
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

9B Unit 3試題
(   ) 1. —     terrible mess you have made!  
  — Sorry. I will clear it up right now.
 A. What       B. How   C. How a   D. What a
(   ) 2. To     our own curiosity (好奇心), we traveled to that lonely island by boat.
 A. satisfy   B. find   C. spread   D. hold
(   ) 3. You needn’t     missing the film. To be honest, it is not worth watching at all.
 A. store   B. explain     C. regret   D. suggest
(   ) 4.She is kind and helpful and often does_______she can to help me.
 A. however     B. whatever       C. wherever     D. anyway
(   ) 5. The robot needs     once a month. And we will check it for you for free.
  A. to check       B. be checked    C. checking      D. check
(   ) 6. That robot was named Robonaut R2A. It     outer space by NASA.
 A. used to exploring     B. was used to exploring
 C. was used to explore     D. used to explore
(   ) 7. — What rules do I have to keep while working here?
   —    , you must always wear your uniform.
  A. By the way      B. From then on    C. Believe it or not    D. First of all
(   ) 8. — Excuse me, but can you     to a Chinese speaker?
   — Sure. Just a minute.
   A. put me through     B. put me back     C. put me away     D. put me on
(   ) 9. — I can’t decide     to do with so many old clothes.
   — Why not send them to a charity?
 A. why      B. what     C. who     D. where
(   )10. I agreed on her suggestion     let her down, though I thought mine was better.
 A. in order don’t B. in order not to  C. not in order to D. in order that not
(   )11. The new method works very well. So far, everything has been going on     that we don’t need to worry.
 A. too completely  B. so completely   C. too smoothly   D. so smoothly
(   )12. Mr Robinson is a careful detective. No detail is   escape (逃脫) his attention.
 A. too small to    B. so small that    C. as small as     D. not small enough
(   )13. The new book sells well. Twenty copies     already today.
  A. have ordered      B. ordered    C. have been ordered   D. are ordering
(   )14. — Hello, this is Andy. May I speak to Tony?
  —    . He is coming soon.
  A. Hold on, please  B. I am terribly sorry   C. Be patient, please D. You’re welcome
(   )15. — Hello! My computer has caught a virus and it can’t work now.
 — Don’t worry.     What’s your telephone number?
 A. What can I do for you then?                 B. I’m sorry to hear that.    
 C. Our technician (技術(shù)員) will contact you soon.  D. Please take care of your computer.
Last summer I spent two weeks in Singapore with my mother and my sister. Before this trip, I heard that Singapore is one of the most beautiful and cleanest countries in  16 . I hoped that I would have an unforgettable time there. In fact, the trip was  17  than I had expected.
Many places in Singapore  18  us. First, we visited Singapore Zoo and Jurong Bird Park.  19  the places are very large and many animals live there. So we had to  20  a whole day seeing all of the animals. However, the most interesting  21  was the Bird Show in Jurong Bird Park. We enjoyed the  22  of the birds. The workers had trained the birds carefully and patiently for long  23  they could dance, sing and even play basketball. At the end of the show, they sent the visitors a message that  24  people’s awareness (意識(shí)) of protecting birds. I think it is a very helpful and practical  25  of educating people about the nature protection.
Second, after spending a week in relaxing and visiting some tourist spots (旅游景點(diǎn)) in Singapore, my sister and I  26  to attend a short-term English course because English is the official language in Singapore and we thought we would  27  our English quickly. English was the only common language in this class, so all students there had to speak English during the lessons.
The trip in Singapore was truly a nice  28  in my life. During the trip, I learned much about other countries’ lives, other people’s thoughts and I improved my English.  29 , I have made some new friends who I am still keeping in touch  30  and I hope that I will meet them again some day in China and tell them more about our country. 
(   )16. A. Africa    B. Asia   C. America    D. Europe 
(   )17. A. worse B. longer   C. faster   D. greater 
(   )18. A. attracted  B. affected  C. attacked     D. held 
(   )19. A. All B. Neither  C. Both    D. Each
(   )20. A. take B. cost  C. waste   D. spend
(   )21. A. accident B. event    C. case   D. report 
(   )22. A. births B. fights  C. parties   D. performances
(   )23. A. so that  B. in order to C. such that   D. even though 
(   )24. A. cures B. prevents  C. raises    D. reduces 
(   )25. A. way  B. road  C. result   D. street 
(   )26. A. refused B. stopped  C. decided  D. forgot 
(   )27. A. speak B. pass  C. express  D. improve
(   )28. A. idea  B. experience C. skill   D. question 
(   )29. A. In addition B. As a result C. In fact   D. At last 
(   )30. A. at B. with   C. for   D. of
Making robots needs software engineers (軟件工程師), mechanical engineers, electrical engineers and computer engineers, but I think software engineers play the most important part. A mechanical engineer will design the robot’s body. Electrical engineers will design the robot’s controlling, power, signal receiving, etc. Electro-mechanical engineers may work on the robot’s sensors (傳感器). Computer engineers will design the robot’s brain. Now companies are hiring robotics engineers to develop everything from automated vacuum cleaners (自動(dòng)吸塵器) to robot dogs. So do you want to be a robotics engineer? How do you find an effective way to get started to become a robotics engineer?
Here’s how I became a robotics engineer. It started with trying to build a robotic hand as a teenager in my parents’ garage. This was after I first learned how servo systems (隨動(dòng)系統(tǒng)) worked. So I only got the servo part working, but it was a start. Later I went to college to get an undergraduate degree (學(xué)士學(xué)位) as an electrical engineer. After that I worked as an electrical engineer for three years. I designed several automatic control systems that were very interesting. Then I went back to school, this time as a mechanical engineer, and completed all the undergraduate mechanical engineering courses. After that I also received a Master’s degree and the degree of PhD on robotics.
If you are interested in becoming a robotics engineer and would like to chat by email, please feel free to contact me.
(   )41. Who play the most important part in making robots?
 A. Computer engineers.   B. Mechanical engineers. 
 C. Electrical engineers.     D. Software engineers.
(   )42. What does a mechanical engineer design while making a robot?
 A. The robot’s brain.     B. The robot’s body. 
 C. The robot’s power.    D. The robot’s sensors.
(   )43. What did the writer do when he worked as an electrical engineer?
 A. He built a robotic hand.       
 B. He got the servo system working.
 C. He designed some automatic control systems. 
 D. He completed all the mechanical engineering courses.
(   )44. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
 A. Making automated vacuum cleaners and robot dogs needs robotics engineers.
 B. People who want to become a robotics engineer can call the writer.
 C. The writer started to learn about robotics when he was a young boy.
 D. The writer learned and got four degrees before becoming a robotics engineer.
(   )45. What’s the purpose of the passage?
 A. To tell people it’s difficult to get the degree of PhD on robotics.
 B. To tell people what they should learn before becoming a robotics engineer.
 C. To call on more and more people to become robotics engineers.
 D. To make friends with people who like robotics engineering.
46. B2C stands for Business to     (顧客). Most B2C companies are in fact online sellers.
47. Nobody can roll back the     (車(chē)輪) of history.
48. To be a     (私人的) detective sounds like a challenging job.
49. He     (擱) all his work aside and started to play with his son.
50. If nothing is done, the virus will certainly      (擴(kuò)散) quickly.
51. Look out! The car is     (complete) out of control.
52.The big cake was not enough to satisfy the boy’s ___________(hungry).
53. The woman looks     (satisfy) while watching her son run around!
54. Apple Corporation’s     (produce) are very popular all over the world.
55. My washing machine doesn’t work, so I will have it       (repair).
56. 似乎總體上來(lái)說(shuō),這臺(tái)機(jī)器人滿足了江先生的需要。
59. 據(jù)說(shuō)他后悔買(mǎi)了那本書(shū)。
Any discussion of entertainment robots has to include Disney World. They have been making entertainment robots for many years and they do it quite well. With dancing bears and singing pirates (海盜), Disney World has created thousands of robots. The robot shown in the picture is a robot dinosaur named Lucky. He walks on his two back legs and pulls a very large cart (二輪馬車(chē)) of “silk flowers”. Really the cart is full of batteries.
I don’t go to the amusement park, but I’m sure my kids would love to. According to the manufacturer (制造商), KUKA Robotics, this is the first robotic arm with world-wide certification (合格證) to hold humans. KUKA makes robotic arms of very high quality for the amusement park, so I would let my kids ride it.
No one can forget the pet robots that have come onto the market in the last decade (十年) or so. Sony’s Aibo robots (two of which are shown in the picture) have been the first robots to really spread through every part of our homes.
Some entertainment robots are not just remote-controlled (遙控的) speakerphones with video camera “eyes”. They can also go around at parties and play pre-recorded songs. Florida Robotics makes robots like these. They also make more robots that can talk with on-lookers (旁觀者), send videos of what they see to the video wall, and make sound effects and smoke.
Entertainment robots
Disney World robots They have been (66)   entertainment robots and they do it quite well.
They have created thousands of robots, such as dancing bears, singing pirates and a robot dinosaur (67) _ Lucky.
The robot dinosaur is (68)    to walk on his two back legs and pull a very large cart of “silk flowers”. In fact, the(69)   are put in the cart.
Robotic arms in the amusement park The manufacturer KUKA Robotics made the (70)     robotic arm with world-wide certification to hold humans.
The robotic arms made by KUKA are up to (71)    of high quality.
Pet robots Pet robots have appeared in the market for about (72)    years. Sony’s Aibo robots are the first pet robots to go into people’s (73)   .
robots Florida Robotics makes remote-controlled robots with video camera “eyes”. They can go around at (74)    and play pre-recorded songs.
Some other robots are even (75)    to talk with people, send videos of what they see to the video wall, and create sound effects and smoke.
66.__________ 67.__________ 68.__________ 69.__________ 70.__________
71.__________ 72.__________ 73.__________ 74.__________ 75.__________
B. 閱讀下面的短文,根據(jù)所給的首字母提示,用合適的單詞填空。10分
Scientists are placing robot dogs in the homes of lonely old people to test whether they can improve the quality of life for humans. Alan Beck, an expert in human-animal relationship, and Nancy Edwards, a professor of nursing, are leading the s   91  on the effect of robot dogs on old people’s feelings.
 In the study, the r  92   , called AIBO, is placed for six weeks in the houses of some old people who live a   93  . Before placing AIBO in the home, scientists will collect baseline data (數(shù)據(jù)) for six weeks. These old people will keep a diary to note their e  94  feelings and activity before and after AIBO. Then, the scientists will review the data to test if the robot dog has produced any changes in the life of its master.
 “I talk to him all the time,” says a seventy-year-old lady. “W  95    I do, he’ll stay with me. When I’m watching TV, he’ll stay in my arms until he wants down. He has a mind of his own.”
The scientists say they have some a  96  over live dogs, especially for old people. Often the elderly are disabled and cannot care for an animal by e  97   walking it or playing with it.  
“At the beginning, it was b  98   that no one would like the robot dog because it was metal and not furry.” Beck says. “But it’s amazing how quickly we have given up that belief.” “Hopefully, down the road, these robot p  99  could become more valuable health helpers. They will r  100   their masters’ data of health conditions. They may even one day help older people in many other ways.”

八、91. study        92. robot       93. alone       94. everyday       95. Whatever   96. advantages   97. either       98. believed    99. pets         100. record


要求:1. 覆蓋要點(diǎn),內(nèi)容充實(shí),結(jié)構(gòu)合理,語(yǔ)言流暢,書(shū)寫(xiě)工整;
        2. 90詞左右,開(kāi)頭已給出,不計(jì)入總詞數(shù)。
 支持方 反對(duì)方
人數(shù) 30 (2/3) 15 (1/3)
理由 機(jī)器人能做大量的工作,使生活更加輕松; 1. 價(jià)格不菲;
2. 使人變得懶惰;
3. 容易出問(wèn)題。
Our class made a survey on whether we need robots in our everyday life. Here is the result.
1-5 DACBC  6-10 CDABB  11-15 DACAC
16-20 BDACD   21-25 BDACA 26-30 CDBAB 
31-35 ABCCB  36-40 BCDDA 41-45 DBCBB
46. customer  47. wheel   48. private
49. laid        50. spread  51. completely 
52. unsure     53. satisfied    54. products 
55. forgetful   56. in a mess    57. gone wrong  
58. no longer    59. caught a virus 60. knocked over
61. so that he would have less difficulty
62. unless I see it with my own eyes
63. are filled with
64. watch the raising of the national flag
65. Climb up step by step
66. making      67. called/named 
68. designed       69. batteries    70. first 
71. standard     72. ten           73. homes/houses 
74. parties       75. able
76. ancient   77. culture   78. high  
79. made    80. sides   81. around
82. worth    83. capital    84. costs   
85. less
One possible version:
Our class made a survey on whether we need robots in our everyday life. Here is the result.
Two thirds of us think we need robots, because they can help us with lots of everyday jobs and they can make life easier. But one third of us think we don’t need to have robots. They say robots cost too much and they can cause some unexpected problems. They also think robots can make people lazy.
I think that a robot can help with housework and make it possible for us to spend more time on something more important and exciting. So I would get a robot if possible.

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/1172361.html
