
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

第一部分  聽力理解(共兩節(jié),滿分25分)

Ⅰ 聽力測(cè)試(本題兩節(jié),每小題1分,計(jì)25分)
第一節(jié): 請(qǐng)聽5段小對(duì)話及對(duì)話后的問(wèn)題,選擇能正確回答所提問(wèn)題的圖畫選項(xiàng)。每段對(duì)話及對(duì)話后的問(wèn)題僅讀一遍。

第二節(jié): 請(qǐng)聽六段大對(duì)話或獨(dú)白,每段對(duì)話或獨(dú)白后有幾個(gè)小題,請(qǐng)按要求作答。每段對(duì)話或獨(dú)白均讀兩遍。
( ) 6. What is the woman looking for?
A. A police station.        B. A bank .           C. A shoe sop.
( ) 7. Which of these is TURE?
A. The shoes shop opens at 6:30 in the morning.     
B. The man doesn’t remember the name of the bank.       
C. The woman k nows the city very well.
( ) 8. Whose birthday is it? 
A. Lucy’s.       B. Lucy’s mother’s.       C. Lucy’s father’s.
( ) 9. How old is the man this year?
A. 41.              B. 40.                C. 39.
聽第8段對(duì)話,回答第10 ~ 12小題。
 ( ) 10. What sports does the man usually do after work?             
A. Playing tennis.        B. Playing football.      C. Playing basketball.
( ) 11. How often does the man play tennis in the summer holidays?
A. Once a month.          B. Every Sunday.          C. Once a week.
( ) 12. What will the man do this Sunday?        
   A. Attend a meeting        B. Play tennis.            C. Meet his  friends.
聽第9段對(duì)話,回答第13 ~ 15小題。
( ) 13. When did Lisa come back from Thailand?   
  A. Yesterday morning.      B. This morning.          C. Yesterday morning.
( ) 14. How many people in all were there in Lisa’s group?
A. 45.                   B. 20.                   C. 25.
( ) 15. What do we know about the guide? 
A. He was an old man.                                                            B. He was tall and strong.                                                         C. He liked to tell funny stories
( ) 16. How old will the girl be in ten years?    
A.27.              B.28.     C. 29
( ) 17. Which country will the girl live in? 
A. England.               B. France.               C. Australia.
( ) 18. Why does the girl want to be a fashion designer?
A. Because she loves clothes.  
B. Because she li kes wearing new clothes. 
C. Because her friends love clothes.
( ) 19. Who will she live with?
A. She will live with her mother.
B. She will live with her friend
C. She will live alone.
( ) 20. Why won’t she have any pets? 
A. She doesn’t like pets.  
B. She will be too busy to look after pets.     
C. He would keep driving in the same direction.

Floor of the rooms     On the ____________  (21) floor.
Price of each room     $____________  (22) every  night.
Free meal      ____________  (23).
Things to bring     His  ____________  (24).
Date to arrive      On  ____________  (25)

第二部分 基礎(chǔ)知識(shí)運(yùn)用(兩道大題,共30分)
II 單項(xiàng)選擇(每小題1分,共15分)
( ) 26. —Do you know    man in blue?
—Yes, he is professor of      university.
  A. the; a    B.a; an     C.the; an    D.不填; the
( ) 27. You’d better not hand in your test paper ______you check it carefully.
        A. if              B. unless              C. though            D. since
( ) 28. —Why didn’t Jim go to the movies?
— He was made out of the hall for making lots of     .
  A. cry   B. voice     C. noise    D. sound
( ) 29. —   does this umbrella belong to?  —I think it must be   .
A. whom; hers  B. whom; her   C. whose; her   D. whose; hers
( ) 30.    to the top of the mountain, we started earlier than before.
        A. Get   B. To get    C. Getting   D. got
( ) 31. —What’s the matter with you, Linda? 
   —I don’t want to talk to Gina anymore. She prefers ______ music rather than______ with me.x_k_b_1
  A. listening to; going shopping     B. listening to; go shopping
C. to listen; go shopping      D. to listen to; go shopping
( ) 32. —Can we run across the road now?
      —No, we______. We have to wait until the light turns green.
A. needn't       B. shouldn't        C. couldn't         D. mustn't
(   ) 33. There’s little important news in the newspaper today, ______?
        A. isn’t there B. is there C. is it D. are there
( )34. —Hi,Miss Zhang, you were wanted on the phone a moment ago.  The boss     to
  ask you to go to his office.
   —Thank you. I will.
  A. has called   B. had called   C. was calling   D. called
(   ) 35.  -I want to borrow the book, but I don’t know how long it may ______.
-For two weeks.
        A. keep B. be borrowed C. borrow D. be kept
( ) 36.—Does Jenny live here?   —Yes. But I don’t know     .
  A.  which room does she live in    B. in which room lives she
C.  in which room does she live    D. which room she lives in
( ) 37. —Linda, can you tell me something about Mo Yan?
—Sure. He is the writer from China    won the Nobel Literature(文學(xué)) Prize.
  A. when       B. who       C. what       D. where
(   ) 38. The new-designed car is on show now. I wonder ______.
       A. how much it cost     B. how much it costs
       C. how much did it cost D. how much does it cost
( ) 39. —What do you think of the soccer game last night?
  —_________  I’ve never seen a worse one.
A. I enjoyed myself a lot.     B. What an interesting game!
C. It was so boring.        D. Never mind.
( ) 40. —Would you like to help me take these books to school?     —        .
   A. It’s my pleasure   B. With pleasure  C. Come on   D. Go ahead

III 完形填空 (本題一節(jié),每小題1分,計(jì)15分)
Eric was terribly ill. He couldn't move and had to spend all day in 41_________. Becaus e his friends were not allowed to go near him, he felt quite 42_________ . Every day he just looked out of the 43 _________, doing nothing at all. As time passed, Eric became more and more hopeless.
One day, however, he saw something very 44 _________in the window. A panda was eating sandwiches there. Eric was very surprised. Before he could 45 _________what had happened, he saw a monk ey playing the violin. After a while, he saw more and more 46 _________ characters outside the window. This time he began to 47 _________a lot and could hardly stop.
No one  would stop laughing when they saw a pig playing a drum, or a dog 48 _________a pair of glasses and acting like a teacher. Eric didn't tell anyone about this 49_________ he thought nobody would believe this. Anyway, those strange characters brought happiness back 50 _________his heart. Soon he got well and was able to go back to 51_________ again.
When class was over. Eric told his 52_________ about all the strange things he had seen. While he was talking, he saw something coming out of T om's 53 _________. He wanted very much to know what it was, so he asked Tom 54 _________. Finally Tom had to 55_________ him what was in the bag. There, inside, were all the fancy-dress (假面) toys that Tom had used to c heer him up!
   And from that day on, Eric always did his best to make sure that no one was sad or lonely.
( ) 41. A. school                   B. bed                 C. church                         D. class
( ) 42. A. ha ppy             B. tired          C. sad                D. excited
( ) 43. A. window           B. book         C. door               D. wall
( ) 44. A. delicious          B. warm         C. useful              D. strange
( ) 45. A. find out           B. pick up       C. take away           D. get back
( ) 46. A. quiet             B. brave         C. funny              D. dangerous
( ) 47. A. cry               B. laugh         C. run                D. sing  
( ) 48. A. making           B. selling         C. inventing           D. wearing
( ) 49. A. because           B. but           C. s o                 D or
( ) 50. A. for               B. with          C. into                D. by
( ) 51. A. work             B. school         C. town               D. hospital
( ) 52. A. parents            B. brothers       C. sisters              D. classmates
( ) 53. A. eyes              B. shoes         C. jacket               D. schoolbag
( ) 54. A. again and again     B. as usual       C. day and night         D. in time
( ) 55. A. teach              B. show         C. lend                D. sell
第三部分 閱讀理解(一道大題,共35分)
IV 綜合閱讀(共35分)
Beijing Opera
Do you like Beijing Opera? Come and enjoy yourselves at 8:30 on Sunday night.
Ticket:Adults: 40 yuan;
Children : half the price of the adult’s
Place: Green Theater Rock Concert
Are you a rocker? We will rock you at 7:00 on Saturday night ! Don’t miss it !
Ticket: Adults—— 100 yuan
      Children: half the price of the adult’s
Place : Vox Theater
Dr Wong will give a lecture about American country music. If you are fans of Taylor Swift. Come at 4:00 on Sunday afternoon.
Ticket :Free
Place :Green Hall Mozart
If you like the piano, if you ever heard about the Magic Flute, then don’t m iss the film Mozart in Moon Theater at 2:00 pm on Saturday.
Ticket : Adults——70 yuan
      Children—— 30 yuan
 ( ) 56. Jack’s grandfather likes Beijing Opera . He will go to __________ .
A. Moon Theater     B. Vox Theater      C. Green Hall  D. Green Theater
( ) 57. The Rock Concer t is on __________ .
A. Sunday night   B. Saturday night  C. Sunday afternoon    D. Saturday afternoon
( ) 58. Taylor Swift might be the name of __________ .
A. a concert       B. a singer      C. a lecture     D. a rock star
( ) 59. Mozart begins at __________ .
A. 2:00 p m       B. 7:00 pm      C. 8:30 pm      D. 4:00 pm
( ) 60. Mrs Smith with her seven ?year-old son goes to Moon Theater. She should pay __________ .
    A. nothing       B. 100 yuan     C. 60 yuan     D. 150 yuan
In fall 2006,the National Basketball Association(NBA)started using basketballs made with synthetic(合成纖維) ,or man-made material instead of leather(皮革).They made the change because they wanted every basketball they use to feel and bounce(彈起) the same. Not all leather balls are exactly alike in weight or how they bounce, but the synthetic balls are.
However, some players complained right away that the new balls bounced differently and were actually harder to control than the leather ones.[
Physics helped answer questions about  why the new balls felt different.F or example,the scientists studied friction(摩擦力)which in this case affects the  ability of a player to hold onto a ball. "The greater the friction, the better it will be in his hand, "explains a scientist.
Tests on both wet and dry balls showed that while the synthetic ball was easier to hold onto when dry, it had less friction and became much harder to hold onto when wet.That's because sweat stays on the surface of the synthetic balls but gets taken into the leather balls.
The scientists also tested bounce and found that the logo(商標(biāo))printed on the new balls made their surface uneven(不平)and caused them to bounce a little strangely compared with the leather balls.
In January,the NBA went back to u sing the leather balls.They aren't perfect, but for now, that's just the way the ball bounces.
( ) 61.Why were the synthetic balls expected to be used in NBA according to the text?
A. Because they are easier to control.     B. Because they waste less material.
C. Because they feel and bounce alike.    D. Because they look exactly alike.
( ) 62.The ball is easier to hold on to_________
A. when friction is less                B. when friction is greater
C. when it is heavier                    D. when it bounces strange ly
( ) 63.The synthetic ball bounces differen tly from the leather one mainly because _________
A. it is wet          B. there's a logo on it  
C. it is dry       D. its weight remains the same
( ) 64. The underlined word sweat refers to ____________ .
A. 灰塵       B.細(xì)菌       C. 雨水       D.汗水
( )65. It can be inferred(推斷)from the text that _________.
A. a synthetic ball takes in water faster than a leather ball
B. a leather ball is more difficult to make than a synthetic one
C. a leather ball may increase its weight during a game
D. a synthetic ball is more expensive than a leather ball
The 12th lunar (陰歷的) month in China is called la yue. The character “l(fā)a” in Chinese language means to respect gods and give best wishes to them.
In Chinese tradition, such activities were held at the end of a year in the Chinese lunar calendar.
There are two important date s in la yue. The first is the Laba Festival on the 8th day of the lunar month. The Laba Festival was a time for the ancient Chinese to hope for the harvest and good luck in the coming year. Laba porridge is the main dish on this day.
The other i mportant date is the Kitchen God Worshipping (拜灶神) on the 23rd or 24th day of the month. People offer f ood to the Kitchen God, who takes charge of things for the whole family. It is said that the god retu rns to heaven that day to report to the Jade Emperor (the ruler of heaven in Chinese stories) about the family activities over the past year. So people usually offer him delicious dishes so that he will give a good report and the family will have good luck throughout the next year.
After this day, people start to sweep up the house and decorate the house with couplets (對(duì)聯(lián)) and paper-cuttings. Once these things are finished, people will wait for the Spring Festival.
La yue Activities
On the 8th day Eat 66.                            
67.                           day Offer food to the Kitchen God
After that day 68.                    the house
69. Decorate the house
? Wait for 70.                         
Today it is found that most middle school students ①_________ little attention to sports. It’s because they have no interesting sports. It may not be the fact. They often say they have other more important things to do. What are these important things?
Exams! They spend over ten hours a day revising for exams. So many of them almost become bookworms(書呆子). In the summer holidays, they could hardly do anything they like. Books stop them from going in for sports. Because of the stress from their parents and teachers, they have to work harder.
  As for the students themselves, they want to get good results ②_________ that they can go further for their studies. They don’t have to put all their time into studying and give up all the sports and hobbies. In fact, education can’t go without physical exercise. Because a quick mind hardly goes along a weak body.
  All the students should remember: Without a strong body, you can never get anything, let alone(更不用說(shuō)) a great success in your life.
第四部分 語(yǔ)言綜合運(yùn)用(兩道大題,共30分)
V 詞句運(yùn)用(共15分)

76. There was something wrong with my alarm clock. It didn’t _______________ this morning.
77. I found the key _______________ when I was cleaning the bedroom.
78. Philip _______________ his father. They are both clever and a bit fat.
79. He _______________ Jack’s birthday party. How happy he was!
80. My cousin always spends the whole weekend_______________ in the department store.
81. 習(xí)近平在上海的講話使我們堅(jiān)信祖國(guó)將越來(lái)越強(qiáng)大。
  Xi Jinping’s speech in Shanghai makes us believe China will be           .
82. 玩電腦游戲妨礙我們的學(xué)習(xí)。
Playing computer games          our studie s.
83. 杰克總是能解決那些對(duì)于其他人來(lái)說(shuō)很難的問(wèn)題。
   Jack can always solve these problems __________________________.
84. 眾所周知,漢江水已經(jīng)送到了北京。
As we all know that the water in the Han River        to Beijing.
85. 他和我都不喜歡唱歌跳舞。
         he          I          interested in singing and dancing.
VI 初級(jí)寫作 (共15分)
假如你叫Li Hua,在英語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)站上看見一個(gè)帖子,一個(gè)叫Susan的美國(guó)學(xué)生,平時(shí)學(xué)習(xí)非?炭嗲趭^,但是,上次考試卻沒(méi)有得到高分,心情很糟糕。請(qǐng)根據(jù)下面表格內(nèi)容的提示,給她寫一封回帖。
引出話題 說(shuō)明此類情況普遍存在。
對(duì)待分?jǐn)?shù)的態(tài)度 想得到高分很正常
提出建議 1、放松心態(tài)。2、……

Dear Susan,
  As we all know, many students like  you care a lot about their grades in exams.
__________________________________________________________________________ _____
May good luck will be always with you .
 Li Hua
1—5  B A C C C    6—10 C B B A B     11—15 C A C A C    16—20 A C A C B
21.third        22. 100 dollars        23.breakfast     24. Key         25 July 15  
二、單項(xiàng)選擇                                                              26-30 ABCAB  31-35 DDBDD  36-40 DBBCB
三、完形填空                                                              41-45 BCADA  46-50 CBDAC  51-55 BDDAB
56-60DBBAB        61-65 CBBDC    
66. Laba porridge     67.on the 23rd or24th   68.sweep up    
69.couplets and paper cuttings     70. the Spring Festival
71. ①pay    ②so  72. ①It takes     ②succeed in
73.事實(shí)上,教育不能沒(méi)有體育鍛煉    74. No      75.沒(méi)有唯一答案
76. go off     77. by accident    78. takes after   79. was invited to  80. hanging out
81.stronger and stronger
82.gets in the way of
83.which/ that are difficult to others
84.has been sent
85.Neither nor am

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/295871.html

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