
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級(jí) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
UNIT 1 Will people have robots?檢測(cè)題
Ⅰ. 聽句子,選擇與你所聽到的句子內(nèi)容相符的圖畫。每個(gè)句子讀一遍。(每小題1分,滿分5分)
1. _______ 2. _______ 3. _________ 4. _________ 5.________
6. A. Because I had to go to school.
B. Did you stay at home,too?
C. Because my mother was ill.
7. A. They were delicious.B. They were friendly.C. They are fine.
8. A. Yes,I did.B. No,you didn’t.C. Yes,I do.
9. A. It’s fifty yuan.B. It’s 100 ,000 yuan.C. It’s not cheap.
10.A.Yes,I’d like some apples.
B. Yes,I can.
C. No,I don’t need your help.
III. 聽下面五組對(duì)話,選擇正確答案。每組對(duì)話讀兩遍。(每小題1分,滿分5分)
11. What is the weather be like tomorrow?
A. It will be sunny.B. It will be windy.C. It will be rainy.
12. How does the man go to work?
A. By bike.B. On foot.C. By car.
13. What does Tony want to be when he grows up?
A. A worker.B. A teacher.C. A reporter.
14. What’s Jack doing?
A. He is playing with snow.
B. He is walking in the wind.
C. He is running in the rain.
15. What will the family buy?
A. A telephone. B. A television.C. A computer.
Ⅳ. 聽短文, 選擇最佳答案。短文讀兩遍。(每小題1分,滿分5分)
16. When did the boy go to the science museum in Shanghai?
A. Last June. B. Last July. C. Last August.
17. What did the robot look like?
A . He had one hand and one eye. B. He had one hand and two eyes.
C. He had two hands and two eyes.
18. How long could the robot work a day?
A. Twelve hours. B. Twenty hours. C. Twenty-four hours.
19.What could the robot do?
A. Talk with people. B. Show people around.
C. Know people’s health problems.
20. What does the boy hope to do?
A. Make a robot. B. Have a robot. C. Be a doctor.
1. ― Where will you live?
― I will live ________ a space station.
A. at B. in C. on D. to
2. There ________ an English film this evening.
A. will B. is going to have C. is going to be D. will have
3. ―What do you usually have for breakfast?
―_______milk and _____eggs.
A. A little;a few B. A little;a little
C. A few;a little D.A few;a few
4. Beijing is a very beautiful city. I fell in love ____ it when I came here.
A. with B. at C. for D. as
5.Though the old man lives _______, he doesn’t feel _________.
A. lonely; alone B. alone; lonely
C. alone; alone D. lonely; lonely
6. They have________ work today and they’ll have________ tomorrow.
A. more;more B. much;much C. much;more D. many;more
7. ―When________ you _______here?
―In a month.
A. will;moving B. do;move C. will;move D. did;move
8. There is ____ milk in this glass than in that one.
A. less B. little C. least D. fewer
9. I _______him as soon as he _______ back.
A. will tell;will come B. tell;will come
C. tell;comes D. will tell;comes
10. He seems________.
A. happily B. happy C. happiness D. to happy
Robots seem very new to most people. And they have a long history. The 11 one was made by a Greek inventor (發(fā)明家). You may 12 robots in some films. The robots in these 13 are stronger, faster and cleverer than people. In real life, most robots are used in factories. They are used to do many dangerous, difficult or boring 14 . Some people can’t look after 15 and robots are used to help them. For example, some people can’t see, many of these people use a 16 to help them move around. This dog is called a guide dog. 17 are making a robot to help them. In the future, robots dogs 18 take the place of (代替) these guide dogs.
Robots are also 19 in American hospitals. At one hospital, a robot takes meals 20 the kitchen to the sick people’s rooms. It never loses its way because it has a map of the hospital in its computer system (系統(tǒng)).
In the future, robots will work in space. But robots will never take the place of human. They can help us in a lot of different ways.
11. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth
12. A. look B. watch C. look for D. see
13. A. factories B. apartments C. films D. programs
14. A. chores B. homework C. housework D. jobs
15. A. they B. their C. themselves D. them
16. A. dog B. cat C. parrot D. panda
17. A. Doctors B. Reporters C. Teachers D. Scientists
18. A. must B. might C. have to D. has to
19. A. used B. took C. made D. looked
20. A. with B. to C. from D. for
Dear Anita,
In your last letter you asked me about my plans for the future. First, I will finish high school. Then I will go to college and study to be a doctor. I won’t get married right away because it takes a long time to become a doctor. I want to help sick people. I’m going to learn a lot about illness. Maybe I will find a treatment for cancer. I’ll be famous and I will become very rich.
After I become a successful doctor, I’ll get married. I want to marry an interesting person. For example, my wife might be an artist. We will have a wonderful life together. I think we will have one or two children. Doctors get paid quite a lot so I think we will have a nice house. We will travel a lot. I want to visit Australia, Europe, and Africa.
Are these plans, or dreams? Do they sound crazy to you? Write soon and tell me about your plans.
Your friend
( )21.Josh wants to become a doctor.
( )22.Josh wants to get married very soon.
( )23.Josh’s wife might do interesting work.
( )24.Josh wants to have a lot of children.
( )25.Josh will travel to India.
Do you know the movie I, Robot? It tells us a story about the future.
The year is 2035 and robots are just as common as mobile phones. People depend on their robots to do lots things, for example, babysitting, cooking, doing chores and taking their dogs for a walk. Robots have to obey (聽從) human’s orders, because their designers make them do so. A police officer called Spooner hates robots. He doesn’t think humans can get on well with their robots at all! But the scientist Susan has different opinions. Susan works on robots’ mind and she thinks one day robots will become more powerful (強(qiáng)大的) than humans and help humans to make progress (進(jìn)步).
When Spooner and Susan work together, they find that something is wrong with the world’s robots. A few robots have their own thoughts and they’re trying to get out of humans’ control (控制)! Of course these robots’ dream doesn’t come true. Humans work hard to control their robots again and they succeed at last.
26. The story will happen (發(fā)生) in _____________.
A. 2010 B. 2020 C. 2035 D. 2040
27. The phrase “depend on” in this article means ____________.
A. 依靠 B. 懸掛 C. 相信 D. 取決于
28. Spooner is a __________ and Susan is a ___________.
A. scientist; professor B. bank clerk; police officer
C. policeman; doctor D. police officer; scientist
29. Susan thinks that one day _____________.
A. robots can’t get on well with humans
B. robots will help human to make progress
C. robots will have their own thoughts
D. robots will control the world
30. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to this article?
A. The movie I, Robot talks about the future.
B. People use their robots to do everything.
C. A few robots want to get out of human’s control.
D. At last humans succeed in controlling the robots again.
31. You will f in love with the city of Beijing as soon as you see it.
32. This book (花費(fèi))him twenty yuan.
33. When you become famous, your fans will follow you e.
34. It is s that he is very angry with you.
35. He will f from New York to London tomorrow.
36. Maybe he wants to go _______(skate) tomorrow.
37. He makes his students________ (read) English every day.
38. It’s difficult for robots __________ (think) like humans.
39. I think there _______ (be) less books in the future because people will read on computers.
40. Ten years ago students ________(go) to school on foot.
41. Sally played football yesterday. (改為一般將來時(shí))
Sally ______ ________ football tomorrow.
42. I think he can finish doing the work on time.(改為同義句)
I think he will ______ ______ _______ finish doing the work on time.
43. There will be more people in our country. (改為否定句)
_______ _______ _______ more people in our country.
44. I will live in Shanghai in ten years.(就畫線部分提問)
_______ _______ you live in ten years?
45. Our team seems to win the game. (改為同義句)
______ _______ _______ our team will win the game.
以 Students’ life in 50 years為題寫一篇80詞左右的文章,暢想一下未來的學(xué)習(xí)生活。
UNIT 1 Will people have robots?檢測(cè)題原文及參考答案
Ⅰ. 聽句子,選擇與你所聽到的句子內(nèi)容相符的圖畫。每個(gè)句子讀一遍。
1. People will have robots in their homes.
2. There will be more trees in the future.
3. We will study at home on computers.
4.I want to be an astronaut in 10 ten years.
5. My friend keeps a pet dog in her house.
6. Why did you stay at home on vacation?
7. How were your classmates?
8. Did you do your homework last night?
9. How much is the gold ring?
10. Can I help you?
11. M:What’s the weather like today?
W: It’s rainy.The radio says it will be sunny tomorrow.
12. M: Your bike looks nice.
W: Thank you. What about yours?
M: I haven’t got one. I walk to work every day.
13. W: What do you want to be when you grow up, Tony?
M: I want to be a reporter.
14. M: Is Jack making a snowman?
W: No, he is running in the rain.
15. M:What shall we buy, a television, a telephone or an air-conditioner? We’ll wait for you to
decide, Ann.
W: Oh, daddy. I need a computer for my study.
Ⅳ.聽短文, 選擇最佳答案。短文讀兩遍。
I went to the science museum in Shanghai last July. I saw a great robot there. He had a hand and an eye. He could work for 24 hours a day. He didn’t need to eat, drink or sleep. He worked as a traditional Chinese doctor. He could know if people had health problems in a short amount of time. He could tell you when you should go to bed and what you should eat. I hope that I can have a robot in my home. So, I don’t need to go to hospital any more.
1~5 CBADE 6~10 CBABA
11~15 ABCCC 16~20 BACCB
Ⅰ.1. C 表示在太空站里面,通常用介詞“on”。
2. C 句意:今天晚上將會(huì)有一場(chǎng)英語電影。由this evening可知本句為一般將來時(shí),
There be 句型的一般將來時(shí)結(jié)構(gòu)為:There is going to be或There will be。
3. A a little 修飾不可數(shù)名詞,a few 修飾可數(shù)名詞,milk為不可數(shù)名詞,egg為可數(shù)
4. A fall in love with為固定詞組,表示“愛上……”。
5. B alone表示“獨(dú)自,單獨(dú)”;lonely表示“孤獨(dú)的,寂寞的”。故選B。
6. C work為不可數(shù)名詞,用much修飾,由后句句意知明天的工作更多,應(yīng)該用more來修飾。故選C。
7. C 由答語中的“in a month”可知問句為一般將來時(shí),故選A。
8. A 由than可知應(yīng)用比較級(jí),又因milk為不可數(shù)名詞,故選A。
9. D 在含有as soon as引導(dǎo)的時(shí)間狀語從句的主從復(fù)合句中,主句用一般將來時(shí),從
10. B seem后接形容詞作表語,故選B。
Ⅱ.11. A 由前后文可知,應(yīng)選first。
12.D “看見”某個(gè)東西常用see表示。
13.C 由上句中的in some films可知應(yīng)選C項(xiàng)。
14.D 此處指機(jī)器人被用來做一些危險(xiǎn)的、困難的、無聊的工作, jobs符合句意,故
15.C 由句意“一些人不能照顧他們自己”,故選themselves。
16.A 由后句句意可知此處應(yīng)選dog。
17.D 在四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,能制造出機(jī)器人的只能是科學(xué)家,故選D。
18.B 句意為:在將來,機(jī)器狗將可能代替導(dǎo)盲犬。應(yīng)選might。
19.A 機(jī)器人將被用于美國的醫(yī)院中,“被用”為be used。
20.C “從……到……”為from…to…
Ⅲ.21.T 通讀全文可知此句正確。
22.F 由短文第一段第四句I won’t get married right away because it takes a long time to
become a doctor.可知,Josh不想很快結(jié)婚。故此句表述錯(cuò)誤。
23.F 由短文第二段第二、三句知此句不正確。
24.F 由第二段第五句話I think we will have one or two children.可知此句表述錯(cuò)誤。
25.F 由第二段倒數(shù)第一、二句We will travel a lot. I want to visit Australia, Europe, and
Africa. 可知此句錯(cuò)誤。
26.C 由短文第二段第一句The year is 2035 and robots are just as common as mobile
27.A 由此短語所在句的句意可知depend on 表“依靠”之意。
28.D 由第二段的第四句A police officer called Spooner hates robots.和第六句But the
scientist Susan has different opinions.可知Spooner是一名警察,Susan是一名科學(xué)家。
29.B 由第二段倒數(shù)第一句話可知Susan認(rèn)為有一天機(jī)器人會(huì)幫助人類取得進(jìn)步。
30.B 由第二段第二句話可知,機(jī)器人可以幫人做許多事情,但不能幫人做所有的事情。
Ⅳ. 31.fall 32. cost/costs 33. everywhere 34.said 35. fly
Ⅴ. 36.skating 37. read 38. to think 39. will be 40. went
Ⅵ. 41. will play 42. be able to 43. There won’t be 44. Where will 45. It seems that
Ⅶ.One possible version:
Students’ life in 50 years
I think the students’ life in 50 years will be quite different from ours today. They won’t go to school to have classes. They will stay at home to study on computers. They will ask their teachers or classmates for help by chatting on the Internet. They won’t use paper, pens or exercise books. They will go to school to do sports together. For example, they will go to school to play ball games. I don’t like that kind of life. I like to meet my teachers and classmates every day.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/74347.html
