Unit 4 How do you get to school 教案

編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學習網
Unit 4 How do you get to school? 教案

Unit 4 How do you get to school?
Teaching goals :
1.Words & phrases: get to , how far , bicycle , subway , minute , mile , bus stop .
2.Talk about how to get to places (談論出行方式)
take the bus /subway /train /taxi , ride a bike /walk .
3.how引導的特殊疑問句,表示乘坐何種交通工具的方式.how far ,how long 引導的特殊疑問句.
Important and difficult points :
1.how /how far /how long 引導的特殊疑問句.
3.It takes /will take/took sb some time to do sth .
Teaching aids: cards and a tape-recorder .
Period 1
Teaching procedures :
Step 1 Leading in
1.Greetings and free talk .

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1.T: How do we get to school ? Some students walk ,some students take the bus ,some students ride a bike .Does anyone take the subway ? No , we have no subway .OK ,today we will learn Unit 4 .
Explain : get to
Step 2 While-task
SB Page19 ,1a&1c .
1.Write down how you get to school .
2.Look at the picture .Write down how the students get to school.
3.Make dialogues with the phrases .
4.Groupwork: Divide the students into groups of three or four .Practice reading the dialogues.
5.Act out their dialogues .
SB Page 19 , 1b .Listening
1.Make sure the Ss know what ot do .Give them an example orally if possible .
2.Read the names .
3.Play the tape and check the answers .

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SB Page 20 , 2a&2b .
1.Revise the numbers .
2.Teach the new word :minute .
3.Play the tape for the students to finish 2a&2b .Then play again and check the answers .
Step 3 Post-task
If there is time ,make conversations .
Step 4 Homework
用對話的形式告訴老師你是怎么到達學校并需要多長時間,then please tell me how you get to school and how long it takes .

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Period 2
Teaching procedures :
Step 1 Leading in
1.Greetings .
2.Check the homework .
3.Go over the dialogue in Page20 ,2c .
Step 2 Pre-task
SB Page 20 ,Grammar focus .
1.Review the grammar box .Ask students to say the statements and responses .
2.Practice reading .
3.Explain the usage of “take” in “take the train” and “take sb some time to do sth” .
Step 3 While-task
SB Page 21,3a .
1.Pay attention to the speech bubbles .Read the questions .
2.Read the passage by the Ss. Find the answers to the questions and write the answers on the lines .

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3.Check the answers .
SB Page 21, 3b .
1.Show Ss the example in the box .Two students read it to the class .
2.Pairwork: Make your own conversations using the information in the left box.
3.Ask some pairs to present the conversations to the class
Step 4 Post-task
SB Page 21 ,Part 4 .
Groupwork.Divide the Ss into groups of three .In each group ,one is A,who look at Page 21.One is B,who look at Page 85,the other is C,who look at Page 86 .
Fill in the blanks .
The group who fill in the blanks first wins .
Step 5 Homework
Write two conversations in 3b in the exercise books .

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Period 3
Teaching procedures :
Step 1 Leading in
1.Greetings and free talk .
2.Check the homework.
3.Go over the passage in 3a Page 21 .
Step 2 Pre-task
SB Page 22 ,1a .
1.Say the four new phrases and Ss repeat .
2.Match the words with the pictures .
3.Check the answers .
Step 3 While-task
SB Page 22,2a&2b .
1.Play the tape for the students to finish them .
2.Point out the two sets of pictures with a blank line in front of each .
3.Check the answers .
SB Page 22, 2c .Talk about how Nina gets to school .
Step 4 Post-task

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SB Page 23, 3a .
1.Read the instructions to the class and read through the statements abut the article .
2.Read the article again by the Ss .Write if the statements are true or false in your exercise books.
3.Do the activity individually and check the answers .
SB Page 23 ,3b .
Read the article and fill in the blanks .Check the answers.
Selfcheck Part 2 .
1.Look at the picture .Make sure what the people in the picture doing .
2.Finish the conversation .
3.Practice reading .
Step 5 Homework
1.Write a newspaper article .
2.Go over this unit .

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/80193.html

相關閱讀:Unit 4 How do you get to school