
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?

( )1.Hangzhou is a beautiful city. There are any people here ______ vacation
every year.
A.in B.on C.for D.to
( )2. ______ was the food in the restaurant?
A.How any B.Why C.How D.Where
( )3.We usually go to school ______ onday ______ Friday.
A.fro; to B.fro; or C.fro; and D.fro; between
( )4.Everyone ______ an English story book.
A.have B.are having C.has D.is have
( )5.It was tie ______ a class.
A.to have B.have C.has D.had
( )6.Staying at hoe ______ boring.
A.is kind B.are kinds of C.is kind of D.is kinds of
( )7.They arrived there ______ 5:00 ______ a cold orning.
A.at; in B.at; on C.on; at D.on; in
( )8.It’s too hot outside, so we decide ______ at hoe.
A.stay B.to stay C.stayed D.staying
( )9.- ______ yesterday? -It was hot and huid.
A.What was the weather B.How was the weather like
C.How was the weather D.What is the weather like
( )10.-I’ going to spend the holiday toorro -______.
A.Congratulations B.That’s true
C.Have a good tie D.That’s nothing
( )11.. I need ________the ________these clothes.
A. to help,to sell B. help,sell C. to help,selling D. help,selling
( )12.. I found an elephant ________across the river.
A. walks B. walked C. to walk D. walking
( )13. Yesterday orning I saw two little tigers ________at the gate of the park.
A. playing B. played C. plays D. to play
( )14. How about ________a drink?
A. have B. to have C. had D. having
( )15. We had great fun ________the volleyball atch between the Chinese tea
and Japanese tea.
A. watch B. watched C. watches D. watching

1.They went to Beijing last year.(就畫(huà)線部分提問(wèn))

2.ary does her hoework every day.(用last night改寫(xiě)句子)

3.We had soe delicious food this orning.(改為一般疑問(wèn)句)

4.The beaches were very beautiful.(就畫(huà)線部分提問(wèn))

5.She bought a book for e.(改為否定句)

6.What was the weather like yesterday?(用sunny作回答)

Unit 2 How often do you exercise?
(  )1. Is your bike broken? Let ____ you.
A. e to help B. I help C. e help D. I to help
(  )2. Although they feel tired, ____they still go on working.
A. and B. but C. / D. so
(  )3. The woan can't____ his son in the park.
A. read B. watch C. look D. find
(  )4. Li Lei works in England. He coes to China____.
A. three tie a year B. three ties a year
C. three ties year D. three tie year
(  )5. His grandother is well because she often ____.
A. exercises B. sokes C. sleeps D. sings
(  )6. —____ do they play football?
—Every day.
A. How soon B. How uch C. How any D. How often
(  )7. His other wants hi ___ at hoe today.
A. stays B. stayed C. to stay D. staying
(  )8. Here ____ the results___ the student activity survey.
A. is; with B. are; of C. is; of D. are; with
(  )9.______ hoework, we do their hoework on Sunday.
A. As for B. As to C. As of D. As fro
(  )10. These days rs Li looks____ healthy.
A. nice B. pretty C. heavy D. cool
(  ) 11. A: How often ______ she exercise?
   B: Twice a week.
  A. do     B. does   C. doing   D. did
(  ) 12. Is her lifestyle the sae ______ yours or different?
  A. as     B. in        C. at      D. to
hardly, cleaning, take, gave, try, to play, visiting, exercises, went, goes
1. I _____ a shower every night.
2. y father _____ ever watches TV in the evening.
3. Thanks for _____ e.
4. ary often _____ to the ovies on weekends.
5. Granda is pretty healthy because she _____every day.
6. You ust _____ to eat less eat.
7. I like ____ basketball.
8. What did you do in suer holidays?
  I ____ to Hong Kong with y parents.
9. y other ____ e a new bike on y birthday.
10. What are you doing? We are ____our roo.
Eating ore vegetables ______ _______ _____ ______ ______.
Try _____ _____ ______ junk food.
______ you _____ _____ ______?
- _____ _____ ______he send you an e-ail?
- _____ _____ ______.
______ it _____ _____ ______?
6. 我們每天通常從早飯開(kāi)始。
We usually__________ the day __________breakfast.
______ you?
( )1. Is your grandpa healthy? A. Once a week.
( )2. How any hours do you sleep every night? B. Swiing and tennis.
( )3. Do you often eat junk food? C. No, never.
( )4. What is your favorite fruit? D. Yes, he is.
( )5. How often does he go to the library? E. About eight hours.
( )6. How are your eating habits? F. They are pretty good.
( )7. What sports does she often play? G. The straw berry.
1. What do you usually do on weekends? ( clib the hill)
  2. How often do you go to the ovies?  ( once a year)
  3. How often does your brother play soccer? ( three or four ties a week)
  4. What does your other do at hoe?   ( watch TV)
5. Are you healthy? (yes)

Unit 3 I’ ore outgoing than y sister

1._______ you free toorrow afternoon?
A. Do B. A C. Is D. Are
2. Liven is _____than I a.
A. funny and outgoing B. ore funnier and outgoing
C. funnier and ore outgoing D. ore funny and outgoing
3. Ji’s bag is _________ than Kate’s.
A. bigger B. big C. biggest D. bigger
4. The boy is _________of all in our class.
A. taller B. the tallest C. tall D. tallest
5. That book is not so ______ as this one.
A. interesting B. ore interesting
C. ost interesting D. the ost interesting
6. --- Would you like soe ore rice?
---No, thank you. I’ __________.
A. hungry B. full C. thirsty D. sleepy
7. He has two sisters. One is a doctor and _______is a teacher.
A. another B. other C. the other D. One
8. Would you like _________ cup of tea?
A. other B. the other C. another D. the one
9. y shoes are cheaper than ________.
A. you B. your C. yours D. your one
10. Thanks for _______________.
A. coe to see e B. to coe to see e
C. coing to see e D. coing see e
11. Who is the _________ in your class?
A. old B. older C. oldest D. young
12. In our library there are any _____books and newspapers.
A. kinds B. kind of C. kind D. kinds of
13. This classroo is __________than that one.
A. any big B. uch big
C. any bigger D. uch bigger
14. I don’t like green apples. I like red__________.
A. this B. that C. one D. ones
15. Do you look _______ To?
A. the sae as B. sae as C. the sae D. the sae so

1. He ____ (go) to school by dike every orning. But this orning he ____ (go) by bus.
2. “Do you like _____ (drink) tea?” “Yes, I do.”
3. I’ sorry. I can’t. I have to ______ (help) y o.
4. There ______(not be )any bread at hoe yesterday.
5. To ____(have) no tie last Sunday. He ___ (visit) his friends next Sunday.
6. Please tell hi ______(wash) his hands before supper.
7. The bus ______ (stop) already. Let’s get off.
8. Doing orning exercises _______ (be) good for you.
9. To’s brother ________ (be) good at soccer.
10. Finally he asked people to stop _______ (talk).

1. Pedro is thinner than Sa.(同義句轉(zhuǎn)換)
Sa is ____________ ____________ Pedro.
2. y sister is better at study than I. She is clever. (同義句轉(zhuǎn)換)
y sister is ____________ intellectual ____________ e at study.
3. I study science very well.(同義句轉(zhuǎn)換)
I a very ____________ ____________ science.
4. iss Li is popular in our class. r. Wang is ore popular.(同義句轉(zhuǎn)換)
r. Wang is ____________ ____________ ____________ iss Li.

Unit 4 What’s the best ovie theater?

( )1.You are doing great! I’ve never had _____answer before.(河北)
A better B best C a better D the best
( )2. --Why are you standing, Alice?
--I can’t see the blackboard clear. Two tall boys are sitting _____e.(廣東)
A behind B next to C between D in front of
( )3 Eighteen kids died in the school bus accident in Gansu Province. It’s _____one that I have ever heard of. (廣東)
A a very serious B a ore serious C the ost serious D the least serious
( )4You should practice ore to iprove your English, then you’ll be ______at it.(南昌)
A good B better C best D the best
( )5 ?Do you think coputers are ore expensive than they were five years ago?
--No,they are_______.(沈陽(yáng))
A cheap B cheaper C cheapest D the cheapest
( )6. Shu-how Lin is now one of ______ basketball players in the NBA.(福州)
A popular B ore popular C the ost popular
( )7 Who listens _____, To, Jack or Bill?(天津)
A the ost carefully B ore carefully C the ost careful D ore careful
( )8 We have two ears and one outh so that we can listen______ we speak.(杭州)
A as twice as uch B twice as uch as C as uch as twice D as uch twice as
( )9 --Do you like this ovie?
--Yes, it’s the ____one I’ve ever seen.(廣州)
A better B best C good D well

1Which river is the second ______ (long) river in the world?(煙臺(tái))
2Paris is one of the ______ (lively) cities in Europe.(湖北)
3The first coputers were built in the 1940s. They were even______ (big) than cars.(南京)
4Nowadays too any boys want to becoe______ (act) .(上海)

1Those children are _______(talent).
2He is__________ (popular) teacher in our school.
3Tuesday is __________(busy) day in a week.
4Winter is the__________ (cold) season of the year in Shandong.
5Which is__________ (big), the sun, the earth or the oon?
6 It is one of______________________(iportant) books.
7 The Changjiang River is the ______(long) river in China.
8 She is ary’s ______(good) friend.

1. His school is near the park.
(1) His school is _____ ______ the park.
(2) His school______ ______ ______the park.
2. Lily is thinner than Lucy.
Lucy is _______ than Lily.
3. y favorite subject is English.
I _______ English ________.
4. He is taller than the other two.
He is ______ ______ _____ the three.

Unit 5 Do you want to watch a gae show?

1.y other asks e _______TV before finishing y hoework.
A not to watch B not watch C not watching D to watch
2.She is new here ,so we know __________about her.
A nothing B soething C anything D everything\
3.---What do you think of Penny?
----She is _______
A has long hair B tall C a student D nice
4.The food here was terrible , I _________it.
A liked B like C loved D couldn’t stand it
5.----What do you think of the TV sitco The Big Theory?
----It’s __________ I like watching it .
A boring B funny C surprising D terrible
6.There is a ___________ building next to the superarket.
A.15 eter tall B. 15 eters high C. 15-eter-high D. 15-eters-high
7. __ on the far is better than __ classes at school.
A.To work; having B. Working; having
C. Work; have D. Work; to have
8.Your hands are very dirty. Please go and have a wash with ______ .
A.a soap B. soaps C. soap D. the soap
9.She agrees _____ her husband alost (幾乎) ______ everything.
A. with; to B. with; in C. to; with D. to; in
10.--- Who is our teacher talking _________ ? --- r. Zhang.
A. / B. of C. atD. to

stand ,learn ,watch , discuss,bore
1. Let’s ___________the question together.
2. Soap operas are very _____________, I don’t like the.
3. We should ____________fro Lei Feng.
4. They are aking so uch noise .I can’t ______________it
5. I don’t ind _______________sitcos
1. y brother likes watching cartoons.(改為一般疑問(wèn)句)
________ your brother ___________watching cartoons?
2. What do you think of the TV shows?(改為同義句)
____________ do you _________the TV shows?
3. John watches news every night .(劃線提問(wèn))
___________ ____________ ____________John watch news?
4. Ji wants to travel because he enjoy seeing new places. (劃線提問(wèn))
_____________ ___________Ji __________ to travel?
5. I hope to be an actor one day (劃線提問(wèn))
__________ _____________you hope to be one day ?

1. What do you think ________the news?
2. We can learn a lot ___________the TV.
3. Let’s go ___________reading the words .
4. How _________playing basketball with e ?
5. Thank you ___________helping e with y English..

1. Yang Lin___________(not like )Healthy living.
2. I don’t ind _________________(she )soking here.
3.. Ji expects___________(get) a letter fro his parents.
4. No news ________(be) good news .
5. How about ____________(go) fishing on Sunday?

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/88879.html
