
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
第一部分 (20分)
Ⅰ. 聽(tīng)句子,選擇正確圖片。每個(gè)句子讀一遍。(5分)
1. ____ 2. ____ 3. ____ 4. ____ 5. ____
Ⅱ. 聽(tīng)句子,選擇正確答案。每個(gè)句子讀一遍。(5分)
( )6. A. Beijing. B. San Francisco. C. Athens.
( )7. A. Good idea!B. What bad news!C. It’s very kind of you.
( )8. A. Orange. B. Yellow. C. Blue.
( )9. A. I’m sorry to hear that. B. What a pity!C. The same to you.
( )10. A. Really?B. Good idea!C. Thank you.
Ⅲ. 聽(tīng)對(duì)話及問(wèn)題,選擇正確答案。每段對(duì)話及問(wèn)題讀兩遍。(5分)
( )11. A. He played the piano.B. He danced. C. He sang.
( )12. A. Traveling by plane. B. Traveling by train. C. Traveling by sea.
( )13. A. She is shy. B. She is polite. C. She is attractive.
( )14. A. To see Beijing Opera.B. To go to library. C. To go to supermarket.
( )15. A. Ride a bike. B. Play computer games.C. Play the piano.
Ⅳ. 聽(tīng)對(duì)話,判斷正(T)誤(F)。對(duì)話讀兩遍。(5分)
( )16. The man will go camping.
( )17. He will be away for a week.
( )18. He will leave on May 1st.
( )19. He will buy a tent.
( )20. No one will go with him.
第二部分 英語(yǔ)知識(shí)運(yùn)用(50分)
Ⅰ. 單項(xiàng)選擇。(15分)
( )21. ?How much did you ____ buying the new bike?
?Three hundred yuan.
A. takeB. cost C. spend
( )22. Kate’s grandmother lives in a house____, but she doesn’t feel ____.
A. alone; alone B. lonely; lonely C. alone; lonely
( )23. ?Why does Jane feel so upset?
?She failed the exam and she has no friends ____.
A. talking B. talking with C. to talk with.
( )24. ?What ____ news!
?Yes, all of the children were ____.
A. excited; exciting B. excited; excited C. exciting; excited
( )25. ?I think Helen studies English as ____ as Lucy.
?I don’t think so. Helen often makes mistakes.
A. carefulB. carefullyC. more carefully
( )26. Mr. Li is ill. Let Mr. Wang ____ us instead of him.
A. to teachB. teachC. teaches
( )27. ?Do you think it’s important to ____ your family?
?Yes, I think so.
A. get along onB. get alongC. get along with
( )28. ?What did the teacher say just now?
?He asked them ____ the math problem.
A. discussing B. discussed C. to discuss
( )29. It took us ____ to finish the new research protect.
A. three hour and a half B. three and a half hours
C. three and half hours
( )30. He is very serious. No one can make him___.
A. laugh B. laughs C. to laugh
( )31. If it ____ tomorrow, I ____ not go there by bike.
A. rained; will B. rains; willC. is going to rain; do
( )32. ---Could you tell me when Mr. Li will arrive in Changchun?
---Sure. When he _______, I’ll call you.
A. arrives; B. will arrive C. arrived
( )33. Well, I have ________to tell you. Please keep quiet.
A. important somethingB. anything important
C. something important
( )34.--- Lily isn’t here today, What’s happened to her?
---She stays at home her illness.
A. because B. because of C. so
( )35.China lies _____ the east of Asia and _____ the north of Australia.
A. to;to B. in;to C. to;in
Ⅱ. 情景交際。(10分)
(A) Ⅱ. 情景交際。(5分)
A. And we had a very wonderful time.
B. Yes, they do.
C. For two days.
D. I went to Hangzhou with my friends.
E. What is it famous for?
A: Hi, Zhou Jun, where did you go last week?
B: 36
A: Where is Hangzhou?
B: It’s in Zhejiang Province, the south of China.
A: 37
B: It’s famous for Leifeng Pagoda, the White Snake, Linyin Temple and especially West Lake.
A: Do many people go there to enjoy their holidays every year?
B: 38
A: How long did you stay there?
B: 39
A: Did you take a lot of photos?
B: Certainly. We also had some delicious food. 40
A: What an exciting trip! I’ll go there one day.
A: Hello, Maria! Why are you crying? What’s 41 with you?
B: I did badly in the exam. I’m 42 about how to tell my parents the result, for they must be disappointed and unhappy.
A: Don’t worry! Even though your parents are strict 43 you, they love you very much.
B: You are right. But what shall I do?
A: First, please dry your tears. Then our classmates and I can 44 you with your subjects.
B: Thank you! That’s very nice of you.
A: You’re 45 !
Ⅲ. 完形。(10分)
More and more people are becoming interested in the internet. They have formed a bad habit. In fact,the bad habit has become a 46 ?Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD網(wǎng)絡(luò)綜合癥). Staying 47 for more than six hours a day 48 working or studying, and feeling very upset from not being able to get online, are the two major symptoms (癥狀)of IAD.
Internet addict ion(上癮) is (49) in China now. A recent research (50) that 42% Of Chinese young people get quite interested in the web, while only 18% of Americans feel in the same (51) .
What causes IAD? Some people believe that It's the lack(缺乏) of family care. Most children in China are the (52) ones in their families. They are only told to (53) hard, but few really care about their personal interest .So some children would like to keep (54 away from the real world
How can people stay away from IAD? Don t get online any more, go back to the real world and if it doesn't work, go to see the (55)___,
( )46. A. disease B. task C. rule
( )47. A .home B. online C. in school
( )48. A. because of B. Out of C. instead of
( )49.A. changing B. increasing(上升) C .becoming less
( )50.A. shows B. notices C knows
( )51.A. road B. way C. country
( )52.A. best B .worst C. only
( )53.A. study B. play C. think
( )54.A. themselves B. their parents C. their teachers
( )55.A. friend B. teacher C. doctor
Ⅳ. 理解。(15分)
When you feel sad, tears will come down from your eyes. When you are happy, especially when you laugh hard, tears will also come down from your eyes. But tears have a more important job than showing your feelings.
Tears keep your eyes clean and healthy. They wash away dirt and germs(細(xì)菌) just like bath. Your eyes also need tears to keep them wet. And eyes must be wet so that they can move smoothly. Your eyes are busy looking here and there all day long. They move quickly from one thing to another. If you didn’t have tears, your eyes couldn’t move, and soon you would be blind.
Maybe you don’t like tears, but your eyes can’t do without them.
( )56.The story tells us ____.
A. what makes people blindB. why people have tears
C. why people cry when they are sadD. what tears are
( )57. Tears help you by ____.
A. showing how you feelB. making your face clean
C. washing things from your eyesD. making your eyes bright
( )58. If your eyes were not wet, you could not____.
A. look at things clearlyB. laugh and cry
C. keep cleanD. show your feelings
( )59. When you are happy or sad, you may ____.
A. look at things quicklyB. wash away dirt and germs
C. have tears in your eyesD. mo ve your eyes quickly
( )60. The sentence “your eyes can’t do without them” means ____.
A. your eyes like having baths very muchB. your eyes like tears very much
C. your eyes can’t work without tears D. your eyes can’t open without them
Tom was seven years old. He was a good boy. But he could not get up early. He slept until nine or ten o’clock in the morning. He was often late for school. Tom’s mother didn’t want him to be late for school. So she bought him an alarm clock. She said to Tom, “You must get up when you hear the clock ring.” “Yes, Mum,” Tom said. After that Tom got up at six thirty when he heard the clock ring. One day his mother forgot to wind up the clock. And the next morning Tom didn’t get up at six thirty. It was time for breakfast. Mother went to see him. Tom was in bed and his eyes were open. “Why didn’t you get up?” Mother was angry. “You told me I must get up when I heard the clock ring. So I am waiting for the bell.” ( Notes: alarm clock 鬧鐘 wind up 上弦 )
[ ]61. Tom couldn’t get up early in the morning, so he was often late for school.
[ ]62. Tom’s mother bought a clock for him because he liked it.
[ ]63. Tom usually got up early after he had a clock.
[ ]64 One day the clock didn’t ring but Tom got up early.
[ ]65. Tom didn’t get up early one day because he didn’t want to go to school.
I saw an accident this morning when I was standing at the corner of Green Street. A woman with her son was driving a red sports car down Green Street very fast. While she was driving, she was talking on her mobile phone. At the same time, a man was driving a blue truck along Fifth Street very slowly. While he was driving, he was drinking a bottle of cola and eating a sandwich. While the man was driving through the crossing, the woman in the sports car didn’t stop at the traffic lights. As a result, the car hit the truck. Both the woman and the man were very angry. While they were shouting at each other, the police came. Luckily, they were not badly hurt.
I was standing at the corner 66 I saw an accident this morning. The red sports car which the woman was driving was 67 than the truck. When the accident 68 , the woman was using her 69 and the man was having a bottle of cola and a sandwich. So at the traffic lights the car hit the truck. 70 they were not badly hurt, both of them were very unhappy.
66. ____ 67. ____ 68. ____ 69. ____ 70. ____
第三部分 寫作(30分)
Ⅰ. 詞匯部分。(11分)
71.Miss Li always speaks to us with a ___ (smile) face.
72.Cars, trains and planes are all __________ (vehicle)..
73.To avoid ___________(hit)the truck, he ran into the wall and fell down.
74.?How about going ___ (camp) this weekend?
?That’s a good idea!
75.Yao Ming is a very ____ (success) basketball player in China.
76. Tomorrow we’ll ______ ______ (決定)the best way to travel to Qingdao.
77.Tom ____ ____ (收到……的來(lái)信)his father every month.
78. I would like more time to ______ this problem ______ (仔細(xì)考慮).
79.______ ____ (鎮(zhèn)靜)! We still have a lot of time.
80.____ ____ (開始,起初), he didn’t like swimming at all.
81. It’s too noisy for him to (入睡).
Ⅱ. 用方框中所給詞組的適當(dāng)形式填空。(5分)
get together, take turns, make sure, because of, be out of sight
82. Don’t let the kids _________ for a second.
83. Tom hopes to _________ with his old friends in America.
84. Mike was late for school _________ his illness yesterday.
85. You must _________ all the windows are closed before you leave the room.
86. We can _________ to help Mary with her lessons.
Ⅲ. 書面表達(dá)。(A題4分,B題10分,共14分)
87.湯姆感到很難過(guò)因?yàn)樗蛱熘形目荚嚊](méi)及格。(feel, because,fail, exam)
88.如果人們遵守交通規(guī)則,交通事故就會(huì)更少。(obey, rule, there be)
89.Maria 和Jane一樣可愛(ài)。(as…as, lovely)
90.昨天晚上當(dāng)康康在做作業(yè)時(shí),他的媽媽在做飯。(while, cook, homework)
1. 詞數(shù)60?80。
2. 條理清晰,語(yǔ)句連貫,字跡工整。
3. 以下內(nèi)容僅供參考,也可自行安排計(jì)劃。
五一 假 期 計(jì) 劃
1、好好休 息,學(xué)會(huì)放松,適當(dāng)運(yùn)動(dòng)
參考詞匯:知識(shí) knowledge, 社會(huì)活動(dòng) social activities, 放松relax
第一部分 (20分)
Ⅱ. 情景交際。(10分)
36. D 37. E 38. B 39. C 40 A
41. wrong, 42. worried, 43. with, 44. help, 45. welcome,
Ⅲ. 完形填空。(10分)
46. A 47. B 48. C 49. B 50. A
51. B 52. C 53. A 54. A 55. C
Ⅳ. 理解。(15分)
56. B 57. C 58. A 59. C 60 C
61. T 62. F 63. T 64. F 65. F
C 66. when 67. faster 68. happened 69. phone/cellphone 70Though
第三部分 寫作(30分)
71. smiling 72. vehicles 73. hitting 74. camping 75. successful
76. decide on/upon 77. hears from 78. think over
79. Calm down 80 At first 81. fall asleep
Ⅱ. 用方框中所給詞組的適當(dāng)形式填空。(5分)
82. be out of sights 83. get together 84. because of
85. make sure 86. take turns
C. 根據(jù)所給提示詞,將句子翻譯成英文(4分)
87. Tom felt very sad because he failed the Chinese exam yesterday.
88.If people obey the traffic rules, there will be fewer accidents.
89 M aria is as lovely as Jane.
90.Kangkang was doing his homework whi le his mother was cooking yesterday evening.
聽(tīng) 力 材 料期中檢測(cè)
Ⅰ. 聽(tīng)句子,選擇正確圖片。每個(gè)句子讀一遍。
1. Beijing Movie Theater is showing Shrek during the International Children’s Day.
2. Li Lei has a cold, so he has to stay in bed.
3. The music sounds beautiful.
4. A boy had an accident yesterday afternoon.
5. Maria is crying. She failed in the exam.
Ⅱ. 聽(tīng)句子,選擇正確答案。每個(gè)句子讀一遍。
6. Which city is in America?
7. Let me help you clean your room.
8. What kind of color can make you feel sad?
9. I have a temperature, so I am in low spirits.
10. How about exploring the Ming Tombs this Sunday?
Ⅲ. 聽(tīng)對(duì)話及問(wèn)題,選擇正確答案。每段對(duì)話及問(wèn)題讀兩遍。
11. W: What did you do in last year’s music festival?
M: I really enjoyed singing with other students.
Q: What did the man do during the music festival?
12. W: What does your brother like?
M: He likes traveling by train.
Q: What does the man’s brother like?
13. W: Do you know Lucy?
M: Yes, I think she is a shy girl.
Q: What is Lucy like?
14. W: Shall we go to see Beijing Opera?
M: I would like to stay at home. I’m a little tired.
Q: What does the woman want to do?
15. W: I could play the piano when I was very young.
M: Really? Who taught you?
W: My father.
Q: What could the woman do when she was young?
Ⅳ. 聽(tīng)對(duì)話,判斷正(T)誤(F)。對(duì)話讀兩遍。
W: What are you going to do?
M: I’m going to go camping.
W: That’s great! For how long?
M: I’m going to be away for a week.
W: So, when a re you leaving?
M: I’m not sure. I’ll leave at the end of May.
W: And where are you going to go?
M: I think I will go to one of the national parks.
W: That sounds fun.
M: Yeah. Maybe I’ll go hiking and do some fishing.
W: Are you going to buy a tent?
M: I’m not sure. Maybe I won’t buy a tent, for it’s too expensive.
W: Are you going to go with anyone?
M: No. I need some time alone. I’m going to travel by myself.

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/74487.html
