2014年外研版八年級英語下冊Module 3-4期末復習試題

編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學習網
八年級英語第二學期八年級英語期末復習資料―Module 5-6
班級___________ 姓名_____________ 試卷編號:06
一、 基礎知識訓練
( )1. He ____ me easily and ______ the table tennis match.
A. won, beat B. beats, won C. beat, won
( )2. Don’t spend ________ on the games. It is not good for you.
A. too many time B. much too time C. too much time
( )3. The house is ___________ small for three people to live in.
A. too much B. too many C. much too.
( )4. Many students didn’t realize the importance of study ________ they left school.
A. when B. until C. after
( )5. Alice is ______ young that she can’t dress himself.
A. such B. very C. so
( )6. This is _________ difficult problem that few
students can work it out.
A. so a B. such C. such a
( )7. He hasn’t decided if he _______ travelling this summer holiday.
A. will go B. goes C. went
( )8. If you _____ to the 2010 Shanghai Expo next month, I will go with you.
A. go B. has gone C. will go
( )9. I am not sure if she ______ reading. If she _______, I will introduce this book to her.
A. will like; likes B. likes; likes C. likes, will like
( )10. ? Will you go to the concert after school? ? If Jenny ___ to the concert, I ___ , too.
A. will go; will go B. goes; will go C. goes; go
( )11. I am waiting for my friend. If he ______, I _______ swimming alone.
A. doesn’t come; will go B. won’t come’ will go C. will come; won’t go
( )12. If you know anything about him, ______ me immediately.
A. will tell B. tell C. telling
( )13. -- Is Jack in the library? ? Maybe. I saw him ______ out
with some books just now.
A. going B. go C. to go
( )14. I hear someone ________ at 12: 00 last night. It was
terrible. A. crying B. cry C. cried
( )15. You should ______ your earphones. You have listened to music for so long.
A. take up B. turn off C. take off
( )16. He’s lazy. He always wants me ____ him ____ my homework.
A. to let, copy B. to let, to copy C. let, to copy
( )17. Our teacher often tells us not _____ others ____.
A. makes; to cry B. to make; cry C. to make; to cry
1. 快點,那么你就能趕上最后一班車。Hurry up, and you _______________ catch the first bus.
2. 這位影星拒絕回答這個問題。The film star ________________________ answer this question.
3. 在街的盡頭有一間超市。There is a supermarket __________________________the street.
4. 他們提醒我們不要再湖里游泳。They ________________________________ in the lake.
5. 我寧愿走路而不愿坐公交車。I would ____________________________________ a bus.
6. 那個男孩主動提出給我拿包。The boy ____________________________ take the bag for me.
7. 我的電腦經常出問題。My computer often _____________________.
8. 不要責怪他,畢竟他還是個孩子。Don’t scold him. _______________, he is a child.
9. 每天至少有三百萬人使用QQ聊天。_________________ 3 million people are using QQ to chat.
10. 別對這么小的孩子生氣。Don’t ___________________________ such a little child.
11. 如果她拒絕收這張支票,我會用現(xiàn)金付款。
If she __________________________________ the check, I will pay cash.
12. 你明天什么時候能來?When will you ______________________________tomorrow?
13. 她寧愿死也不愿失去孩子。She ______________________________________ her children.
practice, beat, mend, refuse, steal, chance, pity, honest, prove, punish
1. If you give me another ______ , I will not make the same mistake again.
2. It is a _________ if you are not able to take part in the party tonight.
3. You have to get enough ______________ if you want to be strong.
4. Mother _________ me for breaking the window.
5. An __________ man will never tell lies.
6. It is wrong for us to _________ something from others.
7. At last, he _________ the player from the USA and won the match.
8. The twins _______________ the invitation to the party.
9. You need to __________ that you are honest.
10. Can you help me __________ my broken bike?
Module 6
一. 單項選擇:
( )1. -- Why do you often feel _______ in math class? ? Because I hate math.
A. asleep B. sleepy C. sleep
( )2. My mother fell ____ while watching TV because she is too ______.
A. sleepy, sleepy B. sleepy, asleep C. asleep, sleepy
( )3. The pain (疼) is keep me ____. I couldn’t sleep all night.
A. awake B. wake C. not sleepy
( )4. The alarm clock ____ me up at 6:30 o’clock every morning.
A. awake B. wake C. not sleepy
( )5. Our English teacher is standing _____ us so that she
could hear us clearly. A. from B. between C. among
( )6. ? Guess, how much does it cost?
? I think it costs _____ 15 and 20 dollars.
A. from B. between C. among
( )7. Where did his birthday party ______ . ? At home.
A. take place B. happen C. taken place
( )8. The accident ______ when everyone was having lunch.
A. take place B. happened C. took place
( )9. You look _______. What’s your problem?
A. happy B. worried C. worry
( )10. My mother doesn’t ________ about me because I have
grown up. A. worried B. be worried C. worry
( )11. Jack said that Mike ______ swim. A. can B. could C. is able to
( )12. She says she ____ to visit the museum the next day.
A. went B. will go C. has gone.
( )13. I’m afraid the box is _____ heavy for you to carry. A. so B. very C. too
( )14. ? Why don’t you go to the shop on foot?
? It will take me ______ time.
A. much too B. too much C. too many
( )15. There are _____ story books in the store and I
don’t know how to choose.
A. much too B. too much C. too many
( )16. The _________ adventure film makes everyone _________.
A. excited, exciting B. exciting excited C. exciting, exciting
( )17. Study hard, ____ you’ll catch up with your friends.
A. and B. but C. or
( )18. Hurry up, ___ you will be late.
A. and B. but C. or
( )19. Planting trees is a lot of fun. I’d like to ____ you. A. visit B. join C. meet
* 加入某人當中: ____________
二. 完成句子: 新 課 標 第一 網
1. 2014奧運會會在倫敦舉行。 2010 Olympic Games ______________in London.
2. 昨天他發(fā)生什么事了?What _______________________ yesterday?
3. 你認為廣州塔怎樣? What ___________________________ Guangzhou Tower?
4. 他生病了。我們都很擔心他。 He was ill and we were ____________________ him.
5. 昨天醫(yī)生建議我戒煙。 Yesterday the doctor _____________________ give smoking.
6. 你認為這個故事真實地反映了生活嗎? Do you think this story is very __________________?
7. 他們面對面地站著,不發(fā)一言。 They _________________________ and said nothing.
8. 我認為,他并沒有說真話。________________, he didn’t tell the truth.
9. 演出結束時,他們鼓掌長達十分鐘。___________________ the play, they clapped for ten minutes.
10. 那次旅行不錯,大家都玩得很愉快。It was a good trip. Everyone ________________________.
11. 那座小屋隱藏在群山之中。That house is hidden ____________________________.
12. 我們每天都需要喝大量的水。 We need to drink _____________________ every day.
13. 這本書一出來我就會買. I will buy this book as soon as ________________________.
14. 他一點都不擔心我。 He ____________________________ me at all.
= He _____________________________me at all.
1. Tom said, “I am a soldier now” 2. My mother asked me: “What are you going to do tonight?”
Tom said ______________________ My mother asked me: ____________________________
3. The boy said to his mother: “Don’t leave me alone.” 4. I asked him : “Are you awake? ”
The boy ________________________________ I asked ____________________________.
5. Our teacher said: “There are 12 months in a year.” The teacher said __________________________
四.選詞: fight, play, although, except , worried, plenty, advise, funny, sleepy, awake, sail
1. Tang Guoqiang ofen ________ Mao Zedong in many films.
2. We go to school ever day ________ Saturday and Sunday.
3. The TV sitcom Home With Kids is very ______. Many children like watching it.
4. We decided to go for a walk ______________ it was raining.
5. The doctor __________ strongly that she should take a good rest.
6. Mrs Li is standing ____________ her students.
7. You look very tired and ____________. Why don’t you have a rest?
8. Drink ________ of water and you will feel better.
9. The ship is ___________ for Shanghai tomorrow.
10. When we meet some terrible men, we had to ________ them.
11. Why do you look so ________? ? Because my baby is still ill in hospital.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/74616.html
