
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

 (全卷共九個大題  滿分:150分  考試時間:120分鐘)
Ⅰ. 聽力測試。(共30分)
1. A. Thank you.            B. I hope so.         C. Nice to meet you, too.
2. A. It’s blue.             B. They are black.    C. It’s beautiful.
3. A. Yes, I do.            B. Yes, you do.    C. No, we have.
4. A. Not at all.        B. My pleasure.    C. Sorry, you may.
5. A. Come on!         B. Of course not.    C. Have a nice trip!
6. A. I’m well.         B. I have a cold.      C. It doesn’t matter.
7. A. 12.                  B. 20.                     C. 21.
8. A. Working.         B. Sleeping.             C. Playing.
9. A. Today.           B. Tomorrow.              C. Next Friday.
10. A. Laura’s.          B. Jason’s.                 C. Mike’s.
11. A. In New York.   B. In China.          C. In Canada.
12. A. By subway.       B. By bus.         C. By taxi.
聽兩遍。 根據(jù)你所聽到的長對話,從A、B、C三個選項中選出正確答案,并把答題卡上對應(yīng)題目的答案標號涂黑。
聽下面一段材料。回答 13和14小題
14. Which team will the school set up?
   A. A soccer team.               B. A swim team.                C. a basketball team.
13. How many students will be chosen from each class?
   A. One.                       B. Two.                       C. Three.
15. What’s wrong with the boy?
   A. He has a cold.                B. He has a fever.               C. He has a headache.
16. What’s the relationship between the two speakers?
   A. Doctor and patient.            B. Teacher and student.          C. Mother and son.
聽兩遍。 根據(jù)你所聽到的短文內(nèi)容,從A、B、C三個選項中選出正確答案,并把答題卡上對應(yīng)題目的答案標號涂黑。
17. The shopping center is the _________ in the city.
   A. biggest                      B. newest                     C. nicest
18. You can find children’s clothes _________.
   A. on the 2nd floor                B. on the 3rd floor              C. on the 4th floor
19. You can _________ on the 6th floor.
   A. buy gentlemen’s clothes         B. ladies’ shoes and hats         C. have dinner
20. If you want to have a free drink, you need to pay over _________ at one time.
   A. $25                         B. $50                       C. $75
21. Zootopia is _________ best cartoon that I have ever seen in my life.
 A. a              B. an     C. the       D. /
22. When I was a teenager, I often went to school _________ bike.
 A. with         B. on        C. in        D. by
23. We should take good care of _________ when we are in foreign countries.
A. us        B. our     C. ours     D. ourselves
24. People must try everything to stop our earth from _________.
 A. polluting         B. polluted    C. being pollution      D. being polluted
25. — How do you like the new Ipad Pro?
— _________. But the price is high.
  A. I know it          B. It’s useful        C. It’s expensive       D. I think so
26. We don’t think English homework is too much _________.
  A. to finish it         B. to finish          C. to finishing it     D. to finishing
27. As we all know, the world population has _________ to 6 billion. It is really a big number.
   A. produced         B. provided            C. increased      D. invented
28. — Will you go to the special party held by our English club?
   — Oh, I _________ unless I am a VIP. So the answer is no.
    A. was invited   B. wasn’t invited   C. will be invited      D. won’t be invited
29. I’m sure that there _________ a key and two cards on the desk minutes ago, but there’s nothing now.
    A. is        B. are                C. was                  D. were
30. Excuse me, could you please help me _________ the time of the next train to Beijing.
    A. look for    B. look out            C. look up           D. look after
31. My parents and teachers always encourage me _________ what I like.
  A. do           B. did               C. to do              D. doing
32. Everyone needs to make a _________ on their life journey, because what they choose will influence their future.
    A. choice          B. difference       C. mistake         D. discussion
33. — I am just wondering _________.
— Nothing serious. I just have a sore back.
   A. what you happen                   B. what is wrong with you
C. what the matter is with you              D. what wrong is with you
34. Sorry, Jack. I wasn’t at home at that time when you phoned me. I _________ the acting class in the school.
    A. will take        B. was taking           C. am taking          D. have taken
35. — Michael, please don’t watch TV while eating dinner. It’s bad for your eyes.
   — _________, Mom.
    A. OK, I will         B. Sorry, I won’t       C. Of course           D. You’re welcome
36. He keeps exercising every day _________ cold it is outside.
    A. however          B. whenever         C. whoever         D. whatever
37. — Need I go shopping with you, mom?
   — No, you _________. You can hang out with your friends.
  A. needn’t      B. can’t        C. shouldn’t           D. mustn’t
38. __________! It makes my eyes feel uncomfortable.
  A. How strong light                     B. How a strong light
C. What a strong light                   D. What strong light
39. I don’t think there will be _________ fresh water and clean air in the future than now because people don’t see the importance of environmental protection.
  A. much              B. more              C. less               D. fewer
40. — Excuse me, where is the nearest bookstore?
   — It’s _________ to the middle school, but it _________ for a few days.
    A. close; has closed                       B. close; has been closed
    C. closed; has been closed                 D. closed; has been close
Ⅲ. 完形填空。 (每小題1.5 分,共15分)
    As traditional Chinese art, paper cutting has a long history. The first and earliest paper cutting was found in China 1500 years ago. But this traditional art is disappearing now.    41   , Voyo Woo, a Chinese woman living in America, is trying to    42    this art back to life.
One Saturday in 2018年, Ms. Woo held a paper cutting show at a shopping center near Washington. She had much fun    43    it and hoped more and more people would enjoy it.
Ms. Woo has been studying the art of paper cutting    44    she was a junior high school student in her hometown. She said all the students at school had to learn paper cutting. Because she had a    45    love for it, her teacher spent a lot more time teaching her after class. Later, she won the second prize in a national painting and art competition.
Ms. Woo went to America after she graduated from the university in 2008. Soon after that, she    46    an activity to promote (宣傳) Chinese paper cutting. And then she was again invited to show the art in many other important    47   . “I love what I am doing and I will keep on doing it as much as possible. It is important to promote this art to Americans or    48    who is interested in it. Maybe it will make this art more popular.” Woo said.
From the    49    of paper cutting, people can know about Chinese cultural values, history and stories of people’s life. Ms. Woo uses the art as a tool to show Chinese culture    50    people who know little about it. Chinese art is not only for Chinese, but also all for people all over the world.
41. A. Especially   B. Instead        C. Luckily    D. Usually
42. A. bring     B. take       C. carry       D. hold
43.  A. to do        B. doing        C. done        D. having done
44. A. after        B. since       C. when       D. if
45. A. widely       B. wide        C. deeply       D. deep
46. A. gave up         B. held on       C. found out       D. took part in
47. A. activities        B. meetings     C. matches      D. competitions
48. A. people       B. anyone      C. every one    D. no one
49. A. characters   B. colors      C. art        D. spirit
50. A. for          B. to           C. with         D. from
Ⅳ. 閱讀理解。 (每小題2分,共30分)
從A , B, C, D四個選項中選出最佳答案, 并把答題卡上對應(yīng)題目的答案標號涂黑。
Some students are talking about the changes in their own schools on the Internet.
Sunshine 1998
I’m in Grade 2. Our school built a new classroom building recently. We used to have a day off when students from Grade 1 or Grade 3 had monthly exams, because they needed to use our classrooms to take the exams. However, now they can use the new classroom building instead, so we don’t need to take a day off and we will have more days to study.
We used to go out of the school to buy something to eat during class breaks, but now we are told not to go out. It is said that the rule was made to protect students from eating unhealthy food outside. Instead, we have a new shop in our restaurant. We can buy food there after class.
We used to have English reading every morning on weekdays, so we had to get to school half an hour early every day. But now the school has introduced an English learning app that can be used on our phones or computers. Now we can practice speaking and listening anytime and anywhere.
In the past, our PE classes were replaced by Chinese classes or maths classes on rainy days because we couldn’t go outside. Now I’m very happy, because a gym(體育館) is being built and we will have PE classes in the gym on rainy days next year!
51. Sunshine1998 is in ___________.
   A. Grade One        B. Grade Two       C. Grade Three     D. Grade Four
52. Now, Liuxuan can buy food ________________ during class breaks. 
   A. outside their school                B. in the classroom building  
   C. in their school restaurant            D. in a supermarket downtown
53. _____________ can help Superman001 with English speaking and listening now.
   A. A new English teacher             B. An English learning app
   C. A new computer                  D. An English reading class
The world’s most popular musical, The Sound of Music is coming to China!
Presented by Lunchbox Theatrical Production, we are looking for talented young performers to play the roles of the von Trapp children. This is a fantastic chance to perform with musical theater professionals.
Since its first performance on Broadway 55 years ago, The Sound of Music has been singing its way into everyone’s hearts with some of the most popular songs ever performed on the musical theatre stage.
This June, after a tour around the world with stops including the UK, Canada, South Africa, Singapore, and New Zealand, this show will take to the stage in China. Don’t miss it!
We are looking for young talented performers for the roles of:
 Friedrich (1.55m tall, unbroken voice, playing age 14)
 Louisa (1.5m tall, undeveloped body, playing age 13)
 Kurt (1.45m tall, unbroken voice, playing age 11)
 Brigitta (1.4m tall, playing age 9/10)
 Martha (1.35m tall, playing age 7)
 Gretl (up to 1.2m tall, playing age 6)
Interview Dates: 16-18/04/2018
Application Deadline (申請截止日期): 13/04/2018
Interview Address: National Theatre of China
Rehearsals(排練): 5 May until performances
Performances: 15 June-20 June 2018, National Center for the Performing Arts
54. The Lunchbox Theatrical Production is _________________ now.
   A. selling some tickets                 B. introducing a new film
   C. looking for some young performers    D. talking about their feelings
55. ___________ can play the role of Martha.
   A. Susan, 1.5m tall, 13 years old         B. Elizabeth, 1.45m tall, 12 years old
   C. Linda, 1.4m tall, 10 years old         D. Rachel, 1.35m tall, 7 years old
56. The rehearsals will last for _____________.
   A. 6 days         B. 41 days        C. 4 days         D. 46 days
57. From the passage, we can infer that The sound of Music ______________.
A. was very successful when it was first showed on Broadway 55years ago
B. needs 7 talented performers
C. has been showed in the UK, Candada, South Africa, Singapore and Australia before coming to China
D. will be showed in the National Center for the Performing Arts in June, 2018
The European Union (EU) is like a wall. Some Eastern European countries like Albania want to get inside, while the UK is thinking about getting out.
On June 23 this year, people from the UK will vote (投票) and decide if the country will stay in the EU, the UK Prime Minister David Cameron said on Feb 19.
The EU is an organization in which its 28 member countries work together. But the UK has always kept away from getting too deeply into it. Now, 19 out of the 28 members use the same money: the euro (歐元), but the UK is not one of them. Also, some EU countries set up the Schengen(申根) area, so people in it can move freely without a visa (簽證), just as we do between Chinese provinces. However, the UK chose not to join.
In recent years, the EU seems to be even less attractive to many British people. More and more foreign workers from other countries, especially those in Eastern Europe, go to Britain. And many British believe that it put a burden on the UK’s welfare (福利), reported the Daily Mail. Besides this, the country has always given money to the EU but gets less in return, according to The New York Times.
However, there are also people who want the UK to stay in the EU. They say it’s easier for the UK to sell things to other EU countries. The EU as a whole has a big say on the international stage, and leaving the EU would hurt the UK’s influence on the world. Leaders of other EU countries like Angela Merkel of Germany and Francois Hollande of France hope to keep the UK in the EU, too.
“We need to think carefully about what is best for Britain, what is best for our future,” said Cameron. And as each side has its own ideas, we may not know the result until June.
58. ___________ will decide if the UK will stay in the EU.
   A. People all over the world.           B. People in the EU
   C. People from the UK                D. The UK Prime Minister
59. ____________ members of EU don’t use euro.
   A. 1               B. 19              C. 28             D. 9
60. The underlined word “burden” in paragraph 4 means ____________ in Chinese.
   A. 財富           B. 負擔            C. 利益           D. 增長
61. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
   A. The EU is a country which has 28 provinces.
   B. People from Schengen area can move freely to the UK without a visa.
   C. Everybody in the UK wants to get out of the EU.
   D. Leaders from Germany and France want the UK to stay in the EU.
Many of us now live in gated communities (封閉式社區(qū)). Only people who live there can go freely inside, and only their cars can pass through the gates. But are you hoping for a more open and convenient environment? When gates and walls are gone, everyone can enjoy a city with better traffic, bigger green areas for picnics and more cafes and bookstores to meet your friends.
Turning gated communities into blocks (街區(qū))is one way to achieve this, according to the Chinese government. On Feb 21, China said that gated communities should be open to the public.
Open communities have already become popular in many cities of other countries, like Paris, France, and New York City, US. There, the roads, shops and green areas are for everyone.
“Humans need communication and sharing. A good city needs to offer people enough space to do this,” said Wang Weiqiang, an expert (專家) from Tongji University.
Another good change blocks may bring is better traffic in cities, according to Professor Li Hongchang from Beijing Jiaotong University. There will be more roads open to the public. And more people may choose to walk rather than drive cars because they don’t need to take a long way to get around those gated communities.
However, not everyone likes the idea of open communities. Quite a lot of people say they have spent money on the roads inside the communities, and they worry about safety problems when communities are open.
The Chinese government explained that the opening would be carried out step by step and more detailed  plans would come out in the future. Also, they have been testing blocks in some areas in Chengdu, Sichuan, and so far it has been working well.
62. ___________ can go freely inside gated communities now.
   A. Everybody                     B. Rich people      
   C. People who have cars            D. Only people who live there
63. A good city needs to offer people enough space because ______________.
   A. humans likes to live together                B. humans don’t want to stay in their own houses
   C. humans need communication and sharing      D. humans worry about safety problems
64. The aim (目的) of turning gated communities into blocks is _______________.
   A. to let Chinese people have more houses to live in
   B. to let everyone enjoy a city with better traffic, bigger green areas and more cafes and bookstores to meet friends
   C. to let people drive cars more easily on the road
   D. to make the city a safer place
65. The passage is mainly talking about ________________.
   A. The advantages of open communities
   B. Chinese people want to have a better life
   C. The Chinese government is planning to turn gated communities into blocks 
   D. Blocks can bring better traffic
閱讀下面對話,從方框內(nèi)7個選項中選擇5個恰當?shù)木渥油瓿纱藢υ挕?br />A: Dad, I was told to get some information about the subway in our city.    66   
B: Sure. It’s said that Subway Line 3 is the longest in Western China.
A: Sounds great!     67   
B: It has a total length of 55.5 kilometers.
A: How many stations are there?
B:     68     And it connects five main areas of our city from south to north.
A: Then how about the ticket price? Is it cheap or expensive?
B:     69     And the lowest price for an adult is 1.8 yuan, but I don’t know how much it is for a child.
A: It’s OK. I heard that Line 3 connects with Line 1, Line 2 and Line 6. Is that true?
B: Yes. It’s very convenient for us to go around Chongqing now.
A: So wonderful! One last question, dad.     70     I hope I can go to school on my own.
B: No, but you can do it when you are in Grade 3.
Ⅵ. 任務(wù)型閱讀。(每小題2分,共8分)
We seldom describe a person with the words “pretty” and “masculine (有男子氣概的)” at the same time. But South Korean actor Song Joong-ki is an exception.
Song, 30, recently started playing an army captain in the South Korean TV drama Descendants of the Sun. With Song’s performance, the soldier is sweet, strong and smart. No wonder the actor quickly became the favorite for girls around Asia in only a few weeks.
But in some ways, the role is just mirroring a side of Song that we’ve never seen. Since he started his acting career in 2008, Song has been playing a series of eye-candy (養(yǎng)眼的) roles because of his pretty face.
But this may not be fair because he is actually a sporty and sharp person. Song used to be a short track speed skater (短道速滑選手) when he was young. Between first grade and high school, he competed in three national competitions and won medals for his city.
Later, he had to give up the sport because of an injury. Song then started to focus on his studies, earning all A’s in senior high school and attending the famous Sungkyunkwan University.
Descendants of the Sun, in this sense, may simply be a way for Song to show off his inner masculinity.
What’s more, in 2018年 Song completed his military duties (兵役), which all South Korean men have to do. This might also help him a lot with his army man role.
“I was already used to the military manner of speech and had a military cut,” he said in a recent interview. But he still spent two months getting in shape before filming started.
71. Is Song Joong-ki not only pretty but also masculine?
72. What is the soldier played by Song like in the TV drama Descendants of the Sun?
73. When did Song start his acting career?
74. According to the passage, why did Song join the army?
Ⅶ. 根據(jù)所給提示, 完成句子。(每空1分, 共10分)
75. He seems to have a lot of money according to what he wears.(改為否定句)
He __________ __________ to have a lot of money according to what he wears.
76. I go to see my grandma at the old people’s home three times a month.(對劃線部分提問)
__________ __________ do you go to see your grandma at the old people’s house?
77. I used to go to the library on foot.(改為同義句)
   I often _________ _________ the library in the past.
78. 你已經(jīng)下定決心要做一名醫(yī)生了嗎?(完成譯句)
   Have you __________ __________ your mind to be a doctor?
79. 我住在村子里,所以我家離學校很遠。(完成譯句)
   I live in the village, so my home is _________ _________ the school.

Ⅷ. 短文填空。 ( 每空2分,共16分 )
Mo Yan, Song Zuying, Jiang Kun…these big names often     80     in newspapers that Wu Tianbao read. But this 12-year-old boy never thought he would talk to these famous people face to face.     81    , it happens.
From March 3 to 7, he interviewed these members and deputies(人大代表) during the two meetings held in Beijing. He was one of the 120 student reporters who got the chance to report on the yearly meetings. Xinhua News Agency chose these students from different places around the country. Just like professional reporters, they reported on the meetings by     82    .
Wu interviewed several members. But among them, he liked Mo Yan who won the Nobel Prize     83    , because Wu himself is very     84     in writing. When he saw Mo coming out of a meeting room, he rushed over quickly and asked for an interview. “He is kind and patient, just like my grandfather,” Wu said. He asked Mo about his thought for canceling(取消) zhongkao and making the school years shorter. “His answers were very nice. I feel like he pays a lot of     85     to education and teenagers,” Wu said.
The interview only lasted for a few minutes, but student reporters prepared a lot before. They learned how to come up with questions and write news stories. They often kept working    86    midnight.
But the student reporters enjoyed it. Zhao Sicheng, 12, from Zhejiang, is one of them. For him,     87    a reporter not only improved his communication skills, but he also learned a lot. “Almost every member’s answers were creative and helped solve some problems,” he said. “For example, I asked the runner Xu Dongxiang how she kept practicing running. She said, ‘Because I love it. Find something you love, and you will find it easy to stick to it.”
Ⅸ. 書面表達。(16分)
   現(xiàn)如今,隨著中國經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展,越來越多的父母選擇在孩子初中畢業(yè)后就送他們?nèi)饬魧W。來自中國的小留學生也成為了歐美發(fā)達國家的一道風景線。但這么小的年齡就出國留學,是好是壞,大家眾說紛紜。請你以Little Oversea Students為題,寫一篇作文。要點如下:
1. 初中畢業(yè)就出國留學的好處和壞處。
2. 你自己對此事的看法。
1. 不能出現(xiàn)真實姓名和校名。
2. 詞數(shù)80-120字,文章題目已給出,文章開頭已給出。
Little Oversea Students
    Nowadays, with the development of China, _______________________________________________

第一節(jié): 情景反應(yīng)。
1. M: Nice to meet you!
2. W: What color are your glasses?
3. M: Do you have a basketball?
4. W: Would you mind my sitting here?
5. M: I will travel to England this summer.
6. W: What’s the matter with you?
第二節(jié): 對話理解。
7. W: I’m glad to hear you did well in the English exam.
  M: Thanks. And twenty one of us got 150.
  Q: How many students got 150?
8. M: Mary, Where were you last night? We all worried about you!
W: Sorry, my phone didn’t work. I was just sleeping.
  Q: What was Mary doing last night?
9. M: I’m going to France on business next Friday. Can I learn some French from you, Jane?
  W: Sure, but I’m busy now. How about tomorrow?
  Q: When will the man go to France?
10. W: Mike, is this white phone yours?
   M: No, it must be Jason’s. His phone is white.
   Q: Whose phone is this?
11. M: Nancy, you look terrible. What happened?
 W: I went to New York to buy a gift for my boyfriend, but then I found it was made in China.
   Q: Where was the gift made?
   12. M: Excuse me, could you please tell me the way to the train station?
 W: You can take the subway. There aren’t any buses or taxis at this time.
   Q: How can the man get to the train station?
第三節(jié): 材料理解。
聽兩遍。 根據(jù)你所聽到的長對話,從A、B、C三個選項中選出正確答案。
W: Hello! May I speak to Peter?
M: Speaking, please.
W: Peter, do you know our school will set up a soccer team?
M: Yes?
W: How many students will be chosen from each class?
M: Two, a boy and a girl. And to choose the best players, we will have some matches.
W: When will the first match be held?
M: Tomorrow afternoon. It’s between Class 2 and Class 3.
W: OK. By the way, will you join the soccer team?
M: I’m afraid not. I’m already on the swim team.
W: Oh, I see.

M: Excuse me, Miss Gao. May I come in?
W: Come in, please. What’s up?
M: I’m not feeling well. Can I leave school now? I think I need to see a doctor.
W: Now? What’s wrong with you?
M: I have a headache and I can’t even keep my eyes open in class.
W: Have you got a cold or a fever?
M: No. I just feel awful.
W: What happened last night?
M: I went over my lessons for the coming exam till midnight. Then I couldn’t fall asleep.
W: I see. You are a hard-working boy! But you should make a good plan for your study and life. Well, you don’t need to see a doctor. Just go home and have a good rest. See you tomorrow.
M: Thank you, Miss Gao.

第四節(jié): 短文理解。
聽兩遍。 根據(jù)你所聽到的短文內(nèi)容,從A、B、C三個選項中選出正確答案。
Attention, everyone! This is the newest shopping center in the city. It’s very big. So be careful. Don’t get lost. Look, on the first floor, you’ll find nice shoes and hats for ladies. On the second floor, we have children’s toys and clothes. You can find lady’s clothes on the third floor. On the fourth floor, we have gentlemen’s clothes and shoes. On the fifth floor, there are lots of things for sports. When you are tired and hungry, you can go to the sixth floor. We have twenty-five restaurants there. And you can taste different kinds of delicious food. Besides, we have some great specials today. We have shoes on sale for 50 dollars a pair. And there is a great value on children’s clothes. Also, if you pay more than 75 dollars at one time, you can have a free drink in our restaurants. Don’t wait. Come and enjoy shopping!


Ⅰ. 聽力測試。(共30分)
1-6 CBAACB     7-12 CBCBBA     13-16 ABCB     17-20 BACC
21-25 CDDDB     26-30 BCDAC     31-35 CABBB     36-40 AABCB
Ⅲ. 完形填空。 (每小題1.5 分,共15分)
41-45 CABBD     46-50 DABCB
Ⅳ. 閱讀理解。 (每小題2分,共30分)
51-53 BCB  54-57 CDBA  58-61 CDBD  62-65 DCBC
66-70 DABGF
Ⅵ. 任務(wù)型閱讀。(每小題2分,共8分)
71.Yes.        72.Sweat, smart and strong.     73.In 2008. 
74. Because all South Korean men have to complete their military duties.
Ⅶ. 根據(jù)所給提示, 完成句子。(每空1分, 共10分)
75. doesn’t seem/seems not     76. How often     77. walked to   
78. made up     79. far from
Ⅷ. 短文填空。 ( 每空2分,共16分 )
80.appear  81.However  82. themselves  83. best  84. interested  85. attention
86.until   87.Being
Ⅸ. 書面表達。(16分)

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/1110547.html

相關(guān)閱讀:九年級英語下9B Unit1單元測試卷(牛津譯林版附答案)