
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

第一課時(shí) (詞匯)
I. 用括號(hào)內(nèi)所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式。
1.The books on those _____(shelf) are very interesting.
2.ike draws _____(well) in our class.
3.y friend always talks to others _____(polite).
4.Have you found your _____(lose) car?
5.Ji writes ore _____(care) than Kate and Lily.
6.I hear the Greens live on the _____ (nine) floor of this _____(build).
7.I think this CD player is _____(help) to learn English.
8. Which do you think is ore difficult,______(write) English or spoken English?
9. His _____ (iss) books are usually returned to the library.
10.Have you ever spoken to a _____ (foreign)?
11.In the library there are lots of books on _____(difference) subjects.
12.In the end,the young an cae up with a _____(wonder) idea.
13.The books give us _____(know ) and ake us happy.
14.The _____ (library) is very _____(friend) to us.
15.Zhang Jian swa across the English Channel successfully. His father said, “He is the _____(proud) of the Chinese people.”
16.Japan is a _____(develop) country, but China is a _____(develop) one.
17.When I arrived at the airport, it was raining_____(heavy).
18.Are you interested in _____ (collect) staps?
19.I a sure y drea will coe_____(truly) soe day in the near future.
20.I felt very _____(excite) when I heard the _____(excite) news.
21.Her sister hasn't coe back. so her parents look _____(real) worried.
22.The girl was so _____(frighten) that she couldn't ove.
23.The Englishan spoke _____(slow) enough for e to understand.
24.She thought the young an was a queue _____(jup).
25.It was too _____(danger) to cross the road at the oent.
26.Go down this road, and take the second _____(turn) on the right.
27.She is very _____(please) to see her husband.
28.Shall we go _____(hike) toorrow orning?
29.There are a lot of patients in the _____(wait) roo.
30.The three _____(visit) cae to y house last Sunday.
31.The little boy felt a little _____(worry).
32.What an _____ (interest) story it is!
33.--Thank you very uch for _____(tell) e. --It's a _____(please).
34.y uncle is a very good _____(surf).
35.I have been to the Great Wall _____(two).
36.Every year, water sports,____(especial) surfing attract a large nuber of ___(tour) to the island.
37.What a _____(ove) story it was!
38.r Brown had a strange way of aking his classes _____(live) and interesting.
39.She couldn't fall _____(sleep) last night.
40.What is the _____ (little) expensive way to travel of all?
41.It's uch _____ (hot) today than it was yesterday.
42.--What's the weather like today? --It's _____ (sun).
43._____ (like) his short father, ike is tall and thin.
44.The old woan cae back _____ (late) on.
45.Our classroo is uch brighter than _____(they).
46.It is blowing _____(strong) outside.
47.Don't _____ (soking). It's bad for your _____(healthy).
48.A horse is a _____ (use) anial.
49.It's difficult for us to swi _____(cross) the river in twenty inutes.
50.I hear the foreign friends will coe to our factory at the _____ (begin) of October.
51.She copied the new words as _____ (quick) as she could.
52.We are thinking about _____(relax) for an hour.
53.You'd better work out your aths probles by _____(you), children.
54.Their _____(fly) nuber is No.CA436.
55.It was a _____(please) trip, and they all had a good tie.
56.ount Eei is one of the ost beautiful_____ (ount) in China.
57.Hainan Island is the second _____(large) island in China.
58.y uncle went to Shanghai on _____(busy) yesterday.
59.We spent an _____(enjoy) holiday in Hangzhou.
60.His father's _____(die) ade hi very sad.
1.I___ (lend) her soe CDs the day before yesterday, but she ____(not give) the back to e yet.
2.y brother will call e as soon as he _____(reach) there.
3.What _____the teachers _____(do) this tie yesterday?
4.I' afraid you _____(forget) the date, haven't you?
5.——How any ties _____ you _____(be) to the Great Wall?——Only once.
6.I' sorry _____(bring)you so uch trouble.
7.I _____ already _____(finish) y hoework.
8._____ you ever _____(eat) fish and chips?
9.I can't _____(find) y pen._____ you _____(see) it anywhere?
10.She _____ never _____(speak) to a foreigner.
11. I with y friends _____(have) a party at this tie yesterday.
12.It _____(rain) ore often in Chengdu than in Chongqing.13.We _____(love) our country.
14.They _____ (help) the farers with their apple harvest last autun.
15.So far we _____(learn) about six hundred English words.
16.I don't know whether she _____ (coe) or not toorro
17.They _____(ove) to Shanghai next onth.
18.Who _____(give) us a talk this afternoon?
19.The Greens _____(watch) TV no
20.He said that he _____(ring) e up when he got there.
21.y father _____(read) a newspaper at seven o'clock yesterday evening.
22.They _____(know) each other for about ten years.
23._____ you ever _____(spit) in the street?24.You ustn't _____(litter) things about.
25.We _____(win) the volleyball gae at last.
26.It _____(take) e ten inutes to walk to school every day.
27.Could you tell hi ________(turn)the radio down?
28.Don't forget ________(post)the letter toorrow.
29.We often hear her ________(sing)this song in English.
30.Try ________(not coe)to school late fro now on.
31.You have worked for two hours.You'd better stop ________(have)a rest.
32.This book ________(sell)well. 33.y brother ________(join)the League in 2001.
34.Inforation can ________(store)in the coputers and taken out anytie needed.
35.When we went out,the young an ________(disappear).
36.Who ________(hang)the bag on the wall just now?
37.He ________(decorate)the new house last onth.
38.She often ________(borrow)books fro the school library.
39.The people ________(pick)apples when I saw the.
40.The red skirt ________(cost)the girl forty dollars.
41.The fil ________(begin)when I got to the cinea.
42.Look!The children ________(run)on the playground.
43.They ________(visit)the Science useu next Sunday.
44.y uncle said that he ________(draw)a beautiful horse for e the next day.
45.The girl told e that she wanted to be an English teacher when she ________(grow)up.
46.y sister is a student and she ________(study)at a iddle school nearby.
47.The old an ________(listen)to the radio every day.
48.Listen!They ________(talk)about the fil“Titanic”.
49.I ________(teach)English for ore than twenty years.
50.y other ________(wash)clothes while I ________(do)y hoework last Sunday orning.51.You ________(catch)the early bus if you get up early.
52.Would you please ________(clean)the classroo after school?
53.I think your coputer needs ________(repair).
54.Half the world's telephone calls ________(ake)in English.
55.The flowers ust ________(water)every day.

I.同義句轉(zhuǎn)換: 根據(jù)上句完成下句,使上、下兩句意思相同或相符。
1.We don't have uch oney to buy a car. We can not ______ ______ buy a car.
2.She was worried and the librarian was worried,too.
She was worried and ______ ______ the librarian.
3.She was surprised to find hi at the concert.____ _____ _____ ,she _____ hi at the concert.
4.y little brother is too young to look after hiself.
y little brother is not ______ ______ to ______ ______ ______ hiself.
5.He went to bed at twelve last night. He ______ ______ to bed ______ twelve last night.
6.r Brown went to Hong Kong by air yesterday.r Brown _____ _____ Hong Kong yesterday.
7.Which sport are you in today? Which sport do you ______ ______ ______ today?
8.Ji runs the fastest of the three boys. Ji runs ______ ______ the other ______ boys.
9.I want to catch up with y classates. I don't want to ______ ______ y classates.
10.Lucy was born in 1989.So was Kate. Lucy is ______ ______ ______ Kate.
11.She found that he was a very good pupil. She ______ ______ a very good pupil.
12.His friend didn't know what he should do. His friend didn't know ______ ______ do.
13.iss Zhao cae in.There was a sile on her face
iss Zhao cae in _____ a sile ______ her face.
14.He never returned the. He never ______ the ______.
15.What was wrong with the old an? What ______ ______ the old an?
16.If we don't ove that bag,there ay be an accident.
______ ove that bag,______ there ay be an accident.
17.You are very kind to help e with y English.
______ very ______ ______ you to help e with y English.
18.While Ji was ending his bike,Ann called hi.
Ji was ______ his bike ______ Ann ______ hi ______.
19.What's going on over there? What's ______ over there?
20.rs ore is a woan of 36 years old. rs ore is a ______ ______.
21.There were over 2,200 people on the ship.
There were ______ ______ 2,200 people on the ship.
22.“Speak a little louder,To,”said rs Sith.rs Sith ____ To _____ ____ a little louder
23.Please don't do this. ______ ______ ______ ______ do this?
24.He found it was not easy to sleep. He found ______ ______ to sleep.
25.English is ore popular than any other subject.English is ____ _____ ______ subject of all.
26.It's tie for breakfast. It's tie ______ ______ breakfast.
27.Bill is y good friend. Bill is a good friend ______ ______.
28.—What's the tie? —It's eleven fifteen.
—What tie ______ ______? —It's ______ ______ ______ eleven.
29.This roo has only one door. ______ ______ only one door ______ this roo.
30.You look like your brother. You and your brother ______ ______ ______.
31.How uch is this fridge?______ ______ ______ ______ this fridge?
32.a(chǎn)y I help you? ______ can I ______ ______ you?
33.What is your father's job? What ______ your father ______?
34.We each have an English book. ______ ______ ______ ______ an English book.
35.He usually rides to school. He usually ______ to school ______ ______.
36.She can speak Japanese,too. She can ______ speak Japanese.
37.We often play basketball after school.We often play basketball when school ______ ______.
38.I want to go shopping toorrow orning.
I ____ ______ to _____ _____ ____ toorrow orning
39.Do you walk to school every day? Do you go to school ______ ______ every day?
40.I have lent her a pair of new sports shoes.___ has _____ a pair of new sports shoes _____ e.
41.Do you have a dictionary now? ____ you ______ a dictionary ______ the ______?
42.He thought of a plan for escape. He ______ ______ ______ a plan for escape.
43.It is forty years since he left hoe. He ______ ______ away fro hoe ______ forty years.
44.However you are busy toorrow,you ust stay at hoe.
___ ______ ______ busy you are toorrow,you ust stay at hoe.
45.If you don't study hard,you will not pass the exa.
______ you ______ hard,you will not pass the exa.
46.I borrowed the book two weeks ago. I ______ ______ the book ______ two weeks ago.
47.I hope I can see hi as soon as I can. I hope ______ ______ hi as soon as ______.
48.ost of his questions were not about his lessons.
ost of his questions ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ his lessons.
49.She showed great interest in usic. She ______ ______ ______ in usic.
50.People say that the Chinese food is better than the western food.
______ ______ ______ that the western food isn't ______ good ______ the Chinese food.
1.To does his hoework in the evening(改為否定句)
To ____ ____ his hoework in the evening.
2.He's already finished his hoework.(改為一般疑問(wèn)句)
______ he finished his hoework ______?
3.Kate has little bread for breakfast.(改為反意疑問(wèn)句)
Kate has little bread for breakfast,______ ______?
4.Bruce does everything very carefully.(改為感嘆句) ______ ______ Bruce does everything!
5.The Siths have been in Beijing since 2000.(對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn))
______ ______ have the Siths ______ in Beijing?
6.You can't write on the desk.(改為祈使句) ______ ______ on the desk.
7.She never goes to school at six.(改為反意疑問(wèn)句)
She never goes to school at six,______ ______?
8.The teacher is telling us a story now.(用at noon yesterday替換now)
The teacher ______ ______ us a story at noon yesterday.
9.Today is February 18.(對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn)) ______ the ______ today?
10.It will be rainy the day after toorrow.(對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn))
______ ______ the weather ______ ______ the day after toorrow?
11.He goes to work by bike.(用on foot改為選擇疑問(wèn)句)
______ he ______ to work by bike ______ ______ ______?
12.y sister has been to Canada,too.(改為否定句)y sister ______ been to Canada,______.
13.How often does To write to his parents?I want to know.合并為含有賓語(yǔ)從句的復(fù)合句)
I want to know ______ ______ To ______ to his parents.
14.“Can you drive e to the office building?”she asked e.(改寫為含有賓語(yǔ)從句的復(fù)合句)
She asked e ______ I ______ drive ______ to the office building.
15.What are you interested in?Could you tell e?(合并為含有賓語(yǔ)從句的復(fù)合句)
Could you tell e ______ ______ ______ interested in?
16.The headaster has been to New Zealand only once.(對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn))
______ ______ ______ has the headaster been to New Zealand?
17.She usually coes to see her granda once a week.(對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn))
______ ______ ______ she usually coe to see her granda?
18.We call aths the language of science.(改為被動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài))
aths ______ ______ the language of science.
19.y teacher told e to try it again.(對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn))
______ ______ your teacher tell you to ______?
20.She gave e soe French staps this orning.(改為被動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài))
Soe French staps ______ ______ ______ e this orning.
21.They were all saved by the clever cat.(改為主動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài))
The clever cat ______ all ______ ______ .
22.Both he and I are going to the concert tonight.(改為否定句)
______ he ______ I ______ going to the concert tonight.
23.I don't believe she can work out the proble.(改為反意疑問(wèn)句)
I don't believe she can work out the proble,______ ______?
24.The students had a wonderful tie in the park.(改為反意疑問(wèn)句)
The students had a wonderful tie in the park,______ ______?
25.The sall country has a population of ore than 56,980,000.(對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn))
______ the ______ ______ the sall country?
26.She said to e,“I will buy a used car because it is uch cheaper.”(改寫為含有賓語(yǔ)從句的復(fù)合句)She ______ e that she ______ buy a used car because it ______ uch cheaper.
27.I think to work as a doctor is interesting.(用it改寫)
I think ______ interesting ______ ______ as a doctor.
28.y other always goes shopping on Sundays.(改為否定句)
y other ______ goes shopping on Sundays.
29.He will coe back in a week.(對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn))______ ______ ______ he coe back?
30.The trees are growing well.The teachers planted the two years ago.(合并為含有定語(yǔ)從句的復(fù)合句)The trees ______ the teachers ______ two years ago ______ ______ well.
31.y uncle gave e a bike and I like it.(改寫為含有定語(yǔ)從句的復(fù)合句)
I like the ______ ______ y uncle ______ ______.
32.I think his daughter ust be a student.(改為反意疑問(wèn)句)
I think his daughter ust be a student,______ ______?
33.She becae ill because it was too cold.(改為簡(jiǎn)單句)
She becae ill ______ ______ the cold weather.
34.She is a woan doctor.(改為復(fù)數(shù)句)______ ______ doctors.
35.It's about two kiloetres fro our school to the railway station.(對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn))
______ ______ is it fro your school to the railway station?

1.He has three different Coloured pencil-boxes.
He ________ ________ three different colored pencil-boxes.
2.Sue did her hoework last night. Sue ________ ________ her hoework last night.
3.They were all late for the eeting.
________ ________ ________ ________ late for the eeting.
4.It'll be foggy later on. It ________ ________ foggy later on.
5.We've been there before,too. We ________ ________ there before,________ .
6.Take the coputer upstairs. ________ ________ the coputer upstairs.
7.Both of us are interested in the Internet.
________ ________ ________ ________ interested in the Internet.
1.She usually does soe housework on Sundays.
________ she usually ________ ________ housework on Sundays?
2.We can finish the work today. ________ ________ ________ the work today?
3.There're soe new achines in the house. ______ ______ ______ new achines in the house
4.We were busy watching the football atch at that tie.
________ you ________ ________ the football atch at that tie?
5.I ust finish drawing the picture before ten o'clock.
________ you ________ drawing the picture before ten o'clock?
6.He put the license on the desk and went away.
________ he ________ the license on the desk and ________ ________ ?
7.They've already ade enough duplings.______ they _______ enough duplings ______ ?
1.There's only one child in the classroo.
________ ________ ________ ________ there in the classroo?
2.The jacket on the right is onica's. ________ ________ is onica's?
3.Ea's coat is expensive. ________ coat is expensive?
4.Ji is in Row Five. ______ ________ is Ji in?
5.y father is sixty. _____ ________ ________ your father?
6.Sa went there by train. ______ ________ Sa go there?
7.The old an waters the flowers twice a day.
________ ________ ________ the old an water the flowers?
1.The fried fish tastes very delicious. ______ ________ the fried fish tastes!
2.New York is very beautiful. ______ ________ New York is!
3.The book is very useful. _____ ________ ________ book it is!
4.That's an interesting fil. ______ ________ interesting fil that is!
5.The babies are playing happily. _______ ________ the babies are playing!
6.The inforation is very iportant. ______ iportant inforation!


本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/126017.html
