
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

【2013四川南充】第四部分:口語應(yīng)用 (補全對話)(共5小題,每小題1分,滿分5分)從對話后的七個選項中選擇五項適當?shù)倪x項補全對話,并將字母代號填入下面相應(yīng)的橫線上。
A: Linda, are you free toorrow evening?
B: 61
A: Why not go to the ovies?
B: 62 I like seeing ovies very uch.
A: 63
B: Well, I like coedies because they are funny. What about you?
A: I like the, too. I hear r. Bean is on. 64
B: Sure. Let’s eet at six o’clock toorrow evening.
A: 65
A: OK. See you toorrow evening.
B: See you.
A. What kind of ovies do you like?
B. I’ afraid I have no tie.
C. Yes, I a.
D. How about half past six?
E. That’s a good idea.
F. Would you like to go to the ovies with e?
G. Where shall we eet?
【答案】61.C 62.E 63.A 64. F 65.D
A:You look unhappy._____73_______
B: Oh, just because of y parents. They are always arguing.
A:For what?
B: y weekend activity.___74___ y father thinks I should learn to do Chinese kung fu, but y other wants e to learn to play the piano.
A:How about yourself?
B: I like painting.______75_____
B: We can’t ake a decision. Now they are fighting.
A. y drea is to be an artist. B. What’s the trouble with you?
C. So what’s the solution? D. They can’t agree with each other.
A:Hello! KFC Fast-Food Restaurant. Can I help you?
B: Yes, please. ____77____
A:What would you like?
B: Two haburgers with French Fries, fried chicken, two ice creas, please.
B: U, a large coke, too.
A: 79
B: No. 26 Green Road. 80 . y telephone nuber is 8562106.
A:Ok. We’ll be there in 20 inutes.
B: Thanks, bye.
A. Anything to drink? B. This is Victor Lee.
C. I’d like to order soe food. D. ay I know your address?
【答案】77-80 CADB
【2013黑龍江哈爾濱】(A) 從A-J選項中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項補全對話。(選項中有兩項是多余的)

A: Hello,Ti!
B: Hello, Alice! Coe in and have a seat. 71
A: Thank you. I’ coing to say goodbye to you. 72
B: Really? 73
A: I’ going to an English Suer Cap there.
B: What will you do at cap?
A: 74
B: I a sure you will speak English uch better. How long will you stay there?
A: About ten days.
B: 75
A: Sounds great. 76
B: The Suer Palace, the Great Wall and soe other interesting places.
All of the are well worth visiting.
A: Wonderful! But I don’t know how I can get to these places.
B: Don’t worry. 77 By the way, don’t forget to buy a ap of Beijing.
A: Thank you for your advice.
B: 78 Enjoy yourself. Bye!
71._____ 72.______ 73.______ 74.______ 75.______ 76.______ 77.______ 78.______
71. H【解析】由前句Coe in and have a seat.和答語可知此處是主人讓客人別感到陌生,像在自己家一樣,故選H。
72. I 【解析】由前句I’ coing to say goodbye to you.說明要走了,故I 符合題意。
73. B【解析】由答語可知問句是詢問去北京的目的是什么,故選B。
74. F【解析】聯(lián)系問句和答語可知F符合題意。
75. A【解析】由答語可知問句是提建議的句型,故選A。
76. D【解析】由答語可知問句是詢問“你認為我應(yīng)該參觀什么地方”,故選D。
77. C【解析】由上文But I don’t know how I can get to these places.可知此處是回答怎樣去這些地方,故選C。
78. E【解析】回答感謝用語應(yīng)用You’re welcoe.。
A: Hi, Lisa. Do you know that people are talking about the future dreas a lot these days?
B: 61 __________
A: Do you have a plan for the future? I ean what your drea is.
B: Yes. I have a lot of dreas. But the greatest one is that I want to be a teacher.
A: Sounds nice. 62
B: Well, I' going to study hard and do well in all the subjects.
A: Anything ore?
B: And I' going to play ore sports to keep fit.
A: Where are you going to work?
B: I' going to work in a village school in the poor area. 63
I think to be a village school teacher is very great.
A: That sounds exciting! But when are you going to start?
B: 64______________
A: That's good. 65________
B: I hope so. Thank you.
A. I hope your drea will coe true.
B. I hear they need teachers very uch.
C. Are you good with children?
D. I' going to finish high school and college first.
E. But how are you going to do that?
F. aybe in a college in the city of Beijing.
G. Yes. That's a hot topic at present


答案:61.G 62.E 63.B 64.D 65.A
【2013黑龍江綏化】A) Choose the best response fro A to F according to the sentences given. Each choice should be used only once.
( ) 46. Shall we have a party toorrow?
( ) 47. Who’s that speaking?
( ) 48. Don’t play with fire in the roo.
( ) 49. What’s the weather like today?
( ) 50. Would you like soe ore cakes?
A. It’s sunny. B. Thanks, I’ full.
C. This is ike speaking. D. Sorry, I won’t
E. Yes. I would. F. That sounds very good.
【答案】46—50 FCDAB

【2013黑龍江齊齊哈爾】Choose the best response fro A to F according to the sentences given. Each choice should be used only once.
46. How’s the weather?
47. Wish you good luck in the final exa!
48. Could you carry these boxes to the office for e?
49. What do you think of your English teacher?
50. How can I get to the police station?

A.It’s y pleasure.
B.It’s raining.
C.He’s very kind.D.Sorry, I’ new here.
E.Thank you.
F.With pleasure.
A: Hi, Peter. We haven't seen for several days. How’s it going?
B: Not bad. 68
A: Pretty good! Are you free this Sunday afternoon?
B: 69 What’s up?
A: There is going to be a basketball atch in our school. 70
B: Yes, of course. But which tea is our school going to play against?
A: 71
B: Really? I think our tea is very strong. Perhaps we will win the atch.
A: But I hear that their tea is strong, too.
B: I’ sure it ust be a wonderful atch.
A: I think so. 72
B: Let's eet in the playground at 3:00 p.
A: OK. See you then.
B: See you.
A.Would you like to watch it?
B. What about you, Eric?
C. No, I wasn’t.
D. The tea fro No.2 iddle School.
E. When shall we eet?
F. Yes, I a.
G. How are we going there?
68.______ 69.______ 70.______ 71. ______ 72. ______
【答案】68. B 69. F 70. A 71. D 72.E
68. 【解析】選B。聯(lián)系上下文,可知兩人在這里對話,相互詢問彼此的近況,所以選擇答案B。
69. 【解析】選F。根據(jù)上文提問的內(nèi)容可知Eric在問Peter這星期日下午是否有時間,同時根據(jù)句式來判斷,一般疑問句應(yīng)該用Yes或No來回答。所以選擇答案F。
70. 【解析】選A。根據(jù)上一句的敘述,“在我們學校將有一聲籃球賽”,下一句應(yīng)該是接著提出邀請“你想要看(籃球賽)嗎?”,同時“Yes, of course”也是對“Would you like…?”句型的回答,所以選擇答案A。
71. 【解析】選D。根據(jù)上文提問“我們學校與哪支隊進行對抗?”,下文應(yīng)該用“The tea fro No. 2 iddle School”回答,所以選擇答案D。
72. 【解析】選E。根據(jù)下文的回答“讓我們?nèi)c在操場相會”可知,前文是詢問他們見面的時間或地點,所以選擇答案E。
A: Hello, what are you looking at?
B: 71 I a planning to travel, so they sent e these to cheer e up.
A: That's nice. Look, this postcard is fro Beijing. 72
B: Yeah, I' sure it is. But Li Wei says it's tiring to travel around the city.
A: 73
B: Let's see. That's fro peter. He went to London last suer and went inside Buckingha palace, where the Queen of England lives.
A: Oh, it would be fantastic.
B: And this is a postcard of Bali Island. Paul was there last week. He says it's very peaceful.
A: 74
B: U... this one. It's fro Disneyland. It's so exciting. I'd really love to go.
A: 75 aybe it could be a graduation present for you next year.
A. Just soe postcards fro friends.
B. Why not talk about it with your parents?
C. Where's this one fro?
D. How did he go there''
E. That's a very interesting place to visit.
F. Of all, which postcard do you like best?
G Who is he?
B: Yes. You are right. I’ll try. 對話中兩個人談?wù)摿藖碜圆煌糜蝿俚氐膱D片,為將來旅游做準備。
71【解析】選A。回答what are you looking for?
72【解析】選E。面對來自北京的明信片,應(yīng)談?wù)摫本┑娘L景,后面的搭話but Lei Wei says…與之呼應(yīng),
74【解析】選F。后面U… this one可以看出說話者在考慮或挑選明信片,this one 回答了疑問詞which。
75【解析】選B。從a graduation present for you next year可以看出。
【2013 甘肅白銀】從題后方框中選出能填入空白處的最佳答案(有兩項為多余選項)。
A: Excuse e, ada. 106
B: Sponsor you? 107
A: Well, we are holding a Hope Event in our school. We’re asking people to donate oney to us after we’ve done it.
B: I see 108
A: We are going to give it to charity.
B: 109
A: Children International Charity.
B: 110
A: They iprove the lives of poor children all over the world.
B: Sounds good. I’ll donate 200 yuan.
A. But what are you going to do with the oney you get?
B. Can I help you
C. What do you ean?
D. What do they do?
E. What kind of charity?
F. Would you like to sponsor (贊助) us?
G. Yes, you are right.

答案:106. F 107. C 108. A 109. E 110. D
A: It’s very late. Are you still on the coputer?
B: Well, yes. ____36____
A: What kind of e-ails?
B: Soe are essages fro y friends and soe are fro the relatives.
A: Do you have to write the back right away?
B: ____37____ Usually people want a quick reply.
A: ____38____
B: I’ve already had 50 people’s address in y address book! ____39____
A: ____40____ E-ail is really very convenient (方便的).
A. And I think e-ail is one of the best ways to counicate with others.
B. I’ve got so any e-ails to go through.
C. I agree with you.
D. Of course!
E. How any e-ails addresses have you had?
F. I feel like playing coputer gaes.
G. I a not sure whether I’ right or wrong.
【答案】36—40 BDEAC
【2013四川雅安】補全對話 ( 共 5 小題; 每小題 2 分,滿分 10 分)
根據(jù)對話 內(nèi)容,從下面的方框中選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項, 使對話完整, 并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。選項中有一項多余。
u: David, what do your friends like to do?
David: 56 I can take the to the park.
u: 57 _____
David: y friends enjoy watching football atches. 58
u: Thirdly, I can bring food for you. 59
David: After the atch, I want to eat soe cakes. After that, we can dance to pop usic. 60 The sixth thing I want to do is to open y presents!
A. What is the second thing you want to do?
B. You can eat when you watch the atch.
C. They like to play football.
D. When you play football, you can eat.
E. We can watch a atch.
F. y friends and I enjoy dancing.
【答案】 56. C 57. A 58. E 59. B 60. F

A:Hello,this is Lucy speaking.Is that Li Wei?
B:Hi,Lucy! 73 We are expecting your coing.
A:Thank you! y plane leaves Beijing this afternoon.
B: 74
A:It’s CAl409.
B:OK,CAl409 75 .
A:At 3:30 in the afternoon.
B:Leaves at 3:30.a(chǎn)nd arrives…
A:It arrives at 6:10,and I'll have to wait soe tie for y luggage(行李).
B:All right. 76
A:Thanks a lot. 77
B:I've ordered a roo for you in the center of the city near y hoe.
A:Wonderful! See you then!
B:See you!
73. E 解析:電話用語中介紹自己用This is…speaking或…speaking. 故選E。
74. D 解析:由答語It’s CA1409. D項What’s your flight nuber?符合題意。
75. A 解析:由答語At 3:30 in the afternoon.和下句Leaves at 3:30,…可知詢問飛機在什么時候起飛。
76. G 解析:由上句句意“飛機在6:10分到達,我必須等些時間取我的行李”可知,G項符合題意。
77. B 解析:由答語“我已經(jīng)在市中心我家附近為你訂了一個房間”,可知,B項符合題意。
【2013安徽】Ⅷ. 補全對話(共5小題,每小題1分,滿分5分) 根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容,從方框內(nèi)的選項中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項,其中有兩個為多余選項。
A. Have you got it?
B. Do you need help?
C. I' glad you like it.
D. How can I turn it on?
E. I need it to do y hoework.
F. Just don't spend too uch tie on it.
G. Could you show e how to send an eail?
Ann: Thank you for the birthday gift, Dad. It's the best gift I have ever had.
Dad: 71
Ann: I’ve always wanted a coputer. 72
Dad: And you need it to chat(聊天) with your friends, too.
Ann: I guess you are right. 73
Dad: Send an eail? Er, just do like this.74
Ann: Yes. Dad. 1 think it's easy.
Dad: 75
Ann: I won't, I proise.
答案:71~75 C E G A F
W:Excuse e, sir.
: Yes, what can I do for you, ada?
W: I have been here for an hour to eet y father, 86
: Are you sure of the tie his flight arrives?
W: 87 , He told e he would reach the airport at about 1:00 this afternoon.
: That’s true. Flight BA506 has just arrived.
W: What? BA506? Well, I don’t think it’s his flight nuber.
: 88
W: Yes, it’s VA407. I think…Oh, just a inute, please. Here 89 Sorry, it’s VA408.
: VA408? I see, ada, the flight should arrive at 1:00, but it will be two hours and twenty inutes late because of the bad weather in New York.
W: OK, 90 Thank you very uch, sir.
: Good luck! ada.
A. But I saw all the passengers coe out except hi.
B. Do you reeber his flight nuber?
C. Then I will have to wait longer.
D. Yes, I think so.
E. I wrote it on y notebook.
86. ▲ 87. ▲ 88. ▲ 89. ▲ 90. ▲
86.A 87.D 88.B 89.E 90.C
【2013四川廣安】 根據(jù)下面的對話內(nèi)容,從方框內(nèi)的選項中選出最佳選項,使對話完整通順,并把選項對應(yīng)的字母番號涂在機讀卡相應(yīng)位置。選項中有一項為多余選項。
A: Hi Betty!__________(66)
B: Yes.I went there with y parents.
A :_______________(67)
B: Wonderful.a(chǎn)ny faous singers sang at the concert._________(68)
A: What does it ean?
B: The concert was held for collecting oney for poor children.__________(69)
A: That’s true.
B: I think people all over the world should help the.

66. D 解析:由答語Yes.可知上句為一般疑問句,故選D。
67. B 解析:由答語Wonderful.可知問句為“你認為它(音樂會)怎么樣?”,故B項符合題意。
68. F 解析:此處指音樂會的主題,故It was called “Saving the Children”符合題意。
69. C 解析:由答語“That’s true.(那是真的)”可知C項符合題意。
70. A 解析:此處是贊同“我認為全世界的人們應(yīng)該幫助他們”這一觀點,故A項符合題意。
【2013湖北黃石】Ⅴ. 情景交際(每小題1分,共5分)D
Lily: Hi, Ji! How was your party?
Ji: It’s wonderful! 76
Lily: I’ sorry. I had planned to, but I had a high fever that day.
Ji: Sorry to hear that. Are you all right now?
Lily: Yes, thanks. 77
Ji: Well, we had any different kinds of food, such as chicken, pizza, salads …
Lily: Did you have a birthday cake?
Ji: 78
Lily: What about usic?
Ji: It was great! As you know, Linda’s brother is a faous DJ, so she brought lots of good CDs with her. 79 we had an unforgettable tie.
Lily: What tie did the party end?
Ji: 80 I couldn’t get up the next day.
Lily: Well, it sounds as if you enjoyed yourselves.
Ji: Yes. I like having parties because they can ake us happy and relaxed.
A. Yes, a big chocolate one. B. Why didn’t you coe?
C. At half past two. D. It’s raining today.
E. What tie did they get up? F. We danced till two o’clock in the orning.
G. What did I iss at the party, anyway?
【答案】 76. B . 77. G. 78. A 79 . F 80.C
【2013山西】VI. 補全對話 根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容,從方框內(nèi)所給的選項中選出最佳選項。選項中有兩項為多余項。
[A iddle school student and her other are visiting the security education show(安全教育展)]
: Coe on, darling, so any pictures here!
S: 66
: Traffic safety.
S: Sounds boring.
: 67
S: aybe. Oh! u, look at this picture, a boy is hit a car when he is running across the road. 68 .
: So it is!
S: 69 That helps us stay safe fro danger.
: Yes, better safe than sorry. Let’s go to another hall to learn ore about hot to protect ourselves.
S: 70 . Let’s go.
A. Good idea.
B. How terrible!
C. It’s y pleasure.
D. What are they about?
E. What do you think of the?
F. But it has eaning to everyone.
G. I think we are supposed to follow traffic rules.
【答案】66.D 67. F 68. B 69. G 70. A
Z=Zoo anager, C=City governent
Z: What about giving us ore oney?
C: I' sorry, but the governent doesn't have any ore oney for the zoo.
Z: But if we don't. find a solution soon, then we'll have to close it. 51._______________ It's a tourist attraction.
C:Yes, but that's the point. 52. You're going to have to find the oney fro soewhere else.
Z: 53. Soe of these anials are endangered. If we didn't have zoos, they would die.
C: 54. What if you advertised (做廣告) the zoo ore? In the newspaper or on the radio, for exaple.
Z: But if we don't have any oney, we can't advertise.
C: 55.
Z: Actually, that isn't a bad idea. You ight be right!
C: I have the naes of soe copany anagers you could eet…

【答案】51-55 GFDCA

A: Excuse e, sir. 66
B: Certainly, Go along this street. Turn left into Xingfu Street, and the useu is on your right.
A: 67
B: It’s about thirty inutes.
A: I see. 68
B: Yes, you can. A No.103bus will take you there.
A: 69
B: Over there. Look! The bus is coing.
A: Thank you very uch.
B: 70
【答案】66.G 67.D 67.C 68.F 69.B
【2013陜西】Ⅹ. 補全對話(共10小題,計10分)
(A) 根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容,將方框內(nèi)符合對話情景的句子抄寫在對話空白處,是對話內(nèi)容恢復(fù)完整。選項中有兩項是多余的。
(Ted and Bob are having breakfast.)
Ted: Hi, Bob! Eating fried chicken?76_______________________________
Bob: Eggs and ilk? I don’t’ want to have the every day. 77______________________
Ted: But don’t have too uch unhealthy food. 78________________________________
Bob: OK. I won’t. By the way, I find soe students throw away eggs and ilk.
Ted: That’s too bad79____________________________________________
Bob: Yes. But what do you think we can do?
Ted: 80_____________________________________________________
Bob: Let’s have a try, then we ay have different kinds of food every day.

76. Aren’t the eggs and the ilk enough?
77. I want soething delicious.
78. It’s bad for your health.
79. Can we do soething to stop it?
80. Why not advise our school to prepare different kinds of food?
(L=Liu Tao, Z=Zhang Jian)
L: What do you want to do during your vacation?
Z: I’ve no idea.
L: Let’s go to Yunnan, 61 ?
Z: Great! But where shall we stay?
L: 62 . I always stay with hi and there’s roo for you , too.
Z: OK, won’t he ind?
L: Of course not. 63 .
Z: Shall we drive to Yunnan?
L: It’s too far. We’d better go there by train.
Z: 64 .
L: It ay be cold and rainy. 65 .
Z: Well, when shall we leave?
L: How about Saturday orning?
Z: No proble. See you then.

【答案】61. D 62. E 63. A 64. B 65. F
61. 【解析】選D。聯(lián)系上下文,并結(jié)合句式判斷,可知此處為反意疑問句,要求填寫后面的反問部分。Let’s 句型的反意部分為shall we。所以選擇答案D。
62. 【解析】選E。聯(lián)系上下文,前面提問停留的地點,只有選項E“At y uncle’s”表示地點。所以選擇答案E。
63. 【解析】選A。聯(lián)系上下文,結(jié)合前面“I always stay with hi”和“won’t ind”可知,這位叔叔是很善良的。所以選擇答案A。
64. 【解析】選B。聯(lián)系上下文,結(jié)合后面關(guān)于天氣的答語可知,前面是詢問天氣,所以選擇答案B。
65. 【解析】選F。聯(lián)系上下文,此處與下文沒有直接聯(lián)系,所以順承上句天所,接著表達的只有涉攜帶衣服的情況,所以選擇答案F。
L: Hello,Pan Wei. Is this your new car? How beautiful!
P: Hi, Lisa. Would you like to go for a ride with e?
L: Great!
P: Well,you don’t have to wear the seat belt. 56
L: I’ sure you are. You know,not every driver is as good as you.
P: 57 No one will stop us right no
L: OH, no,no. We obey the traffic rules not for the police. 58
P: I agree,but I feel uncofortable with it.
L: That’s true,a little. 59 Otherwise you will go flying when your car is terribly hit.
P: 60 I a wearing it. Do you know who invented it? The an should be reebered.
L: Sorry,I don’t know,either.
A. But the seat belt is for your safety.
B. And there’s no policean on the street.
C. It taught e a good lesson.
D. Sounds reasonable.
E. It’s just for ourselves!
F. Believe e,I’ an excellent driver.
G. And the street is wide enough.
【答案】56—60. FBEAD
V.【2013山東濟南】補全對話 閱讀對話,從每題A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出一個最佳答案完成對話。(5分)
A: Who is your best friend, Holly?
B: Victor.
A: _____66_____
B: Because he likes to do the sae things as I do. He’s also popular. _______67_______
A: Are you good at basketball, too?
B: Yes, I a. We play basketball every afternoon.
A: ______68______
B: For about forty inutes. Would you like to join us this afternoon?
A: ______69______ What tie shall we eet?
B: At five o’clock. ________70_________
A: That’s great! See you then!
B: See you!
66. A. Why is he a good friend? B. Where is he fro?
C. Why do you like anials? D. How can we get there?
67. A. I’ not a player. B. And he’s good at basketball.
C. We like Chinese. D. Let’s read English.
68. A. How often does he watch TV? B. How long do you play?
C. What can you do? D. How far is your school?
69. A. I’d love to. B. They like to play soccer.
C. No, thanks. D. It’s tie for lunch.
70. A. You’re playing soccer. B. And let’s eet in the playground.
C. I have a toothache. D. It’s too difficult.
【答案】66.A 67.B 68.B 69.A 70.B
A. Thank you very uch.
B. What can I do for you?
C. But we have a sall proble.
D. Arc there any cheap ones near here?
E. Go along this street and you'll find a faily hotel.
A: Good evening, sir. A table for two?
B: No, thank you. 56 Can you help e?
A: Sure. 57
B: We are looking for a hotel. 58
A: Yes. 59 It's cheap and cofortable.
B: It sounds nice. 60
A: It's a pleasure.
【答案】56. C 57. B 58. D 59. E 60. A
【2013甘肅蘭州】A: Excuse e, I a a reporter fro a student agazine. 81
B: Sure, please.
A: 82
B: I a fro Gerany.
A: 83
B: I got here the day before yesterday.
A: How do you like Lanzhou?
B: I like your city very uch. The people here are very friendly. But I’ still not used to the weather here. I have a sore throat today.
A: The weather in Lanzhou is kind of dry. Drinking ore water can ake you feel better.
B:Thanks for your suggestion.
A: 84
B: Of course not. I coe here for watching Lanzhou International arathon. And then I’ planning to go to Dunhuang for a tour.
A: Great. Thank you for answering y questions. 85
B: Thank you.
【答案】81.C 82.G 83.F 84.B 85.D
【2013福建福州】I. 根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容,選擇恰當?shù)木渥友a全下列對話。(每小題1分,共5分)
W: Do you know the girl in red under the tree?
: 96 .
W: Right. Do you know her?
: Of course. She's Lily. 97 .
W: Is she easy to get along with?
: Yes. She is kind. 98 . So she is very popular with the people around her.
W: I want to ake friends with her. 99 .
: Certainly. But I don't want to disturb her no She sees to lose herself in the book.
W: OK. 100 .
: All right.
A. We've known each other since we were kids.
B. Where is she fro?
C. You ean the girl reading a book?
D. What does she look like?
E. Could you introduce e to her?
F. She is always ready to help others.
G. Then let's talk to her when she stops reading.
【答案】96-100 CAFEG
A: Hi, David !
B: Hi, r Brown! What's that behind you?
A: 36.___________
B: A robot? 37.__________
A: It can do a lot of housework.
B: Really? That sounds very interesting. 38._________
A: y wife did.
B: 39.__________
A: She is a scientist.
B: Why did she ake it?
A: 40.__________
B: Wow, it’s quite helpful!
【答案】36.B 37.F 38.D 39.A 40.C
【2013山東濱州】七、口語交際 (共5小題,計5分)
A: y friend Kate invited e to her birthday party . (86)______________________
B: How about an albu?
A: (87) ___________________________ How uch is an albu?
B: (88) ___________________________
A: That’s too expensive . I don’t have enough oney for it.
B: Oh. (89) ________________________
A: No, no. She doesn’t like cats.
B: I see. What about a scarf?
A; (90) _________________
B: Does she like flowers? aybe flowers are wonderful.
A: Great! I will buy soe for her. Thank you..
A. A scarf is interesting. B. That sounds good.
C. Why don’t you get her a pet cat? D. It’s too personal.
E. How can I get to her house? F. At least 20 dollars.
G. What should I get her?
【答案】86~90 GBFCD

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/152661.html
