《牛津初中英語》8A Unit 4 Wild animals 教案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)
《牛津初中英語》8A Unit 4 Wild animals 教案
Comic strip& Welcome to the unit

1 了解對話內(nèi)容,掌握重點詞組及初步了解if句型的用法
2. 熟悉學習更多有關(guān)野生動物的詞語
Step1 Comic strip
Hobo and Eddie have a new problem now. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions.
1 What does Hobo want to do?
2 Is Eddie willing to share his food?
Language points:
look delicious
talk to/with sb
look after/ take care of
Ask students to pay attention to‘if’clauses
Step2 Vocabularies
Ask students to look at the pictures and learn new words about wild animals.
bear dolphin giant panda kangaroo squirrel tiger
Step3 Guessing games
Let students play a guessing game. One student describes and the other guess ‘What animal is it?’
Step 4 Make a survey
Ask stuents to work in pairs. Complete the survey form on P59
Step5 Discussion
A: Which animal do you like best?
B: I like ……best.
A: Why?
B: Because they are …...
A: Which animal do you like least?
B: I like…… least.
A: Why?
B: Because they are …...
Step 6 Homework
Remember all the words about wild animals and try to describe them.


《牛津初中英語》8A Unit 4 Wild animals
一 教學目標
2) 理解并掌握描述熊貓外貌特性、它們所面臨的危險以及采取保護措施的詞組和句型。
Part One Pre-reading
Step 1 Guessing game
Today we are going to learn Unit 4 Wild animals Reading.
We learned many wild animals, such as tigers, bears, kangaroos…
First, let’s paly a game called ‘guessing game’
I’ll describe one kind of animals, please tell me what it is at once.
It is a sea animal and looks like a large fish. It is very clever and often plays some games for us in the zoo.
Yes, it’s a dolphin.
It’s a heavy wild animal with thick fur and sharp paws. It can walk upright.
Yes, it’s a bear.
It’s the king of the animal world. It has yellow fur and black stripes on its body.
Yes, it’s a tiger.
It jumps with its baby in its pocket. You can see it in Australia.
Yes, it’s a kangaroo.
It lives in China. It is black and white. Its favorite food is bamboo shoots and leaves.
Yes, it’s a giant panda.
Step 2 Practice
Now, let’s have a discussion.
Which aniaml do you like best? Why?
Which animal do you like least? Why?
Part Two While-reading
Step 1 Presentation
I like giant pandas best. Because I think they are beautiful black and white animals. They are very lovely, quiet and peaceful.
Today I will show you a passage about a giant panda called ‘Xi Wang.
Step 2 Reading
We can divide the passage into three parts.。After reading, try to match the main idea.
The growth of Xi Wang,
The problems giant pandas meet
The actions we can take
Step3 Read and answer
Now please read the passage again. This time, you should pass three levels after reading.
Level One The growth of Xi Wang
First, read from Line1-Line14, try to answer the following questions:
1. How much did Xi Wang weigh when she was born?
2. What did she look like when she was ten days old?
Well. I want to know if you know more about Xi Wang.
Millie is making a growth chart of Xi Wang. Open your books, turn to page 61. Help her match the sentences with pictures.
Let’s check the answers
Level Two The problems giant pandas meet
We know giant pandas are very lovely. But they may have many problems in the future, what are they? Read from Line 15 to Line 22.
You can see five problems here. What can you get from the passage?
1. If giant pandas live in the wild, the other big animals will eat them.
2. If farmers cut down trees and forests, they will have nowhere to live.
3. If hunters catch a giant panda, they will kill it for its fur.
4. If the weather is too hot, they will have no food to eat.
5. If people find baby pandas alone, they will often take them away.
Millie is telling Amy about the dangers that giant pandas are facing. Open your books, turn to page 62, finish Part D. Let’s check the answers. Read Part D together.
Level Three The actions we can take
Giant pandas are in danger, we should protect them. What can we do?
* build more reserves(保護區(qū))
* make giant panda reserves bigger
* encourage farmers to leave the giant panda reserves
Remember: If we do nothing, soon there will be no giant pandas in the world.
Part Three Post-reading
Now, how much do you know about Xi Wang
Please open your books, turn to page 62, finish part E.Now, let’s check the answers.
1. Copy the new words and phrases.
2. Read the passage three times after the tape.
3. Surf on the internet to find more information about pandas.


《牛津初中英語》8A Unit 4 Wild animals
一 教學目標
2) 學習掌握重點語言知識點
Step one Revision
1 Say something about giant pandas
2 Finish the table about the growth of Xiwang
3 Review what danger giant pandas meet and what actions we can take
4. Fill in blanks with proper forms. Step two language points
Explain the following language points to students
1. be in danger.
Many wild animals are in danger.
2. weigh v. weight n.
3.encourage sb to do sth.
The English teacher always encourages me to speak more in class.
4. following adj.
We must take the following actions to learn English well.
5. have nowhere to live
If farmers cut down trees and forests, giant pandas will have nowhere to live.
6. at the very beginning
At the very beginning, I didn’t like maths.
7. up to
Tortoises can live up to 150 years .
8. Survive v.
Sadly, it’s difficult for wild animals to survive in the wild.
9. for the first time
She borrowed some books from the school library for the first time.
10. on one’s own
These children will live in foreign countries on their own in the future.
Step three exercises
Ask students to do some additional translation.


《牛津初中英語》8A Unit 4 Wild animals
一、 教學目標
1. To learn about some wild animals’ names.
2. To learn about these wild animals’ appearance , food and living areas.
3. To be able to make short dialogues about wild animals with their partners.
4. To know the importance of protecting wild animals.
二、 教學重點難點
1. Some wild animals’ names, food and living areas.
2. How to describe the wild animals about their appearances and abilities.
3. According to what they learnt in the class, make short dialogues and introduce the wild animals.
三、 教學過程Teaching procedures:
Step One : Leading-in
Warm-up 1.Leading-in by the theme song of animal world.
2. T: When hearing the music, what do you think of? S. Wild animals.
T: Today we’ll go into the world of wild animals.
Step Two: Revision
Revise the wild animals they have learnt in this unit by a guessing game. (Teach the word: stripe.)
Step Three: Learning the names of some wild animals.
1. T: In the forest , there will be a big party. Many wild animals are coming. Do you know them?
Show the pictures of the wild animals and teach the students how to read them.
2. Ask the students try to remember the places of the pictures and the names of the wild animals. Then play another guessing games about these.
3. T: You know the names of these wild animals. Can you say anything special about them?
Teacher describe one wild animal as an example. Help the students try to describe these wild animals’ special abilities and appearances. (Teach: turtle shell, smell, hearing, foxy, hump, eyelid)
Step Four : Learning about food and living areas of these wild animals.
1.T: Do you want to learn more about these wild animals? Do you know their food and living areas? For example, what do foxes eat?
Show some pictures of insects and teach insect.
2. Books open. Make students talk about part B animals’ food in page63 in pairs. Then check the answers in pairs in this way: Ask: What do camels feed on? Answer: Camels feed on grass and tree leaves.
3.Show some pictures about wild animals’ living areas. (Teach: desert, wetland, grassland, North Pole)
Step Five : Task 1
1.Tell the students the wild animals are having the party and some reporter are coming, too. Ask them to make a dialogue between the reporter and the wild animals. Ask them to use the information and words teacher taught. Make the students work in pairs, in three and in four. ( Give them headgears of three animals: a tortoise, a zebra and a wolf)
2.Several minutes later, ask four groups to act out the dialogues.
Step Seven : Task 2
1. T: Audience like the programs very much. They want to learn more about the wild animals. Can you introduce the other wild animals like Zhao Zhongxiang? Then teacher should introduce one animal as an example.
Ask the students to begin it like this: Hello, everyone. This is Animal World. I’m … Today I’ll introduce you a wild animal---…
2. Give the students several minutes. And ask them to come to the front and talk about the last five wild animals.
Step Eight : Ending the class.
1.T: After watching the program, more people are interested in wild animals.
Show some pictures of some ferocity animals: a tiger, a lion, a bear and a crocodile..
T: How do you feel when you see these pictures? Look at their sharp teeth and paws. ( Teach: dangerous, endangered, in danger)
2.Show some pictures about people killing wild animals. Make the students think about two questions after class:
1)What problems do wild animals have?
2)How can we protect wild animals?

《牛津初中英語》8A Unit 4 Wild animals
1)學習并掌握 ‘if’引導的條件狀語從句。
2)學習并掌握 ‘because’, ‘because of’ 的用法及區(qū)別。
1)能運用 ‘if’引導的條件狀語從句。
2)能運用 ‘because’和‘because of’ 。
Grammar A
Part One Lead-in
In this unit, we learned a report about giant pandas. We know they are very lovely. But they are in danger. They may have many problems in the future.
Do you remember ‘the story of Xi Wang’.
Do you remember what problems they may have in the future?
Yes. If hunters catch a giant panda, they will kill it for its fur.
If farmers cut down trees and forests, giant pandas will have nowhere to live.
If people find baby pandas alone, they will often take them away.
Please remember:
If we do nothing, there will be no giant pandas in the world.
We can also say:
There will be no giant pandas in the world if we do nothing.
Part Two learning for use
Step 1 Presentation
We really need to do something to protect wild animals. Amy also knew a lot about wild animals. Now she is thinking about wild animals. What will Amy do if she sees a snake?Let’s use coditional sentences to talk about the possible result of a possible action.
Step 2 Practice
Now, open your books, turn to page 64, finish Part A1.
Let’s chek the answer.
Then please read Part A1 together.
There will be a class visit to Beijing Zoo next week. Amy is writing a note to tell her parents why she wants to go. Please open your books, turn to page 65, help Amy complete her note. Let’s check the answers.
Part Three Rule out
Well, let’s work out the rule together!
Conditional sentences (條件狀語從句)
(Simple present tense)Main clause
(Simple future tense)
If hunters catch a giant panda,
they will kill it for its fur.
當我們把 ‘if’引導的條件狀語從句放在句子開頭時,我們需要在條件狀語從句后用逗號。假如主句在開頭,則沒有必要加逗號。
We need a _______(comma, full stop) after the ‘if’-clause when it is the first part of a sentence.
e.g. If I go to Beijing Zoo, I will learn a lot about animals.
I will learn a lot about animals if I go to Beijing Zoo.
Part Four Practice
Amy returned home from Beijing Zoo. Her father is asking her some questions about wild animals.
Open your books, turn to page 66, finish Part A3.
Let’s check the answers.

《牛津初中英語》8A Unit 4 Wild animals

學習并掌握 ‘because’, ‘because of’ 的用法及區(qū)別。
能區(qū)分并運用 ‘because’和‘because of’ 。
‘because’和‘because of’ 的區(qū)分。
Grammar B
Part One Lead-in
Now we know the number of giant pandas is getting smaller and smaller. Now let’s learn Grammar B.
Look at these pictures, what are they? Yes. Kangaroo, giant panda, bear, dolphin, tiger, squirrel.
Pleae have a discussion:
Which animal do you like best?
I like … best.
Because I think …
Which animal do you like least?
I like … least.
Because I think …
Part Two learning for use
Step 1 Presentation
We knew that Amy went to Beijing Zoo. Now Daniel is asking her about the visit to the zoo.
You can see four sentences here.
The dolphin show was long. We must protect wild animals.
Wild animals are our friends. I stayed in the zoo for so much time.
We must protect wild animals because wild animals are our friends.
I stayed in the zoo for so much time because the dolphin show was long.
Step 2 Practice
Open your books, turn to page 67. Use ‘because’ to help Amy answer Daniel’s questions. Let’s check the answer.
Amy saw a dolphin show in the zoo. Now she is talking about it. Turn to page 67,
Please work out what she is saying by making sentences using ‘because of’. Let’s check the answer.
Part Three Rule out
We can use ‘because’ to give the reason(s) for something. The word ‘because’ introduces the clause of reason and we usually put it in the middle of a sentence.
我們可以用 ‘because’ 來引導原因狀語從句,一般放在句子的中間。
Main clause‘because’Clause of reason
Xi Wang had to look after herselfbecauseher mother had another baby.
We can also use ‘because of’ to give the reason(s) for something. We use a noun, a noun phrase or a pronoun after ‘because of’.
我們也可以用 ‘because of ’ 來表示原因,后面跟一個名詞短語或代詞。
Main clause‘because of’ Noun (phrase) / pronoun
Giant pandas are in danger ecause ofpeople.
Part Four Practice
一、選用 ‘because’或 ‘because of’ 完成下列句子。
1. I went to school late this morning _________ I got up late.
2. I didn’t go to the zoo last week ____________ bad weather.
3. Daniel wears glasses ___________ too much computer work.
1. I didn’t go hiking because of the heavy rain.
I didn’t go hiking ________ ___ _______ ________.
2. She has poor eyesight because she does too much homework.
She has poor eyesight ________ __ ____ ______ __________.
1. Remember how to use conditional sentences to talk about possible situations.
2. Remember the use of ‘because’ & ‘because of’.
3. Do some additional exercises.
Additional exercises
一、用 ‘because’ 或 ‘because of’ 填空。
1. I didn’t go to the zoo __________ the hot weather.
2. Many animals live in rainforests _______ there is lots of food.
3. Amy run the other way________ she saw a snake.
4. Birds can fly very high __________their wings.
1. 假如我看到前面有一條蛇,我會掉頭就跑。
I ____ ____ ____ ______ ____ if I ____ a snake in front of me.
2. 假如我們保護大熊貓,他們就能生存下去。
___ we _______ giant pandas, they ____ _______.
3. 一些學生不能去看演出因為下周有個考試。 (用 ‘because’ 和‘because of’ )


《牛津初中英語》8A Unit 4 Wild animals Integrated skills
二、教學內(nèi)容: 8A Unit 4 Wild animals
三、課型:Integrated skills
Part One Pre-listening
Step 1 Revision
In this unit, we learned a lot about wild animals.
Please look at this picture. We are very familiar with it. It’s a giant panda..
Please have a free talk about giant pandas. Try to say something about their appearance, ability, character, food and the danger they meet.
Step 2 Presentation
Look at this picture. It’s a tiger. Do you know anything about tigers?
Yes. They have black stripes. Hunters hunt them for their fur ans bones. Because they want to make medicine. (教學生詞stripe, medicine)
This is a wolf. 請同學們注意wolf的復數(shù)wolves。
Can you say something about wolves? Yes. They have good eyesight, hearing and smell. They eat insects, snails and vegetables. They are in danger because they have nowhere to live. Because of the loss of living areas, their number is getting smaller and smaller. (教學生詞 hearing, smell, snails, loss)
Part Two While-listening
Step 1 Presentation
Amy and Millie want to help wild animals. They read a book about animals. 想幫助野生動物。他們看了一本關(guān)于動物的書。Now they are making a conversation. What are they talking about?
Step 2 Read and finish the exercises
Let’s read and listen.
Open your books, turn to page 68, first read the notes about tigers carefully, then listen to the tape, try to complete the fact sheets. 請同學們把書打開,翻倒62頁,仔細閱讀有關(guān)老虎的內(nèi)容,然后聽對話,完成書上的填空。
Let’s check the answers from No1 to No 5
Then read the notes about wolves carefully, listen to the tape, try to complete the fact sheets. 請同學們仔細閱讀有關(guān)狼的內(nèi)容,然后聽對話,完成書上的填空。
Let’s check the answers from No6 to No 12
Part Three Post-listening
Now, we’ve learned a lot about tigers and wolves. 現(xiàn)在我們已經(jīng)了解了許多關(guān)于老虎和狼的知識。
Amy and Millie want to write a letter to the chairperson of the Wild Animals Club. They want to explain why the club should help protect tigers and wolves. Open your books, turn to page 69, Let‘s help Amy and Millie to finish the letter with the information in Part A1 on page 68.
Read the letter together.
Part Four Speak up
Step 1 Preasentation
Now, many people like to wear clothes made of animal fur. They think they look smart and modern on clothes like this. And they think they can keep warm on these clothes.
Step 2 Read and answer
Millie’s Mum like clothes made of anmal fur, too. What about Millie?但米莉的想法是什么呢?
Please listen to the dialogue between Millie and her mum, try to answer the following questions.
1. Why does Millie’s Mum like to wear clothes made of animal fur?
2. What is Millie’s opinion(觀點)?
3. Does Mum agree with Millie at last?
Setp 3 Read and practice
Now, open your books, read the diaolgue, then try to act it out. You can replace the underlined words with your own ideas. 打開書閱讀對話,并表演。同學們可以用自己的想法和觀點來替代劃線部分。 
Making up a new dialogue
A: I don’t think you should …
B: Why? …
A: Many animals lose their lives because …
B: If I …, …
A: If no one …, then …
B: Maybe you are right.

1. Remember the information about tigers and wolves.
2. Recite the dialogue.


《牛津初中英語》8A Unit 4 Wild animals Main task

二、教學內(nèi)容: 8A Unit 4 Wild animals
三、課型:Main task
四、 教學目標
1)能通過 ‘Report: Giant pandas are in danger’的閱讀了解寫大熊貓的五個方面。
2)能從五個方面寫一篇關(guān)于 ‘Report: Animals are in danger’的文章。
Part One Lead- in
Hello, everyone. Today we arre going to learn Unit 4 Main task. 同學們,今天我們將要學習第四單元的中心任務。
In this unit, we learned a lot about wild animals. We knew their appearance, ability, character, and danger they meet. 這一單元我們了解了許多關(guān)于野生動物的知識,我們知道了他們的外貌,能力,性格和他們面臨的危險。
After learning, we should know how to write a report.
First, say something about giant pandas.
Part Two Structure through reading   
Many wild animals are in danger. For example, the giant pandas. So the Wild Animal Club is asking its members to write about this problem for the club newsletter. Here is Millie’s report on giant pandas. Please open your book, turn to page 71, please read it as quickly as you can.
Try to fill in the blanks.
Baby pandasGiant pandas

1 ____________
look like white micebeautiful black and white animals
look like bears

2 ____________quiet and peaceful animals
3 ____________
drinkmum’s milk eat bamboo shoots and leaves

4 ____________
There are only about a thousand giant pandas in the world because their living areas are becoming farmland.
If farmers keep taking the land, they will have nowhere to live.
If people hunt them for their fur, then there will be no giant pandas.

5 ____________Write to newspapers and magazines about the giant pandas in China.
Tell people about the problems.

1. Appearance 2. Character 3. Food 4. Problems 5. Actions
Part Three Outline
After reading Millie’s report, we know that if we want to write a report, we need to collect the information. If Daniel also wants to write a report on bears for the Wild Animal Club, first he needs to collect some information. What kind of information does he need?
How can we write a report on an animal in danger?
Paragraph 1 ? Appearance
Paragraph 2 ? Ability
Paragraph 3 ? Character
Paragraph 4 ? Food
Paragraph 5 ? Danger
Part Four Writing
By the way, Do you know something about bears. I know that they have sharp paws. And they can walk upright. (教學生詞 paw, upright) I think you are interested in bears, let’s know more about bears. Open your books, turn to page 72. please read the notes about bears carefully.
After reading the notes about bears. Please open your books, turn to page 72, help Simon complete the report with the notes in Part B. I think it’s very easy for you to finish it. Now let’s check the answers.
Answers to Part C on page 72
1 Bears 2 big 3 strong 4 small 5 black 6 sharp 7 walk upright 8 swimming 9 climbing trees 10 move 11 daytime 12 seldom 13 fur
14 paws 15 there will be no bears in the world
Read the report together. 請同學們記住每段的內(nèi)容,對我們的寫作非常有用。
Part Five Practice
Please turn to page 68, look at the notes about tigers, try to write a report: Tigers are in danger! You can use the following sentence structures:
Paragraph 1 ? Appearance
Tigers are… They have…
Paragraph 2 ? Ability
Tigers can… They are good at…
Paragraph 3 ? Character
Bears like to…
Paragraph 4 ? Food
Tigers eat …
Paragraph 5 ? Danger
Sadly, …
One Sample:
Report:Tigers are in danger!
Tigers are big and strong. They have bright eyes. They have yellow fur and black stripes. They are beautiful.
Tigers can run very fast. They are good at hunting other animals.
Tigers live as a family until baby tigers are 2-3 years old. They usually live alone.
They eat other animals.
Now tigers are in danger because hunters hunt them for their fur and bones.
We should do something to help them.
1. Read the report on giant pandas several times.
2. Write a report on wild animals in danger.


《牛津初中英語》8A Unit 4 Wild animals Checkout

二、教學內(nèi)容: 8A Unit 4 Wild animals
三、課型:Check out
1.評價學生對條件狀語從句及because和because of的掌握情況.
詞組;see a dolphin show
句型;If we don’t protect giant pandas, they will die.
The wild animals cannot find enough food because of the heavy snow.
Step 1 Revision
1Review something about wild animals using the words and phrases in this unit.
2Ask the students to say something about Xiwang.
Step 2 Presentation
1 Set a time limit for reading the sentences in Part A and for filling the blanks. Ask Ss to complete the task on their own.
2 Ask students to Proceed to Part B after completing Part A.
3 Ss complete Part B on their own and then compare answers in pairs.
Language points (Checkout)

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/60044.html

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