
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

第Ⅰ卷  客觀題
1.I don't make ________ clear when and where the parents' meeting will he held.
2.— Do you have any plans for the winter holiday?
— Since you are crazy about music, why not go to some ________ concerts?
3.The cost of living in Chengdu is among the lowest in China, ________ the quality of life is probably one of the highest.
4.— What do you think of the young lady?
— She is hard-working. She ________ all her effort into her work before she got ill.
A.has put
C.had put
D.would put
5. ________ Mary ________ Jack is listening to the report carefully, because they are both interested in it very much.
A.Neither; nor
B.Either; or
C.Both; and
D.Not only; but also
6. — I'm new in Wuxi.
— Take a map of Wuxi with you.You'll find it of great ________ in helping you to get round Wuxi.
7.Boris has brains. In fact, I don't think that anyone in the class has ________ IQ.
A.a(chǎn) high
B.a(chǎn) higher
C.the higher
D.the highest
(    )8.Having ________ exercise every day will do great good to your health.
A.a(chǎn) lot
B.a(chǎn) number of
C.too much
D.plenty of
(    )9.Look at the sign! It says "No smoking!" You ________ smoke here.It's dangerous.
B.ought not to
D.don't have to
(    )10.He made a mistake, but then he took action to change the situation ________ it got worse.
(    )11.The radio says that a terrible traffic accident happened sometime ________ 8 ________ 10 this morning.
A.between; and
B.from to
C.between to
D.from; and
(    )12.You had better ________ some time every day for sports so that you can keep yourself energetic.
(    ) 13.— Can you imagine ________ if we have robots at home in the coming future?
— Well, it's hard to say, probably great, or maybe not.
A.what will everyday life be like
B.what everyday life will be like
C.what will everyday life like
D.what everyday life will like
(    )14.— How was your interview with the boss?
________.He seemed interested in my experience, but he didn't ask for my recommendation letter.
B.I'm not sure
C.That's right
D.Couldn't be better
    Workers aren't allowed to go into a big underground computer center until they step up to a machine that takes a quick picture of the tiny blood vessels (血管) inside their eyes.
    If the machine can't ____15____ the picture with images in its computer, the worker is stopped by security guards (保安員).
    Each person has his own way of blood vessels in his or her ____16____.And unlike a key, the way can't be ____17____.Old-fashioned keys and locks may soon be things of the past.High-tech security devices (安全裝置) are being fixed at military (軍事的) bases, computer centers and banks.Companies that ____18____ the machines say they'll someday be used in people's homes and cars.
    Already, a Japanese company has fixed ways that recognize (識別) people's fingerprints in 360 new homes.The machines open the doors only for the ____19____ of the houses.The new security ways are selling well because thieves and robbers are getting better at breaking into buildings and computers that are ____20____ by keys and locks.Since nobody can steal or copy a fingerprint, or one's eyes, the new machines are ____21____.
    Other new machines recognize one's voice.Two American companies use ____22____ machines to keep an eye on their computers.Inexpensive voice-recognition machines may someday take the place of locks on cars.The doors would open only for the owners.The machines would ____23____ the owners as little as $270.Although the up-to-date machines are amazing, scientists must still solve a serious problem.How will a boy borrow his dad's car
without borrowing his dad's ____24____?
(    )15.A.match  B.fit  C.compare  D.share
(    )16.A.face  B.eyes  C.voice  D.fingerprints
(    )17.A.borrowed  B.missed  C.stolen  D.bought
(    )18.A.make  B.buy  C.have  D.copy
(    )19.A.makers  B.buyers  C.sellers  D.owners
(    )20.A.connected  B.collected  C.prevented  D.protected
(    )21.A.safe  B.unusual  C.helpful  D.useful
(    )22.A.fingerprints  B.voice-recognition  C.locks  D.eye-recognition
(    )23.A.pay  B.spend  C.take  D.cost
(    )24.A.face  B.voice  C.fingers  D.photo
    If you travel by air across the center of Africa or South America, you fly over forests for thousands of kilometres.These great forests are the seas of trees.They are full of thousands and thousands of different kinds of plants and animals.However, the world's forests are getting smaller all the time.We are cutting down the trees because we need wood, and we need more farmland as well.Some people say that there will not be any forests like these left in 20 to 30 years.What will happen if they disappear? If we cut down our forests, a lot of plants and animals will disappear from the world, in a lot of places the new farmland will soon look like the old deserts, for example, crops will not grow there.What's worse, it will not rain very often, and the weather will get very hot.Perhaps the climate of the world will change, which will be dangerous for everyone in the world.That is why we must take care of our forests.
(    )25.Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined word "deserts" in this passage?
C.Green fields.
(    )26.The passage mainly tells us about ________.
A.the importance of taking care of our forests
B.why a lot of animals disappear
C.where the forests are
D.the reasons for forming the deserts
(    )27.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Only Africa and South America are the oceans of trees.
B.Different plants can't be found in the same forest.
C.Forests are usually several square kilometres large.
D.Forests are homes to different kinds of animals.
    Mr Jones, the owner of a farm, was one day driven out of the farm by all the animals he kept.The animals were excited to be masters of their farm.Animals made seven rules of their own and Snowball painted them on the wall.
1.Whatever walks on two legs is an enemy;
2.Whatever walks on four legs, or has wings, is a friend;
3.No animal shall wear clothes;
4.No animal shall sleep in bed;
5.No animal shall drink alcohol(酒);
6.No animal shall kill any other animal;
7.All animals are equal.
    They were nicely written, except that "friend" was written "friend".Snowball read them out, and all the animals agreed.
    "Now, let's go to the field.Let's get in the harvest more quickly than Jones and his men could do."
    But at this moment the three cows, who had seemed uneasy for some time, shouted because they hadn't been milked for 24 hours.Then the pigs began to help milk the cows successfully.Soon there were five buckets (桶) of creamy milk at which many animals
looked with great interest."What's going to happen to all the milk?" asked one animal."Jones used to mix some of it in our food," said one of the hens."Never mind the milk," cried Napoleon, standing in front of the buckets, "the harvest is more important.Mr Snowball will lead the way, and I'll follow in a few minutes."
    So the animals ran down to the field to begin the harvest, and when they came back in the evening, it was noticed that the milk had disappeared.
(    )28.When does the story happen?
A.In spring.
B.In summer.
C.In autumn.
D.In winter.
(    )29.Who is considered as the animals' enemy?
A.The human being.
C.The cows.
(    )30.In which order did the story happen?
a.Animals made seven rules.
b.They went to the field to have a harvest.
c.The pigs milked three cows.
d.Mr Jones was driven away.
e.The milk in the buckets was gone.
    One of the most widely accepted assumptions (假設(shè)) in our culture is that if you exercise, you will lose weight.I exercise all the time, but I still have got fat.Why does this happen?
    More than 45 million Americans now belong to a health club, up from 23 million in 1993.We spend some $19 billion a year on sports.Of course, some people join the health club but never go.Still, as one main study—the Minnesota Heart Survey—found, more of us at least say we exercise regularly.
    However, the number of fat people has risen greatly: a third of Americans are fat, and another third count as overweight.Yes, it's highly possible that those of us who regularly go to the sports center would weigh even more if we exercised less.But like many other people, I get hungry after I exercise, so I often eat more on the days I exercise than on the days I don't.Could exercise actually be keeping me from losing weight?
    People believe that "exercise is important for weight control" is actually rather new.Doctors used to advise not to exercise too much, particularly for older adults who might hurt themselves.Today doctors encourage even their oldest patients to exercise because people who regularly exercise are at a lower risk for most illnesses, especially heart problems.They less often develop cancer and many other illnesses, but the role of exercise in weight loss has been completely overestimated (評估過高).
    "In general, for weight loss, exercise is pretty useless," says an exercise researcher.
(    )31.From the passage we can learn that
A.more than 45 million Americans now go to the sports center regularly
B.the number of overweight people has doubled since 1993
C.some Americans join a health club but never go there
D.Americans waste too much money each year on sports
(    )32.According to the writer, people might put on weight because ________.
A.they have the habit of going to the health club regularly
B.they eat the same food when they do not exercise
C.they exercise less than required by doctors
D.they eat more after they exercise
(    )33.What may be the best title for this passage?
A.Overweight Is Not Good for Your Health
B.Exercise Won't Make You Thin
C.Health Club Is Part of American Lifestyle
D.Fatness Is a Social Problem in America
    Could smells affect your lifespan? Female fruit flies (果蠅) without the ability to smell food live longer than other fruit flies.The sense of smell may be connected to the cellular ageing (細胞老化) process in many other living things  even people.Such connection has recently been found in both worms and flies.For example, scientists found that removing fruit flies' ability to smell made them live nearly 20 percent longer than flies with a sense of smell.
    They confirmed that food smells were the ones most likely to affect ageing, as nutrition (營養(yǎng)) and lifespan are known to be connected in many living things.To test the idea that food smells affect lifespan, they removed flies' ability to smell carbon dioxide, which is produced by some fly foods.They left the rest of the smelling system.
    This action had no effect on male flies, but the females lived 30 percent longer than normal.Removing the ability to smell CO2 may stop flies getting information about food availability.This could mean that food is not enough, causing processes that encourage
flies to survive.Scientists found that the female flies from stored extra fat and that both males and females immune (免疫) to CO2 were stronger against the stress than normal flies.It is suggested that females may simply be easily influenced by the smells of CO2.
    Scientists point out that people don't know whether ageing and smell are connected in animals and humans.But they clearly experience physical changes after smelling food.
(    )34.From the passage, we learn that what scientists found is to ________.
A.show there is the best way to make lifespan longer
B.tell us we should remove our smell ability to live long
C.show the sense of smell can affect the cellular ageing process
D.explain fruit flies without ability to smell can live longer
(    )35.Scientists do some research to prove
A.the immune system of flies to CO2
B.the connections between nutrition and lifespan
C.the importance of food smells to our humans
D.the connections between food smells and lifespan
(    )36.According to scientists' opinion, we can see that ________.
A.flies without ability to smell is encouraged to store extra energy
B.male flies in general can live longer than female ones
C.both male and female flies can live longer without the ability to smell
D.flies without ability to smell can also get information about food availability
(    )37.Which of the following best describes the passage as a whole?
A.CO2 has few effects on female flies.
B.The sense of smell might have an effect on living things.
C.The sense of smell is necessary to humans' health.
D.Female fruit flies can always live longer than male flies.

第Ⅱ卷  主觀題
38.— What do you think of the film ________ (導(dǎo)演) by Feng Xiaogang?
— Not bad, pretty funny.
39.While some may not agree with this decision, it does show the power of ________ (勇氣).
40.The ________ (古代的) therapy seems to be strange, but it works.
41.Ted is thinking about how to have a perfect party for his grandpa's ________ (九十) birthday as it's a big day.
42.By following a few simple steps, you can keep your computer running ________ (smooth).
43.Such small houses with bright colours can be seen everywhere in ________ (Europe) countries.
44.With all of these new ________ (discover), we should be proud of the young scientists in our country.
45.During each flight, all the information about the plane is ________ (record) by a special device known as "the black box".
46.— Shenzhen used to be a fishing village, didn't it?
— Yes, it ________ (turn) into a modern city these years.
47.Jane is such a kind girl that she always ________ (reply) to anyone with a smile on her face.
48.Derek promised that he ________ (get) everything ready for the dinner party before the guests came, but he didn't make it.
49.My mum prefers ________ (take) a train to Beijing as she's afraid of flying.
50.— Ann, you didn't answer my phone half an hour ago.
— Sorry about that.I guess I ________ (mop) the floor with the TV on.
51.The trainers you bought online last night ________ (send) home in two days.
52.— Stop ________ (bite) your fingers, Sisley.
— Sorry.Mum.
53.— Why did Sam seem a little unhappy?
— Because he ________ (not choose) as the best man at his brother's wedding.
    You may know that more people drink coffee than tea around the world.And that, after oil, it is the second biggest traded commodity (商品).You may also know that the drink comes from beans which are first roasted and then ground (研磨).But what else do you know about this popular drink?
    It is said that the story of coffee started with an Ethiopian goatherd (牧羊人) named Kaldi.One day Kaldi was surprised to see that his goats were behaving very strangely.Instead of grazing (吃草) quietly, they were jumping around, almost dancing.He also noticed some red "cherries" from a plant that the goats were eating.He tried some himself and was surprised by the feeling of extreme happiness and excitement.He felt like dancing too !
    But it wasn't used as a drink at first.It was used as food.The coffee berries, mixed with animal fat, were used by monks to stay awake during long hours of prayer.From Ethiopia, coffee was later cultivated (培育) in Yemen and the first hot drink was developed there around AD 1000.Three centuries later Muslims were keen coffee drinkers and as Islam spread, so did coffee.Coffee houses appeared in Cairo and Mecca.
    For hundreds of years the plants were protected safely.But some beans were smuggled (偷運) out of Arabia and taken to India.In the 17th century, coffee was soon grown in a new continent.From India to Indonesia, a century later the beans were once again smuggled to Brazil.Brazil is now the largest coffee producer in the world.
    It was the caffeine that made the goats dance and kept the monks awake.Although it is found in other soft drinks and tea, coffee has the most caffeine.In the short term.a(chǎn) couple of cups of coffee can prevent fatigue and delay sleep.But several cups a day, every day, can cause anxiety and restlessness.
The ____54____ of Coffee
Discovery Kaldi found that his goats got ____55____ after they are some red cherries.
Kaldi himself tried some, and he became very happy and excited.
At first Coffee was ____56____ instead of being drunk.
In AD 1000 Coffee was cultivated in Yemen and the first hot drink was developed.
In AD 1300 Coffee ____57____ to different places so coffee houses appeared in Cairo and Mecca.
In the 17th century Coffee was soon grown in a new continent, from India to Indonesia.
Now Brazil ____58____ the most coffee in the world.
54.________  55.________  56.________  57.________  58.________
We'll ________ you've got only if you've tried.
Some of my friends go to Guizhou and ________ with stationery and school clothes every year.
Every time I leaf through the old photos, I ________ the happy time in my childhood.
My parents always ask me ________ into my study or not.
We realized how much ________ after watching these documentaries.
Jerry's parents ________ his laptop because he was too crazy about the computer game.
    無錫被評為內(nèi)地最宜居城市。假設(shè)你班對此進行了一次班級討論,請你根據(jù)討論主題并結(jié)合所給信息,以“Be a Beautiful City”為題寫一份發(fā)言稿,號召廣大學(xué)生為建設(shè)美好城市作貢獻。內(nèi)容提示如下:
Be a Beautiful City
There have been great changes in Wuxi in the past few years.
1.D  2.B  3.A  4.C  5.D  6.D  7.B  8.D  9.A  10.C  11.A  12.C  13.B  14.B  15.A  16.B  17.C  18.A  19.D  20.D  21.A  22.B  23.D  24.B  25.B  26.A  27.D  28.C  29.A  30.B  31.C  32.D  33.B  34.C  35.D  36.A  37.B
46.has turned
48.would get
49.to take
50.was mopping
51.will be sent
53.wasn't chosen
59.be proud of the result (that)
60.provide the children there
61.will be reminded of
62.whether I've put all my effort
63.danger wild animals were facing
64.had no choice but to take away
One possible version:
Be a Beautiful City
    There have been great changes in Wuxi in the past few years.The government has built lots of new roads, bridges and even undergrounds.There have been a number of open parks.People often go there to have a picnic and have fun on weekends and holidays.More and more people have their own cars and it's becoming difficult to park cars.The changes have brought both advantages and disadvantages.I hope the government can deal with the problem.Our hometown can be more and more beautiful in the future.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/1145191.html
