
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)




專練I. 反思可以使每個(gè)人成長(zhǎng)進(jìn)步,為未來(lái)做好計(jì)劃可以鑄就成功。初中的生活即將結(jié)束,新的高中生活將要到來(lái)。請(qǐng)你用英語(yǔ)記錄下一兩件最讓你感動(dòng)或遺憾的事,同時(shí)為你將來(lái)的生活做一點(diǎn)設(shè)計(jì),下列句型可以幫助你完成。
One… thing in y ind is…, I a happy that…, It’s a pity that I didn’t…, I will…

y life in Junior school will coe to end soon. _____________________________________



fruit, vegetables, eat, ice-crea, water, ilk, eggs, burgers, rice
play basketball, watch TV , play coputer gaes, have enough sleep, run
happy, confident, helpful, friendly, nervous, angry

y Healthy Life

Health is very iportant for everyone.____________________________________________


專練III. 假設(shè)你是Ea,你的筆友Josh給你寫了一封電子郵件,向你傾訴他在家里的一些煩惱。請(qǐng)你根據(jù)來(lái)信和提示,給Josh回一封電子郵件,先說(shuō)說(shuō)你的看法,再給出建議,并適當(dāng)發(fā)揮。

提示:1.內(nèi)容要點(diǎn): ① 看法: 在父母看來(lái),我們?nèi)允呛⒆,父母這樣做是為了保護(hù)我們。
② 建議:給父母寫信談?wù)勀愕南敕,主?dòng)幫你父母做些力所能及的事情。
2.回信應(yīng)包括以上所有提示的信息,做到行文連貫,不要逐字翻譯。 ___________

專練IV. 能源危機(jī)是目前人類面臨的嚴(yán)重問(wèn)題,大家都主張要節(jié)約能源、保護(hù)環(huán)境。但是現(xiàn)在中學(xué)生浪費(fèi)的問(wèn)題比較嚴(yán)重。 請(qǐng)你給英文報(bào)寫一篇稿件,倡議中學(xué)生應(yīng)該如何從身邊的小事做起,珍惜資源、保護(hù)環(huán)境。
save resources, reuse, as little as possible, fro now on

_______________________________________________________________________________ ________
專練V. 你校廣播室“校園英語(yǔ)之聲”欄目就“How to ake Better Use of Our Spare Tie”進(jìn)行征文。請(qǐng)用英語(yǔ)給該欄目寫一篇廣播稿。內(nèi)容要點(diǎn)包括:列舉不良現(xiàn)象或行為(2~3種),你對(duì)這些現(xiàn)象或行為的看法,并提出建議(2~3條)。
提示詞語(yǔ):watch, play, study, read, do sports

Hello, everybody! It’s tie again for our English Broadcasting Progra. Today’s topic is “How to ake Better Use of Our Spare Tie”.
Now, we students have soe free tie. But _______________________________________

專練VI. 假設(shè)你叫劉京,是美國(guó)中學(xué)生Tony的筆友,他想了解一下中國(guó)學(xué)生在假期一般都做什么事情。下面的圖表是你對(duì)你班同學(xué)假期活動(dòng)的調(diào)查結(jié)果。請(qǐng)你根據(jù)這個(gè)圖表給你的筆友寫封回信,簡(jiǎn)述調(diào)查結(jié)果,并談?wù)勀氵@個(gè)寒假的活動(dòng)安排及理由。

Hi, Tony,
I’ glad to hear fro you, _________________________________________________


y life in Junior school will coe to end soon.
I a still thankful to y friendly classates and y caring teachers. I clearly reeber, once, when I was ill, lying on y bed, unable to go to school and feeling so worried, I received a call fro y teacher. She wished e to get better, and I was deeply touched. The next day, nothing oved e ore than y classates who all offered to teach e the lessons I had been issing. I could not say a bigger ”thank you”.
However, I never had the chance to express y gratitude to all of the. It’s a pity that I didn’t do so, and I a still ashaed for keeping those words to yself.
In the future, I will do as the others had done to e. It was only when I was in that situation did I realise how iportant help can be. So I will give the sae kindness and care to the ones in need. If everyone helps each other warly, we will all have a bright future.
y Healthy Life
Health is very iportant for everyone. Here are soe of ways to keep healthy.
Firstly, eat properly. I often eat vegetables and fruits instead of burgers and ice-crea,
Secondly, do sports regularly. I always play basketball after school. I do not play coputer gaes for too long because I need to have enough sleep
Thirdly, stay happy. Try to be helpful and friendly, these bring e lots of friends and help e feel less nervous.
I hope everyone will be ore healthy.
Dear Josh,
Thanks for your e-ail, I have ever had the sae experience. I even had a fight with y parent. But now, I understand the. We are growing up, but often, it’s hard for our parents to see this. To the, we are still children and they want to protect us.
Soeties, it’s hard for you to talk to your parents. Here’s an idea: write your other and father a letter. In the letter, tell your parents what you are thinking about. Then aybe they will understand you better. After your parents read the letter, try to talk to the. In your free tie, you’d better do soething you can to help your parents. For exaple, you can help your parents with soe housework.
What’s ore, you can describe your friends to parents and tell the ore about you and your life.
I hope this helps!
Passage A
As there is a growing concern about saving resources and environent protection. any people begin to pay attention to reusing resources and recycling the So, as a iddle school student, what should we do to ake contributions to protecting the environent?
First of all, I suggest that we should reuse things ore. Always think twice before you throw things away. For exaple, we can reuse both sides of the paper. Secondly, use cheical aterials that ay do har to the environent as little as possible. After all, soe of the aren’t good for people’s health. What’s ore, better not use plastic bags. Why not use cloth bags ade by yourself?
So please pay ore attention to the things you use in life, ake sure they are environental friendly and don’t waste energies. Roe wasn’t built in a day. But I’ sure the environent will becoe better and better if we start fro ourselves fro now on.
Passage B
As the rapid increase of people’s requireent, the resource proble has becoe a ajor concern of any countries. However, wasting is still a very severe proble aong iddle school students.
We all know it’s iportant to save resources. The proble we are facing now is how to do it in our daily life. In y opinion, students should take action fro every sall thing. For exaple, when doing a aths proble, we should use both sides of the paper. When we want to throw an epty bottle, we should think carefully whether it is necessary and how it can be reused. “A journey of a thousand iles begins with a single step.” If these coon things gather together, they will have a great effect on our environent protection and life.
All iddle school students should save resources and protect the environent fro now on. Because saving resources is not only saving the earth, but also saving ourselves.
Hello, everybody! It’s tie again for our English Broadcasting Progra. Today’s topic is “How to ake Better Use of Our Spare Tie”.
Now, we students have soe free tie. But any students don’t know how to use the tie properly. For exaple, they spend ost of tie watching TV and playing coputer gaes.
We don’t think it’s good for their studies of health, and they are wasting precious tie, even life.
Well, how can we ake better use of our spare tie? Here are soe suggestions. For exaple, we can join soe of the interest groups of take part in soe social activities. Don’t you think reading ore books is quite helpful to us? Besides, we can do sports. If we have tie, we’d better help our parents do soe housework. It will help us to understand our parent and life better.
Let’s ake good use of our free tie and ake our life rich and colorful.
Hi! Tony,
I did a survey about vacation activities aong y classates. Here are the results.
Aong the fifty students taking part in the survey, half of the stay at hoe, fifteen of the take part in soe volunteer activities and the other 10 students travel either in China or abroad.
As for e, I a going to volunteer y tie to help others. First, I a going to visit an old people’s hoe to cheer the up. I a good at singing and dancing, so I can put this love to good use by spending tie with these elders. Helping children with their English at an after-school teaching center is also a good choice for e. English has always been y favorite subject and I a aong the best English learners in y class. Not only can I take the chance to do soething eaningful, but I can iprove y own English by teaching others. I a sure I will have a busy and wonderful winter vacation.
If you have ore questions, please ask e.
Liu Jing

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/162943.html
