
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
專題十四 復(fù)合句
1. (2017武漢)—I’d like to know ________ for the party.
—I have no idea.
A. why did she buy so little food
B. what she has prepared
C. whether will she dance
D. when is she leaving
2. (2017北京)—Judy, could you tell me ________ the schoolbag?
—Oh, yes. I bought it in a store on the Internet.
A. where did you buy                     B. where will you buy
C. where you bought                      D. where you will buy
3. (2017宜昌)—The plane won’t take off ________ the thick clouds move away.
—Let’s wait patiently for the announcement from the airport.
A. since           B. though         C. while        D. until
4. (2017宜昌)—Can you guess ________?
—The south. She prefers rice to noodles.
A. how old she is                         B. what she does
C. where she’s from                       D. who she is
5. (2017黔南)The car ________ my uncle had just bought was destroyed in the earthquake.
A. whose         B. whom            C. who       D. which
6. (2017畢節(jié))This is the best book ________ I have ever read. I like it very much.
A. which         B. that               C. who       D. when
7. (2017襄陽)—What did the manager ask you after the meeting?
—She asked me ________.
A. what I do for the project last week
B. if can I finish the work on time
C. how did I deal with the problem
D. why I was late for the meeting
8. (2017安順)Sara is the girl ________ has taught me how to use Wechat(微信).
A. whom       B. which               C. what      D. who
9. (2017臨沂)Roald Dahl was a great children's writer. His dark past helped him paint a picture ________ was different to most other writers.
A. that         B. who                 C. /        D. whom
10. (2017六盤水)We still remember the lovely teachers ________ have taught us for 3 years.
A. who        B. whose               C. whom     D. which
11. (2017六盤水)Every day, he gets up early________ he can catch the first bus.
A. because    B. since                 C. when      D. so that
12. (2017遂寧)—Could you tell me________?
—At nine o’clock, in ten minutes.
A. how will he leave                            B. when he has left
C. why he is leaving                            D. when he will leave
13. (2017樂山改編)—Do you know ________ next Friday, Lily?
—If it doesn’t rain, we will.
A. if we will take a field trip
B. will we take a field trip
C. where we will take a field trip
D. when we will take a field trip
14. (2017梧州)—Could you please tell me________ at present?
—Sure, I can study abroad.
A. how is your life different
B. how your life was different
C. how your life is different
D. how was your life different
15. (2017武威)—Do you know ________?
—Yes, of course. It will be hosted by Beijing and Zhangjiakou.
A. how will be the 2022 Winter Olympics
B. which city will host the 2022 Winter Olympics
C. when will be the next Winter Olympics
D. where will be the next Winter Olympics
16. (2017貴陽改編)Xiao Ming, you'll be late for school ________ you hurry up.
A. after         B. though        C. unless       D. before
17. (2017云大附中二模)—What is the newest study on this kind of medicine?
—The scientist believes ________.
A. whether it is dangerous or not
B. that it is dangerous
C. what danger will it cause
D. how it will cause danger
18. (2017昆明盤龍區(qū)二模)—I wonder________.
—Of course. I’ll do it at once.
A. if you can help do the dishes
B. what were you doing when the rainstorm came
C. why don't you talk to your parents
D. you can improve your English by reading aloud
19. (2017昆明五華區(qū)一模)I can't believe ________ unless I see what you do.
A. what you say                         B. what do you say
C. who you say                          D. who do you say
20. (2017昆明盤龍區(qū)一模)—Lily wants to know if ________ a picnic tomorrow.
—Of course. But if it________, we'll go dancing instead.
A. you have;will rain                 B. you will have;rains
C. you will have;will rain              D. will you have;rains
21. (2017昭通昭陽區(qū)二模)The Belt and Road is President Xi's suggestion ________ will provide lots of development opportunities for many countries in the world.
A. who           B. whose           C. that             D. what
22. (2017昭通昭陽區(qū)二模)—Can you tell me ________ Australia?
—Sure, next week.
A. when you will travel to
B. when will you travel to
C. where you will travel to
D. where will you travel to
23. (2017曲靖陸良模擬)—What kind of music do you like, Lucy?
—I love music ________ is quiet and gentle.
A. who          B. what              C. that            D. where
24. (2017曲靖一中模擬)You can't imagine ________ when the pupils received these nice presents on Children's Day.
A. how they were excited
B. how excited they were
C. how excited were they
D. they were how excited
25. (2017曲靖麒麟二模)—Do you know ________ tomorrow?
—Sorry, I don't know. You can surf the Internet for the weather forecast(預(yù)報).
A. whether will it rain                          B. if it will rain
C. whether does it rain                          D. if it rains
26. (2018原創(chuàng))—Would you mind telling me ________?
—Sure. It’s made in China.
A. where is the bag made
B. where the bag is made
C. when is the bag made
D. when the bag is made
27. (2018原創(chuàng))—Excuse me. I'm wondering ________.
—Yes, there is.
A. if there's a school around here
B. where can I buy a pen
C. when shall we leave
D. you can do what
28. (2018原創(chuàng))—Sir, I want to know ________.
—At 8:00 p.m.
A. where will the train go
B. where the train will go
C. when will the train leave
D. when the train will leave
29. (2018原創(chuàng))—Will you please give the dictionary to Jane?
—Sure, I'll give it to her  ________  she arrives here.
A. before         B. until            C. because      D. as soon as
30. (2018原創(chuàng))You may use the room as you like________you clean it up afterwards.
A. so far as                               B. so long as
C. in case                                D. even if
31. (2018原創(chuàng))—Do you know________?
—Hebei. It’s China's new special economic zone.
A. why the Xion’an New Area is set up
B. what the Xion’an New Area is like
C. where the Xion’an New Area is
D. when the Xion’an New Area set up
32. (2018原創(chuàng))I was leaving the school ________ Bruce called me, so I stopped to wait for him.
A. when         B. unless         C. while           D. after
33. (2018預(yù)測)—Could you tell me ________?
—By watching English movies.
A. how did you improve your English
B. how you improved your English
C. when you improved your English
D. when did you improve your English
34. (2018預(yù)測)—How do you pay when you go shopping abroad?
—By using Alipay ________ is so easy and safe.
A. which       B. who             C. what        D. whose
35. (2018預(yù)測)I will do some cleaning as soon as I ________    my homework.
A. finish                                  B. will finish
C. have finished                            D. finished
36. (2018預(yù)測)Mobike is a popular bike­sharing service________ brings convenience to our life.
A. which       B. what             C. where        D. who
37. (2018預(yù)測)—Alice has set up a WeChat group. Could you tell me________?
—It is more convenient for us to connect with each other.
A. what it is used for                          B. why did she set it up
C. how she set it up                           D. when she set it up
38. (2018預(yù)測)Peter was so excited________he received an invitation from his friend to visit Kunming.
A. where      B. that               C. why        D. when
39. (2018預(yù)測)To make your DIY work perfect, you'd better not start ________ you get all the tools ready.
A. when        B. while            C. before      D. after
1. B 【解析】考查賓語從句。句意“我想知道為了聚會 ________   。”“我也不知道!盇項:她為什么買如此少的食物;B項:她已經(jīng)準(zhǔn)備了什么,陳述語序;C項:她是否會跳舞,為疑問句語序;D項:她什么時候離開,為疑問句語序。分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)可知此處缺少賓語,賓語從句中從句一律用陳述句語序:主語+謂語+其他,故選B。
2. C 【解析】考查賓語從句。句意為“朱迪,你能告訴我________這個書包嗎?”“哦,可以。我在網(wǎng)上的一個商店買的!辟e語從句應(yīng)用陳述語序,因此排除A、B選項;同時根據(jù)答語中的“bought”可知對話雙方談?wù)摰氖沁^去發(fā)生的事情,所以用一般過去時態(tài),排除D項。故選C。
3. D 【解析】考查狀語從句引導(dǎo)詞。句意“飛機不會起飛________厚厚的云層散開后。”“讓我們耐心地等待機場的通知吧。”since自從;though雖然,即使;while當(dāng)……時,然而;until直到。分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)可知,此處考查not...until 的用法,意為“直到……才”,故選D。
4. C 【解析】考查賓語從句。句意“你能猜一下________嗎?”“南方。比起吃面條她更喜歡吃米飯!盇項:她多少歲;B項:她做什么;C項:她來自哪里;D項:她是誰。由答語可知此處“她來自哪里”符合語境,故選C。
5. D 【解析】考查定語從句的關(guān)系詞。句意為:我叔叔剛買的________轎車在地震中被毀壞了。根據(jù)句意可知,本句是含有定語從句的復(fù)合句,先行詞the car指物,應(yīng)用關(guān)系代詞which/that引導(dǎo)定語從句。故選D。
6. B 【解析】考查定語從句的關(guān)系詞。句意:這是我曾經(jīng)讀過的最好的書,我非常喜歡它。which先行詞為物;that先行詞為人或物,或名詞前有序數(shù)詞、形容詞最高級、the only、the very、the last等修飾;who先行詞為人;when先行詞為時間。分析先行詞the best book,有形容詞最高級best來修飾,應(yīng)用that引導(dǎo)。故選B。
7. D 【解析】考查賓語從句的語序和時態(tài)。句意“經(jīng)理會后問了你什么?”“她問我________。”分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)可知空格處作asked的賓語。賓語從句要使用陳述語句語序,故排除B、C項;由主句中的“asked”可知賓語從句應(yīng)用過去的某種時態(tài),排除A項。故選D。
8. D 【解析】考查定語從句的引導(dǎo)詞。句意:莎拉是________教我如何使用微信的女孩。whom修飾先行詞為人,且在從句中作賓語;which修飾先行詞為物;what什么,不能引導(dǎo)定語從句;who誰,修飾先行詞為人,且在從句中作主語或賓語。分析句中定語從句修飾的先行詞the girl為人,并且在從句中作主語,應(yīng)由who引導(dǎo)后面的定語從句,故選D。
9. A 【解析】考查定語從句的引導(dǎo)詞。句意為:羅爾德•達爾是一位偉大的兒童作家。他黑暗的過去幫他完成了一幅與大多數(shù)作家不同的圖畫。that引導(dǎo)定語從句修飾的先行詞是人或物;who引導(dǎo)定語從句修飾的先行詞是人;/省略引導(dǎo)詞,此類情況的先行詞在定語從句中作賓語;whom引導(dǎo)定語從句修飾的先行詞是人,在定語句中作賓語。本句的先行詞是物,在定語從句中作主語,故選A。
10. A 【解析】考查定語從句的引導(dǎo)詞。句意:我們?nèi)匀挥浀媒逃覀?年的________可愛的老師們。分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)知,本句是含有定語從句的復(fù)合句,其先行詞teachers指人,應(yīng)用關(guān)系代詞who/that引導(dǎo)定語從句。故選A。
11. D 【解析】考查狀語從句的引導(dǎo)詞。句意:每天,他都早早起床________能趕上第一班車。because因為;since由于,既然;when當(dāng)……時候;so that目的是。由句意知,后一分句是前一句的目的,應(yīng)用so that引導(dǎo)目的狀語從句。故選D。
12. D 【解析】考查賓語從句的語序和時態(tài)。句意:“你能告訴我________?9點,十分鐘之后!备鶕(jù)賓語從句中從句需用陳述語序,排除選項A。根據(jù)in ten minutes確定這是詢問將來的時間,故選D。
13. A 【解析】考查賓語從句。句意“你知道下周________嗎,莉莉?”“如果不下雨,我們就去。”賓語從句中從句需用陳述句語序,故排除B項;再由句意可知,C、D項中的連接詞與句意不符。故選A。
14. C 【解析】考查賓語從句。句意“你可以告訴我________”“可以啊。我可以在國外學(xué)習(xí)。”賓語從句應(yīng)用陳述句語序,故排除A、D項;根據(jù)時間狀語at present可知此處為一般現(xiàn)在時。故選C。
15. B 【解析】考查賓語從句。句意“你知道________?”“當(dāng)然知道。它將在北京和張家口舉辦。” 賓語從句中從句用陳述句語序。根據(jù)答語“在北京和張家口舉辦”可知是詢問城市。故選B。
16. C 【解析】考查狀語從句的引導(dǎo)詞。句意:小明,你上學(xué)就要遲到了________你快點。after在……后;though盡管;unless除非;before在……之前。由語境可知選C。
17. B 【解析】考查賓語從句。句意“這種藥的最新研究是什么?”“科學(xué)家認為________!备鶕(jù)空前believes相信,可知賓語從句在陳述事實,需用that來引導(dǎo)陳述句,時態(tài)為一般現(xiàn)在時。故選B。
18. A 【解析】考查賓語從句。句意“我想知道________!薄爱(dāng)然可以。我馬上就去做!辟e語從句中需用陳述句語序,故排除選項B和C。選項D應(yīng)該添加if或者whether才可以,故選A。
19. A 【解析】考查賓語從句。句意:我不相信________除非我看到你所做的。賓語從句需用陳述語序,可排除B、D項。根據(jù)句意可知我不相信你所說的可排除C項,故選A。
20. B 【解析】考查if引導(dǎo)的從句。句意“莉莉想知道,明天你是否________野餐!薄爱(dāng)然去。但是如果下雨,我們就去跳舞!钡谝粋if引導(dǎo)賓語從句,賓語從句要用陳述語序,主句用了一般現(xiàn)在時,從句中有tomorrow,就要用一般將來時;第二個if引導(dǎo)條件狀語從句,主句用一般將來時,從句要用一般現(xiàn)在時,主語it是第三人稱單數(shù),動詞用單三形式,故選B。
21. C 【解析】考查定語從句的關(guān)系詞。句意“一帶一路”是習(xí)近平主席的建議,那將給世界上許多國家提供大量的發(fā)展機會。從句意可知,空格后的句子是一個定語從句。who關(guān)系代詞,先行詞是人;whose關(guān)系代詞,先行詞是人或事物,所有格形式,后跟名詞;that關(guān)系代詞,先行詞是人/事物;what連接代詞或疑問詞,不引導(dǎo)定語從句!皊uggestion”是一個表示事物的名詞,應(yīng)該使用關(guān)系代詞“that”來引導(dǎo)從句。故選C。
22. A 【解析】考查賓語從句。句意“你能告訴我________澳大利亞?”“當(dāng)然可以,下周!睆摹皀ext week”可知,第一句應(yīng)該詢問的是時間,排除選項C和D?崭裉幨且粋賓語從句,應(yīng)用陳述句語序,排除選項B。故選A。
23. C 【解析】考查定語從句的關(guān)系詞。句意“Lucy,你喜歡哪種音樂?”“我喜歡安靜且柔和的音樂!毕刃性~是music是物,需用which(that)引導(dǎo)定語從句,故選C。
24. B 【解析】考查賓語從句。句意:你想象不出來當(dāng)學(xué)生們在兒童節(jié)收到這么漂亮的禮物的時候,________。此處應(yīng)填的是imagine的賓語,應(yīng)用陳述語序且為感嘆句結(jié)構(gòu):how + 形容詞/副詞 +主語 +謂語。故選B。
25. B 【解析】考查賓語從句。句意“你知道明天________嗎?”“對不起,我不知道。你可以上網(wǎng)查一下天氣預(yù)報。”分析句子可知動詞“know”之后是一個賓語從句,應(yīng)該使用陳述句語序,排除選項A和C。又從“tomorrow”可知,這里談?wù)摰氖敲魈斓奶鞖,賓語從句應(yīng)使用一般將來時,故選B。
26. B 【解析】考查賓語從句引導(dǎo)詞和語序。句意“你介意告訴我________?”“當(dāng)然,它產(chǎn)于中國!备鶕(jù)答語可知是問地點,可知疑問詞用where,賓語從句的語序應(yīng)用陳述句,故選B。
27. A 【解析】考查賓語從句引導(dǎo)詞。句意“打擾一下,我想知道________。”“是的。這兒有。”賓語從句的語序為陳述語序,B、C選項是疑問句語序;what是疑問代詞,應(yīng)位于句首,排除D項,且根據(jù)答語可知應(yīng)是想知道是否有……。故選A。
28.D 【解析】考查賓語從句的引導(dǎo)詞和語序。句意“先生,我想知道________。”“在下午8點鐘。”根據(jù)答語可知是詢問時間,引導(dǎo)詞用when,賓語從句的語序用陳述句的語序,故選D。
29.D 【解析】考查狀語從句。句意“把你的詞典借給簡可以嗎?”“當(dāng)然可以。她________回來我________借給她。”根據(jù)句意可知表示一……就……。故選D。
30. B 【解析】考查狀語從句。句意為:你可以任意使用這個房間,________你事后把它打掃干凈。so far as就……而言;so long as=as long as表示唯一條件“只要”;in case以防,萬一;even if 即使,盡管。根據(jù)句意可知只要之后把房間收拾干凈就可以使用房間。故選B。
31. C 【解析】考查賓語從句。句意“你知道________嗎?”“河北,這是中國新設(shè)立的經(jīng)濟特區(qū)!贝颂帒(yīng)填的是know的賓語,應(yīng)用陳述語序;根據(jù)答語Hebei可知,是問地點。故選C。
32. A 【解析】考查狀語從句引導(dǎo)詞。句意:________我將要離開學(xué)校時,Bruce喊住我,所以我停下來等他。when當(dāng)……時,與延續(xù)性動詞或非延續(xù)性動詞連用;unless除非;while當(dāng)……時,與延續(xù)性動詞連用;after在……之后。leave是非連續(xù)性動詞,要用when。故選A。
33. B 【解析】考查賓語從句。句意“你能告訴我________?”“通過看英語電影!辟e語從句的結(jié)構(gòu)為:主語+謂語+連接詞+從句,從句在要用陳述句;根據(jù)答語“通過看英語電影”可知,是在問方式。故選B。
34. A 【解析】考查定語從句。句意“你在國外購物時怎么支付?”“通過使用支付寶,________非常簡單,安全!毕刃性~是Alipay是物,需用which/that引導(dǎo)定語從句,故選A。
35. A 【解析】考查狀語從句的時態(tài)。句意:我一________作業(yè)就去打掃衛(wèi)生。as soon as 引導(dǎo)的時間狀語從句遵循“主將從現(xiàn)”,故選A。
36. A 【解析】考查定語從句的關(guān)系代詞。句意:摩拜單車是一種流行的自行車共享服務(wù),給我們的生活帶來便利。先行詞是service是物,需用which/that引導(dǎo)定語從句,故選A。
37. A 【解析】考查賓語從句。句意“愛麗絲已經(jīng)建了一個微信群。你能告訴我________ ?”“對我們來說,彼此交流更方便。”賓語從句的語序是陳述語序,可排除選項B;根據(jù)答語“對我們來說,彼此交流更方便”可知,是在問微信群的用途。故選A。
38. D 【解析】考查狀語從句。句意為:________Peter的朋友邀請他來昆明時,他很興奮。此題考查狀語從句,只有when引導(dǎo)的時間狀語從句符合題意。故選D。
39. C 【解析】考查狀語從句。句意:為了使你的手工作品完美,你最好在準(zhǔn)備好所有的工具________再開始。when當(dāng)……時候;while當(dāng)……時候;before在……之前;after在……之后。這四個連詞都可以引導(dǎo)時間狀語從句。由句意可知。此處表示在準(zhǔn)備好工具前不要開始。可知選C。故選C。
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/1108183.html
