
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

一. 詞語運用
A. 根據(jù)句意及所給提示,補全單詞或用單詞、固定短語、固定搭配的正確形式。
1. ary is y c     friend. She coes to see e every Sunday.
2. Toorrow is y     (twenty) birthday. I’ll have a party at hoe.
3. How     (luck) you are!
4. How any gold     (獎牌) has Guo Jingjing got in diving events?
5. Zhao Jun     (放棄) swiing because he was ill.
B. 從方框中選擇短語,并用其適當(dāng)形式。
set a world record, give up, catch up with,
do one’s best, the others
6. Jenny advises her father to soking.
7. Everyone should to protect the environent.
8. Danny is working hard while in his class
are playing.
9. —A Chinese sportsan in the en’s 100-
etre race.
—Well done!
10. —Phelps won 8 gold edals at the Beijing Olypic
—None of the athletes could hi.
二. 單項選擇選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。
( )1. The girls often play     volleyball after class.
A. a B. the C. / D. an
( )2. Please walk slowly. I can’t catch up     you.
A. with B. to C. for D. of
( )3. Though his right hand hurt, he did     best to write each word clearly.
A. hi B. his C. he D. hiself
( )4. I’ve never seen     a big gold key.
A. so B. such C. very D. too
( )5. — When     the first Olypics?
— In 776 BC.
A. is B. was C. are D. w ere
( )6. Be careful, or you’ll     the horse.
A. get up B. coe into C. put up D. fall off
( )7. ary     the Australia player. She was the first.
A. won B. beat C. win D. beaten
( )8. The policean often tells the children     on the road. It’s dangerous.
A. play not B. not play C. not to play D. to not play
( )9. I bought ten balls yesterday. Three are red and     are yello
A. others B. any other C. another D. the others
( )10. y br other told e that he     the next Olypics.
A. will take part inB. will joinC. would take part inD. would join
( )11. Please answer the questions    .
A. up and down B. one by oneC. here and thereD. little by little
( )12. —     did he jup?
— About three eters.
A. How long B. How far C. How old D. How often
( )13. They were talking about the ovie     the teacher cae in.
A. what B. which C. when D. where
( )14. — Could you tell e    ?
— In Da Hua Hospital .
A. where I can buy this edicine
B. what can I buy in the hospital
C. where can I buy this edicine
D. what I can buy in the hospital
( )15. — Well done, Chen iao! Congratulations!
—    .
A. Thank you B. You’re welcoeC. Never ind D. I’d love to
( )16. —I was first in the copetition.
—Really? ___________!
A. Have a nice tie B. Congratulations C. OK D. It’s nice of you
( )17. —Have you finished the work?
—Not yet, but we'll keep ________ until we ake it.
A. failedB. tryingC. tried D. failing
( )18. When you ________ the fifth ________. Please pay attention to the traffic lights.
A. across, cross B. cross, crossing C. cross, across D. across, crossing
( )19. When the students heard the good news, they juped _______ in the classroo.
A. here and there B. up and down C. now and then D. front and back
( )20. He told us that he_______ to school this orning.
A. will walk B. walks C. has walked D. walked
三. 完形填空
Last week, Ida Keeling, set a new world record in 60-etre sprint with 29.86 seconds — the bes t result for a 95-year-old woan. And this is not the 1 tie for the athlete to go down in history. Three years 2she becae the fastest sprinter aong those over age 90!
s. Keeling was a late flower who did not begin 3 until she was 67. But once she enjoyed it, there’s 4 to stop her. The “young” athlete says the secret to her 5 is a positive (積極的) feeling and everyday training. She 6 in good shape by lifting weights, cycling and of course, running. Howe ver, this woan does not 7 a running track (跑道) — she just trains by running up and down along the hallway (走廊) outside her apartent.
Healthy food is also iportant to her. In order to get enough 8 , she often eats a haburger, or soe fish for breakfast. Besides, s. Keeling has no plans to slow down. She plans to 9 a new record, and hopes to 10 longer than her grandother, who died at the age of 104. We believe that she will ake it!
( )1. A. first B. second C. last D. best
( )2. A. front B. ago C. later D. after
( )3. A. growingB. playing C. talkingD. running
( )4. A. everythingB. soethingC. anythingD. nothing
( )5. A. successB. exerciseC. work D. interest
( )6. A. keepsB. works C. akesD. puts
( )7. A. buyB. need C. take D. see
( )8. A. oney B. tie C. energy D. food
( )9 A. read B. design C. set D. write
( )10. A. run B. live C. swi D. jup
四. 理解
Foreign teacher wanted in Qingdao
School typeLanguage school
Working placeQingdao, China
Pay5,000 RB / onth
Teaching hours22 hours / week
You ust:
1. At least one year’s teaching experience.
2. Friendly, outgoing and teaching-loving.
3. Nationality: Aerican, English or Canadian.
4. Pronunciation is good and natural.
Coe for an interview (面試) before August 16.
Address: No. 39 Lakeside Road
Telephone: 0532-1369802
( )1. What job is wanted for a language school in Qingdao?
A. Cooks. B. Drivers. C. Doctors. D. Teachers.
( )2. Who can get the job ost probably?
A. An English graduate, aged 22.
B. A woan who is good at French.
C. A Frenchan of 35 with a teac her’s certificate (證書).
D. A Canadian with 2 years of teaching experience.
( )3. What is NOT entioned in the table?
A. Age. B. Pay. C. Address. D. Phone nuber.
( )4. If soeone gets the job, he or she ust work     .
A. four hours a day B. six days a week
C. five days a week D. twenty hours a week
( )5. If a foreigner wants to have an interview, he or she should go for an interview     .
A. in late August B. after August 15th
C. before August 16th D. in early Septeber
y first experience of learning a foreign language was with French. I chose French for soe reasons. Firstly, it is necessary to have soe knowledge of a foreign language for people nowadays. Secondly, I want to study in France soe day. Thirdly, there’re several faous French books at hoe, and I want to read the.
During y high school years, I learned ninth and tenth-grade French.
Ninth-grade French was very difficult for e. I had trouble learning vocabulary and reebering words. I spent hours every week on word cards, but this way did not work well for e. And I didn’t like the textbook. It had a lot of graar exercises and short talks between two Aerican students who visited Paris. We had to do any graar exercises for hoework. In the end, I got “C’s” in ninth-grade French. In tenth-grade French, I got “C’s” in the final tests. However, I wasn’t as worried about getting “D’s” or even “F’s” in French as I had been in ninth grade. The classes see ed easier and the lessons in the textbook seeed interesting to e. We spent ore tie using the language in activities like role plays, and less tie on graar practice than the last year.
( )6. Which of the following is NOT a reason for the writer to learn French?
A. Learning a foreign language is necessary.
B. The writer wants to study in France soe day.
C. The writer wants to read soe French books.
D. At first, French was quite easy for the writer to learn.
( )7. The writer spent lots of tie      in ninth-grade French, but it did not work well.
A. role-playing B. reebering words
C. learning graar D. having conversations
( )8. The writer felt French lessons were      in tenth grade.
A. difficult B. boring
C. interesting D. different
( )9. In tenth-grade French, the writer     .
A. was very worried about tests
B. iproved a lot in graar
C. got the sae grades as in ninth grade
D. got better grades than the last year
( )10. Fro the passage we know     
A. tenth-grade French was not too difficult for the writer
B. the writer went to France in order to learn French
C. the writer liked the textbooks because there were short talks in the
D. the writer liked reading French books when he was a iddle school student
Scientists surveyed 7,304 students in 156 iddle schools in China, Japan, Korea and the United States to study the iddle school students’ attitudes (態(tài)度) towards life. Here are the results:
Result 1
ore than half of the students in China, Japan and Korea cared about their appearance (外表), while only 33.4% of the Aerican students did so. The survey also found that ost Chinese and Aerican students were happy, but in Japan and Korea, not so any students were happy.
Result 2
The survey showed that 73.7% of the Chinese students paid uch attention to socia l (社會的) probles. Fewer students in the other three countries did so.
Result 3
The survey also showed that ore Chinese students had a positive attitude towards life and worked hard to succeed than those in the other three countries.
Result 4
Korean students were the ost independent (獨立的). ost of the wanted to ake their own decisions about life. Only 72.4% of the students in China thought so. And it was the lowest in the four countries.
( )11. The survey was ade aong 7,304 students fro      countries.
A. two B. three
C. four D. one hundred and fifty-six
( )12. According to the survey, over      of the students in Japan cared about their appearance.
A. 33.4% B. 50% C. 72.4% D. 73.7%
( )13. The survey showed that ost Chinese and Aerican students were      than those in Japan and Korea.
A. happier B. sadder C. healthier D. sarter
( )14. Result 4 showed us that      students were the ost independent.
A. Chinese B. Japanese C. Korean D. Aerican
( )15 Fro the survey we know that fewer Chinese students wanted to     .
A. work hard to succeed
B. appear good-looking
C. pay attention to social probles
D. ake their own decisions about life
五. 任務(wù)型閱讀
Tree Planting Day is coing. How can you plant a tree in the right way and ake sure it stays alive? Here is soe advice on planting trees.
First choose the right tree for the right environent. For exaple, if the cliate is hot, you ay plant a pal (棕櫚) tree. If you’re in Beijing, you should choose trees like poplars (白楊樹) and willows (柳樹) to plant. The cliate is right for the here in Beijing.
The next step is to choose a right place to plant the young tree. Usually a good place is where the earth is thick. When a good place is chosen, you can dig a deep hole for the tree. The hole should be larger than the roots.
Then you’d better hold the top of the young tree and ake sure it is straight, while others cover the roots with soil. Once the roots are covered, the soil above needs to be tightly (牢固地) packed, or it is not good to the roots.
After the soil is all in place, the new tree should be watered well. Next you have to take care of the trees. It won’t rain uch until June. The trees will easily die during the three dry onths if they are not given enough water.
1題判斷正誤(“T”表示正確,“F”表示錯誤);、2題完成句子;、3-4簡略回答; 5題將文中劃線句子譯成漢語。
1. The first step for planting tree is to choose a right tree for the right environent. 【 】
2. The cliate in Beijing is         plant poplars and willows.
3. How large is the hole for the young tree?
4. What should you ake sure before you cover the roots with soil?
六. 情景交際根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容,從方框中選擇適當(dāng)?shù)木渥友a全對話。其中有兩項多余。
Reporter: Congratulations! You just won the first prize
in the State Tennis Copetition.
ichael: Thank you.
Reporter: ichael, how old are you?
ichael: Seven.
Reporter: Seven? 56.
ichael: Since I was three.
Reporter: 57.
ichael: y father. And I take private lessons, too.
ichael: Yes, I’ve taken lessons here for two years.
Reporter: How any days a week do you play tennis there?
ichael: 59. I want to practise
every day, but y parents say three days a week is enough.
Reporter: Are you going to continue with your tennis?
ichael: Uh-huh. 60.
Reporter: Wish you greater success!
ichael: Thank you.
A. Who taught you how to play it?
B. Three days.
C. Congratulations!
D. Which is your favourite tennis club?
E. How long have you played tennis?
F. I want to be a professional tennis player when I’ older.
G. Take lessons at the tennis club?
七. 書面表達
假如你叫王鵬,請你根據(jù)下表及所給提示與要求給你的筆友Henry 發(fā)一封郵件,談?wù)勀愕膲粝搿?
姓名Wang Peng
身高180 c
體重65 kg
① 郵件包括所有提示內(nèi)容,并有適當(dāng)?shù)陌l(fā)揮。
② 字?jǐn)?shù)在80詞左右,開頭和結(jié)尾已給出。
To: Fro:
Subject: y Drea Date: Sep. 20th 6:20 p
Hello, Henry!
I’ glad to _______________________________
Wang Peng 文

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/174650.html
