2013年八上英語odule1 Period 2練習題(新教材外研版)

編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

odule 1 How to learn English Period 2
Unit 2 You should sile at her! (1)
Activitiy4 Coplete the passage with the correct for of the words in the box.
I. 完成句子
1. 你為什么不在筆記本上記下正確的答案呢?
the correct answers in your notebook?
2. 我們盡量找些英語筆友,然后給他們寫信吧。
soe English pen friends and then write to the. 3. 每天讀份英文報紙是個好主意。
an English newspaper every day.
4. 我們應該總是說英語。我們用英語相互說話怎么樣?
We should always speak English. each other in English?5. 在英語課堂上我們應該盡可能多地說英語。
possible in our English class.
II. 根據(jù)所給漢語意思從書中找出下列表達方式:

1. 把某物寄給某人 ___________
2. 請求(給予); 索求…___________
3. 幾次;幾遍 ___________
4. 每次 ___________
5. 建議某人做某事 ___________
6. 害怕做 ___________
7. 與某人談話 ___________
8. 開始談話 ___________
9. 猜測意思 ___________
10. 對某人微笑 ___________
11. 建議某人做某事 ___________
12. 一些新東西 ___________
13. 開啟一個對話 ___________
14. 在…方面有問題 ___________

III. 請寫出下列英語的漢語意思或拼寫

1. vocabulary n. ___________
2. 建議 v. ___________
3. 害羞的 adj. ___________
4. place v. ___________
5. 自然的 adj. ___________
6. 對話 n. ___________
7. 提高;促進 vt. ___________
8. 基本的;基礎的 adj. ___________

9. 迅速地 adv. ___________
Ⅰ.詞匯 ?.
1. Everyone wants to be a good language learner, but how to i_________ it is a big question.
2. It’s n_________ to forget new words, so don’t worry about it.
3. A good way of learning new words is to _________ (擺放) any word cards around your bedroo or in your pocket.
4. I already s_________ hi the letter, but he said he didn’t receive it.
5. When watching English fils, you don’t have to u_________ every word.
6. Focus on (集中精力于) k_________ words and _________ ideas.
7. After reebering a word, everyone will forget it q_________ if he doesn’t see it again.
8. She is a very s_________ girl, and she is afraid to talk to strangers.
9. Can you say it as loudly as p___________? I can’t hear you.
10. I have soe p___________ with y hoework. Could you please give e soe a___________?
11. It’s not so difficult. We only need soe b___________ inforation, such as your nae, age and hobbies.
B. 用所給詞語的適當形式
1. _________ (watch) fils and _________ (listen) to songs are great ways to learn English.
2. It’s _________ (nature) to forget new words.
3. When he lost his job last year, he _________ (understand) the difficulty of life.
4. If you have any questions about _________ (learn) English, you can ask Dr. Diana for help.
5. I just enjoy _________(watch)gaes.
6. Shall we _________ (go) for a walk?
7. What about _________ (write) down the correct answer next to the istake?
8. Let’s _________ (practice) this dance together!
9. Why not_________ (coe) and _________ (join) us in the party?
10. Don’t forget _________ (atch) the words with their eanings?
11. We should ___________ (go) to bed early every day.
12. Can you tell e how I can practice___________ (speak) English?
Ⅱ.根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子(每空一詞) ?
1. any students _________ _________ (征求;索求)advice about how to learn English.
2. Recently(最近),I _________ soe _________ _________ (在…上有問題)y spoken English.
3. _________ _________ _________ (做…很自然) forget new words.
4. She is always against e and never _________ _________ (同意) e.
5. Read the words when you see the and ________ ________ (努力)use the as uch as possible.
6. She is very friendly and easy-going and always ________ ________ (對…微笑) others.
7. The doctor ________ hi ________ ________ a good rest(建議他好好休養(yǎng)).
8. Don’t ________ ________ ________ (害怕) ake istakes because failure is the other of success.
1. You ______ your coffee while it is not.
A. should drink B. should drinks C. ought drink D. ought to
2. She told us the good news with ______ sile ______ her face.
A. a ; in B. an ; in C. a , on D. an ; on
3. ---How about hi?
---He just gave e _____ advice.
A. a B. an C . / D. soe
4. ---This book is a bit difficult. ______ read soething easier?
---All right.
A. Why not to B. Why don’t C. Why not D. Why not you
5. ---Shall we have a drink when you finish your talk?
A. No, you can’t. B. All right. C. You’re welcoe. D. You needn’t do that
6. ?I don’t know how to learn English well.
- Go and ______ your English teacher ______ soe suggestions.
A. to ask; for B. ask; for C. asking; for; D. ask; about
7. I forgot ______ the letter for hi. I hope the letter can be delivered(被投遞) in
A. to send B. sending C. receiving D. to receive
8. ?Dear, I’ sorry. I can’t ______ your birthday.
? It doesn’t atter. But don’t forget it next tie.
A. forget B. know C. find D. reeber
9. People say that learning English is not always as ______ as the 26 letters.
A. difficult B. basic C. shy D. natural
10. I’ll be free toorrow, so I strongly ______ that we pay a visit to the newly-opened nature useu,
A. say B. coplete C. suggest D. advice

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/92953.html
