
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)
M 2014年八年級英語下冊期末復習訓練題
1. How are you _________________(do)? Very well, thank you.
2. The Sound of Music is one of my favorite _________________ (movie).
3. They went to buy ticket to the Sound of Music, but there was none _________________ (leave).
4. --What’s the matter with Mr. Lee? He ___________________ (seem) a little _______________(happy).
-- He couldn’t get the ticket to the film.
5. ?What do you like _______________ (well)? -- Beijing Opera is my favourite.
6. Lily got lost and everyone seemed ________________ (worry) about her.
7. His father bought him a new bike. He was very __________________ ( please) with it.
8. I hope everything _______________(go) well.
9. You can phone Mr. Lee and tell him _____________ (go) to the movies with us.
10. How much ____________ a ticket ________________ (cost)? 40 Yuan.
11. The Sound of Music is one of _________________________ (popular) movies in the USA.
12. The father was lonely and became angry because of the ________________ (noise) children.
13. Maria taught them ___________________ (sing) lively songs .
14. Beijing Opera used to ___________________(be) popular with old people.
15. More and more young people and even some foreigners are becoming __________________(interest) in Beijing Opera nowadays.
16. In the end they found a way _________________ (make) peace with each other.
17. There are four main ____________ (role) in Beijing Opera: Shen, Dan, Jing and Chou.
18. She is crying in the bathroom because she did _____________ (well) in the exam.
19. She feel very lonely because she has no friends _______________ (talk) with.
20. She is very strict with ___________________(she).
21. I’m feeling really sad because I ________________ (fail) the English exam.
22. Why not _____________ (talk) to others when you feel sad?
23. I don’t know how ___________________ ( talk) with others about my problems.
24. I’m sure she would like to ______________ (be) your friends.
25. Li Hong wants ____________________ (make) friends with Helen.
26. Doctor Chen, would you please ________ (talk) about this problem and give your ___________ (suggestion)?
27. Several months ago, I was a ________________ (strange) here.
28. I couldn’t slee as _____________ (good) as usual.
29. My classmates all accept me now and I live as ______________ as before.( happy )
30. Do you have any difficulty ___________________ (talk) with you parents?
31. The girl is afraid of ________________ (speak) in public because she is too shy.
32. It is useless _____________(be) angry.
33. _____________________ (follow) the doctor’s advice and you will get well soon.
34. Maybe I have SARS. It makes me feel nervous. I think I am ______________ (die).
35. I am so sorry about your ______________ (ill).
36. I can bring you some _______________ (excite) CDs and DVDs. They may cheer you up.
37. I’m afraid we have to go now. Please take ________________ (well) care of yourself.
38. Let’s give Michael a ___________________ (surprise). We can put on a short play.
39. I saw a snake _________________ (lie) on the road on my way home.
40. The moon sometimes makes me __________( feel ) happy and sometimes makes me ___________ (sadness).
41. The moon is so round and bright. But I can’t get together with my family. I feel very ____________ (alone) and my eyes are ______________ ( fill) with _____________ (tear).
42. At night, it is too noisy for me _______________ ( fall) asleep.
43. When the sun shines _________________ (bright), I feel happy again.
44. Wearing red often ______________ (make) me active and ____________ (give) me more energy.
45. It will help you _______________ (bring) back a sense of ________________ (happy)
46. I have some exciting news ______________ (tell) you. For our spring field trip, we’re going on a __________________ ( three days) visit to Mount Tai.
47. It will take us a few days ______________ (get) there by bike.
48. How shall we get to Mount Tai? Let’s make the __________________ (deside) together.
49. The train _______________ (leave) at 11:45 a.m. and __________________ (arrive) at Taishan Railway Station at 6:44 p.m..
50. How many standard ________________ (room) do you want to book?
51. It is very common _________________ (raise) money in Canadian and American schools.
52. Miss Wang told us _________________ (not ask) our parents for money.
53. Spring is the best time ________________ (climb) Mount Tai.
54. Our plane __________ (leave) Bijing at 7:30 a.m. and landed ___________ (safe) in Japan after three hours.
55. When we got to the top of Mount Fuji, it was ___________________ (snow).
56. I am looking forward to _____________________ (hear ) from you soon.
57. As soon as we arrived at Mount Tai, we ________________ (begin) to climb.
58. Glad __________________ ( receive ) your postcard.
59. While you _________________ (enjoy) your trip, I was busy __________________ (prepair) for my exams.
60. My friend from San Francisco, is __________________ (come) to visit me.
61. When my friend ______________ (arrive), I’d like you to meet him.
62. Would you help me make a plan _____________________ (explore ) Beijing?
63. How about ___________________ (explore) the Ming Tombs?
64.Darren was ___________________ (read) a story book when Michael came in.
65. The Stone Arch marks the ____________________ (begin) of the Sacred way to the Tombs.
66. On both _______________ (side) fo the way, there are some stone _______________ (animal).
67. He _______________________ (not raise) his head until someone called him.
68. In the old _______________ (day), even officials had to get off hteir hourses to walk.
69. A guard came and shouted at us to get off the Dragon. We all felt ___________________ (frighten).
70. While we were having fun _______________ (explore), I realized Darren was _______________ (lose).
71. When I first arrived , I was afraid of _________________(ride) my bike anywhere.
72. If everyone _____________ (obey) the traffic rules, there _______________ (be) fewer accidents.
73. When traffic accidents do happen, they can bring us _______________ (sad) and _____________ (die).
74. To avoid ____________(hit ) the truck, the young man ran into the wall.
75. The bicycle accident happened, because the young man on the bicycle was very ______________ ( care).
76. Most people think bicycles are much _____________ (safe) than other vehicles.
77. If we break the traffic rules, we may get a fine and even be in ________________ (danger).
78. Cars often cost several ________________( time) as much as bicycles.
79. He went on ___________ (win) the Tour de France from 2000 till 2004.
80. It is certain that Lance Armstrong is the ______________ (great) cyclist in the world.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/61928.html
