Unit 2Vienna is the centre of European classical music教案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

Unit 2Vienna is the centre of European classical music教案
Teaching plan for Module 5 Western music
Unit 2 Vienna is the centre of European classical music.
By Huang Qiaomei
Longgang Middle School
本模塊以Western music為話題,設(shè)計了三個部分的內(nèi)容。旨在通過模塊使學(xué)生了解西方音樂的有關(guān)知識;了解奧地利著名作曲家——約翰?施特勞斯;學(xué)會表述反意疑問句及其回答;能談?wù)搶Σ煌愋偷囊魳芳皩τ谝魳返膼酆煤屠斫;談(wù)撟钕矚g的音樂;練習(xí)通過閱讀找出信息的能力;能根據(jù)所給的信息寫音樂家的傳記。
通過Unit 1的學(xué)習(xí)同學(xué)們已經(jīng)對談?wù)摬煌愋偷囊魳酚兴私,能運用描述音樂的一些形容詞;已認(rèn)識反意疑問句及其回答。
Unit 2 學(xué)習(xí)關(guān)于著名音樂家約翰? 施特勞斯和莫扎特的文章,并從文章中找出細(xì)節(jié)信息;利用所給的信息寫音樂家的小傳。
Teaching aims
1)To master new words:centre,drum,violin, elder ,die
2)To understand the description of vienna and composers
3)To write about Xian Xinghai
4)To train the national feeelings of the students through the introdution of Xian Xinghai.
Teaching important/difficult points
Talk about composers and musicians
Teaching aids:A recorder and a computer.
Class types: Reading and writing
Teaching procedures
Step I Lead-in (Pre-reading)(6~7min)
2.Ask the Ss some questions:1) Do you like music?
2)What kind of music do you like?Why?
3)You have heard of it , haven’t you?
4)It is called The Blue Danube, isn’it?
5)The Strauss (younger) wrote it, didn’t he?

3.Play some music and ask Ss to guess the instruments
“It’s played by……..
(Aims:using the vedio of the blue danube to activate the reading background. And it can make the ss very to read it. )

Step II While-reading(13~15min)
1.Ask ss to skim the text and decide which para the pboto is talking about.(1min)
(Aims:Fast-reading to get the main idea)WWW.ZK5U.COM]
2.Listen and read the text and check the true sentences.(3min)
(Aims:Train the ss how to find the specific information)
3.Read the para.1 carefully and answer the two questions:(1min)
1)Where is Vienna?
2)Which family was the most famous family of musicians in Vienna?
4. Read the para2-3 and answer these two questions:(3min)
1)What sort of music did Johann Strauss the elder write
2)What was Johann Strauss the younger ‘s most famous piece of music?
5. Read para.4 and fill in the form about Mozart. Teach them how to write a
bi ography.(5min)
(Aims:Try to find more details,learn how to write a biography and prepare for writing)

Step III Post-reading(Writing)(15min)
There are a lot of famous western composers. But we still have lots of Chinese composers.Can you say some of them?
1.Play a song written by Xian Xinghai.
2.Ask them to choose 5~6 sentences to form a passage according to para4.
3.Ask some of them to show their passages.
(Aims: Train the ss’wrinting ability)

Read the text and translate it into Chinese.
Underline the difficulties you can’t understand
Write a passage about your favourite person.

Design of Bb

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/80703.html
