
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
八 年 級 英 語 試 卷
一 、聽對話,選擇圖片。你將聽到5段小對話,請根據(jù)你所聽到的對話,選擇與其內(nèi)容相符的圖片。每段對話聽兩遍。(共5小題,計(jì)5分)
1. _______ 2.________ 3. _______ 4. _________ 5. __________
( )6. What does Sally do after she gets up?
A. She does some reading B. She does some exercise. C. She does her homework
( )7. What time does Sally eat breakfast?
A. At 6 o’clock. B. At 7 o’ clock. C. At 8’clock.
( )8. What’s Sally’s favorite subject?
A. Chinese B. Math. C. English.
( )9. How does the girl feel now?
A. Sad. B. Sorry. C. Tired.
( )10. What is the most difficult part for the girl in English?
A. Speaking B. Listening C. Writing
( )11. What will the girl do to improve her writing?
A. Buy a dictionary B. Find a pen pal. C. Read English stories.
( )12. Who does the man want to buy a T-shirt for?
A. Himself B. His parents. C. His son.
( )13. What size T-shirt does the man want?
A. Size S. B. Size M. C. Size L.
( )14. Which T-shirt does the man think looks nice?
A. The white one. B. The blue one. C. The yellow one.
( )15. Why will the man fail to buy the T-shirt?
A. It’s too expensive B. He doesn’t like the color. C. The shop doesn’t have one in the size.
( )16. Who is going to give a speech?
A. A famous speaker. B. A famous actor. C. A famous singer.
( )17. What is the speech about?
A. African history. B. American history. C. Chinese history.
( )18. When will the speech start on Friday afternoon?
A. At 2 o’clock B. At 3 o’clock C. At 4 o’clock
( )19. Where is the speech going to be given?
A. On the playground B. In the classroom. C. In the school hall.
( )20. What kind of movie are the students going to see after the speech?
A. An American movie. B. An English movie. C. A French movie.
( )21. Where does Kate live now?
A. In Canada. B. In England. C. In China.
( )22. What’s the time now?
A. 18:00. B. 19:00. C. 20:00.
( )23. What does Kate’s grandmother do every day?
A. She goes for a walk. B. She watches Beijing Opera. C. She reads newspapers.
( )24. What is Kate’s mother’s job?
A. A teacher B. A writer C. a doctor.
( )25. Who is cleaning the room?
A. Kate’s sister. B. Kate’s father. C. Kate’s grandfather.
( ) 26. I'll ________ later today.
A. ring her up B. ring up her C. call her to D. call up her
( ) 27. Don't complain _______about your problems.
A. much too B. too many C. many too D. too much
( ) 28. You don't know the way. Why ______ the policeman for help?
A. don't ask B. no ask C. not ask D. not to ask
( ) 29. I have two brothers. One is a worker, ________ is a driver.
A. another B. the others C. other D. the other
( ) 30.There are _______ books in our library.
A. five hundreds B. hundred of C. hundreds of D.five hundred of
( ) 31. The girl is new here and she lives _______. So she seems _______.
A. lonely; lonely B. alone; alone C. lonely; alone D. alone; lonely
( ) 32. There's too much noise here. Let's go_________.
A. somewhere quiet B. quiet somewhere
C. anywhere quiet D. quiet anywhere
( ) 33. We'll go on a field trip if it _______ this weekend.
A. won't rain B. isn't raining C. doesn't rain D. will rain
( ) 34.?We missed a chance to win a goal.
A. Well done B. Good luck C. What a pity D. How lucky
( ) 35. This film is as ________ as that one.
A. interested B. more interesting C. interesting D.more interested
( ) 36. What ________ girl she is!
A. a beautiful B. beautiful C. beautifully D. the beautifully
( ) 37. The Greens will have _______ holiday in China.
A. two weeks B. two week C. two-week D. a two-week
( ) 38. ?I don't know much about computer.
?I don't know, ________. Let's go and ask for help.
A. also B. either C. too D. as well
( ) 39. You'd better stay at home. The wind is blowing _________ at the moment.
A. hardly B. hard C. strong D. heavy
( ) 40. There are many shops on ________ side of the street.
A. both B. every C. each D. each of
A thousand years ago Hong Kong was covered(覆蓋)by a thick forest. As more and more people came to  41 in Hong Kong, these trees were cut down and burnt. Now there is  42  forest left, though there are still some small areas covered with trees. We call these woods.
Elephants, tigers and many  43  animals were living in the thick forest. When people came to live in Hong Kong, the  44  began to die out. Early farmers grew rice and  45  pigs and chickens in the valleys. They cut down the trees and burnt them. They needed  46  to keep themselves warm in winter, to cook their food and to keep away the dangerous animals. Elephants quickly disappeared because there was not enough food for them.  47  did most of the wolves and tigers. Monkeys and many other animals soon  48  in the same way.
   You might think that there are no longer any animals in Hong Kong  49  in the zoos. But there are still about 36 different animals  50  there. One of the most interesting of Hong Kong's animals is the barking deer. These are beautiful little animals  51  a rich brown coat and a white patch (補(bǔ)丁) under the tail. They look like deer but they are much smaller. They are less than two feet  52 . They make a noise rather like a dog  53 . In Hong Kong the barking deer has only a real enemy-- 54 . People hunt these little animals though it is illegal (違法的). There are now not many barking deer left. So it is important  55  people to protect wild animals.
( )41. A. work  B. study  C. live    D. enjoy
( )42. A. many  B. a few  C. no  D. not
( )43. A. other   B. others  C. the other  D. another
( )44. A. people B. animals  C. plants   D. things
( )45. A. grew  B. made  C. go t   D. kept
( )46. A. fire  B. hotness C. heat  D. stoves(爐子)
( )47. A. so B. Such   C. As   D. Nor
( )48. A. lived  B. died  C. came   D. left
( )49. A. besides  B. except  C. and  D. or
( )50. A. live  B. to live C. lived D. living
( )51. A. have B. without、 C. with  D. get
( )52. A. high B. higher  C. short  D. shorter
( )53. A. shouting B. crying  C. barking  D. talking
( )54. A. tigers B. men C. wolves D. elephants
( )55. A. to B. for C. like   D. of
Coaches Wanted!
The Children’s Pa lace of Yong Long City needs two swimming coaches for elementary school students during the summer vacation.
One is male(男性), the other is female.
You must:
?be kind and warm ? hearted
?be good with kids
?be good at teaching
?be over 25years old
?spend much time with kids every day
?can do the backstroke, sidestroke and breaststroke
All the kids will learn to swim for free. And you are volunteers. You won’t get any pay. The time is 7:00?12:00am, 13:00?18:00pm.
( )56. The Children’s Palace wants _______ swimming coaches.
A. one B. two C. three D. four
( )57. _____ can go to the Children’s Palace to learn to swim.
A. Ten- year- old kids B. The adults
C. All the kids D. People over 25 years old.
( )58. The coaches should be ________.
A. kind B. professional C. over 25 D. all the above
( )59. The kids who learn to swim will pay _______.
A. much money B. a little money C. 250yuan D. nothing
( )60. The coaches will have to work ______ hours a day.
A. eight B. nine C. ten D. eleven
American people like to say “Thank you” when others help them or say something kind to them. People of many countries do so, too. It is a very good habit.
Yo u should say “Thank you” when someone passes you the salt on the table, when someone walking ahead of you keeps the door open for you, when someone says you have done your work well, or you have bought a nice thing, or your city is very beautiful. “Thank you” is used not only between friends, but also between parents and children, brothers and sisters.
“ Excuse me ” is another short sentence they use. When you hear someone say so behind you, you know that somebody wants to walk past you without touching you. It’s not polite(禮貌) to break others when they are talking. If you want to speak to one of them, say “Excuse me” first, and then begin talking. You should also do so when you begin to cough or make any noise before others.
Let’s learn to say “ Thank you” and “Excuse me”.
( )61. You should say “Thank you” when ______.
A. you say something kind to others B. you help others
C. someone helps you D. you need others to help you
( )62. From the passage we know “ Thank you” is _______.
A. widely used in the world B. used more often than “ Excuse me”
C. used only by American D. used only between friends.
( )63. You should say “Excuse me” if you want to _______.
A. cough B. make some noise C. go first D. all of the above
( )64. When you are going to ask someone to tell you the way, you should say “_____”.
A. Thank you B. I’m sorry C. Excuse me D. That’s very kind of you
( )65. This passage mainly tells us the way ________.
A. to be happy B. to be polite C. to help others D. to learn from Americans
Television is good. You’d like to watch it all day and all night. But too mu ch TV is a very bad thing. Scientists found that kids who watch too much TV may have more trouble learning to read. They can’t focus on (專注于) their work.
Kids learn language skills best by reading, talking and playing with others. If they spend too much time watching TV, they’ll have less time for those things. Watching too much TV is bad for people’s health. People don’t move much while watching TV. What’s more, they may eat a lot of food while watching. This can make them fat. We call these people “couch potatoes”.
Fighting on TV is a big problem for kids. Young people are good at following. Scientists have found that those who watch a lot of fighting shows are more likely (可能) to fight.
( )66. Scientists say if kids watch too much TV, they will _______.
A. learn language skills more easily B. be healthier
C. find it hard to learn to read D. eat less food
( )67. Kids learn language skills best by _______.
A. reading B. talking C. playing with others D. all of the above
( )68. While watching TV, what DON’T people do?
A. Eat a lot of food. B. Have less time for reading.
C. Hardly move D. Focus on their work.
( )69. Which of the following is true?
A.Kids have much time to watch TV.
B.It’s good for kids to learn from fighting acts on TV.
C.Too much TV is good for people’s health.
D.It’s easy for kids who watch a lot of fighting shows to fight.
( )70. “ Couch Potatoes” are people who watch too much TV and become_______.
A. thin B. fit C. fat D. strong
Sports may be fun, but you need to play them safely. Here are some tips to he lp you stay safe while you’re playing sports in winter.
?Get your body ready!
Before you do any exercise, be sure to warm up for a t least five minutes. During warming up you should stretch(伸展) all parts of your body.
?Wear the right clothes!
Be sure to wear the right clothes for sports. If you play winter sport s, make sure that you dress warmly. Also make sure to use suntan oil (防曬油). It may be cold, but the sun is still bright! If you don’t put on suntan oil, your skin may be hurt. If you go skiing, be sure to wear waterproof(防水的) trousers and gloves. If you go running in cold weather, try to wear a scarf. It will keep your face, ears and neck warm.
?Stop playing sports when you are a hurt!
If you get hurt when playing sports, don’t play again until you get well.
?Don’t get thirsty!
Drink a lot when playing sports because it is easy to become thirsty.
( )71. You should warm up at least _____ minutes before you do exercises.
A. five B. ten C. fifteen D. twenty
( )72. In the passage, the writer tells us ______.
A.to have a good rest before playing sports
B.to keep warm for sports in winter
C.to eat a lot before playing sports
D.to drink a little when we play sports
( )73. Two kinds of sports are mentioned in the passage. What are they?
A. Running and skating. B. Swimming and running.
C. Skiing and running. D. Skiing and skating.
( )74. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.You should wear waterproof trousers when skiing.
B.If you get hurt, you should never play sports again.
C.You should use suntan oil even if you play winter sports.
D.You’d better wear a scarf when you run in cold weather.
( )75. Which is the best title of the passage?
A. playing sports is fun. B. Playing sports in summer.
C. What we should wear when playing sports.
D. Keeping safe when playing sports in winter.
76. 安現(xiàn)在不害怕狗了。
Ann _________ ____________ of dogs now.
77. 琳達(dá)在學(xué)校和老師同學(xué)相處得很好。
Linda __________ _________ well with her teachers and classmates at school.
78. 我有一個(gè)月沒收到我筆友的來信了。
I haven’t _________ __________ my pen pal for a month.
79. 我過去很喜歡搖滾樂。
I __________ __________ like rock music very much.
80. 我妹妹在學(xué)習(xí)英語方面有困難。
My sister has __________ in __________ English.
暑假即將來臨,為了過一個(gè)充實(shí)而有意義的暑假,請你就學(xué)習(xí),生活,旅行等方面做一個(gè)合理的安排和計(jì)劃,以My Summer Vacation 為題,寫一篇80詞左右的短文。
參 考 答 案:
Ⅰ. 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. E 5. C
Ⅱ. 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. A
Ⅲ. 11. B 12. A 13. C 14. B 15. A
Ⅳ. 16. No, it isn’t.
17. Ten minutes. /It takes him ten minutes to come to school.
18. Yes, he does.
19. At seven o’clock.
20. Because he takes a wrong bus.
第二部分 英語知識運(yùn)用
Ⅰ.21. C 22. D 23. B 24. B 25. B 26. B 27. D 28. A 29. C 30. D 31. A 32. C 33. B 44. B 35. C
Ⅱ. (A)36. D 37. B 38. E 39. C 40. A
(B)41. C 42. B 43. A 44. E 45. D
Ⅲ. 46. B 47. A 48. C 49. D 50. C 51. A 52. B 53. C 54. D 55. B
Ⅳ. (A)56. A 57. B 58. B 59. D 60. C
(B)61. A 62. B 63. C 64. B 65. C
(C)66. A 67. B 68. D 69. C 70. C
第三部分 寫作
Ⅰ.71. never,subway 72. many,there 73. speak,with 74. after,lunch 75. born,on
Ⅱ. 76. drive to 77. the way 78. does; have 79. How far 80. Don’t close
Ⅲ. 參考范文:
81. Maria often goes to Cuba by ship.
82. Is Bill swimming in the swimming pool now?
83. There are three cats in the tree.
84. The bank is between the shop and the train/railway station.
85. No right turn
A: Excuse me, is there a Children’s Hospital near here?
B: Sorry, I don’t know. You need to ask the policewoman there.
A: Thank you all the same.

A: Excuse me, how can I get to the Children’s Hospital?
C: Go along this road. Turn right at the third crossing. Go across the bridge and walk on. Turn right at the second traffic lights. You can see a books tore. The hospital is next to the bookstore. You can’t miss it.
A: Thank you very much.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/68953.html
