八年級英語上冊Unit9 SectionB導學稿

編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)
八年級英語上冊Unit9 SectionB導學稿

課 題

Unit 9 Section B

課 型


歸納法,倆倆對話, 小組合作
A good beginning is half done.

1.知識目標:(1) begin /start to (2) at the age of (3) take part in (4) the first…to…
(5) He was also the first Chinese pianist in the 70―year history of the competition to win this prize. 2.能力目標:利用本課句型談論過去的經(jīng)歷。

Step 1: 前置自學. (1) Read and remember the words in P104-105 (記住P104-105中SectionB的單詞) (2)Read the book from Page 5 to Page 6. Understand the sentences from 1a to 4. Finish the exercises in activity 1a and 4(預習課本,讀懂1a-4中的句子,完成聽力以外的練習) (3)預習檢查 Task1:寫出下列詞的適當形式。 1.運動員 (形容詞)__________ 2. 鋼琴 (復數(shù))__________3. 第一 (基數(shù)詞)______________ 4. 觀光 (名詞)______________ 5.亞洲 (形容詞)__________6.有創(chuàng)造力的 (動詞)

Task2:翻譯下列短語。 1. 參加_ ____________________ 2. 在…歲____________________ 3. 獲得一等獎____________________ _ 4. 一位著名的中國小提琴手 __________________ 5. 一位善良可愛的奶奶_____________________ 6. 主修__________ 7. 在70年的歷史中_____________________________ 8. 閑暇時光和某人一起度過____________________ Task3:重點句型體驗 連詞成句 1. Li Yundi, famous, pianist

2. Zhou Bichang, spend, free time, dog

3. Guan Yinshan, start skating, four

4. Langlang, learn, piano, three Task4: Discuss the answers in groups and check each other. (小組互相檢查答案) Step 2:教學過程 Task1::看1a圖中人物,在每幅圖下面寫上一、兩個形容詞描述這個人物。 Task 2: 合作學習 仿照1b句式,和同組的伙伴談論一下圖片中的人物。 Arthur is a loving grandfather . He spends all his free time with his grandson. Task 3. 練習聽力 完成2a、2b 聽錄音,完成下列表格 人名出生日期身份過去經(jīng)歷



Task 4. 實踐活動 兩人一組談論上面表格內容 A:Who do you admire? B: I admire Midori. A: Who is Midori? B: She is a famous violinst. A: When was she born? B: She was born in 1971. A: When did she tour the U.S ? B: When she was fourteen years old. Task 4. Read and fill in the blanks in 3a. Task5. Write an article about Laura according to the information in 2b. Step5. 當堂檢測 I. 根據(jù)所給的首字母填寫所缺的單詞: 1.At f_____ I was a bit ill. But now I’m better. 2. Mr Mott had a bad m_______, he couldn’t remember his telephone number. 3. It’s going to rain. You’d better take an u__________ with you. 4. ---How long can I k____ t he book? ---For only a week. 5. On my way to school I b______ a cake. 6. I can tell you the answer t_____ this question later. 7. Please say it slowly. I d______ hear you. 8. Uncle Wang is going to America. Let’s say g_____ to hi m. 9. I’m sorry for s______ those words to you. 10. I enjoy s_______ in English. II. 用所給動詞的適當形式填空: 1. When _______ you leave the office yesterday? ( do ) 2. Listen! Who _______? (laugh) 3. They ______ (go) to Macao tomorrow. 4. My father _________ back soon. ( be ) 5. She ____ many things such as the memory robot, so she was an inventor . (invent) 6. _______ _ the children in the classroom ten minutes ago? ( be ) 7. Who ______ best in your class? (sing) 8. His brother ______ to London last week. ( fly) 9. After he finished drawing , he ______(take) the painting to his mother. 10. He ______ (read) a newspaper before work this morning. III. 選擇填空: 1. I ______ some apples and then went out. A. taked B. took C. taking D. take 2. A: Do you need any help? B: No, I ________. A. don’t B. didn’t C. needn’t D. can’t 3. She_______ him ______ it, but he didn’t listen. A. tell , to do B. tells , do C. told , not to do D. told , didn’t do 4. Lily, Lucy’s sister , ________ . A. are both in Grade Two B. both are in Grade Two C .is in Grade Two D. are all in grade 2 5. I ________born in Beijing. A. am B. is C. was D. were 6. I remember you came to our class _____the morning ___ September 1st. A. in , in B. in , on C. on , in D. on , of 7. There are something important _______ today’s newspaper. A. in B. on C. at D. for 8. I have to ask my mother ________ some money to buy the book. A. for B. to C. in D. of 9. We met our English teacher ______ England _____ lunch. A. of , at B. to , for C. in , for D. from , at 10. Teachers ________ other schools often visit our school. A. of B. to C. for D. from 11. He does better ________ swimming than me. A. at B. for C. in D. to 12. A: _______ did your father live in that old house? B: For about ten years. A. How long B. H ow often C. How soon D. How far 13. A: _______ do you go to the theatre? B: Once a week. A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. How far 14. A: ________ will he come back? B: In two hours. A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. How far 15. A: Must you go home now? B: No, I ________. A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. don’t D. can’t 16. _________ you ________ your bags just now? A. Did , pack B. Do, pack C. Did , packed D. Do , packed 17. They went _____a trip ________ Hongzhou last Wednesday? A. to , to B. on , to C. to , on D. on , on 18. We asked Ann and Joy to _________ the dialogue. A. act at B. act for C. act up D. act out 19. My friend, Tom, stayed in London ________ about two years. A. in B. on C. for D. / 20. A: Who came late today? B: Jim ________. A. is B. was C. did D. does 21. His teacher had Tom _____a composition once a week. A. writes B. write C. writing D. to write 22. Would you like _______ to drink ? A. something else B. else something C. other something D. other anything 23. She watched her daughter _________ under the tree. A. play B. plays C. to play D. played 24. A: Do you need to finish your homework now? B: Yes. I ________ A. need B. have to C. can D. needn’t 25. They came to Ningbo _________. A. two years before B. for two years C. in two years D. two years ago IV. 完成對話,每空一詞: Miss Ga Did you sleep in class, Mike? Mike: Yes, I _____1___ . I was tired , Miss Gao. Miss Ga Did you ____2____ to bed late la st night? Mike: Yes, I did. Because my mother ___3____ ill last night. And I took her to hospital. Miss Ga I’m ____4____ to ____5____ that. How ____6____ she now? Mike: She is ____7____ better today. Miss Ga Did she ___8_____ to work this morning? Mike: No, she didn’t . She stayed ___9___ home. Miss Ga Please ____10____ hello to your mother. Mike: Thank you. I will .

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本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/70841.html

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