
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
1.重點(diǎn)詞匯:能運(yùn)用音標(biāo)正確拼讀單詞 ,并默寫。記住下列短語并能用其造句和解決實(shí)際問題。
2.重點(diǎn)句型:If you go to the party,you’ll have a great time!
How long have you been collecting shells?
拿走 謀生 全世界
一直 允許某人進(jìn)入. 做某事有困難
為了提高英語 接受教育 賺錢
向。。。捐款 為慈善機(jī)構(gòu)募捐
用完 順便一提 對。。。感興趣
II. 翻譯句型
1 If you go to the party, you will have a good time.
2 What will happen if they have the party today? Half the class won’t come.
3.And if you become rich, you will have a difficult time knowing who your real friends are .
4 How long have you been collecting shells?
I have been collecting shells for two years. 同意句: ?
5. The more I learn about Chinese history, the more I enjoyed living in China.
I基礎(chǔ)知識 用所給動詞的正確形式
1.If it ______( rain) tomorrow ,I’ll stay at home .
2.If it _____( be ) fine , We ___________( go) swimming together .
3.He asked me if I ______( be ) free this Sunday.
4.I don’t know if he ________( come ) tomorrow. If he _________( come) , I’ll call you .
5.We ‘re_________( leave) for France in a week .
6.---How long _____________ your father______________ (work) in the factory?
---Since he ____________ (leave) college
7 How long _________ you __________ (listen) to music last night?
8. Some of the old buildings are in ________(Russia) style.
9. He is always the first one _________(arrive) at school and the last one______ (leave) school.
10. We __________(be) friends for the whole ten years.
11 _____(collect) old coins is my father’s hobby.
1. If you don't hurry up, you'll miss the early train.(同義句)
_______ ______, ____you'll miss the early train.
2. He plays sports for a living.(同義句) He____ ______ _____by _____ ______.
3. They had a great time in the park. ( 同義句) They ________ __________in the park.
4. Why don’t you take your ID card? (同義句) _______ ________ ________your ID card?
5. They have been talking for three hours.(一般疑問句)
_________ they _________ _________ for three hours?
6. She’s been painting for two years (對劃線部分提問)
______ ______ _____she __________painting?
7. He’s been learning Chinese history for three years.(同義句)
He’s been learning Chinese history _____ _____ ______ _______
_______they have the party today, _______the class won’t come.
If you ________ a __________soccer player, you’ll _______ go to __________.
If you are rich, you’ll have ________ ________ time _________who your real friends are.
4.如果你一曲成名, 人們就會一直關(guān)注你, 并到處追隨你
If you ______ _______ _______ a song , people will ______ you _______ _______ _______ and ________
5. 謝謝你送給我的郵票。Thank you ______ _______ me the _____.
________every bottle of NongFu Mineral Water we ________, ________of us _______one fen for _________.
_______ ________I know Chinese culture, ________ _______I enjoy living in China.
1.These are your books. Please ________.
A. take them away B. take it away
C. take away them D. take away it
2. If you ______hard, you _______a good grade.
A. won’t work, don’t getB. don’t work, won’t get
C. work, get D. will work, get
3 .Do you know if _______back next week? If he ________back, please let me know.
A. he comes, will come B. will he come, comes
C. he will come, comes D. will he come, will come
4. If we _______free next week, we ________to the farm to visit you.
A. will be, will go B. am, will go C. will be, go D. be, go
5. I’ll __________help people if I am a lawyer. A. can B. be able to C. could D. able to
6. Why are you against __________the Lions? A. join B. to join C. joining D. joins
7.He is interested in _______ English songs.
A. to collect B. collect C. collecting D. collected
8.He has been listening to music for_________.
A. one and a half hour B. one half hour
C. one and a half hours D. half one hour
1.I’m waiting for my friend. ________ , I’ll go shopping alone.(2 008重慶)
A. If she comes B. If she will come
C. If she doesn’t come D. If she didn’t come
2. The more you read, ______ you will get.(2008青島)
A. the less B. the most C. the more D. much more
3. After Wenchun earthquake, ______ people got together on Tian’anmen Square, calling out “Come on, China!” (2008衡陽)
A. four thousand of B. thousands of
C. several thousands
4. We have been good friends _____ we joined the same ping-pong team.(2007陜西)

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/71759.html
