
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
英 語 試 卷
I. 選擇。(每小題1分,共20分)
( )1 ―__________ anybody hurt? ―No, everyone was safe.
A. DoesB. DidC. Is D. Was
( )2 The car _________ the tree, and the driver ___________his leg.
A. hit, hurt B. hurt, hit C. hurt, hurt D. hit, hit
( )3.I was doing my homework _________ my mother was cooking some delicious food.
A. whileB. as C. when D. then
( )4. ―What was the weather like when the earthquake happened at first?
―It was ___________.
A. rain B. snow C. frost D. fine
( )5. I felt a _________ shaking through my body. My body shook ___________.
A. slight, slightB. slight, slightly C. slightly, slight D. slightly, slightly
( )6. How ____________the weather was!
A. terrible B. terribly C. more terrible D. very terrible
( )7. I'm sorry, I___________ the book in my room.
A. left B. leave C. forget D. forgot
( )8.I ____________ my grandparents in Shenzhen at this time last year.
A. visited B. visitingC. were visiting D. was visiting
( )9. The little girl listened to the thunder____________.
A. in fear B. fearly C. with fear D. by fear
( )10. It may be dangerous ________ a car _________a snowy day.
A. to drive, inB. to drive, on C. drive, in D. drive, on
( )11. He ______much food_______the poor family during the hard time.
A.provided,to B. provides,with C.provided, with D. provides, for
( )12. The correct symbol of “therefore”is ___________.
A.∵ B.∴ C. < D. >
( )13.I want to put the bookshelf here. Can you make_______for it?
A.a space B.some spaces C.some more rooms D.some space
( )14.Taiwan is_____ the east of China and ____the east of Fujian.
A.in,in B.in,to C. to, on D.to,to
( )15.He is too old to run_________to catch the bus.
A.fast enough B.fastly enough C.enough fast D.enough quickly
( )16.You can call me ______58848312 or e-mail me .
A. on,at B.at,on C.by,on D.on,on
( )17.I think ______necessary for us to learn English well.
A. it B. .that C its D.that’s
( )18.This maths question is _______for us to answer.
A.easy enough B.enough easy C.easily enough D.enough easily
( )19.Do we need more people______you______the flowers?
A.help, water B.to help, water C.help, to water D.to help, watering
( )20.This kind of camera looks____and sells______in the shop.
A.nice,well B.good,good C.nicely,well D .good,nice
Ⅱ.完型。(每小題1.5分, 共15分)
It is well known that the English go out with an umbrella or a raincoat. Why? (26)_____ the weather in Britain often changes quickly. It is not very usual for the same kind of weather to (27) ______ long.
  Spring can be rainy or windy, (28)_____ the weather is getting warmer and you can hope more sunny days. In fact, there (29)______ as much sunshine in spring as in summer. Summer is (30)______ time for visitors to go to the seaside and other places of interest. The weather can be sunny and nice. People often go out to have a walk or swim. Autumn is a beautiful season, (31)______ trees in the woods and parks changing colour. During autumn it is still nice to be outside, too. In winter, it gets colder. It might snow, especially on high land and in the north. There are (32)_____ very high winds in this season.
 January and February are the coldest (33)______ of the year, while the warmest (34)____ often July and August. The difference in temperature (35)______ winter and summer is not so great in Britain. The average temperature for winter is about 4.5℃, and for summer about 15.5℃.
( )1. A.ForB. AsC.BecauseD. Since
( )2. A. makeB. stay C. change D. take
( )3. A. but B. and C.or D. for
( )4. A.can B.can be C. have D.can have
( )5. A. the earliestB. the latestC. the worstD. the best
( )6. A. with B. like C. without D. from
( )7. A. also B. too C. either D. as well
( )8. A. seasons B. weatherC. monthsD.weeks
( )9. A.is B. are C. was D. were
( )10. A. in B.among C. fromD. Between
III. 理解。
A. 短文,選擇正確答案。(每小題2分,共20分)
In some places in North Africa, great cities once stood. There were gardens and trees and grass. But now these places are like deserts(沙漠). Scientists have begun to study this land to find out what happened. Many of them think the land died when the trees were cut down. Trees help other plants grow. Tree roots hold the earth in place. They stop the soil from being blown away. In forests, leaves on the ground keep rainwater from running off. Trees near farms protect growing plants from strong winds.
Once there were hundreds of farms in the Southwestern United States. Then the farms turned into fields of dry land, because few trees grow in the dry Southwest.
Now we try to save trees. In many forests, when a tree is cut down, a new tree is planted in its place. We do not want the land to die.
( )1. From the passage, we can see ___________.
A. tree roots hold sand B. men may destroy the land
C. trees grow only in deserts D. land can never become desert
( )2. What do trees possibly do?
A. Trees keep other plants away. B. Trees help other plants grow.
C. Trees hold other plants down. D. Trees destroy other plants.
( )3. Why did farms in the Southwestern United States turn into fields of dry land?
A. Because there have been few trees growing there.
B. Because people planted quite a few trees there.
C. Because many people moved there to make a living.
D. Because when a tree was cut down, a new tree was planted in its place.
Mr. King is a tall and strong man. He teaches P.E. in a middle school. He wears a long beard(胡子)and takes good care of it.
It was Sunday yesterday. There was a big football match of the year on the playground in the centre of the city. Mr. King likes the game very much and of course he was going to watch it. With his friends' help, he got a ticket a few days ago. After breakfast he hurried to the bus stop, but a lot of people were waiting there. A bus came and he could hardly got on. There were a lot of people in it and it was difficult for them to put their feet. He had to grip(抓。゛ back of the chair. At the next stop a boy got on the bus. He was short and couldn't grip anything. Suddenly the bus stopped and the boy almost fell to the floor. He looked around and saw Mr. King's beard and grip it. The man found it at once and called out, "Let go off(松開)my beard, boy!"
"Are you going to get off, sir?" asked the boy.
( )4. It was difficult for Mr. King to stand because ___.
A. he had drunk too muchB. the bus was too small
C .he got on the bus too late D. it was very crowded(擁擠) in the bus
( )5. The boy gripped Mr. King's beard because ___.
A. he was afraid to fall again B. he wanted to make the man angry
C. he hoped the man found a seat for himD. he hoped the man got off soon
( )6. Mr. King was afraid ___, so he shouted at him.
A. the boy would pull him down B. the boy would hurt his beard
C. the boy could be hurt again D. the boy would borrow his ticket
Mr read has a large farm near a hill. He and his wife are busy all the day. They’re often tired but they have a lot of expensive things and they live a happy life.
One day their sows(母豬) had twenty baby pigs. Mrs read had to look after them at home. And at that time she had much housework to do. Several weeks later she let the baby pigs come out of the pigsty(豬圈) and look for some food themselves. Her seven-year-old son John came back from school. He was ready to help his mother. The woman was happy and told him to count them and see if they were all there. The boy threw his schoolbag on the table and ran out. About half an hour later the supper was ready, but the boy didn’t come back. The woman had to go to see what was wrong with her son. and she saw her son running after a baby pig.
“What are you running after it for?” she asked. “Are they all right?”
“I counted nineteen, mummy,” said the boy. “But only the fellow(家伙) is running about so fast that I can’t count it all!”
( )7. Mr and Mrs read ARE ____.
A. workers B. farmers C. drivers D. doctors
( )8. Mr and Mrs are tired but ____.
A. they get a lot of money B. they get little food
C. they want to leave the farm D. they have enough food to eat
( )9. John found ____ so he was ready to help her.
A. his mother was very busy B. his mother was too tired to work
C. his mother was ill D. his mother was hungry
( )10. Mrs Read told her son to ____.
A. do some house B. look after the pigs
C. give some food to the pigs D. see is some of the pigs were missing(丟失)
Ⅳ. 根據(jù)課文內(nèi)容填空 (每空一詞,每空一分,合計(jì)14分)
Many birds live c________ in Zhalong Nature Reserve all year r________ ,while some only stay there for a short time .There are many fish in the w________ ,and the birds can e________ catch them f________ food . Zhalong Nature Reserve is an important l________ area for the r________ red-crowned cranes .There are not many red-crowned cranes in the world .some of them live in Zhalong .
Then the r________ noise came,like bombs under the ground .The earth s________ to shake .People ran in all d________. They did not know where to go. Some people ran out of the shopping centre .I t________ my best to run out to the street too . People were running w________ while pieces of glass and bricks were f________ down .Then the walls began to c________ down ,too!
I. 用句意、中文提示或所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。(每小題1分,共15分)
1 The weather report says the ___________________(溫度) will be over 32℃.
2 There is nothing _________________(嚴(yán)重的) with you, young man.
3 I______________________(write) when the teacher came in.
4 They went in the __________________(方向) of the post office.
5 The football game is __________________(near) over.
6 Wait here for a _________________(片刻). I’ll be back soon.
7 It’s said that the weather _________________(狀況)there is very bad.
8 People like __________________(搖動) hands with each other when they meet.
9. He ran away _____________________(wild) yesterday afternoon.
10 The two boys talked so (noisy)that the teacher told them to be quiet.
11 Xie Tingfeng is (happy) today because he lost his love.
12 I think it is important for us (protect)birds.
13 If you (not study)hard, you’ll fail the exam.
14 Our plane (leave)at nine o’clock tonight.
15 Nancy often spends a lot of time (practise) (sing).
1 一場洪水把村子沖走了。
A _________________________ the village _______________.
2 他們趕緊移走石頭和磚頭。
They _________________________ to move away the _______________________.
3 掠過我頭腦的片刻驚恐使我害怕。
A moment of fear __________ ____________mind made me ____________.
4 當(dāng)吳老師讓我們早點(diǎn)回家時我正在做家庭作業(yè)。
I ____________________my homework when Mr. Wu told us _______________________.
5 兩輛小汽車轟然相撞,兩司機(jī)全都死亡。
The two cars ______________ each other and _____ of the drivers _______..
6 The Chinese government wants to help these birds in danger. (改為同義句)
The Chinese government wants to help these________ _________.
7 Every year, a lot of tourists go to Zhalong to watch birds. (改為同義句)
Every year,_________tourists go __________in Zhalong.
8 It is not right to hunt in a protected area. It is not right to fish there,either.(改為同義句)
It is________to hunt_________fish in a protected area.
1. 3月6日上午Jim家的房子被閃電擊中失火。
3.上午8點(diǎn)Jim 打了110熱線,警察5分鐘后到達(dá),并把他們送往醫(yī)院.
4. Jim的感受。 (字?jǐn)?shù):不少于80個單詞)
A terrible fire
____________________________________________________ ________

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/76515.html
