8A Unit 1 Friends教案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級(jí) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

總 課 題

8A Unit 1 Friends



第 1 課時(shí)

課 題

Welcome to the unit





1.To revise vocabulary and expressions used to describe people 2.To guess meaning from context 3.To generate ideas about people’s appearance and personalities 4.To categorize adjectives to describe important qualities of a friend according to personal preferences能力目標(biāo)

To understand the concept of things that areunusual.情感目標(biāo)

To use adjectives to describe feelings and opinions

To learn how to use adjectives to describe people’s appearance and characteristics

To categorize adjectives to describe important qualities of a friend according to personal preferences

1.Preview the new words. 2.Listen to the tape and read the dialogue.



教 師 活 動(dòng)

學(xué) 生 活 動(dòng)


Step1 Warm-up
Step2 :Presentation

Step 3 Practice


Step 5 Practice

Step 6 Summarize

Step 7 Homework
T: Hello everyone, glad to see you again! Did you have a nice summer holiday? Are you happy to be back to school and see all your friends? Ss talk about their summer holidays. T: This summer holiday I went to Australia with some of your classmates and friends. We took a lot of photos. Would you like to have a look? Show the pictures and introduce some places of interest and animals in Australia. T: Look, we took a photo with this famous man--- Batman. He’s a hero and people’s good friend because he helps people in danger. Do you agree? What do you think of him? Ss talk about Batman with the adjectives describing appearance and personality, such as friendly, helpful, kind, polite, clever, brave, etc. T: There are some more words to describe people. For example, we can say Batman is good-looking. But we never say he’s beautiful! We don’t use beautiful to describe a boy or a man. If someone likes music or is good at music, we say he or she is musical. Teach “good-looking” and “musical”. 1. Play a guessing game. Ss describe their best friends in the class and guess who are talked about. 2. T: Just now we heard some of the students talk about their best friends. Could you tell me which words are used most often? Ss: friendly, helpful, polite… T: So these are very important qualities of a best friend, do you think so? What other qualities are important to you? Ss complete the table in Part B, P7. Then work in pairs to exchange their ideas and have a debate. Sentences may be used: I think my good friend should be very … because… I agree. / I don’t agree with you because … It’s quite important for a friend to be …? Do you think so? I don’t think my good friend must be very … 3. T: Why do you think he/she is your best friend? What makes him/her so special to you? Can you talk to him/her about anything? Do you talk to him/her when you have problems? Do you believe what he/she says? When you are happy or sad, do you talk to him/her? Why? Teach “sad”, “believe”, “honest” and “joy”. Ss complete Part A, P7 and report individually. 4. T explains some language points. 1. T: How old is your best friend? What about you? Ss: 15/16 … T: So you are teenagers. We call children between 13 and 19 teenagers. Teach “teenager”. T: We have a good friend, Eddie. Is he a teenager? Ss: No. 2. T: Who’s Eddie’s good friend? Why? T plays the tape of the Comic strip and Ss try to find out the answer to the question. (Hobo is Eddie’s good friend because they always share things with each other.) 3. Ss read the Comic strip and answer the questions: (1) What does Eddie give Hobo?

(2)What does Hobo want?

(3) Do you think Eddie is a true friend? Why?

4. Ss read the dialogue in pairs. 5. T explains some language points. 1. Ss act out the dialogue and they are encouraged to add in something they like. 2. Discuss: Who do you like better as a friend, Eddie or Hobo? Why? 3. Ss work in pairs to ask and answer about their good friends. A model dialogue: A: Who’s your good friend?

B: …

A: What’s he/she like?

B: …

A: What do you think of your friend?

B: …

A: What makes him/her so special to you?

B: … Can you tell me something about your good friend?

T: Today we have learned some important qualities about a good friend. It seems that we all think appearance is not so important, but a friend should be helpful and honest. And I hope everyone can be like that and you will have more friends. 1. Describe a good friend of yours with the words and phrases learnt in this lesson.

2. Finish the Workbook exercises.


Unit 1 Friends

Phrases: have something to drink, make somebody happy/special, keep secrets, share one’s joy, believe what somebody says, talk to somebody about anything, clean and tidy Sentences: Do you want some? Can I have something to drink? What about some milk? Can I have some more food too? There’s nothing else in the fridge.


總 課 題

8A Unit 1 Friends



第 2 課時(shí)

課 題

Reading I





1.To guess general meanings from keywords and context 2.To skim text for overall meanings and scan for details 3.To identify specific information about different people form their friends’ descriptions 4.To use adjectives to describe people’s appearance and personalities能力目標(biāo)

By reading about the three friends appear the basic situation, Understanding friend with describe words to describe the appearance and personality of discourse.情感目標(biāo)

Learn to appreciate others, learn to treasure the friendship.

To guess general meanings from keywords and context

To identify specific information about different people form their friends’ descriptions

1Preview the new words. 2Listen to the tape and read the text



教 師 活 動(dòng)

學(xué) 生 活 動(dòng)



Step2 :Presentation

Step 3 Practice

Step 4 Presentation

Step 5 Practice

Step 6 Summarize

Step 7 Practice

Step 8 Homework

T: Yesterday we learnt to talk about friends. Friends are very important in our lives. Almost everyone needs a friend and almost everyone has a friend, do you think so? Let’s look at some interesting English sayings about friends. Please try to guess the meanings of them. Ss read and discuss. T:Why do you think friends are important? What can friends do for you? Ss give different answers. T: Is your friend’s appearance very important to you? Ss: No. T: Good. We should never judge a person by his appearance or clothes. But it’ll be good for you to learn some words to describe your friends’ appearance, right? T shows the pictures and teaches “shoulder-length”, “slim” and “poor eyesight”. Ss do Part B2, P9 individually. After checking the answers, T asks some Ss to give some more details about the appearance of each person in the pictures. 1. T: As you all think that appearance is not very important, could you tell me what is important in your opinion? Ss answer with the adjectives they learnt to describe qualities, such as clean and tidy, helpful, honest, etc. T: Excellent. Now I have some good friends here. Can you use some proper words to describe them? Ss fill in the blanks to complete the sentences. T teaches “generous”, “joke”, “humorous”, “have a good sense of humour”, “a true friend” and “be ready/ willing to do sth”. 2. T: ‘Teenagers’ magazine is holding a writing competition about good friends. Some students have written some entries for it. Please read and find out whether the following statements are true or false. T:plays the tape recorder for the Ss to repeat. Ss read and do Part C1, P10. 3. Ss read again and do Part B1 on their own. Tell them that they need to look for specific details, which fit each of the persons described in the articles. 1.Ss have a group competition by choosing to answer the questions about Betty in the table. 2.Fill in the blanks to complete the description about Max. 3.Complete the brief introduction about May. T: What do we usually write about when we describe our friends? Ss: Appearance, personalities … T: Yes, in which paragraph do we usually write about the appearance? Ss: Paragraph 1. T: And in Paragraph 2? Ss: Personalities. T: Right. We also call it personalities. In the 3rd paragraph we can write about their behaviors or future plans. 1. Ss do Part C2, P10 and find out who each of the personalities will vote for and fill in the blanks. Then check the answers by asking and answering in pairs ‘Who will Amy/ Simon/ Sandy vote for?’ 2. Ss vote for one of the ‘best friends’ described in the articles and tell the reason why. 3. Ss do a class vote for a ‘best friend’. Write a brief description about a person they consider as a best friend. Read some of the descriptions and then vote for one of them. Explain why they vote for that particular person. 1.Retell about the three best friends.

2.Recommend a best student in your class and tell the reason why you vote for him or her.


Unit 1 Friends

Words: slim, shoulder-length, generous, singer, almost, eyesight, smart, true Phrases: travel around the world, have poor eyesight, have a good sense of humour, knock off, a true friend, say a bad word about anyone, vote for


總 課 題

8A Unit 1 Friends



第 3 課時(shí)

課 題






1.To learn some useful expressions and use them in different context 2.To learn how to describe friends能力目標(biāo)

By reading about the three friends appear the basic situation, Understanding friend with describe words to describe the appearance and personality of discourse.情感目標(biāo)

Learn to appreciate others, learn to treasure the friendship.

To use adjectives to describe sb’s appearance and characteristics

To develop a good attitude towards friends

1.Listen to the tape and read the text

2.To summarize key points of a story by sequencing statements

講授法 練習(xí)法


教 師 活 動(dòng)

學(xué) 生 活 動(dòng)


Step 1 Revision

Step2:Language points



Step 5 Poem

Step6 Homework

1. T: For yesterday’s homework I asked you to vote for a best student in your class. Now can you tell me your choice and your reason? Please describe that person in details and let’s guess who it is. Then we can vote for him or her, OK? 2. T: Yesterday we also met three friends in ‘Teenagers’ Magazine. They’re Betty, Max and May. How much do you remember them? Ss have a group competition by answering questions about Max. T: Wonderful! You have a very good memory. Now let’s move on to look at some useful phrases and sentences in the three articles and learn to use them: 1. She is as slim as I am.她和我一樣苗條。 as+形容詞/副詞的原級(jí)+as 他不如我高。He isn’t as tall as I . 他做作業(yè)和我一樣認(rèn)真。 He does homework as carefully as I do. 我昨天到家不如我姐姐早。 I didn’t get home as early as my sister yesterday. 2. be willing to do sth. 愿意做某事 我們?cè)敢鉃橄Mこ袒I集物品。We are willing to collect things for Project Hope. 3. any time隨時(shí),任何時(shí)候 如有問題,隨時(shí)給我打電話。 If you have any problem, call me any time. 4. be ready to do sth./ be ready for sth. 樂于做某事;準(zhǔn)備好做某事(狀態(tài)) 雷峰總是樂于助人。 Lei Feng is always ready to help people. 我準(zhǔn)備好考試了。 I’m ready for the exam. get ready to do/ for sth. 為…作準(zhǔn)備(動(dòng)作) 5. someone/people in need 需要幫助的人 We are in need of water. 我們需要水。 患難朋友才是真朋友。 A friend in need is a friend indeed. 6. because of/because because 后跟從句 because of 跟短語(sth/doing sth)因?yàn)橄麓笥辏覀儧]做早操。 We didn’t do morning exercises because it rained heavily. We didn’t do morning exercises because of the heavy rain. 7. knock sth off … 把某物從……撞翻 8. bored/ boring bored (人感覺)無聊,乏味 boring (某物)無聊乏味 乏味的會(huì)議使大家都感到很無聊。 The boring meeting made everyone feel very bored. 9.have a good sense of humour = be very humourous 很有幽默感 10. a true friend 一個(gè)忠實(shí)的朋友 11. worry sb. 使某人擔(dān)憂 12. keep a secret 保密 13. say a bad word about sb. 說某人壞話 說人壞話是不禮貌的。 It’s not polite to say bad words about others. Fill in the blanks: 1) Are you _______ (will) to sing an English song for us? 2) Maybe she is ready _________ (dance). 3) He will watch TV when he feels _____ (bore) at home. 4) He is ________(help). He always gives seats to people in need. 5) He tells jokes and makes us _____ (laugh). 6) He plays the piano well. He’s ____(music). 7) Maybe he will grow into a ______(sing). 2. Complete the sentences: 1)我們都喜歡歷史老師因?yàn)樗苡杏哪小?We all like our history teacher because he __. 2) 這本書很乏味,它讓我覺得無聊。 This book is ______ and it makes me _____. 3)當(dāng)你經(jīng)過我的桌子時(shí),請(qǐng)別撞掉我的杯子。 Don’t _______ my cup ______ the table when you ___________ my table. 4) 長長的直發(fā)使她看上去很漂亮。 Her straight long hair __________________. 5) 我?guī)缀鹾臀腋赣H一樣高。 I am ___________________ my father. 6) 由于打電腦游戲太多,他眼睛很差。 He_______playing computer games too much. 7) 我長大了想周游世界。 I want to ______________when I ________. T: Today we went over some details about the three friends we met yesterday. We also learnt some useful phrases and sentences to describe friends. Friends are important to every one of us. Let’s cherish friendship and be nice to our friends. If we all have good friends and try to be true friends, our lives will be better and better! Now let’s enjoy an English poem together as the end of this class We are always together in our hearts We have many secrets to share When I need you, you are there Your sense of humour Can always make me laugh Thank you for being so generous Let nothing come between us Even when we are far apart You are always in my heart Write an article about your best friend. These should be covered in the article: name, age, appearance, personality, etc. (60 words at least)


Unit 1 Friends

She is as slim as I am. She is also helpful and is ready to help people any time. Betty wants to be a singer and travel around the world when she grows up. He has poor eyesight because of working on the computer too much at night. His legs are very long and they do not fit under the school desks. She is kind and never says a bad word about anyone.

總 課 題

8A Unit 1 Friends



第 4 課時(shí)

課 題






1.To use adjectives to describe appearance. 2.To use appropriate adjectives to describe the appearances of boys and girls.能力目標(biāo)

To make up more sentences talking about one’s appearance情感目標(biāo)

To select and use adjectives that are appropriate to describe the appearance of boys and girls.

1 To use adjectives to describe general appearance of people 2 To select and use adjectives that are appropriate to describe the appearance of boys and girls.

To make up more sentences talking about one’s appearance

1.Preview the new words. 2.Listen to the tape and read after the tape



教 師 活 動(dòng)

學(xué) 生 活 動(dòng)


Step1: Warm-up


Step3: Practice

Step4: Presentation

Step 5 Practice

Step6:HomeworkT: Let’s play a guessing game, OK? You will see 6 sentences describing a person on the TV screen. If you can guess who she is after you read the first sentence, you will get 10 points. After the second sentence you can get 8 points. But after the last sentence you’ll get a zero. Does it make sense? Ss find out the answer without much difficulty. T: It’s easy, right? You have remembered the three friends’ appearances and the words to describe them. Now let’s have a look at these words again. 1. T: Look! Here is a table. When we describe people’s appearances, we usually talk about these different parts: build, height, leg and hair including the style and length. Teach “build” and “height”. T: Now please put the words into the table. 2. T: As the first guessing game is so easy, shall we play once more? Ss: OK. Ss fail to find out who she is. T: Haha, it’s me! Why is it not so easy this time? Because you haven’t learnt this before and the information I gave you is not enough. We need to learn more to describe people’s appearances, right? Ss look at the pictures and learn more words to describe appearance. They try to find out what the words are used for--- build, height, etc. 1. Ss do Part A, P11. 2. Ss find out more to describe--- eyes, face, etc. 3. Ss describe the people in the pictures with the words they have just learnt and each time there’s something new added in. 1. T: You’ve just described the appearances of a little girl, a pop singer, a sports star and a classmate of yours. What do you think of them? Ss: Handsome, smart, good-looking, beautiful, pretty, lovely… T: Well done! You’ve learnt a lot. But do you know that some words are suitable for girls only and some are for boys only? Of course there’re also some for both girls and boys. Let’s put them in the right places. Girls:beautiful, pretty, lovely, slim Boys:handsome, good-looking, smart Ss do Part B, P11. 2. T: Now we’ve learnt a lot of words to describe girls and boys, face and hair, etc. Let’s have a group competition. Please write down as many words as possible in the given time according to my instructions. You must listen carefully and make sure you’re writing the right words. For example, if I ask you to write some words to describe hair, you can’t write round or square, OK? 1) Would you please write some words which are used only for boys? 2) Would you please write some words which describe a person’s face? 3) Would you please write some words which describe a person’s build? 4) Would you please write some words which are used for both girls and boys? Ss work in groups. Four groups come to the blackboard. Each time only one of them writes and the others can shout loudly to help. 1. T: Now let’s check how well you have learnt. Could you describe the appearance of the person you know best? It’s YOUSELF! Get some students to come to the front of the classroom to describe their own appearances, try to use as many adjectives they’ve learnt as possible. 2. T: As there’s still some time left, we can play one more game called “Twenty Questions”. Please try to guess who I am thinking about by asking me questions about his or her appearance. You can’t ask special questions and I can only answer “Yes” or “No”. If you are smart enough, you may not need to ask 20 questions! Then you can play this game with your classmates. Here is a model: T: I’m thinking about a boy in this class. S1: Is he tall? T: Yes. S2: Is he strong? T: No. S3: Is he our monitor? T: No. S4: Does he have big eyes? T: Yes. …… Ss ask questions and guess. Then the one who gets the right answer comes to the front and the other students ask him/ her questions to continue the game. 1.Describe the appearance of someone you like very much. He or she may be your friend, your parent or your favorite star. 2.Try to bring a photo of his or hers here tomorrow. Let’s see how well you can use the words you’ve learnt.


Unit 1 Friends

Words: thin, strong, tall, short, small eyes, big eyes, round face, square face, beautiful, pretty, lovely, handsome, good-looking, smart, slim Girls:beautiful, pretty, lovely, slim Boys:handsome, good-looking, smart

總 課 題

8A Unit 1 Friends



第 5 課時(shí)

課 題

Grammar A





To use an adjective before a noun or after a linking verb to describe someone or something 能力目標(biāo)

To use comparatives to compare two people or things情感目標(biāo)

To use superlatives to compare three or more people or things

To use an adjective before a noun or after a linking verb to describe someone or something

To use an adjective before a noun or after a linking verb to describe someone or something

Preview the new words. Look up the words in the dictionary to find out the differences



教 師 活 動(dòng)

學(xué) 生 活 動(dòng)


Step 1 Lead-in


Step 3 Practice




T: Yesterday I asked you to describe a person you like and bring his or her photo here. Now would you please show me your work? Some Ss come to the blackboard and describe. T: shows one of the descriptions and underlines some adjectives in the description. T: These underlined words are called adjectives. Please look at the pictures and the sentences. Can you tell me the use of adjectives in them? Show a picture of a woman with short hair and a sleeping cat. She has short hair. Her hair is short. This is a lazy cat. This cat is lazy. Ss find out that adjectives are used to describe people or things and are used before nouns or after linking verbs. T: Can you think of any linking verbs we’ve learnt before? Show Ss some of the linking verbs which are often used. Ss do Part A, P12. Rearrange the words to form complete sentences. Millie has short hair. Sandy wears round glasses. Amy is funny and cheerful. Millie does not like long hair. Sandy is tall and has long hair. T helps Ss find out the use of adjectives in each sentence--- before a noun or after a linking verb. 1. T: Look at these two girls. Can you find out the difference between the two sentences? Emphasize that an adjective is used with a noun or a linking verb while an adverb is used with a verb. 2. Show Ss more pictures. Help them say sentences to compare the things with comparatives and superlatives. Ss find out that comparatives are used to compare two people or things while superlatives are used to compare three or more people or things. Also find out some words and phrases which indicate the use of comparatives or superlatives. Comparative: than, much, even, still, a little, of the two, Which/Who is …, A or B? Superlative: the, of…, in …, Which/Who is …, A, B or C? 3. Ss look at the table and find out how to form comparatives and superlatives. We add -er / -est to short adjectives. (Short adjectives are adjectives of one or two syllables). We use more/ most for long adjectives. (Long adjectives are adjectives of three or more syllables.) 1.Ss do Part B1, Page 13. Write the comparatives and superlatives of the adjectives. 2. Ss have a group competition. Each member of a group should read and spell the comparative and superlative of an adjective below. The group that can do it most quickly with all the answers correct will be the winner. 1) light old healthy cheerful 2) safe thirsty slim bad 3) bright new much bored 4) sad heavy straight clearly 3. Ss do Part B2, P14. Complete the sentences according to the profile. 4. Ss make up a dialogue in pairs to compare people or things. They can choose any topic of the following: animals, sports, food and drinks, people in this classroom. T provides some pictures, words, phrases and sentences which may be useful to Ss. 5. Ss do some multiple choice and translation work. Step 7 Summarize T: This class we learnt the use of adjectives, comparatives and superlatives. Now let’s read an interesting English poem as the end of this lesson. Good, better, best, Never let it rest, Till your good is better, And your better is best! 1.Revise the use of adjectives, comparatives and superlatives

2.Complete the exercises in the workbook


Unit 1 Friends

Words: cheerful, printer, better, worse, worst, height, competition, test, be, become, feel, get, grow, keep, look, seem, smell, sound, taste, turn Phrases:in the drawing competition Sentences:This is the most expensive printer in the shop. Millie is the slowest swimmer of the six students. Sandy’s drawing is the most beautiful in the drawing competition


總 課 題

8A Unit 1 Friends



第 6 課時(shí)

課 題

Grammar B、C





To compare two people/ things using ‘(not) as’+ adjective+ ‘a(chǎn)s’
Review to use comparatives to compare two people/ things

To use superlatives to compare three or more people/ things情感目標(biāo)

To use superlatives to compare three or more people/ things

(not) as’+ adjective+ ‘a(chǎn)s, language points


(not) as’+ adjective+ ‘a(chǎn)s


1.Preview the new words. 2.Revise some verb phrases.



教 師 活 動(dòng)

學(xué) 生 活 動(dòng)



StepTw Practice

StepThree: Practice it in another way.

Step 4 Task
Step 5 Exercises



Show picture T: Please look at this boy. What do you want to say about him? S: ……(write the adjectives which students will be mentioned on the blackboard.) T: All of you described him very well with these words. Today, we’ll talk about adjectives. Sentences: Liu Xiang is a tall boy. He is sporty. He has big eyes. T: Who can tell me where we usually put adjs? We use an adjective before a noun or after a link verb to describe someone/ something. Show picture 2,3 T: What about Daniel? Is he tall?
T: Look at these girls, who is the tallest ?

T: not as…as = not so…as 不如…… 比較級(jí) + than 比……

T: Tommy likes music, and Dainel likes outdoor activities. Can you say their names? Ask students to look at the table on page 11 and complete the conversations with ‘(not) as...as’ using ‘… than’, ‘the most…’, ‘a(chǎn)s…as’, ‘not as … as’. T: Amy thinks diving is the most interesting outdoor activity. It’s more interesting than swimming and hiking. Hiking is as interesting as camping. But they are not as interesting as skiing and swimming…. 1 Tell the students that starts show how interesting the activity is and the triangles show that how dangerous the activity is. 2 Get the students to talk about Millie’s opinion first. Hiking is as interesting as sking. Swimming is not as interesting as hiking. Camping is not as interesting as swimming. Diving is not as interesting as camping. Cycling is not as interesting as diving. Skiing is as dangerous as diving. Swimming is as dangerous as camping. Hiking is as dangerous as cycling. Cycling is not as dangerous as diving. Hiking is not as dangerous as swimming. …

3 Give the students 3minutes to finish the exercises in SBP15 PartC1. 4 Check the answers together. 5.Ask the students to fill in their own information and talk about it in groups. 6 Encourage the students to make more sentences like this. Here can organize a competition among different groups. Look at the diagram on P11. Talk about it in groups. Then practise as the four children 1 Fill in the blanks I think English is as _________(important) as Chinese. Swimming is as ___________(interesting) as cycling. Amy is not as ___________(careful) as Simon. Maths is not as ___________(difficult) as English. 2 Translation 1)我認(rèn)為游泳不如徒步旅游有趣。 2)不僅滑雪而且騎自行車都沒有潛水危險(xiǎn)。 3)我認(rèn)為如果我們小心,所有戶外活動(dòng)都不要危險(xiǎn)。 1. Go over what we have learnt. 2. WorksheetS: Liu Xiang (write the adjectives which students will be mentioned on the blackboard.)

S: Daniel is as tall as Tommy. Tommy is as tall as Jason. S: Lily is not as tall as Mickey. Judy is not so tall as Lily. Mickey is taller than Lily. Judy is shorter than Mickey

S: swimming, skiing, diving, camping, hiking, cycling

Ss repeat after the teacher first, and then practise in halves.


Unit 1 Friends

Her hair is long. A is bigger than B.

She has long hair. C is the biggest of all.

D is not as big as A.


總 課 題

8A Unit 1 Friends



第 7 課時(shí)

課 題

Integrated skills





1To get specific information from a listening material; 2.To talk about a friend.
3.To talk about future plans

Use "Millie and Sandy expression of future plan" information fully open "listen" material ", "saying", "reading", "write" activities, improve the students' comprehensive ability of using language.情感目標(biāo)

Sentences according to the content and stimulate the students' establish lofty ideal

Describe the future plans, language points


Describe the future plans.


1.Preview the new words. 2.Revise some verb phrases.

任務(wù)型教學(xué)法 練習(xí)法


教 師 活 動(dòng)

學(xué) 生 活 動(dòng)


Step 1: Warm-up
Step 2: Free Talk
Step3 : Listening (Millie’s future plans)

Step4 Listen ( Sandy’s future plans)
Step 5:
Free talk

Step 6: Speak up:


Step8 : Exercises

Step 9 :Homework
T: Who is he ? Can you describe him?

T: Would you like to be another Jack Chen?Why?

T: What does … like doing? What would … like to do in the future?

T: Millie is talking to Amy about her future plans. Can you find out what she would like to do in the future? You can listen to their conversation and put a tick in the correct boxes in the table. I would like to ……sing for people, be kind ,

be popular ,

listen to people’s problems,

help people solve problems,

make friends,

make people happy,

meet a lot of people,

travel around the world
2.Check the answers. 3.Discuss with your partner ‘What is Millie like?’ and ‘ What does she want to do?’ 4. Now you are quite familiar with Millie’s future plan. Please help her complete a letter.

Listen to the tape. While listening, please help Sandy complete her letter to an editor.
T: Millie is kind and helpful, so she wants to be a social worker. Sandy likes singing and she would like to be a famous singer. What about you? What are your future plans?
Talking about friends 1. Sandy is showing Helen some pictures of her friends. Do you know what they are talking about? Please listen and answer: (1)Who are they talking about? (2)What would Peter like to do in the future? 2. Listen and repeat.
3. Practice in pairs, talking about Mille, Sandy, or your classmates.
Your are young now. Everyone can dream about your future now. It isn’t bad to keep a dream always in your heart. Work hard. Believe you can fly. It will come true one day. 一 將下列詞組譯成英文。 1 對(duì)人們友善_________________ 2 周游世界______________________ 3 使人們高興_____________________ 4 傾聽人們的問題__________________ 5 幫助人們解決問題________________ 6 碰見許多朋友 __________________ 7 想成為一名著名的歌手____________ 8 盡最大的努力來幫助他們__________ 二 句子翻譯。 1 我的確很高興告訴你我的未來計(jì)劃。 __________________________________ 2 我希望我的朋友長大后能成為一名社會(huì)工作者。 __________________________________ 3 請(qǐng)盡可能善待窮人。 __________________________________
4 我想動(dòng)物叫朋友。
__________________________________ Finish the exercise sheet.

S:brave,kind,honest,pleasant…,an actor S: Because he is famous and popular. S: famous, popular, editor, social worker, solve,problems,hard-working, handsome, cheerful, a social worker


Unit 1 Friends

be popular , listen to people’s problems,

help people solve problems, make friends,

make people happy, meet a lot of people,

travel around the world

總 課 題

8A Unit 1 Friends



第 8 課時(shí)

課 題

Study Skills





1.To find the main points of a passage in order to understand and memorize it more easily. 2.To identify keywords in order to develop general understanding of a passage. 3.To guess meaning and generate mental pictures.能力目標(biāo)

Through the determination keywords and key sentences to help students' reading comprehension, raises student's reading ability.情感目標(biāo)

Learn to make friends, good at finding friends the top quality.

Identify keywords, find the main points of a passage


Find the main points of a passage


1.Preview the new words. 2.Revise some verb phrases.

講授法 練習(xí)法


教 師 活 動(dòng)

學(xué) 生 活 動(dòng)


Step1. Revision:

Step2. Presentation

Step3 Reading.

Step4 Retelling

Step5. Consolidation exercises

Step6 :HomeworkT: 1. Do you have any future plans? 2. What are you going to do when you grow up?

3. Why?

4. What will you do to fulfill your aims?

1.Present the task today by playing a game. The teacher gives a student a piece of paper on which there’s a story, ask the student to read it carefully The student tells the story that he gets to the whole class. The teacher will read the story to class, ask them to find out the differences between the two stories. 2. Make a conclusion, tell the students when we are reading , we should pay attention to some main points, generally speaking, the main points are about the questions below: What is it about? Who is it about? What happened? Where did it happen? When did it happen? Why did it happen? How did it happen? 1 Ask the students to open the book on page 18, and read the letter on page 18. Try to find out information about the questions above. Who: Cindy---a Grade 8 student. Where: Beijing Sunshine Secondary School What: move to a new school, have problems with her new school Why: Don’t know school very well, have no friends, do not know how to talk to her new friends, How: feel uncomfortable, nervous; always stay alone 2 Ask the students to underline the main points with the help of the table above. Students read the story again. Tick out the new words and phrases. have problems with… be uncomfortable/ comfortable feel nervous give advice Ask the students to retell the letter with the help of the keywords on the blackboard. 一 詞匯 第1-3題選出適當(dāng)?shù)闹形暮x: 1.I am a reader of your magazine. (閱讀機(jī);讀者) 2.Now, I am studying at a new secondary school in Sunshine Town.(中等的;次要的) 3.I hope you can give me some advice.(建議;幫助) 第4-5題選出適當(dāng)?shù)挠⑽慕忉?4.Sometimes, I am very nervous and I can’t answer their questions. (worried; excited) 5.I feel really uncomfortable when they talk to me. ( not happy; not comfortable) 第6題選出同義句 7.I miss my classmates very much. 8.I don’t catch my classmates very much. 9.I feel sad because my classmates are not with me. 二 正確地運(yùn)用本課的生詞填空 I just moved to Beijing with my parents. I m________ my old friend Jack very much. He studies in Guigang ________(中等的) School. He likes football and he is a true r________ of “Football Newspaper”. He is a member of the school football team. Now he is getting ready for a football match. Yesterday his mother bought a pair of football shoes for him. But they’re a little small and he feels u________. The match is coming. He feels very ________ (surprising, nervous) and doesn’t know what to do. He asks me for some a________. 三、測一測(今天的閱讀技巧你掌握了多少?讓我們檢測一下吧。┱(qǐng)劃出文章的要點(diǎn)和關(guān)鍵詞: The people in the USA speak the same language(語言) as the people in Britain. However, American English is different from British(英國的) English in many ways. There are a few differences in grammar(語法). For example, people in Britain say “in hospital” and “Have you got a pen?” Pronunciation(發(fā)音) is sometimes different. Americans usually sound the “r” in words like “bird” and “hurt”. People in Britain do not sound the “r” in these words. Some spellings(拼寫) are different. People in Britain write “colour” and “centre”, but people in the USA write “color” and “center”. They use different words which mean the same thing. People in the USA use “movie(電影)” but people in Britain use “film”. Finish the exercise sheet.S: Yeah. S: Social worker, official, teacher, doctor, nurse S: We want to help others who need help. S: work hard, try our best to learn English well.

Wh Cindy---a grade 8 student. Where: Beijing Sunshine Secondary School What: move to a new school, have problems with her new school Why: Don’t know school very well, have no friends, do not know how to talk to her new friends, How: feel uncomfortable, nervous; always stay alone


Unit 1 Friends

What is it about? Who is it about? What happened? Where did it happen? When did it happen? Why did it happen? How did it happen?

總 課 題

8A Unit 1 Friends



第 9 課時(shí)

課 題

Main task





1.To plan ideas for writing 2.To learn the proper and easy ways to write something;能力目標(biāo)

1) Use adjectives to describe a friend's appearance and quality.
2) According to article writing requirement and get the idea of composition: introduction, body, and conclusion.

Learn to make friends, good at finding friends the top quality.

Learn the proper and easy ways to write something, Identify keywords.


Learn the proper and easy ways to write something.


1.Preview the new words. 2.Revise some verb phrases.



教 師 活 動(dòng)

學(xué) 生 活 動(dòng)


Step 1: Revision and Presentation

Step 2 : Free Talk

Step 3 Listen and Read

Step 4 Write

Step4 :Homework

T: In this unit, we have learnt a lot about friends and how to describe friends. Today, my question is : What can friends do?

T: Friends are important to us. We can’t live without friends Talk about your best friend: Ø What’s his/her name? Ø What’s he/she like? Ø What’s his/her quality of a good friend (personality)? Ø What does he/she like doing? Ø What would he/she like to do in the future? T: Would you like to write an article about your best friend? Now, let’s see how Daniel describe his best friend. Questions: 1.WhoisDaniel’sbest friend? 2.What does she look like? 3.What is she like? 4.What would she like to be when she grows up? T: Read the article slowly by yourselves.Close your books. Let’s think it over 1. Introduction.
2. Main body
(1) Ask students to write down the key words on the lines in Part B
(2) Write a rough draft using their notes in Part B, Daniel’s article as a model
(3) Encourage students to use a variety of adjectives to avoid repetition.
(4) In pairs, students read, check and correct their partners’ drafts. Encourage more able students to comment on their partners’ drafts.
(5) Ask volunteers to read out their articles in class. 1 Review what we have learnt. 2 Worksheet

S:play with me make me happy share joy and happiness with me stay with me when I feel unhappy / bored help me with my study keep secrets for me listen to me carefully and quietly teach me a lot understand me

S: name appearance personality future plan S: name

appearance (general, hair, eyes, nose, …)

personality other information( ability, hobbies,activities…)

future plans


Unit 1 Friends

Ø What’s his/her name? Ø What’s he/she like? Ø What’s his/her quality of a good friend (personality)? Ø What does he/she like doing? Ø What would he/she like to do in the future?

總 課 題

8A Unit 1 Friends




課 題






1.To review what they have learnt in this unit;
2.To assess their understanding and correct use of adjectives, comparatives and superlatives.

1.Know how to describe people's appearance. 2.Use adjectives to describe people orthings. 3.Master the comparative and superlative adjectives.情感目標(biāo)

Know how to find classmates’ good qualities

Review what they have learnt in this unit


Review what they have learnt in this unit


1.Preview the new words. 2.Revise some verb phrases.

歸納法 練習(xí)法


教 師 活 動(dòng)

學(xué) 生 活 動(dòng)


Step1: Brainstorming

Step 2 Check out



The useful vocabulary about how to describe the best friend: 1. tell funny stories 2. as slim as I 3. knock over our books 4. make sb do sth 5. think ofa social worker 6. worry me 7. straight and 8. shoulder-length hair 9. walk past our desk 10. have problems with study 11. has a sense of humour 12. keep secrets 13. feel bored / nervous 14. be popular with sb 15. because of too much 16. computer work 17. travel around the world 18. say a bad word about sb 19. give advice 20. wear a smile on one’s face 1. What a ______ (please) trip we had last week! 2. These clothes are their ____________ (wife). 3. It’s ____________ (possible) to finish the work in such a short time. 4. He moved out of New York after he got _____________(marry). 5. It is _____________(polite) to spit(吐痰) here and there. 6. The _________(題目) of the article is “ Beijing over the past _________(世紀(jì)) 7. There will be a lot of ________________(展覽) next month. 8. Now a lot of tourists are surprised at the China’s ________________(發(fā)展). 9. The changes in our town have brought many ______________(優(yōu)勢(shì)) to us. 10. At last the boy ______________(意識(shí)到)what he did hurt the teacher’s ___________(感受). 11. Can you find some information about the different forms of __________(運(yùn)輸) in Changzhou? 12. Can you take a look at your ____________ (最近的)photos? 13. We decided to make an _____________ (采訪) with our principal. 14. They often help the children in poor areas, _____________(尤其)the children in Africa. (1) Translations



6.Max 很有幽默感.他講有趣的笑話,總使我發(fā)笑.

Max_______________ He tells _________and always _____________.


I______my great friend May when I_________.

(2) Revision about comparatives and superlatives.

small _____ _____ nice ____ _____

pretty_____ _____ slim ____ ______

popular __________ ________

far ____ ____ little_____ ____

bad _____ _____ big _____ ______

easy_____ ______ hot _____ ______

careful __________ _________

tidy ____ ____ many(much)___ ____


1. Tom has _________(many) erasers than I.

2. The red pen is________(nice) than the green pen.

3. Wang Ling works _________(hard) than any other student in his class.

4. You are no_______(long) a child.

5. He didn’t sing a song in English any _______ (much).

6. Who came here_______(early), Mary or Jane?

7. Which subject is ________________(important), science, art or Maths?

8. Mr Lin is ________(much) richer than Mr Wang.

9. He is ________(good) teacher in our school.

10. He is __________(fat) of the three.

11.The busier he is, _________ (happy) he is.

(4) Correction
1. Climb is more interesting than camping.

2. I have a good friend name Betty.

3.He tells funny stories and always makes me to laugh.

4. She is as more slim as May.

5. I hope that you can give me some advices.

6. She always wears a smile in her face

7.Max is the shorter of us three but the youngest.

8.Do you have a problem of your pronunciation?

9.This is one of the most interesting film.

(5) Rewrite the sentences

1.Diving is the most difficult activity of all.(同義句)

2.A computer is not as expensive as a car. (同義句)

3.She has a long face, big eyes and a small nose. (提問)

4.She would like to be a doctor in the future. (提問)

5.This bag is 5 dollars. That bag is also 5 dollars. (合成一句)

(6) Do Part A and B 1. Review what we have learnt. 2. Worksheet


Unit 1 Friends

1.tell funny stories 2.as slim as I 3.knock over our books 4.make sb do sth 5.think ofa social worker 6.worry me 7.straight and 8.shoulder-length hair 9.walk past our desk 10.have problems with study 11.has a sense of humour 12.keep secrets 13.feel bored / nervous 14.be popular with sb 15.because of too much 16.computer work 17.travel around the world 18.say a bad word about sb 19.give advice 20.wear a smile on one’s face

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/57156.html

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