八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè)模塊七M(jìn)odule 7達(dá)標(biāo)測(cè)試題(外研版)

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
八年級(jí)(上)Module 7綜合能力測(cè)試(No.49)
班級(jí): 學(xué)生姓名: 使用時(shí)間:
I. 從A, B, C, D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選擇最佳答案。(每小題1分,共15分)
( ) 1. The teacher was very angry _____ Tim ______ his being late.
A. with; about B. about; for
C. with; at D. for; about
( ) 2. Coffee is ready. How nice it ___! Would you like some?
A. looks B. smells C. sounds D. feels
( ) 3. ─ What ____ your mother ______?
─ She is kind and friendly.
A. is; like B. does; like
C. does; look like D. does; think of
( ) 4. Let’s enjoy the song Super Star. It sounds _____.
A. well B. badly C. nice D. bad
( ) 5. I’m very hungry, Mum. Would you like to give me ______ to eat?
A. delicious something B. something delicious
C. anything delicious D. delicious anything
( ) 6. There are lots of flowers and trees on _____ of the road.
A. both sides B. every side
C. all sides D. some sides
( ) 7. Mum added (加入) some ____ to the dish and it tasted ____.
A salt; salty B. salt; salt
C. salty; salty D. salty; salt
( ) 8. ─ Must I stay at home, Dad?
─ No, you _____.
A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. can’t D. may not
( ) 9. John looks so _____ because he has got an A in his math test.
A. angry B. stupid C. nervousD. excited
( ) 10. I haven’t _____ my friend Mike for a long time. How is it going?
A. heard B. looked at C. found D. heard from
( ) 11. I won the first prize in the spoken English competition. My parents are _____ me.
A. interested in B. angry with
C. proud of D. worried about
( ) 12. This pair of glasses _____ very expensive. I can’t buy it.
A. areB. isC. look D. looks
( ) 13. This kind of coat looks ____ and sells ____ in the shop.
A. nice; good B. well; well
C. nice; well D. good; nice
( ) 14. ? Remember to meet your sister at the airport.
? _______.
A. Sure, I will B. No, I don’t
C. Yes, I do D. I hope so
( ) 15. The T-shirt ____ cool. Would you like to try it on?
A. looked B. is looking C. looks D. will look
II. 完形。(每小題1.5分,共15分)
Ann was sad. She had to practise basketball in half an hour, but she couldn’t 16 her shoes. She looked in her closet(壁櫥)and under her bed.
“Try the closet in the front hall,” Ann’s mother suggested as she walked by. Ann was looking for it in the hall closet 17 her dog Shadow joined her. “Move, Shadow!” Ann said. The dog was 18 her way. He wagged(搖擺)his tail(尾巴)and jumped on her.
Then Ann 19 something. Last week Shadow
20 her socks to his doghouse. “Did you take my shoes?” Ann asked the dog. Shadow lowered his head and put his tail 21 his legs.
A few minutes 22 Ann was on her hands and knees outside the doghouse. She looked inside. There were her new 23 in the back. At least they weren’t destroyed.
Ann watched Shadow 24 . “Bad dog!” she said as she reached in to get her shoes. She began to 25 , though, as Shadow licked(舔)her face. Then she gave him a big hug(擁抱).
( ) 16. A. find B. buy C. borrow D. give
( ) 17. A. while B. but C. because D. when
( ) 18. A. on B. by C. in D. to
( ) 19. A. forgot B. left C. missed D. remembered
( ) 20. A. brought B. carried C. took D. got
( ) 21. A. among B. between C. during D. across
( ) 22. A. ago B. before C. later D. after
( ) 23. A. shoes B. socks C. clothes D. closet
( ) 24. A. happily B. nervously C. politely D. angrily
( ) 25. A. cry B. smile C. talk D. play
X-k-b- 1.-c-o-m
III. 下面的文章,完成文后各題。(每小題2分,共20分)
James was driving home from baseball practice. He saw the flashing blue lights of a police car behind him. Was he driving too fast? He looked at the speedometer. It showed he was going only 45 miles per hour. The speed limit(限速)here was 50 miles per hour. His lights were on, and his seat belt(安全帶)was fastened. What could be wrong?
James stopped at the side of the road. He felt nervous as the police officer walked up to his car. “Your trunk(行李箱)is open, young man,” she said with a smile. “I’ll close it for you on the way back to my car.”
“Thank you,” James said. He was relieved. Now he could relax again.
( ) 26. What would the police officer probably do next?
A. Open the trunk of James’s car.
B. Help James start his car.
C. Close the trunk of James’s car.
D. Tell James not to drive so fast.
( ) 27. In this story, a speedometer means “____” in Chinese.
A. 弄出噪音 B. 時(shí)速計(jì)
C. 打轉(zhuǎn)向燈的地方 D. 放駕駛證的地方
( ) 28. This story took place ______.
A. at a school B. near a store
C. on a road D. at a station
( ) 29. Which of these happened first in the story?
A. James stopped at the side of the road.
B. James saw flashing lights behind him.
C. The police officer smiled at James.
D. The police officer walked up to James’s car.
( ) 30. In this story, the word “relieved” means “_____”.
A. angry B. very afraid
C. all alone D. not worried any more
IV. 根據(jù)首字母或漢語(yǔ)提示及句意寫(xiě)單詞,使句子完整、通順。注意用其適當(dāng)形式。(每小題1分,共10分)
31. The hungry dog is s________ at the boy eating.
32. I’m new here. Would you like to i________ your friends to me?
33. Don’t eat the food. It’s not f________.
34. B______ Tom and David come from the USA.
35. Mr Wang often wears a pair of g_______ when he works on the computer.
36. The shirt feels _______ (柔軟的). I like it very much.
37. Li Lin’s ______ (頭發(fā)) is long and straight.
38. Don’t open the door for a _________ (陌生人) when you are alone at home.
39. It’s _______ (無(wú)禮的) to break in on others’ conversation.
40. Last year, Mom knitted (織) a beautiful ________ (毛衣) for me before the winter came.
V. 句型轉(zhuǎn)換。(每小題2分,共10分)
41. What does he look like?(改為同義句)
What ______ he ______?
42. The rice smells very delicious.(對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn))
______ ______ the rice ______?
43. You are very kind.(改為同義句)
It’s ______ ______ ______ you.
44. The TV play doesn’t look exciting.(改為肯定句)
The TV play ______ ______.
45. Thank you for the party and the delicious food.(改為同義句)
______ ______ the party and the delicious food.
VI. 把下面的句子翻譯成英語(yǔ)。(每小題2分,共10分)
46. 我們都為我們的祖國(guó)而自豪。
We are ________ _______ our motherland.
47. 當(dāng)我收到我媽媽的來(lái)信時(shí),我很高興。
I am very happy when I _______ _______ my mother.
48. 他看起來(lái)很安靜,但有時(shí)候也會(huì)惹麻煩的。
He ________ _________, but sometimes he makes trouble.
49. 你的英語(yǔ)老師長(zhǎng)得怎么樣?
______ ______ your English teacher look like?
50. 試一下,你會(huì)成功的。
______ ______ ______, and you’ll be successful.

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/58119.html
