
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級(jí) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
9B Unit1測(cè)試卷
一 選擇填空
(    )1. _________ we stay in Japan, we’ll visit Mount Fuji.
  A. During   B. When    C. Until    D. Before
(    )2. It’s said that the hidden treasure was found in ________ cave of the mountains.
  A. some    B. any    C. every    D. each
(    )3. Look! Between the two trees ________ a young boy.
  A. is     B. are    C. lie    D. are lying
(    )4. We’d better get up before 5 a.m. tomorrow so that we won’t miss the _______ of the sun.
  A. rise    B. raise    C. rising    D. raising
(    )5. I’m sorry to ______ too much of your time.  A. take on B. take up C. take away  D. take off
(    )6. I think Mount Fuji is well worth _____.  A. visit  B. travelling C. visiting to D. travelling to
(    )7. It was at 10 p.m. yesterday ______ he came home from work.
  A. that  B. when  C. which D. what
(    )8. Now _________ people like to write letters to others and they prefer e-mails.
  A. only few   B. very few   C. a few    D. lots of
(    )9. The Great Wall runs ________many forests _______northern China.
        A. across, across     B. through, through     C. across, through    D. through, across
(    )10. _________ the fans are waiting for the popular singer outside the concert hall.
        A. Two thousand     B. Thousands of       C. Two thousands of      D. Two thousand of
 (    )11. She seldom eats candies, _________ she? _________, though she likes them very much.
  A. does, Yes   B. does, No   C. doesn’t, Yes   D. doesn’t Yes
(    )12. Do you know the way to the company _________ your father work?
  A. that    B. which    C. in which   D. in what
(    )13. I told the young boy __________.
  A. that the sun rose in the east   B. he would leave for Beijing for 2 months
  C. who to make friends with him   D. which was the way to the bookshop
(    )14. ---____ it is from our own planet Earth to Mars! --Yes, it takes months to travel to Mars by spacecraft.
    A. How soon    B. How far      C. How long     D. How often
(    )15. He found _________ difficult to improve his English __________ the teacher’s help.
A. it is; without       B. it was; with     C. it; without        D. that is; with
(    )16. He offered ______ valuable advice that ______people disagreed.
A such; a few    B such; few     C so; a few        D so; few
(    )17. ---I am out of breath. I can’t go any further. ---__________. I am sure you can make it.
     A. No problem  B. What a pity    C. Not bad     D. Come on
二 完形填空
Jenny, from Germany, spent some time traveling in India. While she was there, she stayed with her Indian friend, Leela. However, there was a language barrier(障礙) for her there. It was very   18   for her to communicate in the new environment, which was very different from
  19   of her own country.
One day, together with Leela, Jenny went to   20   an orphanage(孤兒院). All the children there were very young. At first, Jenny was not sure if she could have a way to communicate with them. She went over to the children   21    and sat beside them. After some time, one of the children   22    her. She felt a little relaxed and smiled back. Then she went close to the child. She slowly put her arm around the child and started  23    a song in German. The child kept smiling and started repeating the words after her. The words that came from the little mouth were different from those that Jenny sang, but the rhythm(節(jié)奏) was the same. Jenny sang a little more and the child followed her again. Wanting to join in the   24  , another child went up to Jenny and started singing the rhythm. Then more children joined. They  25   many smiles together.
From the other side of the hall, Leela was smiling and watching them. Noticing Leela’s  26  
on her, Jenny had an exciting feeling from her heart: “See, I don’t have any language barriers here. We   27   speak and communicate!” At that moment, she understood: we’re all simple human, and we have the ability to connect with each other.
(    )18. A. nice          B. dangerous           C. difficult          D. easy
(    )19. A. these        B. those                 C. this              D. that
(    )20. A. show          B. visit                  C. build            D. improve
(    )21. A. slowly        B. early                C. hardly           D. easily
(    )22. A. looked at      B. laughed at             C. shouted at        D. smiled at
(    )23. A. singing       B. writing                C. saying           D. playing
(    )24. A. club          B. talk                  C. fun              D. dance
(    )25. A. forgot         B. remembered          C. shared           D. missed
(    )26. A. hands         B. eyes                  C. influence         D. question
(    )27. A. can           B. must                  C. need           D. should
三 閱讀理解
Needed: Full—time secretary
Position(職位) available
Applicants(申請(qǐng)人)should have at least 2 years’ experience and be able to type 60words a minute. No computer skills needed Apply in person at United Business Ltd,17 Broening Street,or Call at 427—882108.
Are you looking for a part—time job?
We need 3 part—time shop assistants to work during the evening. No experience needed. Applicants should be between 18 and 26. Call at 366---765648 for more information.
Computer trained secretaries:
Do you have experience working on computers ? Would you like a full—time position working in an exciting new company? If your answer is yes, give us a call at 457—896758 .
Part—time work available :
We are looking for retired(退休的)adults who would like to work part time at the weekend. Work includes answering the telephone and give customers information. For more information contact us by calling at 345—674132.
28. Jane recently retired and is looking for a part—time position. She would like to work with
people. The best job for Jane is________.
A. the full—time secretary             B. the shop assistant
C. the computer trained secretary        D. the part—time work at the weekend
29. If Ann gets the job as a computer trained secretary, she’ll probably work____
A. in a factory     B. in a shop     C. in a company     D. in a school
30. If Alice applies for the position at United Business Lid, she needs_____.
 A. 2 years’ experience  B. computer skills  C. to work at the weekend  D. to work in the evening
Children with autism (自閉癥) may learn better from robots than from human teachers, according to an experiment at Topeliffe Primary School in Birmingham.
Head teacher Ian Lowe said, "The robots have no feelings, so children with autism find it easier to get in touch with the robots than with their teacher."
 He added, "They look like real men, and they are very cute. Children with autism are hard to communicate with adults and with other children, but for some reason they can accept these robots."
 The robots are knee-high and move like children. The school is using them to teach phonics (讀音法) and play cards or memory and imitation (模仿) games with children aged from five to ten.
"We do different activities with the robots acting as a model for the children's behaviour. For example, memory games, which get the children to imitate the robots' movements, can help them become involved and motivated in learning." Dr. Guldberg said, "It can be very difficult to get children with autism to pay attention. We are amazed to see how involved they can be when they are working with the robots."
She added, "If you can meet the needs of children with autism, you can meet the needs of all children. When people feel safe and are motivated, they learn much better."
31. Why does Topeliffe Primary School use the two robots?
A. To teach children with autism phonics.   B. To teach children with autism memory games.
C. To help children with autism be involved in learning.
D. To help children with autism imitate the robots' movements.
32. What does the underlined word "motivated" mean in the passage?
A. encouraged   B. experienced C. organized    D. shocked
33. According to the passage, which of the following is true?
A. People learn much better if they feel safe and are motivated.
B. Topeliffe Primary School is using the robots to teach children of all ages.
C. Children with autism may become better from human teachers than robots.
D. The needs of children with autism are the same as those of the other children.
    It's Friday evening. My daughters, 3 and 9, sigh (嘆息) when I gently take the iPads away from their laps. One by one, our screens are turned off. We light the candles and sit down to have a big meal.
    Most people in our lives know they will not be able to contact us by using computer or mobile phones for 24 hours. And so it has gone, every week for three years. We call it our "Technology Shabbat (科技安息日)" which lasts from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday.
    I first understood the importance of disconnecting in 2008, when my father was told that he had got brain cancer. Some days he would have only one good hour, and I wasn't willing to be disturbed when I was with him, so I'd turn off my mobile phone.
    Soon after, encouraged by National Day of Unplugging (全國斷網(wǎng)斷電日) on March 1st, my husband and I decided to unplug for one full day every week.
    During our "Technology Shabbats", time slows. Our Saturdays now feel like mini-vacations. We drive our car or ride our bike. We, with our kids, work in the garden, play board games and cook meals. I feel more balanced. I feel like a better mother, wife and person.
    Keeping a balance between the good and the bad of technology is my lasting state. The technology we've created makes it possible for us to share knowledge and take in various ideas all over the world. But the technology also takes something away from us. When we stay up late at night linking (連接) from website to website or sending messages or e-mailing, we click again, and again, and again until we've overloaded (超負(fù)荷的).
    When we rush into the time full of high technology, it's necessary for us to pay attention to what we are doing online and when we should go off.
    I will always remember the most important thing in my family: "Technology Shabbat".
32. When is "Technology Shabbat" in the writer's family?
A. Only on Sunday.   B. From sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday.
C. Only on Friday.   D. From sunset on Saturday to sunset on Sunday.
33. The writer's family have "Technology Shabbat" every week mainly because they hope to ________.
A. save energy                B. enjoy life together
C. stay away from others      D. follow National Day of Unplugging
34. What do the writer's family NOT do during their "Technology Shabbats"?
A. They drive their car or ride bikes for mini-vacations.
B. They light the candles and sit down to have a big meal.
C. They work in the garden, play board games and cook meals.
D. They stay up late at night linking from website to website.
35. What's the main idea of this passage?
 A. Every family must have "Technology Shabbat".  B. A woman should learn to be a good mother or wife.
 C. People need to stay away from technology properly. D. People had better not send messages, e-mail or chat online Com]
(D)Saying no starts small
“All right then — just one more piece...” Words every girl has said when they are faced with the delicious cheesecake. Of course, many of us know we may eat the whole thing in the end.
It isn’t just girls. Most of us find it hard to say “no” to something attractive. However, scientists now say that willpower is very important to success and a happy life.
Scientists in different countries have been studying the effects of willpower on people’s lives for a long time. The results are similar, according to an article on February 7 in the Guardian, a famous British newspaper.
In one experiment, scientists told young children that they could either have a marshmallow (圓形軟糖) now, or two marshmallows in 15 minutes. Waiting obviously needed more willpower. Scientists then continued studying the children as they grew up. They wanted to see if some children always had stronger willpower. They also wanted to see how having stronger willpower affected their lives.
Years later, scientists found that the children who had waited for two marshmallows were all healthier, happier and richer adults. Oppositely, the children who had shown weaker willpower at that young age were more likely to be in low-paid jobs, to be overweight, to have social problems.
But there is hope, Roy F Baumeister, an American social psychology(心理學(xué)) professor (教授) told the Guardian. Baumeister says we can train our willpower just like we train our muscles(肌肉). Even a little practice can strengthen(加強(qiáng)) our overall self-control if we do it regularly.
You could start by making yourself stand up straight, speaking in complete sentences, or using a computer mouse with the other hand. Scientists have found that people who manage to change little habits often perform much better in laboratory willpower tests.
Like muscles, willpower can “get tired”. Don’t try to do too many things at the same time, or when you don’t have enough energy, for example when you are ill. If you already feel tired, you can try to recharge(恢復(fù)) your willpower with a good night’s sleep and by eating well.
38. The example of a girl eating cheesecake is used to
 A. prove that girls have weak willpower         B. introduce the topic of willpower to the readers
 C. show that cheesecake is especially attractive to girls
 D. show the connection between willpower and success
39. What can we infer from the experiment?     
A. The scientists had already known the results before the experiment.
B. It showed that willpower is the most important to success and a happy life.
C. The children who chose to wait were more likely to be successful in their lives.     
D. The children who chose only one marshmallow at first had stronger willpower.
40. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the training of willpower?
A. You should have a goal every day.         B. Good rest and proper diet can help.
C. Willpower needs to be exercised regularly.  D. Keep willpower from being used too much.
41. What is the article mainly about?
A. How willpower and muscles are similar and how they can be trained.
B. How willpower affects people’s lives and how it is similar to muscles.
C. How willpower is important to success and how we can make it stronger.
D. How willpower is connected with success and how they affect each other
四 用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空
1. It’s ___________ to look after pre-school children for young mothers. (tire)
2. They will carry on a study of ___________ and Pakistanis living in Southall. (India )
3. It’s said that No1 People’s hospital _________ in the middle of our city in the past. (lie)
4. Grey stone ________ go up to the house. (臺(tái)階)
5. Is Shanghai in the ______ part of China. (東方)
6. The airport has been in ______ for ten years. (工作)
7. She is amazed at the clock ______ on the wall. (懸掛)
8. There’re fifty ____________ in the USA, and Alaska is the largest one. (州)
9. There are some big factories in the __________ of the town. (東南方)
10. Which of the ______________ is the biggest in that country? (集市)
五 動(dòng)詞填空
1. No attention was paid to the girl that _______ (sit) in the corner of the classroom at that time.
2. You can have a day off unless the latest news ________________ (record) tomorrow.
3. ---_____ you _____ (review) your lessons for your coming exam? ---Yes, I did it half an hour ago.
4. I find the notices which __________ (hang) by you at the entrance missing.
5. We are sure that the price of gasoline ___________ (fall) over the last year.
6. I’m so hungry that I hope my mum _________ (make) a big dinner at home now.
7. The show ___________ (begin) with sing and dance is a big success.
8. This kind of medicine will lead to death if too much ________. (take)
9. ---What’s the noise? ---Oh, there are some children ___________ (plan) their coming holiday.
10. Three quarters of the room where we often have parties ___________ (take) up by the piano.
11. ---What are you talking about? --- The posters __________ (show) at the hall.
六 中譯英1. 借助于科技,電腦的價(jià)格越來越便宜。
____________________________________, the price of the computer is cheaper and cheaper.
2. 你知道中國人口有多少嗎?Do you know _______________________________?
3. 他問南京市是否是江蘇第二大城市。He asks if ___________________ of Jiangsu province.
4. 印度是我們當(dāng)時(shí)在亞洲參觀的第二個(gè)國家。India ______________________ in Asia at that time.
5. 我不知道那對(duì)外國夫婦何時(shí)習(xí)慣用筷子吃飯的。
I don’t know when the foreign couple________________________________________.
6. 他告訴我他們泛舟漓江需要兩個(gè)多小時(shí)。He told us it _________________________ the Lijiang River.
Venice is a beautiful , almost dream-like city that is so easy to enjoy and you’ll fall in l   86        
with it. B   87    in summer months it can be very hot and crowded. So if you don’t e    88  Venice, it’s probably because your visit is at the w  89   time. We suggest spring and a  90 ___
as the best times to visit Venice. And be r   91   to do a lot of walking!
Church of Santa Maria is Rome’s most famous church. The real attraction is the famous Mouth of Truth. This marble relief(大理石浮雕) of a head with an o  92 mouth sits against the wall under the porch (門廊) of the church. It is s  93   that if you put your hand in the mouth while telling a lie, it will b  94  your hand off. It has become a popular attraction since the film Rome H  95   featured it in a scene with Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn. 
9B  Unit1 單元卷答案
四、詞匯 (10’)
 tiring    Indians    lay   steps    eastern    service    hanging    states    south-east    fairs
 was sitting    is recorded    Have reviewed   were hung    fell   is making    beginning    is taken     planning     is taken      shown/showed 
1.  With the help of science and technology       2. what the population of China is
3.  Nanjing is the second largest/biggest city      4. was the second country we visited
5.  got/ were used to eating with chopsticks      
6. took them over/more than 2 hours to take a boat trip along

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/1113225.html
