
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
1.(1分)(2017•菏澤)It is such ______ funny movie that I want to see it _____ second time.( 。
A.a(chǎn);a B.a(chǎn); the C./; the D./; a
【解答】答案:A.考查不定冠詞.句意:它是如此有趣的一部電影,以至于我想再看一次.根據(jù)關(guān)鍵詞such可知這里應(yīng)運用such+a/an+adj.+名詞單數(shù)+that…,是固定句型,意為"如此…以致于…"所以第一個空應(yīng)用a/an,意為它是如此有趣的一部電影.強調(diào)一部;由于funny是以輔音音素開頭的單詞,所以用a;根據(jù)I want to see it            second time可知這里的意思應(yīng)為想再看一遍,序數(shù)詞加a 表示"又一,再一"的意思,所以第二個空應(yīng)用a;故選A.
2.(1分)(2017•菏澤)Daming has collected 5,000 _____.(  )
A.bus tickets B.buses ticket
C.bus ticket D.buses tickets
ticket是可數(shù)名詞,5000說明是復(fù)數(shù)所以用tickets,排除B C,bus在這里已經(jīng)用作形容詞,修飾后面的tickets,所以只能用單數(shù)形式.故選A
【點評】當(dāng)可數(shù)名詞在句子中表達的是復(fù)數(shù)概念的時候,要用復(fù)數(shù)形式,一般情況下,"名詞用作形容詞",用單數(shù)形式.有兩個名詞用作形容詞時例外,同時變復(fù)數(shù).woman和 man.
例如:two men teachers兩個男老師; three women doctors三個女醫(yī)生.
3.(1分)(2017•菏澤)_____the teachers in their school is about 200 and ________ them are women teachers.( 。
A.A number of,a number of
B.A number of,the number of
C.The number of,a number of
D.The number of,the number of
【解答】答案:C.考查形容詞短語.句意:我們學(xué)校的教師數(shù)大約是200,他們中很多是女老師.the number of…的數(shù)目,后面接名詞單數(shù);a number of很多,大量,后面接名詞復(fù)數(shù);根據(jù)題干_____the teachers in their school is about 200 and ________ them are women teachers.可知應(yīng)說我們學(xué)校的教師數(shù)大約是200,他們中很多是女老師.故選C.
4.(1分)(2017•菏澤)?Who is __________English teacher?
?Miss Gao.She teaches ______English now.(  )
A.our,us B.we,us C.we,our D.our,we
第一句說的是"我們的"英語老師,所以用物主代詞our,第二句 teaches是動詞,后面要接賓格代詞,所以用us.故選A
5.(1分)(2017•菏澤)_______of the teachers in our school is 118,_______ of them are women teachers.( 。
A.The number,first fourth B.The number,one fourth
C.A number,one second D.A number,three quarters
【解答】答案:B.…的數(shù)量用the number of;大量的,許多的用a number of;前者做主語時謂語動詞用單數(shù),后者做主語時謂語動詞用復(fù)數(shù).分數(shù)中分子用基數(shù)詞,分母用序數(shù)詞.故選B.
【點評】本題在讀懂全句意思的基礎(chǔ)上,對the number of的用法及分數(shù)的表示法要弄明白. 
6.(1分)(2017•菏澤)Julia is taller than __________ in our lass.(  )
A.other student B.a(chǎn)ny other student
C.others students D.a(chǎn)ny other students
【解答】答案:B.other后加名詞復(fù)數(shù),others后不加名詞,any other后加單數(shù),結(jié)合Julia is taller than __________ in our lass是將茱莉亞和班上其他任何一個學(xué)生比較,故答案是B.
【點評】any other 是"其他任何一個"之意,即同一范圍內(nèi)一個與去其他剩余的相比較.
例如:Shanghai is larger than any other city in China.
any 是"任何一個"之意.
例如:Shanghai is larger than any city in Japan.
7.(1分)(2017•菏澤)My friend Jack can help me ________my Chinese ________the weekend.( 。
A.with,on B.with,in C.for,on D.for,in
空格前有help me幫助我…,"幫助某人做某事"的結(jié)構(gòu)是 help sb with sth.在周末:固定搭配 on the weekend.故選A
8.(1分)(2017•菏澤)There's no ticket left for Lang Lang's piano concert.          you            your sister can go to it.( 。
A.Both; and B.Not only; but also
C.Either; or D.Neither; nor
根據(jù)語境以及上下文,本題考查的是連詞的用法.根據(jù)第一句話的句意"朗朗的鋼琴演奏會沒有剩余的票了"可以推斷后面一句話表達的意思是"你和你妹妹都不能去參加音樂會.",表示"既不…也不…"用短語neither; nor,故選D.
9.(1分)(2017•菏澤)You should be ____________.As everyone knows,study takes time.( 。
A.strict B.worried C.free D.patient
【解答】答 案:D.考查形容詞詞義辨析.句意:你必須有耐心,因為每個人都知道,學(xué)習(xí)是需要時間的.strict嚴格的;worried擔(dān)心的;free自由的;patient耐心的.根據(jù)題干As everyone knows,study takes time因為每個人都知道,學(xué)習(xí)是需要時間的.可知應(yīng)說你必須有耐心.故選D.
10.(1分)(2017•菏澤)The woman is _____ fat because she eats ______ junk food.( 。
A.much too,too much B.much too,much too
C.too much,too much D.too many,much too
【解答】答案:A.考查形容詞短語.句意:這個女人太胖,因為她吃了太多的垃圾食品.too many太多的,中心詞是many,用法與many相同,用來修飾復(fù)數(shù)可數(shù)名詞.too much意思是"太多的…",中心詞是much,用法與much相同,用來修飾不可數(shù)名詞.much too意思是"非常,太",中心詞是too,用法與too相同,用來修飾原級形容詞或副詞.根據(jù)題干The woman is _____ fat because she eats ______ junk food.可知這里fat是形容詞;junk food不可數(shù)名詞.故選A.
11.(1分)(2017•菏澤)???I think ______ people drive,______ air pollution there will be.
???That's true.I hope the air will be fresher soon.(  )
A.the less,the less B.the less,the fewer
C.the fewer,the fewer D.the fewer,the less
【解答】答案:D.根據(jù)I hope the air will be fresher soon得知上文應(yīng)該是我認為越少的人開車就會有更少的污染,得知需要用到形容詞比較級的特殊句型the+比較級,the+比較級來表示越來越…,再者people是可數(shù)名詞選擇形容詞few的比較級fewer,pollution是不可數(shù)名詞選擇形容詞little的比較級less,故選擇D.
12.(1分)(2017•菏澤)He was very _______ when he heard the ________ news.(  )
A.exciting;  exciting B.exciting; excited
C.excited;  exciting D.excited; excited
13.(1分)(2017•菏澤)She lived _________in a small village,but she didn't feel__________.(  )
A.lonely,lonely B.a(chǎn)lone,lonely
【解答】答案:B 根據(jù)lived,可知這是動詞,其后需要副詞alone修飾,含義為"獨自一人居住".根據(jù)feel,可知這是感官動詞,其后需要形容詞.a(chǎn)lone做形容詞時,含義為"單獨的",側(cè)重說明獨自一人,沒有助手或同伴,沒有感情色彩,只表示客觀的狀態(tài).而形容詞lonely表示主觀上感到孤獨、寂寞,有較濃的感情色彩.故此處用形容詞lonely.故選B.
14.(1分)(2017•菏澤)?She _________ ten years ago.
?You mean she _________ him for ten years?( 。
A.married; has got married to
B.got married; has got married with
C.got married; has been married with
D.got married; has been married to
ten years ago是一般過去時(主語+動詞過去式+其他)的時間狀語,"結(jié)婚"是get married,所以第一空填寫got married.for ten years是現(xiàn)在完成時的時間狀語,謂語要用延續(xù)性動詞,可排除AB選項(因為其中g(shù)ot是短暫性動詞).be married to sb.是嫁給某人、娶了某人,be married with sb.是和某人結(jié)婚,根據(jù)句意是"她嫁給他已經(jīng)10年了",所以答案是D.
15.(1分)(2017•菏澤)He ______ a book yesterday.It ______ him 50 yuan.(  )
A.bought; paid B.spent; took C.paid; spent D.bought; cost
【解答】答案:D.根據(jù)關(guān)鍵詞yesterday可知,本句是一般過去時態(tài),bought,買,是瞬間動詞,表示過去的狀態(tài);第二個空it做主語,代指a book,所以動詞用cost.故選D.
16.(1分)(2017•菏澤)?He______be in the classroom,I think.
?No,he____be in the classroom.I saw him go home a minute ago.( 。
A.can; may not B.must; may not
C.may; mustn't D.may; can't
【解答】本題考查的是情態(tài)動詞表示推測的用法,第一句話,由I think可知,他不太確定,故不能用must,而第二句答語可以知道,看到他回家,自然不可能在教室,是否定推測,只能用can't,排除其他選項,故選D.
17.(1分)(2017•菏澤)I'm not sure whether we can have a picnic on Saturday evening,because it _________the weather.(  )
A.stands for B.lives on C.a(chǎn)grees with D.depends on
A 代表;B 以…為生;C 同意;D 取決于.根據(jù)句意"我不確定周六晚上是否會去野餐,因為它_于天氣."可知,只有D符合語境,故答案為D
18.(1分)(2017•菏澤)I'll spend as much time as I can ________in an old people's home.( 。
A.help B.to help C.helping
【解答】答案:C  根據(jù)spend的用法:spend+時間或金錢+in+doing(in可以省略).a(chǎn)s much time as I can是指盡可能多的時間.故其后需要doing形式.故選C.
19.(1分)(2017•菏澤)I have never been to Beijing for the summer holidays,and ___________ he.(  )
A.so has B.neither has C.so have D.neither have
20.(1分)(2017•菏澤)?The project is so difficult for your cousin.
?Yes,I am wondering ________.( 。
A.that he will finish it on time
B.whether he can finish it by himself
C.how could I help him out
D.can I do anything necessary for him
【解答】答案:B 根據(jù)I am wondering  可知,考查賓語從句,賓語從句中一般為陳述語序,CD都是疑問語序;又因為wondering得知,"想知道的問題",所以賓語從句引導(dǎo)詞,可以推斷用whether來引導(dǎo)賓語從句,表示"是否",故選B.
21.(10分)(2017•菏澤)These years,we can see more and more people like dancing in public.We call this kind of dance"Guangchangwu".It seemed to   (21) A    into being in the 1990s.Later in 2005,it became popular   (22) A    the elderly(年長者) in China.
Nowadays,about the dancing,people have different ideas.Some people think it is a kind of entertainment (娛樂) and physical exercise.It gives the elderly a good way to   (23) C ,keep fit and make their lives   (24) B    It is better for them to go out to dance with their friends than to play cards or watch TV at home,because they need to keep   (25) C    and active.
But,not all people have the same idea.You may have the following experience(經(jīng)歷):you want to sleep late into noon   (26) B    a weekend morning but find it impossible because the elderly are dancing,making a lot of noise.Sometimes you are having a rest or   (27) A    for a while with your friends in a park.But the music from the dancing is   (28) A    loud (大聲的) that you have to stop.So quite a few people are worried about the dancing places.At times,they choose to   (29) B    away from those places.
It is all right for the elderly to get exercise and have fun.But when they choose a kind of entertainment,they should   (30) C    other people's life.
21.A.come B.go C.move
22.A.with B.for C.in
23.A.smile B.jump C.relax
24.A.interest B.interesting C.interested
25.A.beautiful B.modern C.healthy
26.A.in B.on C.a(chǎn)t
27.A.chat B.to chat C.chatting
28.A.so B.very C.too
29.A.take B.stay C.play
30.A.know about B.talk about C.think about.
【解答】21.答案:A  考查動詞.A表示來;B表示去;C表示移動.  由into being in the 1990s可知此處是一個動詞短語固定搭配,come into being形成于…,廣場舞形成于20世紀90年代,故選A.
22.答案:A 考查介詞.A表示隨著;B表示為了;C表示在里面. 由it became popular   (22)…the elderly(年長者) in China它受到老年人的歡迎.可知此處是一個動詞短語固定搭配become popular  with 受…歡迎.故選A.
24.答案:B  考查形容詞.A表示興趣;B表示有趣的;C表示有趣地. 由make their lives…使他們的生活變得…,可知廣場舞應(yīng)該讓老年人生活變得有趣,.interesting修飾事物,interested修飾人,跳舞是一種事物,故選B.
25.答案:C  考查形容詞.A表示漂亮的;B表示現(xiàn)代的;C表示健康的.由句子It is better for them to go out to dance with their friends than to play cards or watch TV at home,要比在家里打牌或者看電視好多了,可以看出老年人需要一種健康的生活方式.a(chǎn)nd前的詞應(yīng)該和后面的 active 活躍的是一類詞.故選C.
26.答案:B  考查介詞.A表示在里面;B表示在上面;C表示在…由 a weekend morning 一個周末的早晨,可知此處是介詞的固定用法,在具體某一天的早晨用on,故選B
27.答案:A  考查動詞.A表示動詞原形;B表示動詞不定式;C表示現(xiàn)在分詞. 由Sometimes you are having a rest or…看出,or連接的是休息或者聊天 a rest or chat,故答案為A.
28.答案:A  考查副詞.A表示如此;B表示非常;C表示太…非常. 本題考查的是so…that…如此…以至于…句型.But the music from the dancing is   (28)…loud (大聲的) that you have to stop,但是跳舞的音樂聲是那么大,你們不得不停止.故選A.
29.答案:B 考查動詞.A表示帶走;B表示停留;C表示演奏,玩. 本題考查的是固定動詞短語stay away from 遠離…,前面句子 quite a few people are worried about the dancing places相當(dāng)一部分人擔(dān)憂跳舞的地點,說明人們已經(jīng)不堪其擾,于是就選擇遠離有噪音的地方.故選B.
30.答案:C 考查動詞短語.A表示了解關(guān)于…;B表示談?wù)撽P(guān)于…;C表示考慮…前面句子It is all right for the elderly to get exercise and have fun對老年人來說,鍛煉身體,尋找生活的樂趣是對的.后面的句子話鋒一轉(zhuǎn),But when they choose a kind of entertainment但是當(dāng)他們選擇一種娛樂的時候,說明老年人自己娛樂沒有錯,但要照顧考慮別人的生活.故選C.
31.(10分)(2017•菏澤)Everyone wants to be healthy.You know food is very important.There are many healthy foods.You can have many bananas,apples,oranges and tomatoes because fruits and vegetables are good for you.But don't eat too much chocolate.It's not good for you.Healthy food can make you strong and happy.Remember there is a saying,"An apple a day keeps the doctor away."Sports can also keep you healthy.Get up early(早) and do some sports every day.Don't be lazy(懶惰)!You will be healthy and happy.
31.Which is right? B 
A.Everyone is healthy.
B.Everyone wants to be healthy.
C.We are important.
D.We are unhealthy.
32.What are healthy foods? A 
A.Fruits and vegetables.
B.Bananas,apples and chocolate.
C.Fruits and chocolate.
D.Vegetables and chocolate.
33.Why are healthy foods good for you? C 
A.They make you unhappy.
B.They make you fat.
C.They make you strong and happy.
D.They make you different.
34.Can sports keep you healthy? D 
A.Yes,they can't.
B.No,they can't.
C.No,they can.
D.Yes,they can.
35.What keeps you healthy according to the passage(根據(jù)短文)? C 
A.A lot of food.
B.Healthy food.
C.Healthy food and sports.
【分析】每個人都希望健康,食物是非常重要的.有許多健康食物.你可以吃更多的蘋果、香蕉、桔子和西紅柿,因為水果和蔬菜有益于你的健康.但是不要吃太多的巧克力.巧克力不是健康食物.健康的食物會使你成長,使你強壯、快樂.記住,有一條諺語:"每天吃一個蘋果會遠離醫(yī)生."運動也會使你保持健康.每天早起運 動.別懶惰,你就會健康、快樂.
【解答】31.B.細節(jié)理解題.從 Everyone wants to be healthy.每個人都希望健康,可知答案選B.
32.A.細節(jié)理解題.從 You can have many bananas,apples,oranges and tomatoes because fruits and vegetables are good for you可知水果蔬菜是健康食品,故選A.
33.C.細節(jié)理解題.Healthy food can make you grow and make you strong and happy.健康的食物會使你成長,使你強壯、快樂,可知答案選C.
34.D.細節(jié)理解題.從 Healthy food can make you grow and make you strong and happy.健康的食物會使你成長,使你強壯、快樂,和Sports can also keep you healthy.運動也會使你保持健康,可知答案選D.
35.C.歸納推理題.從 Healthy food can make you grow and make you strong and happy.健康的食物會使你成長,使你強壯、快樂,和Sports can also keep you healthy.運動也會使你保持健康可知答案選C.
36.(10分)(2017•菏澤)What should we do if one of our classmates suddenly falls ill or gets hurt?Here are some steps you should follow.But always remember to look for medical care after first aid(急救)if the wound is serious.
Broken bones(骨頭):Take away clothing from the wound.Use an ice pack.Don't move the hurt body part while waiting for the doctor to arrive.
Animal bites(咬傷):Wash the bite area with soap and water.Pack the wound with a clean cloth if it is bleeding.If the bleeding has stopped,cover the area with a bandage and take the person to the hospital.Make sure you remember what kind of animal it is so the doctor can find the right way to treat him or her at once.
Fainting(昏厥):Have him or her lie with feet lifted a little.Don't move the body if you think there might be wounds from the fall.Make sure he or she can breathe and let in fresh air.Clean the person's face with a cool cloth.
Nosebleeds:Have the person sit up with his or her head tilted(傾斜)forward a little.Do not have the person tilt his or her head back because this may cause heavy breathing or coughing.Pinch(捏) the lower part of the nose for at least 10 minutes.
36.What should we do first when an animal bite happens? B 
A.Put an ice pack on the wound.
B.Wash the bite area with soap and water.
C.Try to stop the bleeding with a clean cloth.
D.Take the hurt person to the hospital.
37.When dealing with the problems of C ,we shouldn't move the hurt.
A.broken bones and animal bites  
B.a(chǎn)nimal bites and nosebleeds
C.broken bones and fainting       
D.fainting and nosebleeds
38.Which of the following is not right when a boy's nose bleeds? D 
A.Let his head not tilt back.
B.Let his head tilt forward a little.
C.Let him sit up.
D.Pinch his nose for less than 10 minutes.
39.Which part of a magazine may the passage come from? B 
40.What's the main idea of the passage? A 
A.First aid for some accidental wounds.
B.Steps of looking for medical care.
C.Advice on ways not to get hurt.
D.Ways to ask for help in getting hurt.
【解答】36.B.細節(jié)題,根據(jù)Animal bites(咬傷):Wash the bite area with soap and water.得知先用肥皂水清洗傷口,故選B.
37.C.細節(jié)題,根據(jù)Broken bones(骨頭):Don't move the hurt body part while waiting for the doctor to arrive.以及Fainting(昏厥):Have him or her lie with fee t lifted a little.Don't move the body if you think there might be wounds from the fall.得知骨傷和昏厥的時候不要移動身體,故選C.
38.D.細節(jié)題,根據(jù)Do not have the person tilt his or her head back because this may cause heavy breathing or coughing.Pinch(捏) the lower part of the nose for at least 10 minutes.得知至少要按十分鐘,故選D.
39.B.推理題.根據(jù)Broken bones(骨頭):Animal bites(咬傷):Fainting(昏厥):Nosebleeds:得知選B.這篇文章是有關(guān)健康的話題.故選B.
40.A.主旨題.根據(jù)第一段What should we do if one of our classmates suddenly falls ill or gets hurt?Here are some steps you should follow.But always remember to look for medical care after first aid(急救)if the wound is  serious.得知是應(yīng)對一些意外創(chuàng)傷的應(yīng)急措施,故選A.
41.(10分)(2017•菏澤)Maybe you are an average (一般的) student.You probably think you will never be a top student (尖子生).However,anyone can become a better student if he or she does his or her best.Here are some tips (技巧) to help you.
Plan your time carefully.You should plan your time for s uch things as eating,sleeping and dressing.Then make a good,regular time for studying,but don't forget to set enough time for entertainment (娛樂).
Keep your study quiet and clean.The study should have a desk,a chair and some study materials (資料),but no games,no radio and no television!When you sit down to study,you can put your heart into it.Make good use of your time.
Listen to everything that the teacher says.Listening carefully in class means less work later.Taking notes will help you remember what the teacher says.
After you get home from school,go over your notes.Review the important points.If you know what your teacher is going to discuss next day,read the material.It will help you study better.
Develop a good attitude (態(tài)度) to tests.The purpose (目的) of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject.It helps you know what you are not good at.The world will still go on even if (即使) you fail (不及格) in a test,so don't be too worried.
41.How many tips are mentioned in the passage? C 
42.What does the underlined word"study"mean in Chinese? C 
43.Which is a good place for studying? D 
A.A clean and beautiful place.
B.The place with a computer.
C.The place with a television and a radio.
D.A quiet place with a chair,a desk and some study materials.
44.Which of the following is NOT true? A 
A.The test is the most important for a student.
B.After class,you should review what you have learned.
C.You should listen to your teacher and take notes carefully in class.
D.When you plan your time,you should think of the time for eating,sleeping and so on.
45.What's the passage mainly about? A 
A.How to become a top student.
B.How to plan your time.
C.How to study English.
D.How to take notes.
42.C.猜詞題:從第三段的句子:The study should have a desk,a chair and some study materials,but no games,no radio and no television!可知有一張課桌,一張椅子和一些學(xué)習(xí)資料的是書房.選C
43.D.細節(jié)題:從第三段的句子:The study should have a desk,a chair and some study materials,but no games,no radio and no television!When you sit down to study,you can put your heart into it.可知安靜的,有桌椅的,有學(xué)習(xí)材料的地方是學(xué)習(xí)的好地方.選D
44.A.細節(jié)題:從第一段的句子:The purpose (目的) of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject.It helps you know what you are not good at.The world will still go on even if (即使) you fail (不及格) in a test,so don't be too worried..可知考試不是最重要的,是為了了解自己掌握了多少.選A
45.A.主旨題:從第一段的句子:anyone can become better if he or she does his or her best.Here are some tips (技巧) to help you.可知這篇文章講的是如何做個成績優(yōu)秀的學(xué)生.選 A
46.(10分)(2017•菏澤)Boys and girls,this winter vacation is the time for you to take your mind off homework and prepare yourself for the future.The following is some advice on how to make your vacation meaningful and colorful.
Take regular exercise.You have worked most of the time.Therefore,you need to join in outdoor activities,which can bring your whole body into action.You can keep healthy by doing different kinds of exercise such as skating,jogging and mountain climbing.
Learn some basic life skills.One day,you will live alone.You can't depend on your family any longer.So,you should learn to cook,wash and other practical skills.
Go for a journey.Travel to places of interest.In this way,you'll understand cultures that are different from that of your hometown.Beautiful sights can also make you relaxed.
Enjoy family time.Don't always sit in front of a computer.It's great fun for family members to sit around the table,discussing sports,clothes or other common topics.
If you follow the advice above,你的寒假將充滿快樂.
We wish you a wonderful time!
(1)How many pieces of advice are mentioned in the passage above?
(2)What should you do when you live alone one day?
(5)What's the main idea of the passage?
【解答】1.答案:4/Four.細節(jié)理解題,根據(jù)文中描述的句子:Take regular exercise.定期做鍛煉運動;   Learn some basic life skills.學(xué)習(xí)一些基本的生活技能;   Go for a journey.來一場旅行; Enjoy family time.享受家庭時光,可知共四條建議.故答案為:4/Four.
2.答案:I should learn to cook,wash and other practical skills.我應(yīng)當(dāng)學(xué)會做飯,洗衣服和其他一些實用性的生活技能.推理判斷題,根據(jù)文中句子One day,you will live alone.You can't depend on your family any longer.So,you should learn to cook,wash and other practical skills.某一天,你也有獨自一人的時候,你不用再依靠家庭.因此,你應(yīng)該學(xué)會做飯,洗衣服和其他一些實用性的生活技能,可判斷獨自一人應(yīng)該具備的基本生活技能.  由此可以知道故答案為:I should learn to cook,wash and other practical skills.
3.答案:你可以不再依靠你的家庭.句子翻譯題.本句的語言點是not…any longer.不再….重點短語是depend on…依靠;依據(jù);取決于.
4.答案:Your winter vacation will be full of pleasure.句子翻譯題.  本句的語言點是 be full of…充滿了…,因為是即將來臨假期的期待,所以時態(tài)應(yīng)該用一般將來時will.
5.答案:Some advice on how to make your vacation meaningful and colorful.細節(jié)理解題,短文開頭就說了Boys and girls,this winter vacation is the time for you to take your  mind off homework and prepare yourself for the futu re.The following is some advice on how to make your vacation meaningful and colorful.孩子們,寒假即將來臨,是時候從作業(yè)中解脫出來,準備一下如何度假了.以下建議是如何讓你的假期更有意義,更豐富多彩.因此,答案為Some advice on how to make your vacation meaningful and colorful.
Talk count below spend friend or people send free allow around and
Next time you're in a public place,take a look around you.And   (1) count how many people are using their phones.I can tell you now that it is probably more than half,whether you're on a bus,in a cafe   (2) or simply walking down the street.
I'm not saying that I am not an example of this,but it always mazes (使驚愕) me how people can   (3) spend so much time on their phones without(4) talking to others.Has it gone too far?
Recently,my smart phone broke and had to be   (5) sent off for repair for a week or so.I had to use a really old,basic phone just to keep me in touch with my family and   (6) friends。瓵ll I could do on this phone was to send text messages,make calls and play one game.And I loved it.I loved being   (7) free from the Internet,and I really didn't mind not having updates (更新) about what my friends were doing.It   (8) allowed me to spend more time enjoying my time in London and watching the people   (9) around me and really see what was going on.
However,I knew that as soon as I got my smart phone back I would be one of those   (10) people once again.Perhaps I should just go back to using the basic phone and forget I ever got my smart phone back.
【解答】1.count,考察動詞辨析及上下文理解,文中提到"how many people are using their phones"有多少人在用手機,由此推測是數(shù)一數(shù),主語是you且為一般現(xiàn)在時,所以填寫count.
2.or,考察連詞辨析及上下文理解,文中提到"whether you're on a bus,in a cafe"不管你是在公交車上,在咖啡館里,由此推測應(yīng)該是還是在街上走著,由此推測填寫or.
3.spend,考察動詞辨析及上下文理解,文中提到"so much time on their phone"大量的時間在手機上,由此可知是在手機上花費大量的時間,spend on doing sth譯為花費時間做某事,在情態(tài)動詞can之后用動詞原形,填寫spend.
4.talking,考察動詞辨析及上下文理解,文中提到"to others"向其他人,遍歷選項可知是和其他人聊天,without doing sth譯為不做…由此確定填寫talking.
5.sent,考察動詞辨析及上下文理解,文中提到"my smart phone broke"我的手機壞了,由此推測應(yīng)該是送出去維修,主語是手機,所以應(yīng)該是被我送出去維修,應(yīng)該用被動語態(tài),填寫過去分詞sent.
6.friends,考察名詞辨析及上下文理解,文中提到"keep me in touch with my family"手機來讓我和家人…保持聯(lián)系,由此可以推測除了家人就是朋友,由于朋友不止一個,所以用復(fù)數(shù)形式,填寫friends.
7.free,考察形容詞辨析及上下文理解,文中提到"from the Internet"網(wǎng)絡(luò),由于智能手機壞了,現(xiàn)在的手機只能打電話發(fā)短信,所以是從網(wǎng)絡(luò)中解脫出來,不受他的影響,be free from免于,解脫,由此確定填寫free.
8.a(chǎn)llowed,考察動詞辨析及上下文理解,文中提到"to spend more time enjoying my time in London"花費更多的時間來度過在倫敦的日子,由此可以推測從網(wǎng)絡(luò)時代的日子中抽身是我獲得了更多有意義的東西,allow sb to do sth允許某人做某事,由于事情發(fā)生在過去,所以用過去式,由此推測填寫過去分詞allowed.
9.a(chǎn)round,考察介詞辨析及上下文理解,文中提到"watching the people"看人們,由此推測應(yīng)該是觀察身邊的人們,由此確定填寫around,表示在…周邊.
10.people,考察名詞辨析及上下文理解,文中提到"I would be one of those"我將是他們中的一員,由此推測應(yīng)該是那些經(jīng)常玩手機的人,填寫people.
請根據(jù)以上的提示要點,以"Shopping Online"為題寫一篇英語短文.(短文的開頭和結(jié)尾已給出,不計入總詞數(shù).)
提示詞語:without,save,choose,cheap,goods (商品),useless (無用的)
Shopping Online
With the development (發(fā)展) of the Internet,many people like shopping online.                           
All in all,we should think it over when shopping online.
高分句型一:we needn't to go outside for shopping我們沒有必要去外面逛商場,needn't to do sth沒有必要做某事;
高分句型二:However,just like every corn has two sides,online shopping has its side effects.就像一枚硬幣有兩面, 網(wǎng)購也有不好的一面.However然而,表轉(zhuǎn)折
實用短語:For example比如說,用于列舉,對于闡述物品好壞時可以用其來具體引出
【解答】Shopping Onlin e
With the development of the Internet,many people like shopping online.Obviously,there are some advantages of shopping online.Firstly,we needn't to go outside for shopping(第一個優(yōu)點),which make us tired.Secondly,there are many more goods online and we can choose the goods we like(第二個優(yōu)點).Thirdly,the last but not the least(高分句型),the goods online are cheaper than in the true shop(第三個優(yōu)點).However,just like every corn has two sides(高分句型),online shopping has its side effects.For example,you cannot see and touch the goods before you receive it(第一個缺點).Besides(常用連詞,用于承接兩個句子) ,some of the online goods are useless(第二個缺點).
All in all,we should think it over when shopping online.
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/1133318.html
