
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
9B Unit 2  Robots檢測 題
Ⅰ.聽力部分 (每小題1分,共20分)
1.What does Daniel want his robot to do for him?
A. Do homework.    B. Do housework.   C. Dance.
2. Where’s the man going?
A. To a bookshop.    B. To a museum.   C. To a post office.
3. How long will the woman stay in the hotel?
A. For two days.    B. For three days.   C. For four days.
4. Who is cooking dinner now?
A. Father.      B. Mother.    C. Tom.
5. What is the robot designed to do in fact?
A. To work as a waiter.   B. To drive a car.   C. To play football.
6.How long does it take the girl to do her homework every day?
A. 30 minutes.     B. 90 minutes.    C. 120 minutes.
7.What does the man suggest?
A. Buying a new camera.   B. Changing the batteries. C. Borrowing a camera.
8.Where is the robot made?
A.In the USA.     B.In China.    C.In Australia.
9.How often did the man check his computer?
A.Once a month.    B.Twice a month.   C.Once three months.
10.Why wasn’t the girl’s teacher satisfied with her report?
A.Because it was too short.  B.Because it was too long.
C.Because there were many mistakes in it.
11.How tall is the robot?
A.135 cm.     B.220 cm.    C.235 cm.
12.What can the robot do?
A. Repair computers.   B. Write letters.   C.Make pancakes.
13.When can they go to the exhibition?
A.This Friday.     B.Next Monday.   C.Next Saturday.
14.What’s the exhibition about?
A.Robots.     B.Planes.     C.Toys.
15.Who will go to the exhibition?
A.Daniel and his brother.  B.Millie and her brother.  C.Millie and Daniel.
16.Where can the robot  work?
A.In the hospital.    B.In the library.   C.In the restaurant.
17.What is the robot designed to do?
A.To play with kids.   B.To teach at school.  C.To take care of old people.
18.The company wants the robot to be _______.
A.stronger     B.taller     C.safer
19.How soon will the robot go on sale?
A.In a year.     B.In ten years.    C.In twenty years.
20.How much will it cost?
A.$20,000.     B.$200,000.    C.$2,000,000.
Ⅱ.單項填空 (每小題1分,共15分)
1.Don’t hurry. There is _______ t ime left.
A.little    B.a few    C.a little    D.lot
2.You don’t have to do the cooking by yourself. You can _______ your robot cook meals for you.
A.ask    B.teach    C.tell    D.have
3.They have gone to Beijing for a meeting. They will be back _______.
A.after a few weeks       B.in a few week’s time 
C.in a few weeks’ time      D.for a few weeks
4.—I hear your father _______ to Japan once.
—Yes. He _______ there last year.
A.went; has been       B.has been; went  
C.goes; went        D.has been; has been
5.In order _______ his English,he joined an English club.
A.improving   B.to improve   C.improves   D.improve
6.Computers _______ everywhere in the future.
A.can use    B.will be used   C.will use   D.are used
7.—Mary, I don’t like English at all. What about you?
—Oh, I don’t like it _______.
A.too     B.neither    C.either    D.none
8.We didn’t know how to find them because they didn’t tell us _______.
A.which  room did they live     B.which room they lived in
C.which room they lived      D.which room did they l ive in
9.The robot needs _______ once a month. And we will check it for you for free.
A.to check    B.checked   C.checking   D.to checking
10.What have you done _______ my old clothes?
A.by     B.with    C.in     D.at
11.If we want to arrive there on time,we need _______ home at five o’clock in the morning.
A.leaving    B.to leave   C.left    D.leaves
12. This letter _______ in French. I can’t read it.
A.is writing   B.is written   C.wrote    D.writes
13.Playing computer games is very _______ and I’m very _______ in it.
A.interested; interesting      B.interesting; interested
C.interested; interested      D.interesting; interesting
14.I don’t think the robot will be as _______ as humans.
A.the cleverest   B.clever    C.the cleverer   D.cleverer
15.Neither Bob nor Han Meimei _______ good at chemistry.
A.are    B.aren’t    C.is      D.am
Ⅲ.完形填空 (每小題1分,共15分)
In some science fiction movies,the robots are just like humans. They help with the housework and do the most   1   jobs.
Some scientists believe that there will be such robots in the future.   2  ,they agree it may   3   hundreds of years. Scientists are now trying to make robots   4   people and do the same things as us.
But robot scientist James White   5  . He thinks that it will be   6   for a robot to do the same things as a person.  7  ,it’s easy for a child to wake up and know where they are. Mr White thinks that robots won’t be able to do this. But other scientists disagree. They think that robots will be able to talk to people   8   25 to 50 years.
Robot scientists are not just trying to make robots look like people. For example,there are already robots   9   in factories. They do simple jobs over and over again. People would not like to do such jobs and would get bored. But robots will   10   get bored.
In the future,there will be more robots everywhere,and humans will have   11   work to do. New robot s will have many different   12  . Some will look like humans, and   13   might look like  snakes. After an earthquake(地震),a snake robot could help look for people under buildings. That may not seem possible now,but computers,space rockets and even electric toothbrushes   14   impossible a hundred years ago. We never know   15   will happen in the future!
1.A.interesting   B.unpleasant   C.pleasant   D.popular
2.A.But    B.So     C.However   D.While
3.A.use    B.spend    C.pay    D.take
4.A.look like   B.look at    C.look for   D.look up
5.A.agrees    B.disagrees   C.likes    D.dislikes
6.A.easy    B.difficult   C.important   D.possible
7.A.For example   B.Instead    C.Such as   D.Besides
8.A.after    B.for    C.over    D.in
9.A.worked    B.work    C.working   D.to work
10.A.always    B.easily    C.never    D.often
11.A.more    B.less    C.fewer    D.little
12.A.shapes    B.colors    C.sizes    D.actions
13.A.the other   B.other    C.the others   D.others
14.A.seem    B.seemed    C.got    D.look
15.A.that    B.how    C.what    D.when
How soon will robots be able to do jobs which humans can do,such as teaching languages or looking after patients in the hospital?Some scientists believe this will happen in twenty years.
UAS,a London company,has already developed a kind of robot. It can be used as a “home-help” for old people. It also can do such things as cooking eggs and cleaning the floor. The company says that the robot will accept simple voice instructions and that it will be controlled by a latest IBM microcomputer. Mr Henry,the leader of UAS,believes that his company will develop cleverer robots to be used in industry. Then they will begin to sell the robots into ordinary homes. Robots can do much housework,such as washing dishes,cleaning the house and cooking meals. By the way,the price of the robot may be as much as $1,000.
But Dr Sandra believes it won’t be so easy to develop truly intelligent robots. She says,“It can cook an egg. But something unusual still needs a man to do. A robot cannot make it.”
1.The “home-help” robot can only be controlled by computer. (   )
2.Truly intelligent robots are not easy to be made. (   )
3.Robots can do everything which humans can do. (   )
4.UAS is a company in England. (   )
5.Mr Henry is a famous scientist. (   )
Robots seem very new to most people. But they have a long history.
The first one was made by a Greek inventor. You may have seen robots in some films. The robots in these films are stronger,faster and cleverer than people. In real life,most robots are used in factories. They are used to do many dangerous,difficult or boring jobs. Some people can’t look after themselves and robots are used to help them. For example,some people can’t see. Many of these people use a dog to help themselves move around. This dog is called a guide dog. Scientists are making a robot to help them. In the future,robot dogs might take the place of these guide dogs.
Robots are also used in American hospitals. At one hospital,a robot takes meals from the kitchen to the sick people’s rooms. It never loses its way because it has a map of the hospital in its computer system.
In the future,robots will work in space. But robots will never take the  place of human. They can,however,help us in a lot of different ways.
6.From the passage we can know the robots _______.
A.are not strange to most people   B.were invented long ,long ago
C.mostly work on the farms    D.can help the people who can’t see now
7.Which of the following is NOT true?
A.A European inve ntor invented the first robot.
B.Robots often do much dangerous,difficult or boring work.
C.Robots will be able to help the blind in the future.
D.Now most people know robots very well,because they are used so widely.
8.The phrase “a guide dog” in Paragraph 2 means _______..
A.機器狗   B.幸運兒    C.導(dǎo)盲犬    D.領(lǐng)隊狗
9.Robots can’t get lost in the hospital because _______.
A.they walk after the doctors
B.they ask the people when they don’t know the way
C.they take a map of the hospital in their hands
D.their computer system can tell them
10.In the future,robots _______.
A.will work in different important fields
B.will ta ke the place of men
C.can do everything
D.can’t do anything as bad people tell them
Ⅴ.補全對話(每小題1分,共 5分)
從方框中所給的選項中選擇恰當(dāng)?shù)木渥油瓿蓪υ挕?br />A.I think that’s a cleaning robot.
B.What are they used for?
C.There are some kinds of robots made by the students in our school.
D.How about the taller one?
E.I’m proud of them.
A: What’s in the room?
B:    1  
A: Really?   2  
B: The one with blue eyes is a guide robot. She can show you around our school.
A:    3  
B: He is a cook robot. He can cook something nice for you.
A: Oh,   4  
B: Maybe you’re right. When he finds waste things,he’ll pick them up. He can keep our environment clean.
A: That’s wonderful! What good students!    5  
B: So am I.
1.I’m busy. Could you p        the letter for me?
2.Lily,please throw the rubbish into the d       .
3.You can’t see the words on the blackboard. I can’t,e       .
4.If you agree with me,n        your head.
5.The students were s       the floor when Mr Wu came in.
(B)用括號內(nèi)所給單詞的適 當(dāng)形式填空
6.Ten _______ (salesman)are needed in the supermarket.
7.You need _______ (get) up early and read English in the morning.
8.The robot can go _______ (shop) at the supermarket.
9.The children are looking forward to _______ (have) a school trip.
10.In order _______ (get) better grades,you have to study harder.
要求: 1.詞數(shù)60~80;
9B Unit 2  Robots檢測 題
1.W:I want to buy a robot to do homework for me. What about you, Daniel?
M:I want to buy a robot, too, but I want it to do the housework.
2. M: Excuse me, could you tell me where the nearest post office is?
W: The post office? Yes. Look! It’s just next to the museum over there.
M: I see. Thanks a lot.
3. M: Good morning. The Great Wall Hotel!
W: Good morning! I want to book a double room for three days from June 10th to 12th.
4. M: Are we going to have dinner, mummy? I’m hungry.
W: Sorry, Tom. I’m busy washing. Ask Dad. He’s cooking.
5.W: I think the robot is designed to work as a waiter.
M: No, actually, it’s designed to play football!
6.M:I usually spend two hours doing my homework every day.
W:It takes me only half an hour to do it every day.
7.W:Oh, my camera doesn’t work.
M:Let me see. I think you need to change the batteries.
8.M:Is this robot made in the USA?
W:No. It’s made in China.
9.W:You need to check your computer every month.
M:Must I? I checked it every three months in the past.
10.M:Was the teacher satisfied with your report?
W:I’m afraid not. He thought my report was too short.
W:Were there any interesting robots at the exhibition centre last Saturday?
M:Yes, a Japanese robot called SDA-Ten was shown there.
W:What does it look like?
M:The robot is one hundred and thirty-five centimetres tall, weighs two hundred and twenty kilograms, and has two arms.
W:What can it do?
M:It can cook meals, such as pancakes.
W:Do you know there will be a robot exhibition in our city, Daniel?
M:Really? What exciting news!
W:Maybe we can go and have a look.
M:I can’t wait for it. When will it be held, Millie?
W:It starts this Saturday. It will last for four days.
M:Where will it be held?
W:It will be held at the International Exhibition Centre.
M:I will go there. And it would be great fun if we could buy a robot. How much do you think it may cost?
W:I’ve no idea. But I want to buy one for my little brother, too. He can’t go with us. If the price is high, we can just enjoy watching the robots.
M:You’re right.
Lucky-1 is the robot produced by our company. It is designed to work both in the hospital and in your house. It is strong enough to lift patients off the ground without hurting them. It can also pick up and hold very tiny things. The robot can help the growing population of old and weak people who live in their own homes. What else can Lucky-1 do? It can clean floors, and look after patients. Our next task is to make it safer and let it do more things for its owner. We hope that Lucky-1 will go on sale in ten years. But people who want to buy the robot should start saving money now. The price will be about two hundred thousand dollars!
1~5  BCBAC  6~10  ABBCA  11~15  ACBAC   16~20  ACCBB
Ⅱ.1.C  a little time一些時間,表示肯定。
2.D  ask, teach和tell后都接帶to的動詞不定式作賓補;have后接省略to的不定式作賓補。由cook前沒有to可知選D。
3.C  “in+時間段”表示過多久以后某事要發(fā)生,是表示將來的時間狀語。
4.B  由題意可知第一空所在句意思應(yīng)是“我聽說你父親去過一次日本”,所以應(yīng)用has been to;第二空所在句的時間狀語是last year,應(yīng)用一般過去時,故選B。
5.B  in order to表示目的,意為“為了”,后接動詞原形。
6.B  主語computers與謂語use是邏輯上的被動關(guān)系,所以只能考慮B、D兩項;in the future是表示將來的時間狀語,用將來時態(tài),故只有B項符合題意。
7.C  答句句意為“我也不喜歡它”。否定句中“也”用either表示。
8.B  此題考查賓語從句。從句的語序應(yīng)為陳述語序,排除A、D兩項。live為不及物動詞,后需帶介詞。故選B。
9.C  此處句意為“這個機器人需要一個月檢查一次”。need doing sth.用主動形式表示被動含義,故選C。
10.B  do with意為“處理;對付”,為固定搭配。
11.B  need to do sth.需要做某事。
12.B  此題考查一般現(xiàn)在時的被動語態(tài),由“am/is/are+done”構(gòu)成,故選B。
13.B  第一個分句主語是物,用interesting修飾,第二個分句主語是人,用interested修飾,故選B。
14.B  (not)as...as結(jié)構(gòu)中,兩個as之間用形容詞或副詞的原級。
15.C  neither...nor連接兩個并列主語時,其謂語動詞的單復(fù)數(shù)采用就近原則。
Ⅲ.1.B  由句意“機器人能幫助人們做家務(wù)和一些令人十分不愉快的工作”知選B項。
2.C  此題考查連詞的用法。however表示轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系。
3.D  take作“花費”講時,常用it作形式主語。由句意“……他們一致認為這可能需要花費數(shù)百年的時間”知選D項。
4.A  look like  “看起來像”;look at “看”;look for “尋找”;look up “查詢”。句意為“科學(xué)家們正努力使機器人看起來像人類并和我們做相同的事情”。故選A項。
5.B  由but知詹姆斯?懷特不同意上述觀點。disagree 意為“不同意,不贊成”。
6.B  空格處所在的句子與下句“對一個孩子來說……是容易的”形成對比關(guān)系,比較機器人與人類的不同,故選B項最合適。
7.A  由空格后的句子“對一個孩子來說睡醒后知道他們在哪兒是容易的”可知此處是在舉一個例子表明觀點,故選A項最合適。
8.D  此處句意為“他們(有些科學(xué)家)認為在25年到50年后機器人將能與人類對話”!癷n+一段時間”表示在一段時間以后,用于將來時。故選D項。
9.C  由該處句意“已經(jīng)有些機器人在工廠中工作”知選C項。
10.C  由but表示轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系及句意“機器人將從不感到厭煩”知選C項。
11.B  由前面的句子“在將來,各地會有更多的機器人”知“將來人類會做更少的工作”,故選B項。
12.A  由下文舉的例子“有的像人,有的可能像蛇”及句意“新的機器人將會有各種不同的形狀”知選A項。
14.B  由句意“……電腦、太空火箭,甚至電動牙刷在一百年前看似不可能”及句子的時態(tài)知選B項。
15.C  本題考查賓語從句,且what在從句中作主語。句意為“我們從不知道將來會發(fā)生什么”。故選C項。
Ⅳ.1.F  由短文第二段可知,機器人會接受簡單的語音指示和被微型電腦控制,所以本題說法片面。
2.T  最后一段第一句說明“真正的智能機器人不容易制造”。
3.F  最后一段說,一些不平常的事情需要人去做,機器人并不能處理。
4.T  由第二段第一句“UAS,a London company...”可知UAS在英國。
5.F  文中說亨利先生是UAS的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者,并沒有說他是否是一位科學(xué)家。
6.B  由短文第一段第二句可知,機器人的歷史悠久,即很久以前就被發(fā)明了。
7.D  由第一、二段可知,普通人對于機器人的了解僅限于從電影上看到的。
8.C  由該短語所在句子的上下文內(nèi)容可知,這種狗是用來幫助盲人到處走動的。四個選項中,只有選項C(導(dǎo)盲犬)符合句子意思。
9.D  由第三段最后一句可知,機器人不會迷路,因為它的電腦系統(tǒng)中有醫(yī)院的地圖。
10.A  由整篇文章可知,機器人可以用在工廠、醫(yī)院、太空等各個領(lǐng)域,故答案為A。
Ⅴ.1~5  CBDAE
Ⅵ.1.post  2.dustbin  3.either  4.nod  5.sweeping  6.salesmen  7.to get  8.shopping  9.having  10.to get
Ⅶ.One possible version:
I like robots very much. Robots are friends of humans. They can help humans do lots of work such as cooking,looking after patients,and helping old people. I want to have a robot which is like a real man. It can talk with me when I am sad. And it can help me with my homework. I hope my dream will come true soon.
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/1127054.html
