
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)
1. 知識目標:
2. 能力目標:
3. 情感目標:
重點:單詞fewer, alone, dress;
短語 fall in love with, be able to, come true, hundreds of;
句型1. Will people use money in 100 years?
2. I don’t agree.
語法 一般將來時
◎ fewer
【例句】Fewer people write with their left hands. 較少有人用左手寫字。
【考查點】few, a few, little, a little的用法區(qū)別
few和 little在用作形容詞時,表示否定意義,意為“很少;幾乎沒有”。
few 與可數(shù)名詞連用;little與不可數(shù)名詞連用。例如:
She has very few friends. 她沒有幾個朋友。
We got little help from them. 我們沒有從他們那兒得到什么幫助。
a few 和a little表示肯定意義,意為“幾個;一點兒”。例如:
He’s going to buy a few books. 他打算買幾本書。
There is still a little bread on the plate. 盤子里還有一點兒面包。
If there are people driving, there will be air pollution.
A. less; less B. less; fewer
C. fewer; fewer D. fewer; less
解題思路:本題考查less和fewer的用法區(qū)別。句意為“如果有更少的人開車,那么將有更少的空氣污染”。less為little的比較級,修飾不可數(shù)名詞;fewer為few的比較級,修飾可數(shù)名詞。people 為集體名詞,pollution為不可數(shù)名詞,故選D。
◎ alone
【例句】1. He watches TV when he is alone. 獨自一人時,他便看電視。(作表語)
2. Leave him alone! 別管他。ㄗ髻e語補足語)
3. She went home alone. 她獨自回家去了。(作副詞)
【考查點】alone 與lonely的用法區(qū)別
1. Most of the time we’re together, so we never feel lonely. 大部分時間我們都在一起,因此我們從未感到寂寞。(lonely作feel的表語)
2. There wasn’t anyone else on this lonely island. 在這個荒島上沒有別的人了。(lonely作island的定語)
3. I was alone, but I did not feel lonely. 我雖然孤單,但我并不感到寂寞。
The little boy was afraid of staying in the house.
A. alone, alone B. lonely, lonely
C. alone, lonely D. lonely, alone
◎ dress
【例句】Do we have to dress for the party? 我們參加聚會一定要打扮嗎?
【例句】She dressed the child. 她給那個孩子穿衣服。
【例句】She wears a red dress. 她穿了一條紅色連衣裙。
wear 是“穿著”,“戴著”的意思,可用于穿衣、穿鞋、戴帽子,戴手套、佩戴首飾等,強調(diào)“穿”、“戴”的狀態(tài)。
put on著重于“穿”這一動作,即由沒穿到穿這一過程的完成,意為“穿上”。其反義詞是take off。
have on 和“be in+顏色”也是“穿著”的意思,都指穿的狀態(tài),have on不用于進行時態(tài),它相當于be wearing。
1. ?Can you your little brother? I’m busy now.
?OK. I’ll do it right now.
A. wear B. put on
C. dress D. in
2. Look at the girl. She looks beautiful. She is a red coat.
A. having on B. wearing
C. dressing D. putting on
解題思路:句意為“看那個女孩。她看上去很漂亮。她穿著一件紅色的外套!北绢}強調(diào)“穿”的狀態(tài)。A. have on沒有進行時;C. dress的賓語不能是表示衣服的名詞;D. put on 強調(diào)的是“穿”的動作,而不是狀態(tài)。因此選B。
1. The writer lives , but he doesn’t feel .
A. alone; alone B. alone; lonely
C. lonely; alone D. lonely; lonely
2. The girl is quiet. She always likes to .
A. alone B. be alone
C. lonely D. being lonely
3. It is very cold. You’d better your coat now.
A. dress B. put on
C. be in D. wear
4. She got out of the bed and herself quickly.
A. dressed B. put on
C. wear D. dress
根據(jù)句意,選擇more, less或fewer
5. Our city will become more beautiful. I think there will be tall buildings
and pollution in it.
6. If we have robots, we can finish the work with people and time.
◎ fall in love with
【例句】1. The little girl fell in love with a doll. 那個小女孩喜歡上了一個洋娃娃。
2. They two fell in love with each other at the first sight. 他們兩人一見鐘情。
【易錯點】fall 的過去式是fell,容易和feel 混淆。
Jenny (愛上)Shanghai when she visited it for the first time.
答案:fell in love with
解題思路:fall in love with為“愛上”,根據(jù)后句的visited判斷要用一般過去時。
◎ be able to
【用法】be able to 意為“能;能夠”,后面接動詞原形。be able to 有時相當于can,兩者可互換。
【例句】Tom can / is able to swim. 湯姆會游泳。
【考查點】be able to 與can的用法區(qū)別
1. can沒有人稱和數(shù)的變化,后接動詞原形。在時態(tài)方面,只有一般現(xiàn)在時can和一般過去時could兩種形式。例如:
I can swim. 我能游泳。
She could swim when she was five years old. 當她五歲時,她就會游泳了。
2. be able to do sth中的be動詞根據(jù)主語、時態(tài)的不同有am, is, are, was, were, will be 等形式。例如:
Will you be able to come this evening? 今晚你能來嗎?
No one was able to answer this question. 沒有一個人能回答這個問題。
【易錯點】be able to中be的變化
She said that she could help him. (同義句轉(zhuǎn)換,每空一詞)
She said that she help him.
答案:was able to
解題思路:can 和be able to是同義表達,原句中的can用的是一般過去時,所以be able to中的be根據(jù)第三人稱單數(shù)的主語要變?yōu)閣as。
◎ come true
【例句】1. I believe my dream will come true one day. 我相信將來有一天我的夢想會實現(xiàn)。
2. His wish to be an actor came true. 他想當一名演員的愿望實現(xiàn)了。
I hope that David’s dream will (實現(xiàn)).
答案:come true
解題思路:句意為“我希望David的夢想能夠?qū)崿F(xiàn)”。come true意為“實現(xiàn),成為現(xiàn)實”,will后接動詞原形。
◎ hundreds of
【用法】hundreds of意為“數(shù)以百計的;成百上千的”。
【例句】He helped hundreds of poor students. 他幫助過上百名貧困學生。
hundred 表示具體數(shù)量,意為“一百”,當hundred 前有具體的數(shù)字修飾時,只能用單數(shù)。例如:There are two hundred teachers in our school. 我們學校有200名教師。
當hundred 為復數(shù)形式時,前面不可與具體數(shù)字連用,要用hundreds of的形式,意為“數(shù)以百計的”,用于籠統(tǒng)的數(shù)量。例如:Hundreds of people were hurt in the train accident. 數(shù)百人在火車事故中受傷。有類似用法的詞還有:thousand/ thousands of 等。
【易錯點】hundreds/thousands 前用具體數(shù)字
?How many birds can you see in the trees?
?I can see birds in them.
A. hundreds of B. five hundreds
C. hundred of D. five hundreds of
解題思路:hundred前有具體數(shù)字修飾時,hundred要用單數(shù)形式,且后面不加介詞of;hundred前沒有具體數(shù)字修飾時,則用hundreds of,表示“成百上千的”。
1. I’ll speak English in one year.
A. be able to B. can
C. must D. may
2. people visit this museum every day.
A. Hundred B. Hundreds
C. Hundred of D. Hundreds of
3. 當我第一次見到她時,我就愛上了她。
I with her when I saw her for the first time.
4. 我認為這個預測不會實現(xiàn)。
I think the prediction will .
◎ Will people use money in 100 years?100年后人們還會使用錢嗎?
【用法】“in+一段時間”用在一般將來時的句子中,意為“在……(時間)后”。對這一短語提問要用how soon,意為“多久以后”。
【例句】1. What will the world be like in 50 years? 50年后,世界將會是什么樣子?
2. He will be back in a week. 一周之后,他將回來。
3. ?How soon will you be back? 你過多久會回來?
?In two days. 兩天以后。
1. He came back to school after two weeks/two weeks later.兩周后他回到了學校。
2. Three years later, she had a baby. 三年后,她生了一個孩子。
1. My aunt will be back from Shanghai two weeks.
A. for B. after
C. in D. on
2. We will have a class meeting in three days.(對劃線部分提問)
you have a class meeting ?
答案:How soon will
解題思路:how soon用來詢問“需要多長時間才會……”,即某一動作要多長時間以后才能完成或發(fā)生,多用將來時或含有將來意義的其他形式。
◎ I don’t agree. 我不同意。
【用法】agree用作不及物動詞,意為“同意”。通常和介詞with搭配構(gòu)成短語agree with,表示“同意某人的意見、觀點或所說的話等”,with后常接表示人的名詞或代詞。
【例句】I agree with you. 我同意你(的觀點)。
【考查點】短語agree with 的用法
?I don’t think waste water should be put into the rivers or lakes.
? . It will cause much water pollution.
A. Good luck B. It’s my pleasure
C. I agree with you D. The same to you
1. My brother will be a doctor two months.
A. at B. in
C. on D. for
2. ?It’s necessary for us to take one hour’s exercise every day.
?I agree you.
A. at B. to
C. on D. with
一般將來時由“助動詞will+動詞原形”構(gòu)成,表示將來某個時間所發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài),也可表示將來經(jīng)常或反復發(fā)生的動作,常與表示將來的時間狀語連用,如:soon, tomorrow, next week, in a few days等。例如:
People will have robots in their homes. 人們家里將會有機器人。
Will people use money in 100 years? 100年后人們還會用錢嗎?
1. 肯定句
I’ll work next year. 明年我將要工作了。
2. 否定句
主語+will+not+動詞原形。在口語中,will not?s寫為won’t。例如:
I won’t tell anyone what you said. 你說的話我不會告訴任何人。
3. 一般疑問句
?Will you leave for Beijing next week? 下周你將前往北京嗎?
?Yes, I will. 是的,我將要去。 No, I won’t. 不,我不去。
4. 特殊疑問句
Who will leave for Beijing next week?下周誰將前往北京?
〈二〉There be 句型的一般將來時
There be 句型的一般將來時表示“將來有……”。
1. 肯定句的結(jié)構(gòu)為:There will be+ 物+ 介詞短語+其他。例如:
There will be cars in people’s home in the future.將來很多人的家里會有小汽車。
2. 否定句的結(jié)構(gòu)為:There won’t be + 物+介詞短語+ 其他。例如:
There won’t be any trees in this place in two years.兩年后這個地方就不會有樹了。
3. 疑問句的結(jié)構(gòu)為:Will there be +物+介詞短語+其他? 例如:
?Will there be less pollution? 將來會有更少的污染嗎?
?Yes, there will.是的,會的。
?No, there won’t. 不,不會。
1. What the weather tomorrow?
A. will, be B. is, /
C. will, be like D. is, like
2. There a football match on TV this evening.
A. will have B. is going to be
C has D. is going to have
3. ?Don’t be late for school next time, Mike.
? .
A. Sorry, I can’t B. Yes, I won’t
C. Yes, I will D. Sorry, I won’t
4. ? will your uncle return from Hainan?
?In a week, I think.
A. How often B. How long
C. How much D. How soon
5. There will only be one country in the future.(改為一般疑問句并作肯定回答)
only one country in the future?

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/63432.html
