
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
( ) 1.Her friend is _______ honest boy.
A. an B. the C. a D. /
( )2. We were playing football they were dancing in the playground.
A. when B. while C. how D. that
( )3. He always makes me _______. .
A. laughed B. to laugh C. laugh D. laughs
( )4.I spend two hours ___________ TV every evening.
A. watches B. to watch C. watch D. watching
( ) 5. Please help ______ to some fish, Tom.
A. you B. me C. yourselves D. yourself
( )6. He bought a TV. The sentence structure is ________.
A. S+V B. S+V+P C. S+V+IO+DO D. S+V+DO
( )7. Tom and Lily_____ in that English party.
A. enjoy themselves B. enjoyed themselves
C . enjoyed ourselves D. enjoyed yourselves
( )8. Look! They _____ a day out in the classmate..
A. planned B. plan C. are planning D. are planing
( ) 9.The football match was put off _______the heavy rain.
A. because B. if C. so D. because of
( )10. There are almost no trees there. Animals have __________to hide.
A. anywhere B. somewhere C. enough space D. nowhere
( )11. I don’t know if he will come tomorrow . If he _______, I will tell him about it .
A. will come B. comes C. come D. is coming
( ) 12. Everyone should do something ________wild animals.
A. protecting B. to protect C. protect D. to protecting
( ) 13. ?Do you want to go fishing this Sunday?
?Yes, if the weather ________fine.
A. will be B. was C. is D. would be
( ) 14.The old man looks ________. He is looking at his dying dog ___________.
A .sadly; sadly B .sadly; sad C. sad; sad D. sad; sadly
( ) 15. The number of the workers in the factory ________ over 2,200.
A. has B. have C. are D. is
Mrs. White had a lovely cat, and it was the cat’s first winter. One evening, it was cold outside when it began to snow _ 1__. Mrs. White looked everywhere and shouted its name, but she couldn’t __2__ it. So she ___3__ the police and said, “I lost my cat. Did anyone find one?” “No, Madam,” answered the policeman at the other end, “I’ll ring you up if _4 finds it. By the way, _5__is your cat?” “White.” “I think it _6 _ in the snow. But don’t worry. I know cats are really very strong animals. They sometimes live for a few days in the snow, and until it melts(融化) or somebody finds them, they are quite all right.” Mrs. White felt __7__ when she heard this, “Yes, yes, I think you are right,” she said, “and our cat are very clever. She is __8__ than any other cat. She can almost talk.” The policeman was getting rather tired. “Well, then,” He said, “why don’t you __9__ your telephone? Perhaps she is trying to __10 _ you now!”
( )1.A. heavily B. strong C. thick D. heavy
( )2.A. find B. look for C. find out D. found
( )3.A. told B. asked C. called D. spoke
( )4.A.no one B. someone C. someone D. everyone
( )5.A. where B. What colour C. which D. When
( )6.A. may be B. maybe C. be D. may
( )7.A. happy B. sad C. unhappy D. worried
( )8.A. more cleverer B. much cleverer C. clever D. much more clever
( )9.A. write down B. put down C. take down D. sit down
( )10.A. called B. calls C. calling D. call
(航空公司)Flight number Destination
(終點(diǎn))Departure(離開) timeGate
Air Canada137Beijing10.12a.m.24
Japan Airlines320Tokyo10.30a.m.18
British Airways405Paris11.00a.m.20
Pan American226London11.20a.m.12
Pan American 12Beijing11.43a.m.15
Air Canada178Tokyo12.32p.m.21
CAAC289Hong Kong12.32p.m.14
( )1. If you want to fly to Paris, you should take________.
A. Flight 137 B. Flight 320 C. Flight 226 D. Flight 405
( )2. Flight 289 to Hong Kong leaves at_______.
A. 11.43a.m. B. 10.12a.m. C. 10.12a.m. D. 12.32p.m.
( )3. A lady wants to take Flight 12 to Beijing, she should go to Gate________.
A. 15 B. 14 C. 12 D. 18
( )4. Flight 226 to London is from _________.
A. Pan American B. Japan Airlines C. Air Canada D. CAAC
( )5. A man is at Gate 18. He’s going to________.
A. Tokyo B. Hong Kong C. London D. Paris
Jack worked in an office in a small town. One day his boss(老板) said to him, “Jack, I want you to go to London to see Mr. Brown in his office.” Jack went to London by train. He left the station, and thought, “The office isn’t far from the station. I’ll find it easily. But after and hour he was still looking for it, so he stopped and asked an old lady. She said “Just go along the street, turn to the left at the end, and it’s the second building on the right.” Jack went and found it. A few days later he went to the same city to visit the same person. But again he did not find the office, so he asked someone on his way. It was the same lady! She was very surprised and said, “Are you still looking for the place?”
( )6. Where did Jack work?
A. In London. B. in a big factory
C. In a small town D. In the train.
( ) 7. Why did Jack go to the office in London?
A. To see his boos B. To see an old lady.
C. To see Mr. Brown. D. To see an officer.
( ) 8. Where was Mr. Brown’s office?
A. In a small town. B. Far from the station.
C. Far from London. D. In a building.
( ) 9. How did Jack go to London?
A. By plane. B. By bus. C. On foot D. By train
( ) 10. Why was the old lady surprised to see Jack again?
A. Because Jack asked her the same way again.
B. Because Jack was her old friend.
C. Because Jack was her neighbour.
D. Because the old lady thought Jack was still looking for the place.
1. One of the boys__________( do) his homework when I came into the classroom.
2.If it__________(be) sunny tomorrow, I will walk to school .
3.She was singing in the room while her brother __________(watch) TV.
4.We should encourage farmers__________ (leave) the giant pandas more reserves.
5. If you don’t study hard, you ______ (not pass) the exam.
6 .Bad weather can cause ______ (nature) disasters.
7. Birds can find food ___________(容易地)in Zhalong .
8. Many people don't understand the___________(重要性) of the wetland.
make, grow into, encourage us to help, be in danger, be good at,
for the first time, at the beginning, catch the school bus, take away,
1. At the age of 18, he ______ a healthy young man.
2. Tom asked his mother ______ the cake bigger, because he was very hungry.
3. I went to the city ______, so I know nothing about the city.
4. When you ______, please ask the policeman for help.
5. Our English teacher always ______ others.
6. If he gets up early, he ______.
7. It was a great day but we did not enjoy it ______.
8. I don’t think you singing. Please don’t sing any more.
9. Please ______the dirty socks. They smell bad.
1. Go to North Africa, and you will see a lot of camels. (同義句)
If you go to North Africa, ________ see a lot of camels.
2. Their number is getting smaller and smaller because their living areas are becoming smaller and smaller. (對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn))
________ ________ their number getting smaller and smaller?
3. She has to stay in hospital for a month. ( 對(duì)畫線部分提問(wèn))
_________ __________ does she have to stay in hospital?
4 We can travel by underground to the Place Museum. (就劃線部分提問(wèn))
_________ __________ you travel to the Place Museum?
5.He often flies to New York. (改為同意句)
He often go to New York .
1. 在她六個(gè)月大的時(shí)候,她開始吃竹筍和竹葉。
When she was six months old, ,.
This means there will be for wildlife.
There was ______ ______ __________ on the city roads.
Daniel taught himself .
5. 她長(zhǎng)成了一只年輕健康的大熊貓,重35千克
She grew into a healthy young giant panda and
Zhang long is a n 1 reserve in Heilongjiang in North-east China. It is one of the world’s most important w 2 . The area p 3 food and shelter for wildlife. It is an i 4 home for different kinds of plants, fish and birds. Many birds live c 5 in Zhanglong Nature Reserve all year round, while some only stay there for a short time.
九、任務(wù)型(每空1分, 5分)
Hello! I am a 13-year-old Chinese girl and Mary is my English name. I like my school life very much. I am almost1.60 meters tall and I like playing basketball best.
I have got a big family in Shanghai. My parents love me and my mother helps me learn English. I have got a little brother, Daniel and his favorite film is The Lion King. Harry Potter is my favorite. Daniel likes eating ice cream and hamburgers. I like apples very much. I also like green and blue.
This is me. Would you like to make friends with me? We can chat on the line, and my QQ number is 84026412. You also can send me an e-mail to .
My profile簡(jiǎn)介
Country: 1 Age(年齡): 2 __
Birthplace: ShanghaiHeight(身高): Almost 1.60 meters
Family members: My parents ,brother and IFavorite sport: 3 ___
Favorite 4 : Harry PotterFavorite _5___ : apples
Favorite color: green and blueQQ number: 84026412
自2004年起, 我國(guó)加強(qiáng)了對(duì)青少年的思想道德建設(shè),特別規(guī)定了未成年人不準(zhǔn)進(jìn)入網(wǎng)吧,為此眾說(shuō)紛紜。請(qǐng)你根據(jù)提示想同學(xué)們提一些建議,說(shuō)說(shuō)上網(wǎng)的有利因素和不利因素。
要求: 1.條理清楚,意思連貫,語(yǔ)句通順,標(biāo)點(diǎn)正確,書寫清晰規(guī)范。
有利因素1、可以了解更多的知識(shí),開拓視野(open one’s mind)。
建議1、與家長(zhǎng)和老師一起上網(wǎng)(get online)。
( )1. He never tells lies, so he is ____ honest boy. It’s not good to be _____ dishonest one.
A. a , an B. an , a C. /, a D. an ,the
( )2. Let’s enjoy the song “Yesterday once more”. It sounds
A. badB. sadlyC. wellD. wonderful
( )3. __________ nature reserves _________ us learn more about protecting animals.
A. Studying , helpsB Studies , to help
C. Study , helpingD Studying, help
( )4. “X plus Y is more than Fifteen percent.” This sentence can also write as “________”
A. X+ Y>15%B. X+Y≥15%
C. X+Y=15%D. X+Y<15%
( )5. If we keep the land, giant pandas will have to live.
A. to take, anywhereB. taking, anywhere
C. to take, nowhereD. taking, nowhere
( )6. He was all wet when he got home because he his umbrella in the underground.
A. tookB. forgotC. leftD. brought
( )7. I’m very sorry. There’s bread in the fridge. Shall I go and bring some?
A. a fewB. few C. a little D. little
( )8. We must tell hunters wild animals.
A. to continue huntingB. to stop to hunt
C. don’t continue hunting D. not to continue hunting
( )9. There is sheep eating grass there.
A. a little B. little C. a fewD. few
( )10.The old man is sure of living one hundred years.
A. up B. up to C. moreD. older
( )11.The number of pandas is getting ___ because their living areas are becoming farm lands.
A. bigger and biggerB. smaller and smaller
C. more and moreD. less and less
( )12.We go there if it tomorrow.
A. don’t; rainsB. won’t; rains C. won’t; will rain D. don’t; will rain
( )13.I arrived Shanghai the evening of January 2,2009.
A. at, in B. in, atC. in, onD. from, to
( )14.The sentence structure of “The boy is crying.” Is .
( )15.? they are talking to each other!
?Yes. They are really happy to see each other.
A. What excitedB. How excited
C. What excitedlyD. How excitedly
( )16.You can call me 0512-5123467 or email me .
A. on, atB. at, onC. by, onD. on, on
( )17.The park is full of interesting .
A. wildlives, wildlives B. wildlife, wildlife
C. wildlife, wildlives D. wildlives, wildlife
( )18.Our teacher let Simon forget the door.
A. not, to closeB. not to, to close
C. not, closingD. not to, closing
( )19.Don’t worry! The train at 3:30 pm. There is enough time left.
A. leaveB. leavingC. leavesD. left
( )20.We found to sleep.
A. difficult to getB. it difficult getting
C. it difficult to getD. that difficult to get
二. 交際英語(yǔ)。
A. Me, too.
B. Excuse me.
C. And it is too difficult to find a bus or a taxi.
D. Will you please take my car?
E. That’s all right.
A: ____21___ Why are you looking so worried? What’s wrong?
B: I’ll have to reach the airport before 10:30a.m. But you see, this is a small mountain village here. ___22____I don’t know what to do now.
A: Don’t worry, let me help you.____23____.
B: It’s very kind of you. Thank you for your help.
A: ___24___ By the way, what’s your name, please?
B: Jack Cooper.
A: Nice to meet you, Mr. Cooper!
B: ____25____.
A: Come on!
21.________22.________ 23.________ 24.________ 25.________
三. 完形填空。
While Tom and Mary were on holidays at the seaside, they enjoyed ____26___ the seagulls. They ____27___ a lot about these lovely birds.
They will often come close to you on the beach when they are eating something. If you ____28___ a piece of bread to them, they will soon catch it.
Seagulls swim well, but they don’t often dive ____29___ fish. They are also good at flying ____30____ their large wings. When a seagull is flying, he puts his legs in his body.
Tom often watched them ____31___ close to the ground because he liked the way they ____32___ the air with their wings and brought down their feet before they ____33___ the ground.
Mary liked to see them sliding(滑行) over the ____34___ as they often did, without their ____35___ moving. But she said she didn’t like the noise they made.
( )26.A. watchB. to watchC. watchingD. watched
( )27.A. understoodB. learnedC. foundD. thought
( )28.A. throwB. takeC. sendD. pull
( )29.A. ofB. aboveC. for D. into
( )30.A. withB. toC. forD. of
( )31.A. to comeB. cameC. comeD.to coming
( )32.A. helpB. beatC. putD. kept
( )33.A. hitB. arrivedC. gotD. touched
( )34.A. waterB. landC. skyD. ground
( )35.A. eyesB. feet C. legsD. wings
四. 閱讀理解。
Captain Goodfellow
Do your children enjoy interesting stories, funny games, and exciting dances?
Captain Goodfellow will be ready to teach all these things to children at the City Theatre on Saturday morning at 10:00, free.
Films at the Museums
Two American films will be shown on Saturday afternoon at the Museum Theatre. See Broken Window at 1:30. The Workers will be at 3:45. For further information, call 4987898.
International Picnic
Are you tired of eating the same food every day? Come to Central Park on Saturday and enjoy food from all over the world. Delicious and not expensive. Noon to 5:00 p.m.
Take me out to the Ballgame
It’s October, and Saturday night (7:00-9:00) is your last chance to see the Red Birds this year. Get your tickets at the gate. It might be cold. Don’t forget sweaters and Jackets.
Do you want to hear ‘The Zoo’
‘The Zoo’, a popular rock group from Australia, will give their first U. S. concert this Saturday night, at eight in Rose Hall, City College.
( )36. On Saturday morning, you can______.
A. go to watch a ballgame
B. take children to play games at the City Theatre
C. go to the Central Park for a picnic
D. go to the Concert at Rose Hall
( )37. The Red Birds ballgame______.
A. is in the afternoon B. is outside C. is at the gate D. might be cold
( )38. You can eat many different food from all over the world if you _____.
A. go to the City Theatre B. go to the Central Park
C. buy tickets at the gate D. go to see a film
( )39. “The Zoo” is _____.
A. a U. S concert B. a park with many red birds in it
C. a music group D. going to give their last concert
( )40. Mr. Turner wants to have a nice Saturday and have a good rest at night. Which is not possible for him to do?
A. Watching a ball game and having picnic.
B. Having a picnic and seeing a film.
C. Listening to a concert and watching a ballgame.
D. Seeing a film and listening to a concert.
Australia has a lot of lovely animals. You cannot find them anywhere else in the world. The most famous ones are kangaroos and koalas(樹袋熊). The kangaroo is the symbol of Australia. They have large eyes and ears. They don’t walk, they jump. They use their strong back legs. They can jump at up to 74 kilometers per hour. They can go over nine meters in one jump!
Kangaroo mothers have pouches(育兒袋) to carry their babies. The babies stay inside to get milk and keep warm. Kangaroos are everywhere in Australia. They are on TV, in books and in the shops. The government even wants to put them on passports(護(hù)照).
But do you know that millions of kangaroos are killed every year? There are too many of them.
There are about 20 to 25 million kangaroos in Australia. That’s more than the number of people in the country! Some kangaroos go hungry because there is not enough food to eat. They break into farms for food. Farmers are very angry with them. The koala is another famous Australian animal. They look like bears, and have small eyes and big noses. They eat leaves from eucalyptus, where they spend most of their time. Koalas have a special smell. They use it to mark their home?“This is my place, you can’t come in!” Like kangaroos, a koala baby lives in its mother’s pouch. But koalas have fewer places to live in. There are about 100,000 koalas in Australia. There is a law to keep them safe.
( )41. Kangaroos and koalas are the most famous animals in Australia because _______.
A. there are not many of them B. they can’t live in other countries
C. we can’t see them in any other country except Australia
D. they are lovely animals
( )42. Which of the following is WRONG about kangaroos?
A. They can run at up to seventy-eight kilometers per hour.
B. They have large eyes and ears.
C. Kangaroo mothers have pouches to carry their babies.
D. There are many of them in Australia.
( )43. Why does the Australian government kill some kangaroos each year?
A. They can make more money. B. Kangaroos break into farms for food.
C. Kangaroos do not have enough food to eat.
D. There are more kangaroos than people.
( )44. What do koalas use to mark their home?
A Their footprint. B. Their sound. C. Their fur.D. Their smell.
( )45. What is the similarity(相同之處)between a kangaroo and a koala?
A. There are too many of them in Australia.
B. They keep their babies in the mother’s pouch.
D. They can jump very high.
The size and shape of your ears show your character more than any other parts of the face. Other parts of the face change shape as we get older, but ears do not change their shape. They only change in size.
Reading people’s character from their ears is an old science. In very old times people thought that a person with big ears had a good and generous character. They thought that a person with pale (nearly white), small ears was dangerous. They also thought that the shape of the ear showed whether a person was musical or not. Today, too, many people believe that the size and the shape of the ear help you know if a person is musical.
Ears are all different, and each characteristic has a meaning. Next time when you look at a person, see if his ears are large or small. Look at the lobes( the lowest part of the ear). Are they attached(連著) to the face? Ears that are always red mean a person may easily get angry, or he/she just has high blood pressure(高血壓). Ears that are always cold and pale mean a person has a nervous character. And a big inside hole of the ear means a person is musical.
( )46.In the old times people might ask for help from a person with____________.
A. red earsB. big earsC. small earsD. pale ears
( )47. The passage is mainly about ___________.
A. the size of our earsB. musical ears
C. ears which related to charactersD. our faces and ears
( ) 48. From the passage, we know ___________ change shape as we get older.
A. earsB. hairC. eyesD. teeth
( ) 49. We can guess Beethoven may have __________________.
A. pale earsB. white ears
C. small earsD. ears with a big inside hole
( )50. If you are often late for school, you may find the ears of your teacher _________.
A. get biggerB. get smallerC. get colderD. get redder
五. 詞匯應(yīng)用。
A) 根據(jù)首字母或漢語(yǔ)提示,寫出各單詞的正確形式,每空一詞。
51. The Chinese g_______ wants to protect these rare birds.
52. Hundreds of natural d_______ happen every year, such as earthquakes, typhoons.
53. Today more and more people understand the i________ of protecting wild animals.
54. Our teacher often e_______ us to learn English well.
55. I am 1.65m tall. What’s your h_______.
56. People ______ (尖叫) when the earthquake happened.
57. Look! Some children are running in all ________ (方向).
58. He was surprised at my sudden ________ (到達(dá)).
59. Water ________ (覆蓋) most part of the Earth.
60. To take so much food for your trip is ________(不必要的).
B) 根據(jù)句意,用括號(hào)中所給單詞的正確形式填空,每空一詞。
61. We prevented them from ________ (kill) the wild animals.
62. There are many ________(fog) days in London.
63. They were ________ (trap) in the burning hotel.
64. He was quite lucky to stay ________ (live) after the accident.
65. If you still do your homework _________(care), you will lose the exam again.
66. Every year, a large number of ________(tour)come here and visit birds.
67. Nature reserves are used to protect ________ (danger) animals.
68. You need more time to practice ________ (play) the piano.
69. Eddie ________(mop) up the floor from 7:00pm to 7:30pm yesterday.
70. They need some workers ________(build) the tall building.
C) 根據(jù)所給中文,完成句子翻譯,每空一詞。
71. 這車開的太快,撞上了樹。
The car ran too fast and ________ ________ a tree.
72. 人們恐懼地相互看著,不知該怎么辦。
People looked at each other ________ ________ and didn’t know what to do.
73. 每天農(nóng)民們給我們提供大量的蔬菜。
Every day farmers ________ lots of vegetables ________ us.
74. 小明出生時(shí)重4公斤。
Xiao Ming weighed 4 kilos ________ ________.
75. 消防員使我們鎮(zhèn)定下來(lái),因?yàn)槲覀兌及踩恕?br /> The firemen ________ us ________ as we were all safe.
七. 補(bǔ)全短文。根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容及首字母提示,填寫所缺的單詞。
Many people like to watch TV. For some, w________(81) TV is one of the most important a________(82) of the day. TV brings the outside world closer to people’s homes. Some people say the world is now s________ (83) than before because of TV. Perhaps they are right.
What’s h________ (84) in other countries? How do people live in places far a________(85)? Is there a good sports game somewhere? What’s life like in the deepest parts of the sea?
Well, just turn on the TV. Turn it on and watch. You can s________(86) a lot and you can learn a lot. Of course, people can also learn through reading or l________(87) to the radio. But with TV they can learn better and more e________(87). Why? Because they can hear and watch, too.
TV helps to open our e________(89). TV also helps to open our minds. TV often gives us new i________(90). We learn newer and better ways of doing things. TV is a wonderful thing. How can we make better use of it.
九. 書面表達(dá)。
Amy想推薦Sandy為最佳歌手獎(jiǎng)(Best Singer Award),請(qǐng)根據(jù)所給的提示替Amy給Mr. Wu 寫一封推薦信。
1.Sandy 13歲 在八年級(jí)1班
Dear Mr. Wu
I would like to
Yours faithfully
( )1. John arrived _____ London _____ a cold morning.
A. on; at B. at; at C. in; on D. at; in[
( )2. ?How many tourists are there in Yangzhou during the National Day?
? ___________ the tourists is about 2,440,000.
A. A number of B. The number of C. Any number D. Number of
( )3. ?Which do the young people like better, music or sports?
?Both. Music is __________________sports among them.
A. as popular as B. not as popular as
C. more popular than D. less popular than
( )4. ? What did the policeman say to you, Gao Ming?
? He told me ______ my purse in the e-bicycle basket. It’s too dangerous.
A. not putB. to putC. don’t putD. not to put
( )5. The teacher always ______ a smile on her face, so the students never feel_______.
A. puts on; frightened B. wears; frightened
C. puts on; frightening D. wears; frightening
( )6. ? Jimmy, don’t put this pair of trousers on the sofa.
? Sorry, mum. I will _____________ right now.
A. take it way B. take them away C. knock it off D. knock them off
( )7. Of all the story books, I like this one______. It’s not interesting at all.
A. very much B. best C. very less D. least
( )8. Tom is _______ honest boy. We are happy to make friends with him.
A. a B. an C. the D. /
( )9. He looks tired. We’d better make him ____a rest in the room.
A. stop to have B. to stop to have C. stop having D. to stop having
( )10.--- What is your English teacher like? --- ______.
A.She likes fruit and vegetablesB.She is very kind
C.She is fineD.She is 35
( )11.The hair band might ______ Linda, because she has long hair.
A.belongs toB.is belong toC.is belonged toD.belong to
( )12. ______ people came to Jilin to visit Mount Changbai every year.
A.Thousand of B.Thousands C.Thousands ofD.Thousand
( )13. -________ a year do the birdwatchers do a bird count?
-Once a year.
A. How many times B. How long C. How soon D. How often
( )14. Which sentence structure does the following belong to? Sandy bought her a bike.
( )15. Which symbol means “degree”?
A. @ B.∵ C. ° D. %
Most of my day is full of lessons and homework. It is very 16 to find time for myself. But when I get some 17 time, I have many 18 to do, such as sleeping, going to the movies and listening to music.
First, I 19 sleeping very much, When I am at school, I try to make time during my __20 and lunchtime to get a few minutes to sleep. It helps me 21 awake all the way. If I do not get a good sleep, I will be very 22 the next day.
Second, going to the movies can make me relax (放松), When I am 23 , it is 24__ a good idea to go out and watch a movie. Laughing, getting frightened and even 25 are all good ways of relaxing.
Listening to music is my hobby 26 . I think music is very important in everyone’s life. Some parents think listening to music will make their children become 27 students, so they 28 them from listening to it. But I don’t think so. When I am in a bad mood (心情), music can 29 me quiet.
30 hobbies, there will be no colour in my life, I will keep my hobbies forever.
( )16. A. important B. hard C. useful D. interesting
( )17. A. free B. busy C. more D. special
( )18. A. subjects B. competitions C. activities D. clubs
( )19. A. finish B. practise C. like D. dislike
( )20. A. classes B. lessons C. breaks D. reading weeks
( )21. A. stay B. mean C. become D. have
( )22. A. sad B. easy C. tired D. useless
( )23. A. boring B. bored C. unpopular D. uninteresting
( )24. A. never B. always C. seldom D. sometimes
( )25. A. eating B. drinking C. believing D. crying
( )26. A. as usual B. at least C. as well D. at present
( )27. A. best B. top C. poor D. rich
( )28. A. ask B. solve C. stop D. help
( )29. A. make B. study C. become D. agree
( )30. A. With B. Without C. In D. For
( )31. We can see this ad_________.
A. at a cafe B. at a library C. at school D. at home
( )32. We can go for lunch at _______on Monday.
A. 10:30 B. 11:45 C. 12:30 D. 14:30
( )33. Mrs. Zhou will spend ________if she goes for dinner on Friday.
A.$6 B.$7 C.$11 D.$12
( )34. Mr. Brown and his 8-year-old son had to pay _______for dinner last Sunday.
A.$7 B.$11 C. $12 D. $17
( )35. You can ________according to the ad.
A. take away the food in one box for 8 dollars
B. enjoy all you can eat and barbecue
C. get a free bottle of wine with your friend
D. call the Chinese Café at 9651 4655
According to a new survey(調(diào)查), student safety has become a big problem. Nearly 50% of students say they are worried about robbery(搶劫) on the way to and from school. Now in many big cities in China, some schools have taught an unusual lesson: self-protection. Students like this lesson because there are no exams or boring classes. And they can learn how to save lives and know how to stop danger before it really happens. Chen Haoyu, a teacher at Beijing No. 25 Middle School, gives young students advice on how to deal with danger.
If you are robbed
Keep calm. If you cannot cry for help or run away, give the robber your money. Try to remember what the robber looks like and tell the police later.
If you are in a traffic accident
If a car hurts you. you should remember the car number. If it is a bicycle, try to call your parents before you let the rider go. This is because you don’t know how seriously you are hurt.
If it is raining hard and there is lightning(閃電)
Don’t stay in high places and stay away from trees.
When there is a fire
Get away as fast as you can. Put wet things on your body and try to find an exit. Do not take the lift.
If someone is drowning(溺水)
If you can’t swim, don’t get into the water. Cry out for help.
Remember that danger is never as far away as you think. Take care of yourself at all times!
( )36. Why do students like the self-protection lesson?
①Because there are no tests.
②Because the lesson is boring.
③Because they can learn how to save lives.
④Because they know how to stop danger before it happens.
A.①② B. ②③ C. ①②④ D. ①③④
( )37. What will you do if a bicycle hurts you?
A. I will remember the bicycle number.
B. I won’t let the rider go until I call my parents.
C. I will let the rider go before I call my parents.
D. I will let the rider go because I know how seriously I am hurt.
( )38. If your house is on fire, you must ________.
A. put dry things on your body
B. run quickly and take the lift
C. run away and find an exit as quickly as you can
D. take everything you have and then run away
( )39. There are_________ ways of self?protection mentioned in the passage.
A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6
( )40. The best title for this passage is_________.
A. How to Keep Ca1m B. Self-protection C. An Unusual 1esson D. Danger
Jack is a twenty-year-old young man. Two years ago, when he finished middle school, he found work in a shop. Usually he works until ten o’clock in the evening. He is very tired when he gets home. After a quick supper he goes to bed and soon falls asleep. His grandma who lives downstairs is pleased with him. One day, on his way home, he met his friend Mary. They were both happy. He asked the girl to his house, and she agreed happily. He bought some fruit and drinks for her. And they talked about their school, teachers, classmates and their future. They talked for a long time.
“Have a look at your watch, please,” said the girl. “What time is it now?”
“Sorry, something is wrong with my watch,” said Jack. “Where’s yours?”
“I left it at home.”
Jack thought for a moment and found a way. He began to stamp his foot on the floor, “Bang! Bang! Bang!” The sound woke his grandma up. The old woman shouted downstairs, “It’s twelve o’clock in the night, Jack. Why are you still jumping upstairs?”
( )41. Jack was ________ when he finished middle school.
A. sixteen B. eighteen C. twenty D. fifteen
( )42. The old woman is satisfied with Jack because ________.
A. he’s her grandson B. he’s clever
C. he can keep quiet D. he gets home on time
( )43. From the story, we can know that Mary is Jack’s ________.
A. classmate B. colleague (同事) C. aunt D. wife
( )44. The word “stamp” in the story means ______ in Chinese.
A. 蓋印 B. 跺 C. 貼郵票 D. 承認(rèn)
( )45. Jack stamped his foot on the floor in order to (為了) ________.
A. wake his grandma up B. make his grandma angry
C. let his grandma tell him the time D. let his grandma buy him a watch
46. The government encourages the workers __________(start) businesses on their own.
47. Some wild animals may die soon because of the ________ (lose) of their homes.
48. I’m so weak that it’s difficult for me to climb to the __________(12) floor without a lift.
49. Bad weather sometimes causes ___________ (nature) disasters.
50. After the earthquake, some social workers were busy giving out food and clean_____ (drink) water to the local people.
51. Most of us feel ___________(terrible) cold in such terrible weather.
52. While the students __________(study) carefully, their teacher walked into the classroom quietly.
53. The radio says that it will be much _________(fog) tomorrow.
54. The farmers ___________(destroy) the forests to build roads last year, so the wolves didn’t have suitable homes to live in.
55. A large number of farmers moved to the ___________(south)cities to find jobs in the 1980s, and now most of them are living a better life.
56. Parents should teach their children to learn to protect _________(they) when they are very young.
57. -Were you searching the Internet when I saw you in the computer room yesterday?
-No, I ___________(plan)a trip to Tangshan with Daniel.
58. The climbers _________(trap) on the top of the mountain last night. Luckily, some tourists found them and saved them this morning.
59. Mrs Su _________(hurt)her left leg but her husband wasn’t hurt at all.
60. You’ll be __________(welcome)if you drop litter in nature reserves carelessly.
環(huán)保問(wèn)題是一個(gè)很嚴(yán)肅的話題,請(qǐng)根據(jù)以下提示要點(diǎn)寫一篇以“How to protect wild animals”為題的文章。字?jǐn)?shù)不少于80字。
1. Tina 是一個(gè)動(dòng)物愛(ài)好者,她認(rèn)為研究扎龍有助于人們了解保護(hù)野生動(dòng)物。
2. Tina 最喜愛(ài)的動(dòng)物是黑白相間的大熊貓。但小熊貓出生時(shí)只稱大約100克,每天喝母乳長(zhǎng)達(dá)14小時(shí),20個(gè)月大時(shí)就只得照顧自己了。令人難過(guò)的是,大熊貓?jiān)谝巴怆y以生存。
3. 由于人們不停地砍伐樹木、占用土地,野生動(dòng)物的數(shù)目越來(lái)越少。
4. 你認(rèn)為我們應(yīng)該采取哪些措施(至少3種)來(lái)為瀕臨滅絕的野生動(dòng)物提供一個(gè)理想家園呢?
二. 單項(xiàng)
( ) 16._________ number of the South China tigers living in forests is no more than 20 . But there are _______ number of them living in zoos.
A. A ; A B.The ; a C. A ; the D. The ; the
( ) 17. --- I hear we will have three days ________ this week .
--- Really ? That’s too good to be true .
A. away B. off C. out D. in
( )18. How_____ those boys are singing! They are all very______.
A. happily; happy B. happy; happy
C. happy; happily D. happily; happily
( )19. Father told me_____ football in the street.
A. not play B. not to play C. not playing D. to not playing
( ) 20. We’ll stay at home and watch TV if it______ tomorrow.
A. won’t be fine B. doesn’t fine C. isn’t fine D. won’t fine
( )21. X plus Y is more than Fifteen percent.”
This sentence can also write as “________”
A. X+ Y>15% B. X+Y≥15%
C. X+Y=15% D. X+Y<15%
( )22. Trees can prevent water from _________ away the earth ?
A. washing B.cutting C.blowing D. sweeping
( )23. ---Did you watch “the Voice of China ” yesterday evening ?
---- No , I didn’t . I fell asleep _______ I was sitting on the sofa.
A. after B.before C.while D.until
( )24. The trip from Kitty’s school ____ about two hours by coach.
A. spentB. paidC. costD. took
( )25. It was a great day ____ we did not enjoy it at the beginning.
A. andB. butC. orD. then
( )26. The _______ of living areas makes wild animals become fewer than before.
A. loss B. lost C. losing D. lose
( )27. The sentence structure(結(jié)構(gòu)) of “ My mum bought me a gift .” is ____________.
A. S+V+P B.S+V+DO+ OC C. S + V +IO +DO D.S +V+DO
( )28. ---Dad , what does “etc .” mean in the sentence “
It includes rain , snow , fog , etc .”
--- It means “___________”
A.and the rest B. instead of C. for example D. more than
( )29.---Why does Tom look so tired these days ?
---He can’t sleep well _______ worrying too much about the coming exam.
A. because B.while C. instead of D. because of
( )30.Which subject are you _______ in at school?
A.interest B.interesting C.interested D.interests
After the earthquake took place(發(fā)生), I found 1 in the dark. I couldn’t move. The bottom(底部) parts of 2 my legs and my feet were hurting 3 . All around me was quiet. But below me I could hear shouts and a lot of noise. Then I remembered 4 had happened, I had been in an earthquake.
For about two hours nobody came. 5 I could reach the bag of apples, so at least I had much to eat. Then I heard people 6 to me. A team of people had come to see 7 anyone was under the broken road. I called out“I’m here!”I heard a shout. Soon a stranger climbed to the bridge near my car.” How are you doing?” he asked. “Not too bad,” I said .“but my feet and legs feel 8 they’re broken’’,“we’ll do our best 9 you out of there,”he said. They didn’t get me out 10 the next morning. I had been in my car for fourteen hours.
( )31. A. me B. mine C. him D. myself
( )32. A. other B. either C. both D. all
( )33. A. well B. bad C. better D. badly
( )34. A. what B. how C. when D. why
( )35. A. Quickly B. Quietly C. Luckily D. Sadly
( )36. A. running B. walking C. climbing D. going
( ) 37. A. how B. if C. where D. why
( ) 38. A. which B. because C. as if D. when
( ) 39. A. to look B. to take C. to put D. to get
( ) 40. A. that B. until C. since D. as
四、閱讀理解 閱讀下列短文,從題中所給的A, B, C, D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳答 案。
Study Books (學(xué)習(xí)類書籍)
Learning How to Learn $ 24.99
Children who read this book show great interest in study , Many pictures will help understand it easily and quickly.
Basic Study Mannel $ 38.50
Read this book and learn:
What the three barriers to study are and what to do about them.
What to do if you are fed up with a subject. Children read it to improve the ability to study.
How to Use a Dictionary Picture Book for Children $35.00
Read this book and learn:
How to find words in a dictionary.
What the different marks in a dictionary mean.
How to use a dictionary to pronounce words correctly . Buy this book and help children unlock their education . What’s more , you’ll just pay 50% for it before Julu 1, 2006.
( ) 41.According to the ads , these three books are for __________.
A.men B.parents C.children D. women
( ) 42.Many pictures in the book “Learning How to Learn ” can ____________.
A.make the book beautiful B. make children draw beautifully
C.make the book sell well D. make children understand the book easily
( ) 43.“__________” can tell you the meaning of the different marks in a dictionary.
A. Learning How to Learn B Study Skills for Learning
C.Basic Study Manual D. How to Use a Dictionary Picture Book for Children.
( ) 44. If you buy the three books on June 18 , 2006 ,
you will have to pay __________for them.
A.$98.49 B.$49.25 C.$ 80.99 D.$ 79.24
( ) 45.The purpose (目的) of the passage is to _____ _________.
A. sell the three books to children . B. help children learn English .
C. help children learn about nature D.use a dictionary to pronounce correctly
In the United States, children between the ages of five and sixteen are required(要求)to attend school(go to school).In Australia children between the ages of six and fifteen are required to attend school with the exception of Tasmania. In Tasmania children attend school until the age of sixteen. Kindergarten is required in the United States, but not in Australia.
Australia’s four-term school year begins in February with a two-week holiday between terms. The fourth and last term ends on December 20.The Christmas holiday is also with the end of school and the beginning of the summer vacation(holidays).The students return to school in February. In the United States, children have their summer vacation from June until August.
Australia’s primary or elementary school includes grades one through to six. Secondary school consists of grade seven through to twelve. All secondary students wear uniforms to school. Students in public schools in the United States do not wear uniforms at school.
Students in the United States eat a hot lunch at school. Australian students do not.
In Australia large schools are found in cities along the coast. The small schools are located farther out in the countryside. A teacher in the country may teach all grades, with only one or two students in a grade. Students living far from the city attend “Schools of the Air”.
They listen to the teacher on the radio each day when it’s time for school. Students have their own books. They answer questions over the microphone, The teacher asks them to do some homework. The completed homework is mailed to the teacher. It is discussed over the microphone, corrected and mailed back. In the United States some children attend school at home. Their parents are their teachers!
( ) 46. How old are the students in Australia at school?
A. Between the ages of five and sixteen.
B. Between the ages of six and fifteen.
C. Between the ages of seven and fourteen.
D. Between nine and eighteen
( ) 47. Who attends school at age of 16?
A. The children in the USA. B. The children in England.
C. The children in Tasmania. D. The children in Canada.
( ) 48. How many grades are there in Australian schools?
A. 12 grades B. 9 grades. C. 10 grades 14 grades.
( ) 49. Who doesn’t wear uniforms at school?
A. Students in Australia’s Secondary school.
B. Students in England
C. Students in the USA.
D. Students in public schools in the USA
( )50.Where can you find large schools?
A. In the countryside. B. In cities along the coast in Australia.
C. In the city. D. At home.
A kind of little cars may some day take the place of today’s ones. If everyone drives such cars in the future, there will be less pollution in the air. There will also be more space for parking cars in cities, and the streets will be less crowded. Three such cars can fit in the space now needed for one car of the usual size.
The little cars will cost much less to own and to drive. Driving will be safer, too, as these little cars can go only 65 kilometers an hour.
The cars of the future will be fine for getting around a city, but they will not be useful for long trips. Little cars will go 450 kilometers before needing to stop for more gasoline. (汽油)
If big cars are still used along with the small ones, two sets of roads will be needed in the future. Some roads will be used for the big, fast cars and other roads will be needed for the slower small ones.
( )51. There is much pollution in the air today because ____.
A. people drive big carsB. people drive little cars
C. the cars go 65 kilometers an hourD. the cars can go 450 kilometers an hour
( )52. The usual size of cars today is ____ that of the future cars.
A. much smaller thanB. much the same as
C. three times as large asD. a little larger than
( )53. Which of the following is not true?
A.Big cars cost more to own and to drive.
B.Big cars are not useful for long trips.
C.The cars of the future will be smaller than today’s cars.
D.Small cars are slower than big ones
( )54.. The street will be less crowded because ____.
A. there will be fewer cars in the future.
B. there will be fewer passengers in the street
C. driving future cars will be safe
D. future cars will be much smaller
( )55. Two sets of roads may be needed in the future because ____.
A. there will be too many cars in the future
B. more and more people will get around a city
C. big cars and little cars may be used along with each other
D. it looks more beautiful to have two sets of roads
五. 詞匯:
A) -56. --What’s wrong with you ?
--- Nothing s_________ (嚴(yán)重的) . I had a cold .
57.There is a _________(麻雀) in the tree .
58.Why are the students so _________(吵鬧) in the classroom.
59._________(既然) there was no bus , they had to walk home .
60. The __________(封面) of the those books are very beautiful.
61. Alan is very smart and can always answer questions ________. (correct)
62. Peter is very helpful and friendly. He is one of the ________ boys in our class. (nice)
63. ________, the other climbers helped Simon to come down. (luck)
64. Many people all over the world do not understand the ________ of wetlands for birds in the nature reserve. (important)
65. If a bear is in danger, it attacks. So it is very ________ now. (danger)
B) 根據(jù)首字母提示完成下列短文中所的單詞.
As we all know, natural (66)d ________ are dangerous . When it is hot and dry in summer , the trees are easy to (67)c_________ fire . In winter , it snows heavily , the snow will (68)c _________ everything . And people may be (69)t________ in deep snow and can’t move forward , While traffic (70)a________ are also very dangerous . There are (71)t _______ many accidents in cities . Accidents often happen when people (72)c________ the road not (73)c _________. So you must be careful when you walk across the road . or a car will (74)h_______ you . Nobody wants to be (75)h________ by cars . Don’t you think so ?
At last , be trapped, because ,turn off, calm down ,get on ,
in all directions ,be snowy , make excuses , in a hurry
76.His eyes are red _________ he cried just now
77. We __________ a bus and went to his home for dinner.
78. The weather __________ yesterday . So we didn’t go out .
79. Please don’t ________ the lights . It’s too dark here.
80. They tried to run away but ___________ we caught them.
81. We should _________ When an earthquake happens .
82. Stop _________! I don’t believe you any more.
83. Timmy _________ in a dark place when the earthquake stopped.
84. There was a fire in that building . People__________. ran to put it out
85.My grandfather was suddenly ill , so we took him to the hospital .
七. 任務(wù)性閱讀.
With the emphasis(強(qiáng)調(diào)) of education for all ? around development , homework is still necessary for students to take home.
Students can benefit(受益) from homework in many ways . To begin with , students have to review what they have learned in class in order to do their homework . This gives them the chance to see if they have understood everything the teacher has taught , It can also help them get the avility to work on their own when they do their homework at home and not depend on (依靠) teachers and classmates for help .
However , there are also disadvantages (不利因素) to do homework . Firstly , too much homework needs a lot of time and energy , so students have no time for their favorite hobbies and activities . What is worse , many students complain (抱怨) that homework is boring because they have to do the same things again and again.
根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容, 補(bǔ)全表格中所缺的信息(每空一詞)
Make the students actively review what they have learned in class.So much homework needs lots of time and energy.
Give students the 86._______ to see if they have understood everything the teacher has taught.Students have no time for their 89._________ hobbies and activities.
Help students get the ability to work 87._______ 88._____________Many students may get bored with homework.
Students have to repeat the 90.________ things day after day
86.___________ 87.___________ 88.___________ 89.__________ 90.______________
91. 他們匆忙的搬離磚塊和石頭.
92. 溫度將會(huì)下降到零下5度!
94.令人傷心的是, 熊貓?jiān)谝巴馍媸呛芤螂y的。
九 .寫作.
假如你是校報(bào)記者,請(qǐng)根據(jù)以下內(nèi)容寫一篇關(guān)于四川省(privence) 汶川地震的報(bào)道.(20分)
發(fā)生的地點(diǎn)四川省(province) 汶川
后果死亡人數(shù): 79000 人, 受傷人數(shù): 340000 人
救災(zāi)情況士兵和當(dāng)?shù)厝罕娙葹?zāi), 全國(guó)人民以不同的方式幫助了他們, 如捐食物 ,水 ,錢等等….
四、 was doing is was doing to leave natural easily importance
五、grew into to make for the first time are in danger encourages us to help
will catch the school bus at the beginning are good at take away
六、you will what is How long How can by plane
七、She started to eat bamboo shoots and leaves
Less and less space
Too much traffic
how to make a home page
weighed 35 kilograms
八、natural wetlands provides ideal comfortably
九、China 13 basketball film fruit
1-5 BDAAD 6-10 CDDAB 11-15 BBCAD 16-20 ABACC
二. 交際英語(yǔ)。(5分)
21-25 BCDEA
三. 完形填空。(10分)
26-30 C B A CA 31-35 C B D A D
四. 閱讀理解。(每空2分,共30分)、
(A )36-40 BBBCC (B) 41-45 CABDB (C). 46-50 BCCDD
五. 詞匯。
A)51. government52. disasters53. importance54. encourages
55. height56. screamed57. directions58. arrival
59. covers60. unnecessary
B)61. killing 62. foggy63. trapped64. alive
65. carelessly66.tourists67. endangered68. playing
69. was mopping70. to build
C) 71. crashed into72. in fear73. provide for74. at birth
75. calmed down
六. 任務(wù)型閱讀。(5分)
76.No, it isn't. 77. Yes, they are. 78. Because they can hear things and feel things.
79. No, it can't. 80. Its legs.
七. 補(bǔ)全短文。(10分)
81. watching82. activities83. smaller84. happening85 away
86. see87. listening88. easily89. eyes/eyesight
90. ideas/information
16-20BACCC 21-25ACBBD 26-30CCCAB
31-35ACDDB 36-40DBCCB 41-45BCABC
46.to start 47.loss 48.twelfth 49.natural 50.drinking 51.terrible
52.were studing 53.fog 54.destroyde 55. southern 56. themselves
57. was planning 58. were trapped 59. hurt 60. welcome
61.Thank you for agreeing to let me go on the trip.
62.Sadly,it is difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild.
63.If no one buys furs, then people won’t kill wild animals any more.
64.The reserve has an area of more than 210,000 hectares.
65.I thought somebody could hear me but no one came for a very long time.
二:?jiǎn)雾?xiàng)。16-20 BBABC 21-25 AACDB 26-30 ACADC
三:完型填空題。31--35 DCDAC 36-40 CBCDB
四:閱讀理解。41?45 CDDCA 46-50 B C A D B 51-55 A C B D C
1) 56. serious 57. sparrow 58. noisy 59. since 60. covers
61.correctly 62.nicest 63. luckily 64.imporance 65. dangerous
2) 66.disasters 67. catch 68. cover 69. trapped 70.accidents
71.too 72.cross 73.carefully 74.hit 75.hurt
76.because 77. got on 78. was snowy 79. turn off
80. at last 81. calm down 82. making excuses 83. was trapped
84. in all directions 85. in a hurry
七:任務(wù)型閱讀。 86.Chance 87. by 88. themselves 89. favorite 90. same
91.They were in a great hurry to move away the stones and bricks ..
92. The temperature will drop to -5℃.
93.If farmers cut down forests , giant pandas will have nowhere to live..
94. Sadly , it is very difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild ..
95.The area provides food and shelter for wildlife .

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/61260.html
