八年級(jí)英語上odule 7 A faous story單元試題(外研社新版)

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級(jí) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)


班級(jí) __________ 姓名 __________ 成績 __________


1. It’s a white cat ______ red eyes.
A. with B. in C. for D. on
2.He was thinking of______hoework.
A.doing B.did C.do D.done
3. ?How often do you go hoe?--________ a week.
A. One B. Two C. Once D. first
4. Do you know the boy To?
A. call B. calling C. called D. calls
5. ? What do you ______ the city?
--I think it’ s very beautiful.
A. talk about B. think of C. hear of D. look over
6. Don’ t look at e like that. I have ______ to do with it.
A. soething B. anything C. everything D. nothing
7. --- Look, a blind an is in the iddle of the street. It’s dangerous .
--- Let’s help hi walk ______ the road.
A.through B. along C. across D. over
8. Is there______ in today’s newspaper?
A. interesting soething B. soething interesting
C. anything interesting D. interesting anything
9. Her son is a little boy ______ two big eyes.
A. has B.have C.with D.had
10. I saw Tony ______ soething when I walked in front of his house.
A. writing B. writes C. write D. is writing
11.---- I called you this orning, but nobody answered.
--- I _______ y bike in the garden this orning at that tie.
A. repair B. repaired
C. have repaired D. was reparing
12. I borrowed a book fro the library. I kept it ______ two weeks.
A. during B. for C. since D. in
13. They wanted to go ______ the street to get to the post office.
A. across B. over C. above D. through
14. ---Tell Jack to stop doing such a thing.
--- He won’ t listen to e. He told e that ______ could ake hi change his ind.
A. soething B. anything C.nothing D.everything
15 ---What were you doing at that tie?
---We ______ about the vacation plans.
A. are talking B. were talking
C.talked D. have talked
16 What ______ you ______ at 10:00 last night?
A. was; doing B. were; doing C. did; doing D do; do
17.Then Alice ______ down the rabbit hole, and ______ into their strange world.
A. fall; goes B. fell; went
C. felt; went D. was falling; went


1.掉進(jìn)洞里 _______________
2. 在河邊 _______________
3. 在花園 _______________
4 把某物從……中拿出______________
5 對(duì)某人微笑____________
6舉辦茶會(huì) ____________________
7. 偶爾,一兩次 ____________
10 跑過田地__________________

1. She ________ ________ ________ ________ (沒什么事做) at hoe, so she went out.
2. There was ________ ________ (沒什么奇怪的) about it.
3. I ________ ________ it is ________ (認(rèn)為不重要)
4. He never ________ ________ (考慮) how to do it.
She ______ ________ when a rabbit ________ ________ her.
You ______ _______ ________ the new words in the dictionary when I cae in.

1.Alice went down the hole without_________.(cry)

2.She_____________(not think) I’ a good student.

3.I have soething______.(do)

4.He___________(play) basketball at 10a yesterday.
5.They ______________ (play) basketball on the playground this tie yesterday.
6 When I ______________ (read ) a book yesterday afternoon, he ______ (cae ) into y roo.
7. ________ she ________ (watch) a TV play fro 9:00 to 10:00 yesterday orning?
五、 用適當(dāng)?shù)慕樵~ (每空1分,共7分)
1. Last Sunday y friend sent a book ______ e.
2. The novel is ________ a faous scientist.
3. The teacher cae in ______ with a book in his hand.
4. Look! A little cat is sitting ______ the grass, and a little bird is sitting ______ the tree.
5. The baby is very happy. He is siling ______ everyone in the roo.
6.---Where are you going ?
--- ______ the tea party.

五、 理解。(每題2分,共10分)
Hi! I’ Peter. I’ in the seventh grade. I have one thing to say. It’s not easy when you are a child!
Yesterday, I had a really good tie when I was playing outside with y friends. But y other cae out and said, “Peter, you have to coe back and do your hoework.” Last Friday, there was a scary fil on TV. It was really exciting. But y father did not let e watch. He said, “You’re too young to see this fil.” Last Saturday, I wanted to buy a birthday gift for y friend. But I had to wait for y o to coe back because I had no oney.
I will be an adult(成年人) in the future. When I grow up (長大) no one can tell e what to do or when to do it; I do not do any hoework; I can do what I want to do. I will have a lot of oney; I will buy any gifts for y friends.
1. Peter thinks it is when he is a child.
A. fun B. happy C. difficult D. easy
2. Who wanted Peter to do his hoework? .
A. His friend B. His teacher
C. His father D. His other
3. What did Peter want to do last Friday? He .
A. wanted to see a fil
B. wanted to buy a gift
C. wanted to do his hoework
D. wanted to play with a friend
4. Did Peter buy a gift for his friend? .
A. Yes, he did B. No, he didn’t
C. We don’t knowD. No, he did
5. Which of the following is NOT TRUE? .
A. Peter had a nice day yesterday
B. Peter doesn’t like scary fils
C. Peter wants to buy a lot of gifts for his friends in the future
D. Peter wants to do any things when he grows up

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/96415.html
