
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

1.Her roo is ____ than _____.
A.biger, your B.bigger, your C.biger, yours D.bigger, yours
2.His ____ brother is three years ____ than he.
A.elder, older B.elder, elder C.older, elder D.older, older
3.Can you finish the work with ____ tie and ____ people?
A.less, fewer B.lesser, few C.fewer ,less D.little, fewer
4._____ they are twins,____ they don’t look the sae.
A.Though, but B.Though, \ C.But, \ D.Because, so
5Tara sings _____ than Lisa.
A.loudly B.loud C.loudlier D.ore loudly
6.---Who is Lisa?
--- The one _____ short black hair.
A.in B.with C.have D.has
7._____ of Wang Lei’s parents are teachers.
A.All B.Every C.Both D.Each
8.Lucy is the sae _____ her sister.
A.to B.as C.with D.for
9.Lily is y friend.She is _____ outgoing than e.
A.uch B.a little C.a little uch D.uch ore
10.A true friend can _____ his happiness (幸福)and sadness(憂傷) with you. A.have B.share C.forget D.ake
11.It’s very iportant ___ us ___learn English well.
A.to, to B.for, for C.to , for D. for, to
12.y other akes e ___ y hoework before 8 every day.
A.to finish B.finish C.finishes D.finishing
13. She is talented usic but I a good sports.
A.in, at B.at,in C.at,at D.in,in
14.Larry is different _____ his classates.
A.for B.fro C.to D.on
15. _________you don’t give up(放棄),your dreas will coe true.
A. As long as B. As soon as C. As well as D.As often as

I have a good friend. Her nae is Betty. She is 12 years old. I‘ one year older than her.So I a 1 years old. Her eyes are 2 than ine. Her hair is black and long. y hair is longer than 3 . Betty is 156 centietres (厘米)tall. I' two centietres taller 4 her. She is about 40 kg. I' 50 kg. So she is 5 than e. Betty is a beautiful and 6 girl. She does 7 in English than e. She 8 helps e 9 y English. We'll be good 10 forever(永遠).
1.A 10 B 11 C 12 D 13
2.A . big B.bigger C.biger D.sall
3A. she B.her C.hers D.she’s
4.A. than B.then C.with D. as
5.A.fat B.fatter C.thin D.thinner
6.A.helps B.helpful C.help D.ore helpful
7.A.well B.good C.better D.worse
8.A.often B.hardly C.never D.likes
9.A.to B.with C.studies D.studying
10.A.friend B.brother C.friends D.sister


r. and rs. Brown lived in a sall town near Londonwith their child. Soeties r. Brown cae back hoe fro work very late, when his wife(妻子) and the child were asleep, and then he opened the front door of this house with his key(鑰匙)and cae in very quietly.
But one night when he was coing hoe very late,he lost his key, so when he reached his house, he rang the bell. Nothing happened(發(fā)生). He rang it again. Again nothing happened. Nobody oved inside the house. r. Brown knocked at(敲)the bedroo window, he spoke to his wife, he shouted, but she didn’t wake up. At last he stopped and thought for a oent. Then he began to speak like a sall child. \! other! ”he said. \! I want to go to the toilet! ”He spoke quite quietly but at once(立刻)rs. Brown woke up. Then he spoke to her, and she opened the door for hi.
( )1.r. Brown and his faily lived in a sall town near London.
( )2.r. Brown’s wife and his child always went to sleep after he cae back fro work.
( )3.One night r. Brown lost his key to the door, so he knocked at the front door and the bedroo windo
( )4.r. Brown said\! other” like a sall child because he wanted his wife to wake up.
( )5.rs. Brown woke up at once when she heard the bell rang. She opened the door for her husband.

1.Do you like the singing ____________(競賽) yesterday?
Yes, it was great.
2. It’s ___________(必須的) for us to work hard every day.
3. Our aths teacher is very (嚴肅的). He never laughs in class.
4. Today we learned soe ________(諺語) in our Chinese class.
5. He was so funny that he often akes his friends (發(fā)笑).
6. I was a p school student when I was seven years old.
7 Alice is an o girl. She likes to stay with her friends and enjoys talking.
8. Everyone wants to w______ the gae.
9. Sa and I are b______ good at swiing.
10. Every orning I look at yself in the ________ after I
Wash y face.

1.He is (hard-working) than the other students in his class.
2.I a shy so it’s not easy for e _______(ake)friends.
3.He doesn’t like singing,but he is good at (dance)
4.Larry always gets ______(good) grades than Lucy does.
5.I _______(break) y ar last year but she ade e feel better.
6.His other often akes hi (clean) his roo on weekends.
7.Lisa practiced a lot ore and (win) the atch at last.
8.A true friend ¬¬¬________(reach) for your hand and touches your heart.
9.He is (different) fro his brother. They have soe ____________(different).

That’s Tara, ______ _______?
______ Sa _____ To can swi.
_____ Jack run ____ _____ _____ Sa? Yes, he does.
You don’t need a lot of friends____ ______ _____ they are good.
y best friend helps to _____ _____ the best ____ _____.
Jeff is ______ _______ than ost kids.
He is ______ and ______ ________ than e.

1.I like dancing. y sister likes dancing,too.(合并為一個句子)
y sister and I _______ dancing.
2.Sue is four years old. Gina is four years old,too.(合并一個句子)
Sue_____ _____Gina.
3.Ji is thirteen years old. Ti is twelve years old.(合并為一句)
Ji is one year Ti.
4.Huang Lei is fatter than Larry.(同義句)
Larry is Huang Lei.
5.To is sarter than Sa.(改為一般疑問句并作否定回答)
_____ To ______ _______ Sa?
No,_______ ________.

你有一個好朋友To,請把你們兩個做一個比較,要求用上下列詞匯。tall, thin, big eyes, long hair, outgoing, sing songs clearly, hard-working……

一.1—5DAABD 6—10BCDBB 11—15 DBABA
二.1—5 DBCAD 6—10 BCABC
三.1—5 TFFTF
四.1.copetition 2.necessary 3.serious 4.sayings 5.laugh 6.priary 7. outgoing 8.win 9.both 10.irror
五.1.ore hard-working 2.to ake 3.dancing 4.better 5.broke 6.clean 7.to win 8.won 9.reaches 10.different , differences.
六.1.isn’t it 2.Both, and 3.Does, as fast as 4.as long as 5.bring out , in e 6.less serious 7.taller, ore outgoing
七.1.both like 2.is as old as 3.older than 4.thinner than 5.Is, sarter than. he isn’t
I have a good friend. His nae is To.He is taller than I, but I a thinner than he.He has bigger eyes and longer hair than I. He is ore outgoing than e, but I sing songs ore clearly than he.And I a ore hard-working than he .

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/85936.html
