
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級(jí) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

(   )1. What do they see over there?
  A          B.        C 
(   )2. Where can they throw the rubbish ?
A          B         C 
(   )3. What are they talking about?
     A          B          C 
(   )4. How does Lily study for a test?
A         B          C 
(   )5. What did Tom use to be afraid of ?
A           B       C 
(  )6. Why are Mondays terrible for the man? 
A. He doesn’t want to work after the weekend.
B. Monday is the beginning of a week.    
C. Monday is full of difficult lessons for him.
(  )7. What subjects does the man seem to like?
A. Languages and math.     B. Art, music and sport.      C. Science, English and math.
(  )8. What does the man need?
A. A taxi.            B. A timetable.       C. A bag.
(  )9. When will the man leave home?
A. At 4:30           B. At 3:00            C. At 3:30.
(  )10. What does the man want the driver to do?
A. drive carefully.     B. Carry his bags      C. Ask for less money.
Who Tony and four other (11) ____________
Where On a (12) ___________
What to do Tony is studying the (13) _________ on the Earth.
He likes watching (14) ________ there.
How long to stay there  For (15)  ___________days.
(   )11. A. scientists              B. astronauts.        C. teachers.
(   )12. A. space station           B. space shuttle     C. spacecraft
(   )13. A. air                   B. water           C. weather
(   )14. A. stars                 B. planets          C. suns
(   )15. A. 14                   B. 16              C. 18

1. —Could you tell me where I can get a dictionary?
—Sure. Go along the street, and there’s a   on your right.
A. bank       B. bookstore
C. museum          D. restaurant
2. —I’ve shown you all the interesting and important places of our school.
—Thank you for   so much time.
A. taking       B. spending
C. costing       D. having
3. We’re going to the movies this evening. I wonder   you can go with us.
A. if   B. when   C. that    D. where
4.—Could you tell me   ? I’m going to pick you up at the airport.
—At 15: 45 this Friday.
A. where you met me
B. who you are coming with
C. when you came here
D. what time you are arriving
5. —Jim, could I use your computer?
—Yes, of course you   .
A. could   B. can   C. must   D. should
6. —   m e, can you tell me where I can post the letter?
—Sorry, I am new here.
A. Suggest       B. Request
C. Pardon       D. Tell
7. It’s impolite    information directly when asking for help.
A. ask   B. asking   C. asked   D. to ask
8. Could you plea se tell me   the cool T-shirt?
A. where you buy        B. where do you buy
C. where did you buy        D. where you bought
9. —I often use micro-blog to communicate with others.
—You are so smart! Can you please tell me   ?
A. how to do      B. how to use it
C. how to use      D. when can I use it
10. —Could you please pass me the book?
—   .
A. Yes, I could      B. No, I couldn’t
C. Sure. Here you are        D. No, that’s no problem

It’s never easy to admit(承認(rèn)) you are in the wrong. We all   1   to know the art of apology(道歉). Think how often you’ve done wrong. Then count how many    2    you’ve expressed clearly you were    3   . You can’t go to bed with an easy mind if you do    4   about it.
A doctor friend, Mr. Lied, told me about a man who came to him with different kinds of signs: headaches, heart    5    and insomnia (失眠).  6  some careful exams, Mr. Lied found nothing    7   with him and said, “If you don’t tell me what’s   8    you, I can’t help you.” The man admitted he was cheating his brother of his inheritance(遺產(chǎn)). Then and there the    9   doctor   10   the man write to his brother and   11   his money. As soon as the    12  was put into the post box, the man suddenly cried. “Thank you,” he said to the doctor, “I think I’ve got   13  .”
An apology can not only save a broken relationship(關(guān)系) but also make it    14  . If you can think of someone who should be   15   an apology from you. Do something about it right now.
(   )1. A. decide     B. have  C. need  D. try
(   )2. A. mistakes     B. people      C. ways   D. times
(   )3. A. sorry      B. weak   C. sad   D. wrong
(   )4. A. something      B. anything  C. nothing  D. everything
(   )5. A. trouble         B. matter      C. illness  D. problem
(   )6. A. Before      B. After   C. Till   D. Since
(   )7. A. well      B. wrong      C. good   D. bad
(   )8. A. hurling         B. changing  C. touching  D. worrying
(   )9. A. clever      B. silly   C. good   D. kind
(   )10. A. made      B. helped      C. saw   D. let
(   )11. A. returned     B. gave   C. kept   D. paid
(   )12. A. paper      B. box   C. money  D. letter
(   )13. A. better      B. well   C. sick   D. worse
(   )14. A. never      B. worse      C. stronger  D. harder
(   )15. given      B. received  C. known  D. forgotten


4-Day Beijing Tour
If you want to see more of China, how about going to Beijing? Visit the Great Wall and other famous places, and enjoy Beijing Duck!
Tour price: $590
Call us! 800-820-6222 

8-Day Colorful Yunnan Tour
If you like warm weather and clean air, then Yunnan is the place for you! You can learn about the cultures of the minorities (少數(shù)民族) there.
Places to visit: Kunming, Dali, Lijiang
Tour price: $1,290
Call us! 800-820-8188

4-Day Beautiful Guilin Tour
Do you want to enjoy fresh air? Then come to Guilin for a few relaxing days to enjoy the river life!
Tour price:
1 person     2~5 persons     6~9 persons
$630       $565 / person   $527 / person
Call us! 800-810-6562 

5-Day Sanya Tour
Sanya is famous for its wonderful sunshine, white sandy beaches and clear water. Instead of a busy trip, you can relax here by walking along the beaches and enjoying the fresh air!
Tour price:
1 person     2~5 persons     6~9 persons
$569       $548 / person   $535 / person
Call us! 800-810-5222
(   )1. The Beijing Tour will last ______.  
A. four days        B. five days      C. a week           D. eight days
(   )2. If you take the “4-Day Beautiful Guilin Tour”, you will be able to ______.
A. visit the Great Wall             B. enjoy the river life
C. relax on the beach             D. experience the city life
(   )3. If you take the “______”, you will be able to experience different cultures.
A. 4-Day Beijing Tour        B. 8-Day Colorful Yunnan Tour
C. 4-Day Beautiful Guilin Tour    D. 5-Day Sanya Tour
(   )4. If you want to take a trip to the beach, you should call ______.
A. 800-810-6562                B. 800-820-6222
C. 800-820-8188                D. 800-810-5222
(   )5. If Mrs Li take her two daughters for the “5-Day Sanya Tour”, she needs to pay ______.
A. $1,695     B. $1,707       C. $1,644     D. $2,007

Mr Ling lives in China. He worked in a factory and last year he retired(退休). His wife died five years ago and his son works in Japan. He always has sports and he is in good health.
One day his son called him and asked him to have a journey to Tokyo. He was very happy. He was afraid to travel by plane and took the ship.
On the first morning on the ship Mr Ling met an Englishman at table. The man said to him, “Good morning!” He thought the Englishman told his name to him. So he stood up and said, “Ling Bing!”
And it was repeated a few mornings and Mr Ling told a teacher about it. Hearing him, the teacher began to laugh and said, “He says hello to you in the morning.”
The next morning, when Mr Ling met the Englishman, he said, “Good morning!”
And the Englishman stood up and said, “Ling Bing, sir.”
(  )6. What does Mr Ling do?
    A. A sports lover.      B. A farmer.      C. A worker.          D. In good health.
(  )7. The old man stays at home ______________.
    A. with his wife      B. with his son     C. with his daughter    D. by himself
(  )8. Mr Ling went to Japan by ship because ______________.
A. he thought it was safer               B. he wanted to have sports on the ship
C. he had little money to take a plane      D. he had enough time to do so
(  )9. The old man told his name to the Englishman because ________.
    A. he hoped to make friends with him     B. he wanted to say hello to him, too
    C. he wanted him to teach him English     D. he thought “Good morning” was his name
(  )10. Which of the following is right?
    A. Mr Ling began to study English on the ship.
    B. The Englishman thought “Ling Bing” meant “Good morning” in Chinese.
    C. The Englishman learned much Chinese on the ship.
    D. The old woman began to teach Mr Ling English.

If you’re into sports, you’ve seen it happen—tennis players jump over the net to shake hands after a hard match; football players exchange clothes after 90 minutes of knocking each other around; even boxers touch gloves at the beginning of each round. Players in every event, from spelling bees  to golf, act in this way. It’s all part of sportsmanship, a great tradition in sport and competition. It means playing and being calm all through the match.
Everyone feels great when they win. In the last few years, you might see some players celebrate a goal with a long victory dance or talk big about their ability. However, it’s always hard for people to say in public that they made a bad play. Good sportsmanship is what they really need. It’s the golden rule of sports.
Good sportsmanship means that you play by the rules, talk politely to everyone during games and stay cool even when you lose the game. At the school sports meeting, for example, it’s more important for you to know how to work as part of a team and cheer your teammates on. That may help you enjoy more success at your future work. In competition—as in life—you may not always win, but believe me, sportsmanship will help you get through, and there is always the next match.
(   )11. What match do you know will last 90 minutes?
   A. Tennis.         B. Football.         C. Golf.         D. Spelling bees.
(   )12. The underlined word “bees” in the passage means__________.
   A. fly             B. competition      C. guess         D. research
(   )13. When people need good sportsmanship(體育精神)?
   A. When they win the competition.       B. When they made a bad play.
    C. When they are in public places.        D. When they want to have a long victory.
(   )14. Why does the author think good sportsmanship is really important?
A. It’s all part of sports.                 B. It’s all part of celebration.
 C. It’s the golden rule of sports.          D. It’s know to stay cool.
(   )15. The passage mainly tells us that sportsmanship gets you through no matter whether _______.
 A. you win or lost  B. you play or learn  C. you are happy or not  D. you feel hard or not

Justin Bieber was nominated(提名為候選人) for the Best New Artist Grammy 2011. Both he and his fans were excited to hear the great news!
Born on March 1, 1994, in Canada, Justin entered a singing contest when he was 12 and won the second place. He taught himself to play the piano(傳記片), drums and guitar. In 2007 Justin posted videos of his singing on the Internet and became famous. In 2008, he became a singer with a record company. Since then, he has become a big name. Justin is so popular that screaming fans show up everywhere for his appearance. Several of his performances had to be cancelled (取消)because there were too many fans!
In February, 2011, Justin’s biopic Never Say Never will come out. Justin came from a poor family. But he said in his book that not having as many things as his friends made him stronger and built his character. He wants to tell people that you can do anything if you just put your mind to it.
(   )16. Who taught Justin to play the piano, drums and guitar?
     A. His fans.     B. His friends.     C. He himself.     D. His teacher.
(   )17. When did Justin become a singer with a record company?
A. In 1994.     B. In 2007.        C. In 2008.        D. In 2011.
(   )18. Why did Justin have to cancel some of his performances?
     A. Because he was badly ill.   
B. Because he thought his performances weren’t good enough.
     C. Because he didn’t want to have any performances.  
D. Because there were lots of fans.
(   )19. Which of the following is True according to the passage?
     A. Justin was born in a rich family on March 1, 1994, in Canada.
     B. Justin entered a singing contest when he was 12 and won the first place.
C. Justin is so terrible that he has few fans.
D. Justin said that poor environment made him stronger and built his character.
(   )20. What’s the meaning of the word “biopic” in the last paragraph?
     A. 自傳         B. 聲明          C. 論文          D. 小說
1. Can you tell me where the (洗手間)______________is?
2. Excuse me, how much is a (明信片)_______________ ?
3. My husband is a (郵票) _____________ collector.
4. The trains leaves the (中央的) _______________ station at 14:15.
5. Please come whenever it is (方便) _________________ to you.
6. Knowing how to ask for help     (polite)is very important.
7. We need to change the way we speak in different     (situation).
8. In order to be polite, sometimes you need to spend time     (lead)in to a request.
9. I’m really sorry      (trouble)you.
10. Good     (speak)of English know how to  use proper English.

五、語法綜合填空 (根據(jù)括號(hào)內(nèi)詞的適當(dāng)形式填空)
The police do many (thing)_____________ for us. They help keep our things and us (safe) ________. They help keep cars (move)____________ safely. They take care of people who are hurt. Then they see these people get to a doctor.
The police go around town to see that everything is all right. They get around town in many (way) _______. Some of them walk or go by car. In some big (city)______________,some of the police ride on horses. It is strange to see these animals in the street.
As they go around town,the police help people. Sometimes they find (lose) ______ children. They take the children home. If the police see a fight,they put an end to it right away. Sometimes people will ask the police how  to get to a place in town. The police can always tell the people which way to go. They know all the streets and (road)____________ well.
Some police stand at crossings. They tell the cars when to go and when to (stop) _____. They make sure that the cars do not go too fast. They help children (cross) ______ the street. They also help people who can’t walk too well.
Without the police,our streets would not be safe. Cars might go too fast and hurt people. Lots of people might never be (find) ____________. The police do a good job. We need them. And we should thank them for a job well done.

(   )1. In the kindergarten, many girls like to listen to the stories, but the kindergarteners are too busy to do that.
(   )2..In the local elementary school, the headmaster wants the kids to learn to sing and dance in their spare time, but the school doesn’t have any volunteers.
(   )3. .In the pet center, many homeless dogs, cats and other small animals are ill, but in the center they don’t have enough people to look after them. They really need volunteers.
(   )4. .The olds live together now, but some of the old persons still live alone. They are not short of money but short of companies. They need someone to talk with them and make them smile, laugh.
A. Hu Nan likes to read. She likes reading to the children.
B. Li Lan loves animals and plans to be a veterinarian.
C. A’bao likes singing. He likes to be a professional singer in the future.
D. Xiao Shan enjoys talking with other people; he is very good at making others happy.
(   )5. If you are interested in sports. You do well in basketball you can be a coach in a _______.
    A. sports club       B. chess club       C. art club       D. singing club

    假如你校有幾位來自美國的交換生, 他們打算周末步行去翠湖公園。請(qǐng)根據(jù)提示為他們寫出前往的路線, 并簡介公園情況。
1. 路線(見上圖);
2. 公園環(huán)境優(yōu)美、涼爽, 還可游泳、野餐等;
3. ……
1. 詞數(shù)80個(gè)左右, 開頭已給出, 不計(jì)入總詞數(shù)。
2. 文中不能出現(xiàn)自己的姓名和所在學(xué)校的名稱。
Cuihu Park is not far from here. It’s easy to get there. Just go straight                  

I. 聽小對(duì)話,選出與你所聽到內(nèi)容相符的圖片: 讀一遍  1—5. BAAAC
1. W: What’s that over there?   M: It’s a sign. It tells us not to ride bikes here.
2. W: We must keep our environment clean.
  M: Yes. Everyone  should throw the rubbish into the dustbins.
3. W: Do you know when the 28th Olympic Games was held ?.
  M: Yes, I do. the 28th Olympic Games was held in Athens in 2004
4. M: Lily,how do you study for a test ?          W: Oh,I study by making flashcards.
5. W: What did you use to be afraid of ,Tom?
  M: I used to be terrified of elephant ,because I thought it was so big.
II. 聽兩個(gè)長對(duì)話,分別回答 11—12 和13—15小題   讀二遍  6—10. CBABB
(A).M: Mondays are terrible.          W: Why?
  M: We have difficult subjects like math, science and English.
  M: What’s your favorite day of the week?
  W: Wednesday, We have an easy morning just art and music followed by sport all afternoon.
  M: That sounds nice.
(B).  M: Hello. Is this the Green Taxi Service?     
W: Yes, it is.
M: I need a taxi to the train station, please.    
W: What time do you need a taxi, sir?
M: My train leaves at 4:30 this afternoon, but I’d like to arrive at the station no later than 3:30.How long is the ride from here?            
W: From here? Where do you live?
M: Oh, I’m sorry. I live at 447 Mile End Street.
W: It would take about 30 minutes. We will pick you up at 3:00.Is it OK with you?
M: Yes. The driver will help me with my bags, won’t he?   W: Yes. He’ll help you.
IV. 短文理解:  讀二遍   11—15. ACBAC
    My name is Tony. Right now I’m working on  a space station. I’ve been here for three days and I’m going to spend another 13 days in space. There are four other astronauts on the space station. We do different kinds of work. I’m studying the weather on Earth. I look at the clouds and take photos four times an hour. When I’m not working, I read or sleep. And I love watching the stars because I can see them so clearly.
一、單項(xiàng)選擇: 1-5. BBADB  6-10.CDDBC
二、完形填空: 1—5. CDACA  6—10. BBDAD   11—15. ADBCA
三、閱讀理解: 1—5. ABBDC  6—10. CDADB   11—15. BBBCA   16—20. CCDDA
四、詞匯: (A) 1—5. restroom; postcard; stamp; central; convenient
(B) 6. politely 7. sit uations 8. leading 9. to trouble  10. speakers
五、語法綜合填空: 1—5. things, safe; moving; ways; cities;
                 6—10. lost; roads; stop; cross; found
六、任務(wù)型閱讀  1--5. ACBDA
七、書面表達(dá):One possible version:
Cuihu Park is not far from here. It’s easy to get there. Just go straight and turn right at the first corner. Walk along the road and turn left when you find a hospital. Cuihu Park is down the street on your right. Across from the park is a restaurant.
The park is really a good place to have fun. It’s beautiful and cool with many trees and flowers. You can swim, play games or have a picnic there. It’s very relaxing. You may also get a good chance to practice Chinese. I hope you’ll enjoy yourselves. 

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/296922.html

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