2013年8A Unit4 Do it yourself訓(xùn)練試題(新牛津英語)

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級(jí) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

一 重點(diǎn)詞匯20分基礎(chǔ)題
1象征,代表 _______________2 清楚的說明___________________
3 沒問題 __________________4 最好準(zhǔn)備一些工具_(dá)_________________
5刷房子_______________ 6 安裝_____________
7犯了一個(gè)錯(cuò)誤__________________ 8 穿 _______ _________
9 裝飾我們的房子_____________ 10 學(xué)習(xí)一門課程 ______________
11 而不是,代替 _____________12 對(duì)…著迷__________________
13 自己動(dòng)手做______________ 14 不但…而且______________
15 用…裝滿,填充 ____________ 16 停電 ______________
17 不停的做某事_________________18對(duì)…瘋狂的 ________________
19 張貼一張圖片_______________20已經(jīng),早已____________
1 With everyone’s ____________(支持) and help, I solved y probles in the end.
2 __________(剪刀) are useful in our daily life, but they are dangerous.
3 There will be a snowstor, that sounds t_________ .
4 Builders spent several weeks _________(to fix soething that is broken) the roof and pipe.
5 A large bouquet of r________ arrived on her desk.
6 Is it _________(已經(jīng)) 5 o’clock?
7 Only 12 people a_______ the eeting last week.
8 y father enjoys r________ soething new though he is over 70 years.
9 You can put your books on the s____________.
10 Are you c____ that you can go there on your own?
11 Can you s_______ the word for e?
二 用所給詞的正確形式15分
1 You __________(help) her with her English next week, aren’t you?
2 It rained heavily yesterday, so y father _________(drive) e to school.
3 It took the students thirty inutes _________(practise) the exercises.
4 You had better __________(not be) late for class next tie.
5 ________(be) careful when you cross the road.
6 I can’t reeber ________(exact) what he said.
7 Their eyes _____________(fill) with tears.
8 Now I know uch _________(any)about DIY than y sister.
9 After five __________(inute) ride, she got to the useu that afternoon.
10 The boss ade all the worker ________(work) for hi all day.
11 What a great tie we had _______(chat) with the young people!
12 The dish ________(cook) by r Wu is very delicious.
13 Our teachers always advise us _________(exercise) ore after school.
14 Please don’t give it up. Keep __________(try),and you will succeed one day.
15 The ore careful we are, the fewer istakes we ___________(ake).
三 單項(xiàng)20分
(  )1 ---What do ary’s parents do? ----- They ________ teachers.
A are all B are both C all are D both are
(  )2 ----__________ great fun we had! --- Yes, I will never forget it!
A What B What a C How D How a
(  )3 Not only y friends but also I _____ interested in those plays.
A are B a C is D were
(  )4 Stop soking, _____ you will get better soon.
A and B or C but D after
(  )5 --- You have dropped _______“s” in the word “necessary”. ---- Oh, _______ letter “s” is doubled.
A a, a B a, the C an, the D the, the
(  )6 ?What about this red T-shirt? Please ___________. --- Thank you. But it is a little too large.
A put it up B take it off C hand it in D try it on
(  )7 The bookshop is on _________side of the street. You should find a zebra crossing first.
A another B the other C other D others
(  )8 Can you fix this ____ window?
A break B broke C broken D breaking
(  )9 ---Help! There is a big snake near the house. ---- __________ afraid. It will go away later.
A Don’t B Not C Don’t be D Not be
(  )10 ---- Can I talk to you for a inute, Brian? --- Sure, I have _______ tie.
A a few B little C few D a little
(  )11 I can’t do the job ______ you.
A so bad as B as badly as C as worse as D so worst as
(  )12 What bad weather it was! We decided _____________.
A to go out B not to go out C to not go out D not going out
(  )13 ---- The box is so heavy to carry. What’s in it? ----- Oh, it is _________ books.
A full of B fill with C covered with D used for
(  )14 You look quite tired. You had better __________ a good rest.
A stop to have B stop having C to stop to have D to stop having
(  )15 We had better wait for your girlfriend, Juliet, _____________?
A hadn’t we B don’t we C didn’t we D shan’t we
(  )16 -----Is your brother crazy _____ coputer gaes? --- No, he isn’t.
A of B in C about D at
(  )17 Don’t ______ today’s work for toorro Today’s work ust be done today.
A put in B put out C put off D put on
(  )18 ary, ______ her Dad, ____ eating vegetables.
A likes, dislikes B likes, dislike C like, dislike D like, dislikes
(  )19 Here are soe instructions __________you.
A to B of C for D at
(  )20 I need a tool __________ y bike.
A to repair B repairing C repaired C repair

四 句型轉(zhuǎn)換16分
1 You ust not play football in the street.(祈使句).
__________________ football in the street.
2 Let us go out for a walking, ________ ________?(反義疑問句)
3 They stay at hoe to watch TV. They don’t have a picnic.(合并句子)
They stay at hoe to watch TV ___________________ a picnic.
4 I went hoe after I watered all the flowers(用not…until改寫句子).
I ______ go hoe ________ I watered all the flowers.
5 Shall we start?(同義句)
________ ________, ______ _________?
6 If you use your head , you will find a way.(祈使句)
_______ _____ ______ ______ you will find a way.
7 There are two pairs of shoes in the box.(提問)
___________________________________________ in the box?
8 Liing is interested in DIY. I a interested in DIY, too.(合并句子)
______________Liing _____________ I a interested in DIY.

五 翻譯句子12分
1 我們最好學(xué)會(huì)自己修東西,不要花錢給人修。
We ________________ learn __________________of _____________________it
2 我爸爸小的時(shí)候著迷于下象棋。
y father ____________________ chess when he ______________________.
3 那個(gè)男孩試圖在他的臥室裝盞更亮的燈。
The boy tried _______________________________ in his bedroo.
4 許多年輕人喜歡制作新東西, 你呢?
any young people _________________________, ____________ you?
5 按照說明,你不會(huì)出錯(cuò)。
___________the instructions and you can’t ___________________.
6 自從我讀了這封信,我一直不斷的想著它。
Since I read the letter, I _______________________________it.

六 完形10分
One day, a Chinese student goes to study English in England. His faily nae is Sun. It is the 1 as the word "sun."

England is a country with 2 . It is often cloudy or isty(多霧的), and it 3 again, so the days there 4 get uch sunshine(陽光) all the year.
When the Chinese student gets to London, a tall 5 policean with a long face 6 his passport(護(hù)照) to check(檢查) it. The policean finds the Chinese nae "sun" in the passport. He 7 it is pronounced(發(fā)音) just like the 8 word "sun". So he says to the Chinese student, "I see your nae is Sun, you're wanted here. You bring sunshine 9 England, so we don't want you to 10 ." They sile.
(  )1. A.sae B.different C.like D.as
(  )2. A.good weather B.bad people C.bad weather D.good people
(  )3. A.rains B.raining C.is rains D.to rains
(  )4. A.don't B.doesn't C.also D.often
(  )5. A.Chinese B.China C.English D.Japanese
(  )6. A.is open B.opens C.opening D.to open
(  )7. A.think B.thinking C.to think D.thinks
(  )8. A.English B.Chinese C.Japan D.French
(  )9. A.at B.of C.to D.for
(  )10. A.go away B.goes away C.going away D.away

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/81449.html
