都喜歡去聚會。____________ _
2.兩個(gè)女孩都去還多聚會。Both girls go to lots of parties
3.我們兩個(gè)都很內(nèi)向。We are both quiet
1、both 做形容詞用表示“兩者;兩者都”,常與復(fù)數(shù)名詞或代詞連用,名詞前可以冠詞、指示代詞Both books are cheap
We both want go to the party.. They are both students.
3.both 在句中的位置__________________________________________________.

Step 1 Revision (復(fù)習(xí))( 通過Pair work 和Group work復(fù)習(xí)上一節(jié)課所學(xué)內(nèi)容, 同時(shí)也為下面的閱讀起個(gè)鋪墊作用。)
Task 1 (1) Pair work 我的過去與現(xiàn)在 (利用某學(xué)生過去與現(xiàn)在的照片)
如: You are older than before. / You are taller than before. / You have longer hair than before. / You are more beau tiful than before. / You are more serious than before.并引入 a little, much ,等修飾形容詞比較級的副詞和 as…as, the same as, 等原級結(jié)構(gòu)的短語。
(2)兩人一組, 互相向?qū)Ψ秸故咀约簬淼恼掌? 用所學(xué)的句子結(jié)構(gòu)描述幾張照片的相同和不同之處。
(3)請一些同學(xué)在全班展示自己和Partner所帶來的照片, 并敘述它們之間的相同和不同之處。
(4) 3b 讀被對話,再兩人一組互相描述一下自己的朋友。
Task 2 Group work 猜猜她/他是誰?
(1) 首先教師作個(gè)示范, 描述某個(gè)科任 老師 與自己的相同和不同之處, 請同學(xué)們猜是哪個(gè)老師。Now I’d like to describe a teacher. You all know him. He and I are both your teachers. We are both tall, but he’s a little taller than me. I have longer hair than him. We both like sports, although he is more athletic than me. I’m better at Ping-Pong, but h e’s better at basketball. I’m more outgoing and he’s more serious. Who is he? Do you know?
4-6人一組。一個(gè)同學(xué)描述某個(gè)大家都認(rèn)識的同學(xué), 其他同學(xué)仔細(xì)聽, 并猜出她/他是誰。
注: 以上兩個(gè)活動(dòng)的筆頭復(fù)述可以作為家庭作業(yè)布置下去。
Step 2 Reading ( Activity 3a)
1 Exercise 1. Read the article. Then read the statement about the article. Write “T” ( for true ), “F” ( for false ) or “DK” (for don’t know).
Exercise 2. Fill in the form.
The same Different
2 讀完后, 教師可以適當(dāng)?shù)刂v解一些重要的短語。如:
as you can see, in some ways, look the same, look different, hers, however, both,
enjoy doing sth., as…as, the same as, have some things in common, more than等。
Exercise 3閱讀3a找出下列短語:
孿生姐妹 正如你所看到的 在某些方面 ___________看起來一樣
看起來不同 喜歡干某事 ___________ 和…一樣 稍微外向一點(diǎn)__________
與…不同_____________有共同之處_____________ 多于_______________
Exercise 4 根據(jù)3a填空
Here are photos of ______ and my t_________ sister Liu Ying. A_____ you can see, in some w______ we look the s_______, and in some ways we look d_________. We both have black e_____ and black h_______, a_________ my hair is shorter t_______ hers. We both like sports, although Liu Ying is m_______ athletic t_______ me. She’s m______ outgoing, and I’m q________. I think I’m s________ than her. My f__________ subjects are p________ and c_______, and her f_________ subject is PE. H______, we enjoy g______ to the parties.
Step 3 Language points:
1. As you can see, in some ways we look the same, and in some ways we look different. 正如你所看到的,有些方面我們看起來一樣,有些方面我們看起來不同。
“l(fā)ook the same” 看上去一樣 “l(fā)ook like…” 看上去像…
look alike 看上去相像 in a way 為某一種方式
2. We both have black eyes and black hair, although my hair is shorter than hers.
(1)both“兩個(gè)、兩者都…”, 在句中可作代詞、形容詞、副詞、連詞。作副詞時(shí)常放在be動(dòng)詞之后, 實(shí)義動(dòng)詞之前。
e.g. Both (of) his parents are doctors. (作代詞或形容詞) = His parents are_______ doctors. (作副詞)
They both went camping in the holiday. (作副詞) _____ English ______ math are very important.
(both …and…短語常連接兩個(gè)并列的成分, 可連接名詞、動(dòng)詞、形容 詞和代詞等。) 注: both指兩者都, all指三者或三者以上都。
-Is everyone here? -Yes, _____ of us is here but Tom.
(2) although與though?苫Q, 表“雖然、即使、盡管”, 都不能與but用于一句話中。但though用得更普遍。此外though可作副詞, 在句尾表“然而”, although不能。
固定短語是 even though 表“即使、縱然”, 不能用even although.
e.g. There are some differences,________.
3. She has more than one sister . 她不止有一個(gè)姐姐。
They have some things in common. (in common 共通 (同) 的)
(something 某物, some thing某一個(gè)事物, some things一些事物)
4. Li Ying is not as good at sports as her sister.
①as…as…同級比較, 兩個(gè)“as”之間
必須使用形容詞或副詞原級。意為“如同……一樣…”, not as / so …as “不如…一樣…”
e.g. He runs as __________as his father. (quick的適當(dāng)形式)
The watermelon is as ______as a soccer ball. (big的適當(dāng)形式)
She doesn’t _______so / as hard as her brother(does)(study的適當(dāng)形式)
My sister _____________________________(不如我外向).
② be good at sth. / doing sth. 擅長于(做) 某事
e.g. They are good at__________ badminton. (play的適當(dāng)形式)
I am not good at __________. (paint的適當(dāng)形式)
Who _______________ computer in your class? (擅長于)
Step 4 Practice ( Activity)
1 Pair work 兩人小組互相詢問對方和朋友的父母相同點(diǎn)和不同點(diǎn), 并完成表格。
My partner and his/her friend
The sameDifferent

2 復(fù)述 (speaking) My friend and I , My partner and his/her friend
孿生姐妹 正如你所看到的 在某些方面 ________________
看起來一樣 看起來不同 喜歡干某事 ___________ _
和…一樣 稍微外向一點(diǎn)__________ 與…不同___________ ___
有共同之處__________________ 多于_____________ __ 我的一些照片_____________
為…而感謝 ________ 擅長
2. 根據(jù)3a填空Here are photos of ______ and my t_________ sister Liu Ying. A_____ you can see, in some w______ we look the s_______, and in some ways we look d_________. We both have black e_____ and black h_______, a_________ my hair is shorter t_______ hers. We both like sports, although Liu Ying is m_______ athletic t_______ me. She’s m______ outgoing, and I’m q________. I think I’m s________ than her. My f__________ subjects are p________ and c_______, and her f_________ subject is PE. H______, we enjoy g______ to the parties.
Step 6 Homework
復(fù)述 (writing ) My friend and I , My partner and his/her friend

第三課時(shí)Section B 1a-2c
課型: Listening and speaking
方法: Interactive approach
目標(biāo): 能進(jìn)一步利用所學(xué)句型描述朋友之間的相似點(diǎn)和不同點(diǎn), 引導(dǎo)學(xué)生結(jié)交合適的朋友。
Key words----popular, be good at, schoolwork, make sb. laugh
Key structures---S + be + adj.比較級+than+被比較對象, as….as
Step 1 Revision: 寫出下列短語
孿生姐妹 正如你所看到的 在某些方面 ________________
看起來一樣 看起來不同 喜歡干某事 ____
和…一樣 稍微外向一點(diǎn)_______________ _與…不同______________
有共同之處____________多于_____________ __我的一些照片____________
為…而感謝 __________ 擅長___________________________--
Step 2 Leading-in (導(dǎo)入)

1 教師可以用提問的方式引入本課的話題( Section B---1a): Do you have a good friend? Who is your friend? Why do you choose him/her as your friend?歸納翻譯:適當(dāng)增加自己的看法。
Step 3 Complete 1a and 1b 背誦1b 掌握重點(diǎn)like to do, make sb do, That’s not very important for me.
Step 4 Listening
1. Activity 2a/2b
Interviewer: Who is your best ______ , Holly?
Holly: Pete.
Interviewer: Why is he a good_______?
Holly: Because he _____to do the ____ things as I do. He’s_______, too, and h____________________
Interviewer: Are you ____________________, too?
Holly: Well, I like sports, but Pete’s _____athletic than me. I’d say we’re both pretty______, though.
Interviewer: what ____________________about Pete?
Holly: He’s ______than I am, and he’s______. I’m a little quieter.
Interviewer: How about you, ____________________?
Maria: My best friend is Vera.
Interviewer: ____________________about her?
Maria: Well, she’s a god______, and she keeps ______-that’s important to me.
Interviewer: Is she a lot like you?
Maria: Some people say that we _____ _____. We’re both_____, and we both ____________________.
But Vera is much ______than me, and she’s also______. I’m more______.
Step 5 Language points:
1. I think a good frien d makes me laugh.
make sb. do sth. 讓(使)某人做某事(make后跟不帶to的不定式)
e.g. His words____________________(使得我們?nèi)绱伺d奮).
The boss ___________________________________ (讓工人們?nèi)找垢苫?.
2. She’s a good listener, and she keeps secrets. 聽者_(dá)_____, 說話者_(dá)_____,保密____________
3. Is she a lot like you?= Is she like you very much?
(1)a lot 表程度, 相當(dāng)于very much, 但位置不同。
(2)be like 像…, like為介詞。
4. primary school 小學(xué) secondary school 小學(xué) high school中學(xué) middle school中學(xué)
Step 6 2c Pairwork
讓人發(fā)笑_______________ 對某人很重要_______________ 喜歡做同樣的事情_____________
擅長于________ ____ 受歡迎____________ 對我來說____________
使某人做某事 ____ ___ 喜歡做某事__________
2.Choose the best answer for each question.
(  )1.The twins _____ lovely girls. A. are all B. are both C. both are
( )2. I like drawing and I am good ____ it. A. in B. on C. at
( )3. That boxer is _____ than others. A. more athletic B. athletic C. much athletic
( )4. She is three years ______ than I am. A. old B. more old C. older
( )5. Uncle Wang is _______ more serious than Aunt Wang. A. a little B. a lot C. little
3. I think a good friend _____ (make)me laugh.
  2. Holly’s best friend is _____ (funny) than she .
  3. There are some _____ ( different) in many differet countries .
  4. We both like _____ (sport ) .
5. Does Jala _______ ( has ) _____ (curly )hair than Julia .
4、用第三人稱來轉(zhuǎn)說一下Holly 和Maria 與他們兩個(gè)好朋友的相同之處,不同之處
第四課時(shí) Section B3a-4
Section B 3a- 4(P11)
1. 掌握詞匯:opposite view interest though necessary eat care friendship primary primary school information
2. 掌握重點(diǎn)詞組:most of …, be different from , beat sb. in,
1.重點(diǎn)句型的應(yīng)用: It’s necessary to be the same.
讓人發(fā)笑_______________ 對某人很重要_______________ 喜歡做同樣的事情_____________
擅長于____________ 受歡迎____________ 對我來說____________
使某人做某事 _______ 喜歡做某事__________ 我認(rèn)為好朋友使我笑。
好朋友喜歡和我做一樣的事情。 那對我來說不是很重要。
對立的,相反的___________ 信息,消 息________ 小學(xué)__________ 友誼,友情__________
打敗,戰(zhàn)勝__________ _ 對…在意_____________必 要的,必須的________
觀點(diǎn),看法______ __ 雖然,即使________
1、3a, 快速閱讀,回答問題:
1.What kind of friends does James Green like to have?

2.What are the differences between James Green and his best friend?

3.What kind of friends does Huang Lei like to have

4.What are the differences between Huang Lei and his best friend?

5.What kind of friends does Mary Smith like to have?

6.What are the differences between Mary Smith and her best friend?

1、做相同的事情 2、與…不同
3、尋找 4、有相反的觀點(diǎn)和興趣
5、使得某人笑 6、have a good grade
7、be good with children 8、enjoy telling jokes
9、English Study Center 10、stay at home
11、小學(xué) 12 喜歡講笑話 13、和孩子相處的好
14、停止講話 15、有一些不同點(diǎn)。 16、 我們兩個(gè)都喜歡運(yùn)動(dòng)。

學(xué)習(xí)內(nèi)容:Self-check(P12)、Unit2 同步檢測題
1.詞匯及短語: good-better , curly-curlier , stop talking, stay at home
二、1.Ask students to fill in the blanks.
四、Just for fun!
單元檢測 I
1. funny _____, ______2. short _______, ________3. late ______, ________ 4. nice ________, ________
5. tall ______, _______ 6. heavy ______, ______ 7. young ______, ______8. big _______, ________
9. thin ______, ______ 10. athletic ________, ________
二、. 用比較級填空 
 1. Who is ___________( heavy), Wang Lin or Lin Tao?
 2. Mr Green is ______________( serious) than Mr Brown.
 3. The sun is ______________( big) than the earth.
 4. Unit 4 is ____________________( difficult) than Unit 5.
 5. My mother is __________ (young) than your mother is.
 6. Which country is _________( large) , China or Japan?
7. Mary has _________( long) hair than Betty.
8. It’s ________( hot) in summer in Beijing than that in Dalian.
 9. Miss Yang is ___________ ( calm) than Miss Li.
 10. You are __________________( athletic) than Jim.
1、孿生姐妹 2、 正如你所看到的 3、 在某些方面 ____________
4看起來一樣 5看起來不同 6 喜歡干某事 _____________
7和…一樣 8 稍微外向一點(diǎn)_________________
12讓人發(fā)笑_______________ 13 對某人很重要_______________14 喜歡做同樣的事情_____________
15擅長于____________ 16受歡迎___________17 對我來說____________18使某人做某事 _______
19 喜歡做某事__________20、做相同的事情 21、與…不同
22、尋找 23、有相反的觀點(diǎn)和興趣 24、使得某人笑
25、有好的分?jǐn)?shù) 26、呆在家里 27、 小學(xué)
28 喜歡講笑話 29、和孩子相處的好 30、停止講話
31、我比我妹妹更外向。 32、Pedro 比Paul更滑稽。
33、我們有一些不同點(diǎn)。 34、 我們兩個(gè)都有黑色的頭發(fā)。
35他們兩個(gè)都喜歡看電影。 36 兩個(gè)男孩都去踢足球。
37我父母都是教師 38我們兩個(gè)都很外向。
39.她的兩個(gè)好朋友都很高。 40 我朋友和我一樣。
41、好朋友有很酷的衣服。 42 他在學(xué)校很受歡迎。
43我朋友喜歡和我做同樣的事情。 44 李雷很擅長運(yùn)動(dòng)。
45他學(xué)習(xí)好。 46 好朋友讓我笑。
47、在打網(wǎng)球方面他總是打敗我。 48、我認(rèn)為不同點(diǎn)對于友誼來說并不重要。
49兩年前我是一個(gè)小學(xué)生。 50她喜歡呆在家里讀書。
1.He ____ (go) to school by dike every morning. But this morning he ____ (go) by bus.
2.“Do you like ____ _(drink)tea?” “Yes, I do.”
3.I’m sorry. I can’t. I have to ______ (help) my mom.
4.There ______ (not be )any bread at home yesterday.
5.Tom ____ (have) no time last Sunday. He ___ (visit) his friends next Sunday.
6.Please tell him ______ (wash) his hands before supper.
8.Doing morning exercises _______ (be) good for you.
9. Tom’s brother ________ (be) good at soccer.
10. Finally he asked people to stop _______ (talk).
11. Some old people are happy _________(be)with the young ones.
12 How _______Bob ______ (go)to school every day?
13、Can she _______(run) as fast as Helen ?
14、Don’t _______(talk) now.
五、 選擇填空。
1._______you free tomorrow afternoon? A. Do B. Am C. Is D. Are
2. Please come ________to my house on Sunday. A. up B. over C. in D. on
3. Jim’s bag is _________than Kate’s. A. biger B. big C. biggest D. bigger
4. The boy is _________of all in our class. A. taller B. the tallest C. tall D. tallest
5. That book is not so ______ as this one.
A. interesting B. more interesting C. most interesting D. the most interesting
6. --- Would you like some more rice?
---No, thank you. I’m__________. A. hungry B. full C. thirsty D. sleepy
7. He has two sisters. One is a doctor and _______is a teacher.
A. another B. other C. the other D. One
8. Would you like _________cup of tea? A. other B. the other C. another D. the one
9. My shoes are cheaper than ________. A. you B. your C. yours D. your one
10. Thanks for _______________.
A. come to see me B. to come to see me C. coming to see me D. coming see me
11. Who is the _________ in your class? A. old B. older C. oldest D. young
12. In our library there are many _____books and newspapers. A. kinds B. kind of C. kind D. kinds of
13. This classroom is _______than that one. A. many big B. much big C. many bigger D. a little bigger
14. I don’t like green apples. I like red__________. A. this B. that C. one D. ones
15. Do you look _______Tom? A. the same as B. same as C. the same D. the same so
new, friendly, breakfast, do, so, stay, but, different, you, class, big, meal
Anna comes from Russia. She is 17 years old. She’s going 1.________ with the Black family for a year. Anna comes to England because she wants to study English. She helps Mrs Black 2.________ housework in the house and goes to English 3._________ every Wednesday and Friday afternoon.
Anna is now in London. Everything is 4. ________ to her. She finds life is 5._________ from that in Moscow. Some things are nice in London, many things are not so nice. The shops are 6._________ in London than those in Moscow. 7.________ it’s very expensive to enjoy 8._________ in London. It’s expensive to have a 9.___________ at a restaurant or go to a cinema.
Now Anna has got used to (習(xí)慣) many things, but she can’t get used to the 10.__________ in England. “You English eat so much in the morning,” she often says. “Fruits, porridge, eggs, tea and bread. How can you face(面對) all that food so early in the day?”
The earth moves round the sun, and the moon moves round the earth. When our part of the earth turns to the moon, it is night.
The sun is much bigger than the moon. But sometimes the moon looks bigger than the sun, because it’s much nearer to the earth.
The sun is very bright. It gives a very strong light. The moon looks quite bright,
too. But it doesn’t give any light at all.
The moon looks much bigger and brighter than the stars. But actually the stars are much bigger and brighter than the moon. They look smaller than the moon because they’re much farther away from us.
1. ____moves round________.
A. The earth; the moon B. The moon; the earth C. The moon; the stars D. The sun; the earth
2. Sometimes the moon looks bigger than the sun, because_________.
A. it is much bigger than the sun
B. it comes out only at night
C. it is much nearer to the earth than the sun
D. it doesn’t give a strong light
3. The sun_______________.
A. is very bright, and it gives a very strong light
B. isn’t bright, but it gives a very strong light
C. is very big, but it doesn’t give any light at all
D. is very round, but it can’t move round
4. The stars______________.
A. look much bigger than the moon
B. look much bigger than the sun
C. are a lot brighter than the moon, but they are not bigger than the moo n
D. are much farther away from us than the moon
Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
This is an old English saying. Have you heard of it before? It means that we must go to bed early and get up early in the morning. Then we shall be healthy. We shall also be rich (wealthy) and clever (wise).
This is true. The body must have enough sleep to be healthy. Children of young age should have ten hours’ sleep every night. Children who do not have enough sleep cannot do their work very well. They will not be wise and they may not become wealthy!
The body also needs exercise. Walking, running, jumping, swimming and playing games are all exercise. Exercise keeps the body strong. Exercise also helps the blood(血液) to move around inside the body. This is very important. Our blood takes food to all parts of our body. The head also needs blood. Exercise helps us to think better!
1. If we get up early and go to bed early, we’ll _________.
A. have enough exercise B. be healthy C. think better D. have strong blood
2. If a child doesn’t have 10 hours’ sleep, maybe he _________.
A. becomes wise B. won’t do well in his work C. goes to school in time D. has enough sleep
3. A person needs exercise because _________.
A. it makes him healthy B. he has a lot of homework to do C. he is strong enough D. he does exercise
4. Exercise makes the _________ move quickly and smoothly(流暢).
A. body B. blood C. children D. head
5. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?
A. Exercise does good to a person’s head.
B. A student should have 10 hours’ sleep.
C. It’s good for you to get up early and go to bed early.
D. If you have enough blood, you’ll be wise.

  八、. 寫作
  intellectual, popular, outgoing, athletic, polite (有禮貌的), funny
  Yesterday on my way home I met a classmate of mine. We were in a primary school two years ago. I found he / she was much taller than before.

1. ---Which is the _______season of the year?
A. hot B. hotter C. hottest D. hottest (山西中考試題)
[答案] C。該題考查形容詞最高級的形式和用法。一年有四個(gè)季節(jié),四個(gè)季節(jié)進(jìn)行比較,要找出一個(gè)最熱的,應(yīng)用最高級。而hot的最高級hottest, 不是hotest。
2. This street is much ________than that one.
A. straight B. straighter
C. straightest D. more straighter (天津中考 試題)
[答案] B。 該題考查形容詞比較級的用法。兩條街道進(jìn)行比較,其中一條街道比另一條街道更直,應(yīng)用形容詞的比較級來表示。straight的比較級的正確形式是straighter, 因此正確答案應(yīng)是B。
3. Let’s ________a talk about learning Chinese.
A. had B. having C. to have D. have (北京市中考試題)

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/56616.html

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