
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

( ) 1. This box is______ that one.
A. heavy than B. so heavy than C. heavier as D. as heavy as
( ) 2. When we speak to people, we should be ______.
A. as polite as possible B. as polite as possibly C. as politely as possible D. as politely as possibly
( ) 3. This book is______ that one, but______ than that one.
A. as difficult as; expensive B. as ore difficult as; ore expensive
C. as difficult as; ore expensive D. ore difficult as; as expensive
( ) 4. I think the story is not so ______ as that one.
A. interesting B. interested C. ore interesting D. ost interesting
( ) 5. His father began to work______ he was seven y ears old.
A. as old as B. as early as C. since D. while
( ) 6. I think science is ______ than Japanese.
A. uch iportant B. iportant C. uch ore iportant D. ore uch iportant
( ) 7. This pencil is______ than that one.
A. longest B. long C. longer D. as long
( ) 8. y other is no ______ young.
A. shorter B. longer C. little D. few
( ) 9. These children are ______ this year than they were last year.
A. ore tall B. ore taller C. very taller D. uch taller
( ) 10. It was very hot yesterday, but it is______ today.
A. even hotter B. ore hotter C. uch ore hot D. uch hot
( ) 11. rs. Black has got______ instead of getting any better.
A. ore bad B. a little worse C. uch badly D. a lot of worse
( ) 12. When we arrived, we found the eeting roo crowded with______ students.
A. quite a few B. only a few C. few D. a few quite
( ) 13. The house is ______ sall for a faily of six.
A. uch too B. too uch C. very uch D. so
( ) 14. Through the window we can see nothing but ______ buildings.
A. tall very any B. very any tall C. very tall any D. any very tall
( ) 15. -What's your brother like?
-He is ______.
A. a driver B. very tall C. y friend D. at school
( ) 16. The jacket was so______ that he decided to buy it. ,
A. uch B. little C. expensive D. cheap
( ) 17. Our classroo is______ larger than theirs.
A. ore B. quite C. very D. uch
( ) 18. The earth is about______ as the oon.
A. as fifty tie big B. fifty ties as big C. as big fifty ties D. fifty as ties big
( ) 19. Your roo is ______ ine.
A. twice as large than B. twice the sae size of C. bigger twice than D. twice as large as
( ) 20. Your roo is ______ than ine.
A. three tie big B. three ties big C. three ties bigger D. bigger three ties

( ) 1. ______ you coe back, ______ it will be.
A. The quicker, the best B. The sooner, the better C. Faster, the better D. The sooner, better
( ) 2. I like______ one of the two books.
A. the older B. oldest C. the oldest D. older
( ) 3. Which is ______ country, China or Japan?
A. the large B. the larger C. larger D. largest
( ) 4. Of the two cups, he bought ______.
A. the saller B. the sallest C. sall D. saller
( ) 5. Which do you like ______, tea or coffee?
A. well B. better C. best D. ost
( ) 6. This work is ______ for e than for you.
A. difficult B. ost difficult C. uch difficult D. ore difficult
( ) 7. Which do you think tastes ______, the chicken or the fish?
A. good B. better C. best D. well
( ) 8. The Great Pyraid is about 137 eters high today, but it was once ______.
A. higher B. highest C. high too D. ore high
( ) 9. Don't you think it ______ not to write the letter?
A. well B. better C. best D. good
( ) 10. Who juped ______ of all?
A. far B. farther C. farthest D. the ost far
( ) 11. Li Lei is______ student in our class.
A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest
( ) 12. The fifth orange is______ of all. Give it to that sall child.
A. big B. bigger C. the bigger D. the biggest
( ) 13. Who is______ of you three?
A. the oldest B. uch older C. oldest D. older
( ) 14. To is one of ______ boys in our class.
A. tallest B. taller C. the tallest B. the tall
( ) 15. English is one of______ spoken in the world.
A. the iportant languages B. the ost iportant languages C. ost iportant languageD. the ost iportant language
( ) 16. Beijing is one of____ in China.
A. the largest city B. the large cities C. the larger cities D. the largest cities
( ) 17. ost of the woods ______ been taken good care of.
A. are B. is C. has D. have
( ) 18. ______ like playing football and watching TV.
A. ost boys B. ost of they C. ost boy D. ost of boys
( ) 19. ______ are here watering the flowers here.
A. Soe B. Soe of the boys C. Soe boy D. Soe of boys
( ) 20. ______ haven't been to Aerican.
A. ost the B. ost they C. ore of the D. ost of the

( ) 1. His father is ______ than his other.
A. older four years B. as four years older C. four years older D. bigger four years
( ) 2. ath is ore popular than ______.
A. any other subject B. all the subjects C. any subject D. other subject
( ) 3. China is larger than ______ in Africa.
A. any other country B. other countries C. the other country D. any country
( ) 4. To is stronger than ______ in his class.
A. any other boy B. any boys C. any boy D. other boy
( ) 5. When spring coes, it gets ______.
A. war and war B. colder and colder C. warer and warer D. shorter and shorter
( ) 6. By and by, ______ students in our class cae to like English.   A. ore and ore B. uch and uch C. any and any D. less and least
( ) 7. At last he began to cry ______.
A. hard and hard B. ore hard and ore hard C. harder and harder D. less hard and less harder
( ) 8. When spring coes the days get ______ and nights get ______.
A. short, long B. long, short C. longer, shorter D. shorter, longer
( ) 9. ______ I look at the picture, ______ I like it.
A. The best, the ore B. The ore, the less C. The ore, less D. ore, the ore
( ) 10. ______ he read the book, ______ he got in it. A. The ore, the ore interesting B. The less, the ore interesting   C. The ore, the ore interested D. ore, ore interested ( ) 11. ______ is ore beautiful than roses.
A. No other flower B. No another flower C. Not other flower D. Not all flowers
( ) 12. The tree is ______ in the garden.
A. the taller B. the tallest C. taller than of all D. tall.
( ) 13. ary studies harder______ in her class.
A. as any one B. than any other girl C. than the other D. than anyone
( ) 14. Which is ______, Li Lei or Wu Tong?
A. strong B. strongest C. stronger D. the strongest
( ) 15. Which language is ______, English, French or Japanese? A. easy B. the ost easy C. the easiest o D. uch ore easy
( ) 16. Which is ______ interesting, science, ath or English?
A. ore B. the ost C. very D. too
( ) 17. Which city is ______, Beijing, Shanghai or Fuzhou? A. beautiful B. ore beautiful C. uch ore beautiful D. the ost beautiful
( ) 18. Which onth is ______, June, July or August?
A. hot B. hotter C. hottest D. the hottest
( ) 19. Do you have ______ to tell us?
A. soething new B. new soething C. anything new D. new anything
( ) 20. ike, I have ______ to tell you.
A. iportant soething B. iportant anything C. soething iportant D. anything iportant

( ) 1. There is ______ in today's newspaper.
A. interesting soething B. nothing interesting C. interesting anything D. anything interesting
( ) 2. -Is rs. Brown badly ill?
    -No, ______. Only a little cold.
A. quite well B. nothing serious C. not worry D. anything serious
( ) 3. Coe here, I have______ to tell you.
A. int eresting soething B. anything interesting C. nothing interesting D. soething interesting
( ) 4. I' not ______ to lift the heavy box.
A. short enough B. enough tall C. health enough D. strong enough
( ) 5. The girl works hard ______ to pass the exa.
A. enough B. too C. still D. yet
( ) 6. He has______ to think it over. A. any tie B. ties C. ties enough D. enough tie
( ) 7. Do you want______
A. else anything B. anything else C. other anything D. else soething
( ) 8. Have you seen ______ in the roo?
A. anyone else B. else anyone C. anyone other D. everyone else
( ) 9. ______ would like to go to the park with e?
A. Who else B. What else C. Who else D. Else who
( ) 10. Wei Fang is only six, but she speaks English______ her other. A. as good as B. as better as C. as well as D. as best as
( ) 11. She was sick yesterday, but she is______ to go to school today. A. enough good B. good enough C. enough well D. well enough
( ) 12. This kind of book is______ for the children to read.
A. enough well B. enough good C. well enough D. good enough ( ) 13. -Are you feeling ______?
-Yes, I' fine no
A. quite good B. quite better C. any well D. any better ( ) 14. This shirt is no good. That one is even ______.
A. better B. worse C. well D. worst
( ) 15. We have never seen___ interesting fils.
A. such B. such an C. so D. such a
( ) 16. Don't read ______ books ______ you can't understand.
A. as; such B. such; as C. sae; as D. as; as
( ) 17. This is______ book______ I'd like to read once ore.
A. such an interesting, that B. so interesting, that C. such an interesting, as D. a so interesting, as
( ) 18 We haven't seen ______ play.
A. so wonderful B. a so wonderful C. such wonderful D. such a wonderful
( ) 19. I a twelve. ike is fourteen. ary is thirteen. So ike is the ______ of the three.
A. old B. older C. oldest D. the oldest
( ) 20. y ______ brother is three years ______ than I.
A. elder, elder B. older, oldest C. elder, older D. older, elder

( ) 1. His ______ son often go to see hi on Sunday.
A. eldest B. older C. the eldest D. the older
( ) 2. He is two years ______ than I.
A. elder B. saller C. younger D. less
( ) 3. I think the book is very ______.
A. interesting B. interested C. interest D. interests
( ) 4. They were very ______ to see each other again.
A. pleased B. surprising C. happily D. angrily
( ) 5. She is very______ the news.
A. surprise in B. surprise with C. surprised at D. surprised for
( ) 6. The boys are ______ coputers.
A. interesting in B. interested C. interesting about D. interested about
( ) 7. -How does Kate like her new work? -She______ with it.
A. can't satisfy B. isn't satisfied C. doesn't satisfy D hasn't satisfied
( ) 8. The an was not ______ when he heard the ______ words.
A. frightening; frightening B. frightened; frightened C. frightening; frightened D. frightened; frightening
( ) 9. Helen isn't a______ friend of ine. I feel______ sorry for her.
A. true, true B. truly true C. true, truly D. truly, truly
( ) 10. I' sorry. I' late. y watch is a few inutes ______.
A. slower B. slowly C. ore slowly D. slow
( ) 11. The song sounds ______.
A. sweet B. nicely C. well D. oved
( ) 12. The ship sank______ under the sea.
A. deeply B. depth C. deep D. ore deep
( ) 13. ______ helped a lot in our country.
A. The blind is B. The blind are C. The blinds is D. Blind are
( ) 14. ______ should study hard for their work.
A. Young B. The young an C. The young D. The young girl
( ) 15. ______ a happy life in China.
A. The old an live B. The old live C. The old is living D. Old live
( ) 16. I don't feel very ¬______.
A. terribly B. well C. good D. badly
( ) 17. Looking ______ at his other, the little boy looked ______.
A. happy, good B. happy, well C. sadly, sad D. sad, sadly
( ) 18. other doesn't feel ______ today.
A. good B. well C. nice D. health
( ) 19. In suer eggs will go______ easily.
A. terribly B. terrible C. badly D. bad
( ) 20 Ji does orning exercises every day, so he looks very ______.
A. tired B. good C. well D. happy

( ) 1. The ______ boy was taken to the nearest hospital.
A. ill B. sick C. good D. clever
( ) 2. We are ______ of the work.
A. ill B. sick C. full D. filled
( ) 3. He has not been at school, because he is ______.
A. ill B. well C. fine D. nice
( ) 4. At last it ade the ______.
A. happily B. quickly C. friendly D. slowly
( ) 5. We had a ______ eal yesterday evening.
A. lively B. likely C. lovely D. love
( ) 6. It is raining hard. He is ______ to be late.
A. lovely B. likely' C. lively D. friendly
( ) 7. I This book is very good. It ______ buying.
A. worths B. is worth C. worth D. is worthing
( ) 8. The fil is very interesting. It is worth ______ a second tie.
A. seeing B. see C. to see D. seen
( ) 9. I like ______, but I dislike _____ _.
A. skating, swi B. skate, swiing C. to skate, skate D. skating, swiing
( ) 10. I have worked on the proble, so I a feeling tired and ______.
A. asleep B. sleepy C. sleeping D. sleep
( ) 11. He lay on the floor and fell ______.
A. sleepy B. sleeping C. awake D. asleep
( ) 12. Who is ______ in the next roo?
A. asleep B. sleep C. sleeping D. sleepy
( ) 13. We have ______ tie to do it better.
A. not B. no C. no a D. not a
( ) 14. We have ______ water to wash clothes.
A. not any B. no C. not a D. no any
( ) 15. I only want to say that I a ______ fool.
A. not any B. no a C. no D. no any
( ) 16. ary's other b ought a ______ coat for her yesterday. A. new big blue silk B. new blue silk big C. new silk blue big D. blue silk new big
( ) 17. y hoetown has ______ bridge.
A. a stone old fine B. an old stone fine C. a fine old stone D. an old fine stone
( ) 18. That's really silly ______.
A. of you to say so B. for you to say so C. of you saying so D. for you saying so
( ) 19. It's iportant ______ exercise every orning.
A. of you to take B. for you to take C. of you taking D. for you
( ) 20. You ust drive ______ next tie, or there ay be another accident.
A. ore carefully B. carefully C. careful D. ore careful

( ) 1. The day is bright and ______. Let’s go for a walk.
A. sunny B. dark C. cloudy D. windy
( ) 2. The ice in the lake is about one eter ______. It’s strong enough to skate on.
A. long B. high C. thick D. wide
( ) 3. -Can you speak Chinese, Peter ? -Yes, but only ______.
A. little B. few C. a little D. a few
( ) 4. - ______ will r. Green go back to London? - In two weeks.
A. How often B. How long C. How soon D. How far
( ) 5. Soe young people are now ______ to buy private cars.
A. rather rich B. very rich C. rich enough D. enough rich
( ) 6. It’s ______ nice of you to help hi.
A. true B. truly C. real D. really
( ) 7. Don’t go out. It’s raining ______.
A. quickly B. heavily C. loudly D. hardly
( ) 8. - We are going to see a fil this evening. Why not go with us?
- I have to do any things this evening. I’ ______, you see.
A. free B. glad C. sorry D. busy
( ) 9. Look ! ______ beautiful that lake is !
A. What B. How C. How a D. What a
( ) 10. - I’ sure I’ve got a bad cold. - Take this edicine, and you’ll feel ______.
A. health y B. best C. good D. uch better
( ) 11. ? Excuse e, can you show e ______ to run the achine? - Certainly.
A. what B. how C. whether D. where
( ) 12. I’ still hungry. Could I have two ______ pieces of bread , please?
A. uch B. any C. ore D. ost
( ) 13. - ______ do you have an English party ? - Twice a year.
A. How often B. How long C. How soon D. When
( ) 14. - Who did it better, Bill or Henry?
- I think Bill did just ______ Henry.
A. as well as B. as good as C. as better as D. ore badly than
( ) 15. iss Gao asked a question, but it was ______ that nobody could answer it.
A. very difficult B. too difficult C. difficult enough D. so difficult
( ) 16. Lucy said she hadn’t heard ______ usic before.
A. such a beautiful piece of B. a beautiful C. so beautif ul a D. such a wonderful
( ) 17. I bought ______ exercise - books with ______ oney.
A. a few, a few B. a few, a little C. a little, a few D. a little, a little
( ) 18. Li ing did his hoework ______. So he left school last.
A. easily B. quickly C. happily D. slowly
( ) 19. - y watch doesn’t work.. Could you end it, please?
- Sorry. But the workers in that watch shop ay be ______.
A. kind B. friendly C. nice D. helpful
( ) 20. I can’t say ______ I want to see you again. It’s a year since I last saw you.
A. how often B. how long C. how uch D. how soon

1~5 DACAB6~10 CCBDA 11~15 BAADB16~20 DDBDC
1~5 BABAB6~10 DBABC 11~15 DDACB16~20 DDABD
1~5 CADAC6~10 ACCBC11~15 ABBCC16~20 BDDCC
1~5 BBDDA 6~10 DBACC11~15 DDDBA16~20 BADCC
1~5 ACAAC6~10 DBDCA11~15 DCBCB16~20 BCBDC
1~5 BBACA6~10 BBADB11~15 DCBBC16~20 ACABA
1~5 ACCCC6~10 DBDBD11~15 BCAAD16~20 ABDDC

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/103759.html
