
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

外研版2013 上 odule 2 y hoe town and y country

Unit 1 It’s taller than any other buildings
1 基礎(chǔ)積累
1 英漢互譯
1 illionns of _________ 2. pretty good _________
3 . as busy as ____________ 4 ore than __________
5 代替,而不是_____________ 6 三年前______________
7 記得要做某事______________ 8 越來越暖和___________
2 據(jù)意填詞
1 I know China is the country with a p_______ of ore than one billion.
2 There are seven _______ people in HongKong .
3 Tony is taller t______ e .
4 I will go to y _________ ( 家鄉(xiāng) ) next weekend .
5 The gate isn’t ________ ( 寬的 )enough to get the car through .
6 Shanghai is a ________ ( 繁忙 的 ) city . There are always any cars and buses on the street .
3 用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式xK b1.C o
1 To is as _______ ( careful ) as his sister .
2 Shanghai is _________ ( big ) than Tianjin .
3 We had a party instead of _______ ( have ) classes last Friday .
4 . Alicia is busy _______ ( do ) her hoework now .
5 I’ older than he is . But he is a little ____ ( tall ) than I a .
6 . He feels _______ ( happy ) today than yesterday .
7 The river is _______ ( wide ) than that one
8 The ountain is 2 _______ ( kiloeter ) high .
9 Is Shanghai _______ ( busy ) than HongKong .
10 . Lucy ______ ( look ) taller than her brother .

( ) 1.The population of Tianjin is ______ than that of Shanghai .
A larger B less C saller D fewer
( ) 2 . _______ is the population of China ?
A How any B How uch C What D How often
( ) 3 ----- ______ is ary ? ------ She is 1.60 etres tall .
A How long B How large C How far D How tall
( ) 4 . They went there by bus _____ by bike .
A instead B instead of C but D still
( ) 5 . I don’t like this fil . It is _____ the last one .
A ore interesting than B not so interesting as
C as interesting as D less interesting as
( ) 6 It’s ______ hot in Chongqing in suer . If it doesn’t rain,
It will be even _____ .
A quite , hot B very , hot C uch , hotter D very , hotter
1 這把尺子跟那把尺子一樣長
This ruler is ______ ______ ______ that one .
2 這幢大廈比附近的建筑物都高
The building is ______ ______ any other building near here .
3 長江要比泰晤士河更寬
The Changjiang River is ______ ______ the Thaes River .
4 中國和印度,哪個國家人口更多
_______ country has a ______ ______ , China or India ?
5 那座山大約1,500米高
That ountain is about 1,500 ______ ______ .
6 這個城市有數(shù)以百萬人
There are _______ _______ people in this city .
7 在20世紀(jì)80年代,深圳變成了一個非常重要的城市
Shenzhen _______ an iportant city ______ _______ 1980s .

Unit 2
1 英漢互譯
1 in the east of __________ 2 lots of ____________
3 a one-hour train ride ________ 4 on the coast _________
5 the hoe of ___________ 6 . 故鄉(xiāng),家鄉(xiāng)___________
7 因……… 而聞名 _________ 8 大不列顛______________
9 來自于____________ 10 在冬季________________
2 據(jù)意填詞
1 .Hainan Island is in the s_______ of China .
2 . The p______ of Shanghai is very large .
3 Bristol is in the w_______ of English .
4 . ark Twain is f_______ for his novels .
5 . Taiwan is a beautiful ______ (島嶼 )of China .
6 . Hongkong has seven _______ ( 百萬 )people .
7. London is the _________。ā∈锥肌 。ヽity of the UK .
8 There are lots of faous cities on the ______ ( 海岸 ) of China .
9 Guilin is a beautiful city , _________ ( 尤其) the lakes and low ountains .
10 .Cabridge is a ________ ( 受歡迎的 )city in the UK .
3 用括號中所給詞的適當(dāng)形式
1 . They are going _________ ( visit ) London next week .
2 . The city ________ ( have ) two ollion people .
3 . Beijing is _________ ( busy ) than before .
4 . The city is about 2,000 _______ ( year ) old .
5 . There ______ ( be ) a sall village near the sea .
6 . There are any faous ______ ( university ) in London .
1 單項(xiàng)選擇
1 The city is faous ______ its beautiful places .
A to B as C of D for
2 The city is very hot in suer _______ very cold in winter .
A and B so C or D but
3 . Nanjing is _______ the east of China . Japan lies _____ the east of China .
A in, in B on , to C in, to D at , on
4 . They live in a village _______ the coast .
A .with B in C of D on
5 . To is _______ than any other student in our class .
A . the tallest B taller C tall D tallest
6 It’s ______ train ride fro Beijing to Nanjing .
A . an eight-hour B an eight-hours C an eight hour D an eight hours
1 愛因斯坦以他的相對論而聞名。
Einstein ______ ______ ______ his Theory of Relativity .
2 中國在亞洲的東部
China is ______ _______ _______ ______ Asia .
3 那個國家人口眾多
That country _______ a ______ population .
4 許多游客去英國看這些著名的地方
______ ________ tourists go to England to see soe ______ places .
5 云南是大象和孔雀的生息地
Yunnan province is ______ _____- ______ elephants and peacocks .

Unit 3
1 英漢互譯
1 a large population ___________ 2 . in the north _______
3 . a busy city ____________ 4 . soething special ___________
5 在你的家鄉(xiāng) _______________ 6 . 多于,超過____________
7 . 五年前______________________
2 寫出下列單詞的比較級
1 sall________ 2 happy _________ 3. thin _________ 4 . busy _________
5 . big _________ 6 tall __________ 7 . large _________ 8 old __________
9. new ________ 10 . hot _________ 11. long _________ 12 . early _______
13. cool _______ 14 . war ________ 15 near __________ 16 nice ________
17 wide _______ 18 high __________ 19 short _______ 20 clean _________
3 句型轉(zhuǎn)換
1 It’s very cold here in winter . (對劃線部分提問 )

_______ the weather _______ here in winter ?
2 . The population of shanghai is thirteen illion . ( 提問 )
_________ is the _______ of Shanghai ?
3 . Hongkong is a new city . Shenzhen is a newer city . ( 合并一句) Shenzhen is a ______ city ______ Hong Kong .
4 . The area is faous for its green tea . (提問 )
________ _______ the area faous for ?
5 . r Sith is an Englishan . ( 同義句轉(zhuǎn)換)
r Sith ______ _______ the UK .
1 單項(xiàng)
1 Cabridge is ______ the east of English and Japan is ______ the east of China .
A . in , to B in , on C . on . to D to , on
2 . ---- What’s the weather like there ?
----- Oh , very nice . It’s not _______ in suer and not _____ in winter .
A hot , cold B hotter , colder C hotter , cold D hot , colder
3 . London is a big city , _________ 7 illion people .
A with B fro C on D for
4 . The river is 1.5 kilo etres ______ .
A tall B long C high D deep
5 _______ trees are planted in our hoe town every year .
A illions of B illion of C illion D Two illions
6 . ---- The skirt is too expensive .
----- Look ! Here is another one . It’s ______ and nicer .
A dearer B cheaper C older D longer
7 . The population of the UK is _______ than that of China .
A larger B saller C less D ore
1 中國以長城而聞名。
China ______ ______ ______ the Great Wall .
2 這個歌手十年前很受歡迎
The singer was _______ ten years _____ .
3 這個男孩正忙著給他姐姐寫信
The boy ______ ______ _______ to his sister
4 這條路20米寬
The road is twenty ______ _______
5 中國是一個歷史悠久的國家
China is a country ______ _____ ______ ______

6 大不列顛是一個島嶼,英格蘭是大不列顛的一部分
Great Britain is an _____ , and England is _______ of it .
1 Shanghai is _______ the east of China .
2 London is faous ______ Big Ben .
3 China has a large population _____ 1.3 billion .
4 New York is _____ the coast of the USA .
5 Jack is busy ______ his gaes .
6 He has a house ______ a blue roof .

1 單項(xiàng)選擇
1 . ---- What does your English teacher look like ?
---- She’s tall and thin ______ long hair .
A have B has C there is D with
2 The old Town of Lijiang is ______ with tourists for its beautiful old buildings .
A popular B faous C special D different
3 . ---- Ann , I a worried I’ getting fatter . What shall I do ?
----- I think you should eat ______ food and do ore exercise .
A ore B less C uch D little
4 Liuzhou is ______ than Shanghai .
A sall B saller C sallest
5 The thee park is about ______ ride fro the useu . You should start out right now .
A two hour B two hour’s C two hours’ D two hours
6 There are over ______ students in their school .
A hundreds B nine hundreds C hundreds of D nine hundered
7 After practicing for several onths , I can swi uch _____ now . A slower B slowest C faster D fastest
8 The baby feels _____ while his other holds hi in her ars
A save B safe C safely D safety
9 About _____ of the students in our class were born in the _______ .
A two-thirds , 1990s B two-thirds , 1990 C two-third , 1990s
The oon looks bigger than stars at night . But in fact , it is saller than any other star . The oon looks big to us , because it is closer to us than any other star . The oon goes around the earth . It akes one trip about four weeks . The oon is round and looks beautiful .
Now people know quite a lot about the oon . There is no air or water on the oon , so there are not any trees or anials or people on it . The oon gets light fro the sun , but soe places on the oon are quite dark . It is very cold at night .
( ) 1 . People know quite ______ about the oon now .
A a lot B a few C any D soe
( ) 2 The oon is ______ to the earth than the sun .
A farther B far C near D closer
( ) 3 The oon akes one trip around the earth in about ______
A a week B a onth C a year D 24 hours
( ) 4 There is ______ on the oon .
A everything B nothing C soe hills D soeyhing
( ) 5 The sun ______ to the oon
A gets light B gives light C gives air D gets air

London is a very big city and it is wonderful . You can see any faous buildings there . The Thaes River runs through the city fro west to east . So the city has two parts : the South and the North . In the North , there are iportant buildings , shops , big parks and interesting places .
The weather in London is really great . In winter , it is not very cold and in suer it is not very hot . Do you know why ? That is because the city is near the sea . People say that London is a foggy city and it often rains . It’s true .
Last year , when I was in london I et one of the thickest fogs in years . I could not see y hands in front of e . Cars and buses eved along with their lights on . In the evening , the weather got even worse . The fog was as thick as ilk . All the buses and cars stopped . I happened to have an iportant eeting on the other side of the city . But I could not find a car or a bus . and I didn’t know the way . I didn’t know how I could get there . I called y friend for help . He told e the way and I had to go there on foot .
( ) 1 . When you are in London , you can see _____ .
A any faous buildings B the Thaes River
C foggy weather D all above
( ) 2 . Why is the weather in London really great ?
A Because it’s cold in winter B Because the writer likes the city
C Because London is foggy D Because the city is near the sea
( ) 3 When the writer was in London last year , what happened to hi ? A He et the thick fog B He was hit by a car
C He didn’t know the way D No one helped hi
( ) 4 How did the writer go to the other side of the city ?
A By bus B On foot C By car D By train
( ) 5 Which is NOT true according to the passage ?
A The Thaes River divides tLondon into two parts
B The weather in London is not very cold in winter
C Soeties the fog is as thick as ilk
D The never stops the buses

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/82699.html
