
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級(jí) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

Unit 6 單元測(cè)試題
Written test part (共95分)
Ⅴ. 單項(xiàng)選擇(每小題1分,共15分)
(    )21. —Listening to music can help people relax.
—You have ________ point. That really helps me a lot.
A. a       B. an     C. the     D. 不填
(    )22. Mandy never buys shoes ________ high heels. She doesn't think they're comfortable.
A. of      B. with    C. in      D. about
(    )23. The dress is in a special ________. It only sells in our store. Try it on and you'll like it.
A. list     B. brand C. condition    D. style
(    )24. The fire alarm went off because ________ was smoking in the office.
A. nobody        B. somebody   C. anybody         D. everybody  
(    )25. The grapes are so ________ that my teeth can't stand them.
A. crispy                       B. salty  
C. sour                         D. delicious
(    )26. —Didn't you find the film exciting, Laura?
—No, I didn't. I ________ fell asleep halfway!
A. probably                   B. mostly
C. hardly       D. nearly                 
(    )27. The sentence will be easy to understand when you ________ it into three parts.
A. divide                      B. translate   
C. turn                         D. make
(    )28. Nowadays, many TV programs encourage people ________ smoking.
A. stop                        B. stopping   
C. to stop                      D. stopped
(    )29. —I cooked the fish. What do you think of it?
—I haven't had it yet. However, it ________ delicious.
A. tastes                      B. smells
C. is tasted                   D. is smelt
(    )30. A new club ________ in our school at the beginning of this year and now it has many members.
A. starts               B. is started   
C. has started               D. was started
(    )31. Though the number of family cars ________ growing in most cities, the bicycle is still a popular way of going to school or work.
A. are                       B. is
C. were                      D. was  
(    )32. ________ is said that walking is one of the best ways for people to keep healthy.
A. What                 B. This       
C. It                 D. One 
(    )33. —Sorry, Pam, I took your notebook ________.
—It doesn't matter. They look the same as each other.
A. by hand                   B. by mistake 
C. in trouble                 D. in danger
(    )34. Song Joong-ki is a popular star. Now a lot of young people ________ him.
A. play tricks on            B. take care of
C. look forward to         D. look up to
(    )35. —I want to listen to the song called Try Everything. Could you please help me look for it on the Internet?
—Yes, ________.
A. that's true              B. it's fun    
C. I agree                 D. with pleasure 
Ⅵ. 完形填空(每小題1分,共10分)
Kevin Moseley is an inventor. He has turned his invention into a huge business success. Several years ago, Kevin came up with the idea of creating a shark fin (鯊魚鰭) to help children learn to   36  . He named it SwimFin.
Later, Kevin developed a business plan for his idea and went on a   37   for investment (投資). On the show, some people   38   that his idea was dangerous and they even made a couple of jokes. They said   39   would buy such a “silly” thing. “I went on the show   40   I was not a businessman,” Kevin said. “I needed the   41   and advice, but I was made to feel like a poor little schoolboy.”
However, Kevin decided not to give up. “That experience made me want to succeed. I realized that I did have a good   42   that would help children learn to swim, so I decided to carry on   43  .”
Kevin raised about £200,000   44   the new business. He started a company, SwimFin Ltd, from the garage (車庫(kù)) of his home.
In just one year, Kevin made about £70,000 and his product became very   45  . One year later, SwimFin was a £100,000 business and a worldwide success.
(    )36. A. skate           B. swim    
C. count                D. shoot
(    )37. A. market          B. program  
C. trip             D. search
(    )38. A. introduced       B. checked    
C. accepted                D. warned
(    )39. A. nobody          B. somebody
C. anybody              D. everybody
(    )40. A. so            B. but 
C. because              D. if
(    )41. A. tool            B. partner    
C. money                   D. attention
(    )42. A. product                  B. background  
C. course                   D. process
(    )43. A. halfway                  B. alone     
C. instead                   D. abroad
(    )44. A. under                     B. from
C. through                   D. for
(    )45. A. educational               B. natural      
C. convenient               D. popular
Ⅶ. 情景交際(每小題1分,共5分)
(Andy and Zhang Lei are visiting some inventions of ancient China at a museum.)
A=Andy    B=Zhang Lei
A: Look at the exhibit, Zhang Lei! (46)________
B: Oh, it's a great invention of ancient China.
A: Really? (47)________
B: In the Han Dynasty (漢朝).
A: Who invented it?
B: (48)________
A: What was it used for?
B: (49)________
A: Was it used for getting in the crops (收獲作物)?
B: No, it wasn't. It was used for carrying water.
A: It looks quite special. (50)________
B: I don't know. Let's read what it says here and find out.
A: Good idea.
A. Guess first!       
B. When was it invented?   
C. How does it work?   
D. It looks so interesting and strange!
E. It was invented by some farmers. 
F. The machine can work well.  
G. The farmers often used it.
Ⅷ. 閱讀理解(每小題2分,共30分)
Hi, my name is Toby, and I am now eight years old. When I was five, I decided that I wanted to find out lots about the world, so I started writing letters to somebody in every country in the world. I started the project because I wanted to find out more about the world, help people understand each other better, and make the world a better place — and I still do! It's really not easy to find people in every country, but lots of people have helped me. Thank you!
We look up all countries, and I think of questions I would like to ask. I'm interested in history, stars and planets, science, wild animals, film making, writing, reading, dancing, and how people protect the environment in lots of places all over the world! I also want to know how people live, what food they eat, and what school is like! Until now, I've written 780 letters and gotten 327 replies.
I write all letters by hand. My mother is looking after this website for me. You can read all the letters I have written, and all the replies I have gotten. I am also raising money for ShelterBox, because they help people in need all over the world. Thank you for reading about my project!
(    )51. Toby began his project three years ago.
(    )52. Toby thinks it is easy to find people in every country.
(    )53. Toby's questions show that he is a person of wide interests.
(    )54. Toby has gotten replies for each letter he has written.
(    )55. Toby looks after his website by himself.
Johanna loved strawberries. They were her favorite fruit. Last Saturday, she went to a farm to pick some. It was her first time. Before that, she had always bought strawberries at the store.
When Johanna arrived at the farm, she was surprised. Strawberries did not grow on trees! They did not even grow on big bushes. They grew on something like vines (藤). And there were so many of them.
Johanna was given a basket. She could pick as much as she wanted. The more she picked, the more she would have to pay. She wasn't sure how much to get. She started filling her basket. She ate some strawberries while picking them. They were so big and juicy! And the sun had made them sweet.
The basket was quickly filled. Johanna took it to the farmer to pay for it. She handed him a ten-dollar bill (鈔票) and got back one dollar. “How cheap!” Johanna thought.
When she got home, Johanna quickly cleaned the strawberries and put them in the fridge. Some, she could use to make jam (果醬). Others, she could eat fresh or with sugar on top. She thought about crushing (壓碎) some over some ice-cream, or freezing some for later use. There were so many things to do with strawberries, and they were all delicious!
(    )56. Last Saturday was the first time for Johanna to ______.
A. eat strawberries       
B. grow strawberries
C. make strawberry jam         
D. visit a strawberry farm
(    )57. What surprised Johanna when she arrived at the farm?
A. The farm was so big.
B. Strawberries grew on vines.
C. One of her friends was also there.
D. There were so many people there.
(    )58. What did Johanna think of the strawberries she picked?
A. Small but sweet.     
B. Small and sour.
C. Big and sweet.      
D. Big but sour.
(    )59. How much did the strawberries Johanna picked cost?
A. 1 dollar.             
B. 9 dollars.     
C. 10 dollars.          
D. 11 dollars.
(    )60. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A. What Johanna would do with the strawberries.
B. Who Johanna would give the strawberries to.
C. How to make strawberry jam.
D. How to clean strawberries.
Today most people can't live without a television set! During the 1980s and 1990s the quality (質(zhì)量) of both pictures and sound became very, very good. The first VCR (video cassette recorder) was introduced in 1977 in the USA. With VCRs, people could record their favorite programs, but the quality was not perfect. The invention of the CD and the DVD during the 1990s produced a better quality of both pictures and sound. The first DVD player was introduced in 1997 in the USA. At that time you could not record programs with DVD players, but today DVD recorders are available.
During recent years, people began to develop new ways to record television programs with machines that had memory. This way your television set can save films, almost like a computer. This new invention is called TiVo, and it has become very popular in the USA. With TiVo, television sets are similar to computers, but at the same time computers are similar to television sets. With a computer you can now pay to download (下載) films and TV programs from the Internet and watch them on the computer screen. In the future, computers will probably take the place of television sets.
Living rooms with large-screen TV sets and big speakers (揚(yáng)聲器) are like small cinemas at home: they are called “home movie theaters”. Watching movies at home or in the cinema are both great and fun, but some people think that cinemas are still the best places to watch movies.
(    )61. Which of the following is TRUE about early VCRs?
A. The quality of pictures was very good.
B. The quality of sound was very good.
C. They could be used to record programs.
D. They soon got very popular in the USA.
(    )62. DVD appeared ______ years later than VCR.
A. 7            
B. 9        
C. 13             
D. 20
(    )63. Which of the following has memory?
A. VCR.      
B. CD.  
C. DVD.             
D. TiVo.
(    )64. What does the underlined word “save” in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese?
A. 存儲(chǔ)      
B. 拯救     
C. 節(jié)省   
D. 儲(chǔ)蓄
(    )65. According to the writer, “home movie theaters” are ______.
A. a great choice      
B. not good for health
C. better than cinemas   
D. not popular with Americans
Ⅸ. 詞匯運(yùn)用(每小題1分,共5分)
lock, day, hero, mention, low
66. Mom often tells us to save water in our ________ lives. 
67. Mr. White was so lucky to buy this TV set at such a ________ price.
68. Mario was such a careless person that he didn't ________ his car last night.
69. In her e-mail Carol ________ that she had a trip to Europe last year.
70. Yao Ming and Lin Dan are sports ________. Li Yun admires them very much.
Ⅹ. 完成句子(每小題1分,共5分)
71. 突然,凱莉記起這起事故發(fā)生在一個(gè)星期天。
________ ________ ________ ________, Kelly remembered the accident happened on a Sunday.
72. 昨天由于停電那部電影沒有上映。
The film ________ ________ yesterday because of no electricity.
73. 毫無疑問,馮小剛是中國(guó)最好的電影導(dǎo)演之一。
________ ________ Feng Xiaogang is one of the best film directors in China.                   
74. 我們學(xué)校的秋季運(yùn)動(dòng)會(huì)將于10月底舉行。
The autumn sports meeting of our school will ________ ________ at the end of October.
75. 你不僅會(huì)學(xué)到新東西,而且還會(huì)和你的同伴們玩得開心。
You'll ________ ________ learn something new, ________ ________ have fun with your partners.
Ⅺ. 綜合填空(每小題1分,共10分)
they, die, repeat, hour, quick, wash, run, encourage, find, hit, although, human
The Australian crocodile (鱷魚) is the largest crocodile in the world. It can grow up to seven meters long and the biggest can weigh up to 1,000 kilos.
What makes crocodiles dangerous is that they attack (攻擊) very (76)_______. They take animals or people into water and kill (77)_______. They usually attack in the water, but they can suddenly come out of a river and attack animals or people, and they can (78)_______ about 17 kilometers in an hour on land.
Every year in Australia there are crocodile attacks on (79)_______. Two years ago a 24-year-old German tourist (80)_______ when she went for a swim in a lake. (81)_______ there were signs warning people that there might be crocodiles, the girl and her friends decided to have a midnight swim. The girl suddenly disappeared and the next morning her body was (82)_______. Near it was a four-meter crocodile. And only last month two Australian boys watched in fear as their friend was killed by a crocodile. They were (83)_______ their mountain bikes in a river at that time. Then, those two boys climbed a tree and stayed there for 22 (84)_______ while the crocodile waited below.
But you can survive (幸存) a crocodile attack. Last year a 19-year-old boy was saved from a crocodile when his aunt (85)_______ it on the nose. Norman's aunt said, “I hit it and I shouted, ‘Help!' The crocodile suddenly opened its mouth and stopped attacking.”
Ⅻ. 書面表達(dá)(15分)
Mary在某英語學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)站就“The Most Useful Invention of All Time?”這一話題發(fā)帖,征集網(wǎng)友的看法。假如你叫李華,你認(rèn)為最有用的發(fā)明是因特網(wǎng),請(qǐng)你根據(jù)Mary的帖子給她回帖。
The Most Useful Invention of All Time?
Mary—Monday, August 15, 2018
I am writing a paper about inventions for my English class, and I need some ideas. What do you think is the most useful invention of all time? Thanks for your ideas.
要求:1. 簡(jiǎn)要闡述因特網(wǎng)的用途(至少三個(gè));
2. 詞數(shù)90左右;回帖的部分內(nèi)容已給出,不計(jì)入總詞數(shù)。
RE: The Most Useful Invention of All Time?
Li Hua—Thursday, August 18, 2018
I think the most useful invention of all time is the Internet.                                   

Ⅴ. 21-25 ABDBC    26-30 DACBD     31-35 BCBDD
Ⅵ. 36-40 BBDAC    41-45 CABDD
Ⅶ. 46-50 DBEAC
Ⅷ. 51-55 TFTFF    56-60 DBCBA   61-65 CDDAA
Ⅸ. 66. daily    67. low    68. lock    69. mentioned    70. heroes
Ⅹ. 71. All of a sudden      72. wasn't shown     73. Without doubt 
74. take place          75. not only; but also
Ⅺ. 76. quickly       77. them      78. run        79. humans     80. died  
81. Although     82. found     83. washing    84. hours      85. hit
Ⅻ. One possible version:

RE: The Most Useful Invention of All Time?
Li Hua—Thursday, August 18, 2018
I think the most useful invention of all time is the Internet. With the Internet, I can do many things. I can do some shopping without leaving my home. I bought a pair of shoes and some books online last week. I can enjoy music on the Internet and learn some popular songs. When I finish my homework, I can play games on the Internet. I can keep in touch with my pen pal in Canada by using e-mail. It's faster than writing letters, and it's cheaper than making a phone call. The Internet makes my life more colorful and easier.
21. A。本小題考查冠詞的固定搭配。have a point是固定短語,意為“有道理”,故選A。
22. B。本小題考查介詞詞義辨析。of意為“屬于(某人或某物)”;with意為“帶有”;in意為“在……里”;about意為“關(guān)于”。根據(jù)“曼迪認(rèn)為它們不舒服”可知,她從不買“帶高跟的鞋”,故選B。
23. D。本小題考查名詞詞義辨析。list意為“名單;清單”;brand意為“品牌;牌子”;condition意為“條件;狀況”;style意為“樣式;款式”。根據(jù)“只有我們店賣這條連衣裙”可知,這條連衣裙“款式”特別,故選D。
24. B。本小題考查代詞辨析。nobody意為“沒有人”;somebody意為“有人”,一般用于肯定句中;anybody意為“有人”時(shí),一般用于否定句或一般疑問句中;意為“任何人”時(shí),一般用于肯定句中;everybody 意為“人人;大 家”。根據(jù)題意可知,火警報(bào)警器響的原因是“有人”當(dāng)時(shí)正在辦公室抽煙,故選B。
25. C。本小題考查形容詞詞義辨析。crispy意為“脆的;酥脆的”;salty意為“咸的”;sour意為“酸的;有酸味的”;delicious意為“可口的;美味的”。根據(jù)“我的牙齒受不了”可知,葡萄是“酸的”,故選C。
26. D。本小題考查副詞詞義辨析。probably 意為“很可能;大概”;mostly意為“主要地;通!保籬ardly意為“幾乎不;幾乎沒有”;nearly意為“幾乎;差不多”。根據(jù)“勞拉認(rèn)為電影不令人興奮”可知,看電影中途她“幾乎”睡著了,故選D。
27. A。本小題考查動(dòng)詞詞義辨析。四個(gè)動(dòng)詞都可以和into搭配。divide ... into ...意為“把……分成……”;translate ... into ... 意為“把……翻譯成……”;turn ... into ... 意為“把……變成……”;make ... into ... 意為“將……制成……”。根據(jù)題意可知,要使這個(gè)句子容易理解,前提是你把它“分成”三部分,故選A。
28. C。本小題考查非謂語動(dòng)詞。encourage用作動(dòng)詞,意為“鼓勵(lì)”,常用于encourage sb. to do sth.結(jié)構(gòu),故選C。
29. B。本小題考查系動(dòng)詞詞義辨析及語態(tài)。taste意為“嘗起來”;smell意為“聞起來”,應(yīng)答者還沒有吃魚,只是認(rèn)為“聞起來”美味,因此先排除選項(xiàng)A和C。表示感受、感官的系動(dòng)詞feel, sound, taste, smell等常用其主動(dòng)形式表示被動(dòng)意義,故選B。
30. D。本小題考查動(dòng)詞的語態(tài)及時(shí)態(tài)。主語A new club是動(dòng)詞start(創(chuàng)辦)的承受者,因此用被動(dòng)語態(tài);由at the beginning of this year可知用一般過去時(shí)的被動(dòng)語態(tài),故選D。
31. B。本小題考查主謂一致和動(dòng)詞的時(shí)態(tài)。the number of ... 意為“……的數(shù)量;……的數(shù)目”,作主語時(shí),謂語動(dòng)詞應(yīng)用單數(shù)形式,由此可先排除選項(xiàng)A和C;由題干后半句中的is (一般現(xiàn)在時(shí))可知,前半句也用一般現(xiàn)在時(shí),故選B。
32. C。本小題考查固定句型。It is said that ... 意為“據(jù)說……”,故選C。
33. B。本小題考查短語辨析。by accident意為“偶然”;by mistake意為“錯(cuò)誤地”;in trouble意為“陷入麻煩中”;in danger意為“處于危險(xiǎn)中”。發(fā)話者的筆記本和帕姆的看起來一樣,因此發(fā)話者“錯(cuò)誤地”拿了帕姆的筆記本,故選B。
34. D。本小題考查短語動(dòng)詞辨析。play tricks on意為“開……的玩笑”;take care of意為“照顧;處理”;look forward to意為“盼望;期待”;look up to意為“欽佩;仰慕”。根據(jù)“宋仲基是一位很受歡迎的明星”可知,許多年輕人“仰慕”他,故選D。
35. D。本小題考查情景交際。that's true意為“是真的”;it's fun意為“真有趣”;I agree意為“我同意”;with pleasure意為“很樂意效勞”,用來表示愿意為某人做某事。發(fā)話者想讓對(duì)方幫忙在網(wǎng)上找一首歌,對(duì)于發(fā)話者的請(qǐng)求,出于禮貌,應(yīng)答者表示“愿意效勞”,故選D。
36. B。由第三段第三句中的that would help children learn to swim可知鯊魚鰭是用來幫助兒童學(xué)習(xí)“游泳”的。
37. B。由下一句中的On the show可知?jiǎng)P文參加了一檔“節(jié)目”。
38. D。由此空后面的his idea was dangerous and they even made a couple of jokes可知一些人“提醒”了他。
39. A。由上一句及本句中的a “silly” thing可知他們說“沒人”會(huì)買。
40. C。后半句(“我”不是個(gè)商人)是前半句(“我”參加節(jié)目)的原因,所以用because連接。
41. C。由第二段首句中的for investment(投資)可知?jiǎng)P文需要“錢”。
42. A。由第一段第三句中的came up with the idea of creating a shark fin可知?jiǎng)P文認(rèn)為自己有個(gè)好“產(chǎn)品”。
43. B。由第二段可知沒有人愿意給凱文投資,由此推斷此處是指凱文決定自己“獨(dú)自”繼續(xù)這個(gè)項(xiàng)目。
44. D。凱文“為”新生意籌措了大約20萬英鎊。
45. D。由上下文可知他的產(chǎn)品很受“歡迎”。
56. D。本小題考查學(xué)生理解具體信息的能力。由第一段第三、四句可知上周六Johanna第一次去農(nóng)場(chǎng)采摘草莓。
57. B。本小題考查學(xué)生理解具體信息的能力。由第二段可知讓Johanna吃驚的是草莓不是長(zhǎng)在樹上或灌木上,而是長(zhǎng)在類似藤的一種東西上。
58. C。本小題考查學(xué)生理解具體信息的能力。由第三段最后兩句可知Johanna認(rèn)為農(nóng)場(chǎng)的草莓又大又甜。
59. B。本小題考查學(xué)生理解具體信息和簡(jiǎn)單計(jì)算的能力。由第四段第二句可知付款時(shí)Johanna給了農(nóng)場(chǎng)主一張10美元的鈔票,農(nóng)場(chǎng)主給她找了1美元,由此可知她花了9美元。
60. A。本小題考查學(xué)生歸納段落大意的能力。最后一段最后一句是該段的主旨句。該段主要講了Johanna打算如何處理從農(nóng)場(chǎng)采摘來的草莓,如制作果醬、直接吃或蘸白糖吃或冷凍起來以后用等。
61. C。本小題考查學(xué)生理解具體信息的能力。由第一段第四句可知C項(xiàng)正確。
62. D。本小題考查學(xué)生理解具體信息和簡(jiǎn)單計(jì)算的能力。由第一段第三句可知VCR于1977年出現(xiàn)在美國(guó),另由該段倒數(shù)第二句可知DVD于1997年首次出現(xiàn)在美國(guó),由此可知DVD比VCR晚出現(xiàn)了20年。
63. D。本小題考查學(xué)生理解具體信息的能力。第二段主要介紹了一項(xiàng)新發(fā)明——TiVo,由第二段第一句中的machines that had memory可知TiVo是帶有記憶功能的。
64. A。本小題考查學(xué)生根據(jù)上下文猜測(cè)詞義的能力。有了記憶功能,電視機(jī)就能像電腦一樣“存儲(chǔ)”電影。
65. A。本小題考查學(xué)生理解具體信息的能力。由最后一段第二句可知作者認(rèn)為不論在家看電影還是去影院看電影都很棒,因此A項(xiàng)正確。
76. quickly。由第二段最后一句中的suddenly come out of a river和about 17 kilometers in an hour on land可知鱷魚的攻擊速度非!翱臁薄P揎梽(dòng)詞attack,所以用quick的副詞形式。
77. them。它們將動(dòng)物或人類拖入水中并殺死“它們 / 他們”。作動(dòng)詞的賓語要用代詞的賓格形式。
78. run。它們?cè)陉懙氐摹氨寂堋彼俣瓤梢赃_(dá)到每小時(shí)17公里。
79. humans。由下面列舉的例子可知在澳大利亞每年都會(huì)發(fā)生鱷魚襲擊“人類”的事件。
80. died。由本段第四句可知兩年前一個(gè)24歲的德國(guó)游客在湖里游泳時(shí)“死”了。事件發(fā)生在過去,所以用die的過去式形式。
81. Although。前半句(有標(biāo)志牌警告此處有鱷魚)和后半句(這個(gè)女孩和她的朋友決定半夜去游泳)在語義上構(gòu)成轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系,所以用although連接。
82. found。女孩突然消失了,第二天早晨她的尸體被“找到”了。由disappeared可知要用過去時(shí)態(tài),而且主語和謂語動(dòng)作構(gòu)成被動(dòng)關(guān)系,所以要用一般過去時(shí)的被動(dòng)語態(tài)。
83. washing。他們當(dāng)時(shí)正在河里“清洗”他們的山地車。事件發(fā)生在過去,再由at that time可知要用過去進(jìn)行時(shí)。
84. hours。那兩個(gè)男孩爬上了一棵樹,在上面待了22個(gè)“小時(shí)”,在此期間鱷魚一直在下面等著。由22可知要用hour的復(fù)數(shù)形式。
85. hit。由下一句中的I hit it可知此處指男孩的姑媽“打”了鱷魚的鼻子。動(dòng)作發(fā)生在過去,所以要用hit的過去式形式。

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/1108178.html
