人教新目標九年級英語Unit 9 Section A同步檢測題(附答案)

編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

人教新目標九年級英語Unit 9 Section A同步檢測題(附答案)
(20分鐘 50分)
Ⅰ. 根據(jù)句意及首字母提示完成單詞(10分)
1. Taiwan is an i_______, which is to the east of Fujian.
2. I like swimming, e_______ in summer.
3. The t_______ of 2012 London Olympics is Inspire a generation(激勵一代人).
4. I have s_______ the movies many times.
5. —Which do you want, coffee or tea?
—N_______. I just want some water.
Ⅱ. 單項選擇(10分)
1. —Mike isn’t good at speaking Chinese.
 —Me _______.
A. neither    B. too    C. also    D. not
2. Mary knows Tianjin very well, because she _______ there many times.
A. has gone      B. has been
C. has gone to      D. has been to
3. At first the boy argued with everyone, but he ended up _______ sorry to them.
A. say        B. says
C. to say       D. saying
4. —Have you _______ watched NBA games?
—Yes, I really enjoy them.
A. ever     B. still    C. yet    D. never
5. I have never heard _______ that island.
A. of    B. from    C. for    D. on
Ⅲ. 完成句子(10分)
1. ——你去過黃山嗎?
—Have you _______ _______ to Mount Huang?
—Yes, I _______. It’s a good place for vacation.
2. 他曾幫助過陌生人。
He _______ ever _______ someone he didn’t know.
3. 他一直和父母住在一起。
He lives with his parents _______ _______ _______.
4. 你可以叫它主題班會。
You can _______ it _______ _______ class meeting.
5. 這些車走不同的路線,但最終都到達同一個車站。
The buses take different routes, but they all _______ _______ at the same station.
Ⅳ. 補全對話(10分)
A. How long have you been there?
B. Where’s that?
C. I have been there for four years.
D. Well, you’ll have many chances if you like.
E. What places have you been to in China?
F. I have never seen such a place in China.
G. You’ve been to more places than I have.
A: Hi, Zhang Shan!  1 
B: Oh, I’ve been to many places, like Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou and Hainan Island.
A:  2 
B: Really? What places have you been to?
A: I’ve only been to Xi’an.
B:  3 
A: It’s in Shanxi province. It’s a small place, but has a long history. It’s one of the oldest cities in China. There you can see many old buildings.
B:  4  I’ve just seen lots of natural beauty, but not much old Chinese culture yet.
A:  5 
1. _________  2. _________  3. _________  4. _________  5. _________ 
Ⅴ. 閱讀理解(10分)
Dear Li Ming,
I’ve been in England for two months now. I hope you don’t think I have forgotten you. There are so many places to see and so many things to do that I’ve not had much time to write letters.
I will soon be starting my studies at King’s College. So far I’ve been learning about England and British ways of living. I will tell you about London. There are lots of books you can read and lots of pictures you can look at. I am sure you’ll be more interested to know what I think about the life here.
I find some of the customs(風俗)new and interesting. People here don’t shake hands as much as we do in China. During the first few weeks I was often surprised because people didn’t put out their hands when I met them. Men raise their hats to women but not to each other.
Wang Gang
1. The writer came to London from ________.
A. Asia     B. Europe
C. Africa     D. America
2. The writer ________.
A. will come to England in two months
B. came to England just now
C. came to England two months ago
D. has never been to England
3. He has ________.
A. not written any letters
B. no time to write letters
C. a little time to write letters
D. much time to write letters

4. He came to England to ________.
A. make a living
B. study
C. learn about the life there
D. learn British ways of living
5. Englishmen ________.
A. don’t often shake hands with friends when they meet
B. often shake hands with friends when they meet
C. raise their hats to all friends when they meet
D. bow(鞠躬)to each other when they meet


Ⅰ. 答案:1. island  2. especially  3. theme  4. seen  5. Neither
Ⅱ. 答案:1~5. ABDAA
Ⅲ. 答案:1. ever been; have  2. has; helped  3. all the time
4. call; a theme  5. end up
Ⅳ. 答案:1~5. EGBFD
Ⅴ. 答案:1~5. ACCBA


本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/299006.html

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