Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake 學(xué)案1

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake?學(xué)案
Section A
一、教師寄語: Among any three people walking, I will find something to learn for sure. Their good qualities are to be followed, and their shortcomings are to be avoided.
三人行,必有我?guī)熝。擇其善者而從之,其不善者而改之?br />二、學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)
1. woeds: vocabulary :blender , yogurt , turn on , cut up , peel , pour , put into , ingredient ,cinnamon , teaspoon , amount ,watermelon .
2. Patterns: How do you make a banana milk shake?
How many bananas do we need ?
How much milk do we need ?
能力目標(biāo): 學(xué)會使用how many 和how much 分別對可數(shù)名詞和不可數(shù)名詞的量提問.
情感目標(biāo): 培養(yǎng)學(xué)生熱愛勞動的習(xí)慣.
salt, turkey, check, roll, sauce
1. Finally ____ the pancake.
2. ____ looks like sugar.
3. How many teaspoons of ____ do you need?
4. Did you ____your answers?
5. Put some ____ slices on the sandwich.
SB Page 41 , 1a .
Look at the picture .What can you see ?
Point out the blank likes in the picture .Ss twrite the names of the actions .Choose the correct words .
Ss fill in the blanks on their own .
Check the answers .
SB Page 41, 1b .
Point out the actions in the picture and the list of actions in activity 1b .
Play the recording and check the answers .
SB Page 42 , 2a .
Point out the two columns in the chart and read the headings .Say , Maria and Katie are talking about making fruit salad .Listen carefully .What do they need ?Write the names of the ingredients .
Play the recording and check the answers .
SB Page 42 , 2b .
Listen again .This time listen to the amout of each ingredient the girls talk about .Write the name of each ingredient next to the correct amount .
A student reads the amounts in the first column .
Play the recording .Ss work .Check the answers .
SB Page 43 , 3a .Look at the picture and answer what the boy and girl are doing .
Read the four words at the beginning of the activity .
Answer the number the words to show the order .
Read the conversation .And complete it .
SB Page 41 , 1c .
Point out the instructions in activity 1b .And talk with a partner .
SB Page 42 ,2c .
Read the instruction for the activity .
Point to the sample conversation .Two students read the questions and answers to the class .
Ss work in pairs .
Some pairs to present their conversations .
Grammar focus .
Review the grammar box .Ss to say the questions and answers .
Write the words countable and uncountable on the Bb .
One or two students explain what these words mean
Pay attention to the verb , there are imperative sentences .Students say sentences like these .
SB Page 43 , 3b .Point out the picture .
Ss tell what is happening in each picture. Review the words :popcorn , popcorn popper ,salt , bowl .
A student read the directions in the box .
Ss work with partner ,then one or two students tell the class how to make popcorn .
(五) 梳理歸納
I want three bottles of milk. 我想要三瓶牛奶。
Please give him a piece of paper. 請給他一張紙。
也可以用some, any, a lot, lots of, much, a little等來修飾表示泛指的數(shù)量。
He has a lot of time to study. 他有大量學(xué)習(xí)的時間。
對數(shù)量進(jìn)行提問時,how many 后接可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù);how much 后接不可數(shù)名詞。
?How many oranges did he buy? 他買了多少個橘子?
?He bought five oranges. 他買了五個。
?How much water do you drink every day? 你每天喝多少水?
?I drink eight glasses of water every day. 我每天喝八杯水。
Ⅰ. 用所給短語的正確形式填空,每個只能用一次
cut up , turn on, mix up, add…to…, put… into…
1. Please ____ the ingredients ____ the soup.
2. Don’t ____ the blender.
3. Please ____ the three apples.
4. He ____ meat ____ the bread.
5. Finally, he ____ all the ingredients.
Ⅱ. 根據(jù)漢語提示完成英語句子
1. Let’s make ____ ____(水果沙拉).
2. That’s a ____ ____(好主意).
3. Your mother needs three ____ ____ _____(茶匙蜂蜜).
4. First, we should ____ _____(攪勻)water and flour.
Ⅲ. 對下列各句的畫線部分提問,每空一詞
1. We need two cups of orange juice.
____ ____ _____ ____ orange juice do you need?
2. There are twenty boys in our class.
____ ____ ____ are there in your class?
3. He wants two slices of bread.
____ ____ ____ does he want?
1.Don’t ____ too much TV, It’s bad for your eyes.
A. watch B. watched C. watching D. to watch
<點撥> 本句是否定祈使句,don’t后接動詞原形,故排除B, C, D三項。<答案> A
2.?Please come ____ the room. It’s raining hard outside.?Thank you.
A. over B. out C. into D. on
<點撥> come over意為“順便來訪”,接介詞to之后,再加地點賓語,故排除;come out加地點名詞時要先加介詞of,排除;come on 意為“加油;過來”,不符合句意;句意為“外面雨下得很大,請進(jìn)屋吧。謝謝!惫蔬x C項。<答案> C
3. Do you know how ____ the blender?
A. open B. to open C. turn on D. to turn on
<點撥> 打開果汁機用turn on,排除A, B兩項;疑問詞后常接不定式,故排除C項。
1.(2009 湖州)Put the ingredients in a bowl and ____, please.
A. mix up it B. mix it up C. mix up them D. mix them up
2.(2009 益州)Please ____ some salt to my soup.
A. turn B. put C. make D. add

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/75652.html

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