
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

2015年中考英語分類總復習  單詞拼寫

1. —  What does he look like              (像)?  —He is of medium height.  
2. I am very ____________ (餓). I want to buy some food to eat.
3. — How’s the weather today? — It’s                (晴朗的).
4. Mum often                 (告訴) us to wash hands before each meal.
5. My pen pal is in London. He speaks _____________ (英語).
6. Shanghai is a b              city.
7. He is a l__________________ dog.
8.—What would you do if you had a million dollars?—I’d give it to medical r               .
9. English is very i___________________  and many people enjoy learning it.
10. The people in the village are m               richer than before.
1. I hope you’re feeling              (更好)soon.
2. He has a good idea to                (解決) the problem.
3. — What size bowl of              (面條) would you like? — I’d like a large one.
4. There’s a bank near the post office. We can                (節(jié)約)our money there.
5. Would you mind                (關) down the radio? The boy is doing  his homework.
6. China is a  c                with a long history.
7. Most of the teenagers can deal with their problems e               now.
8. They are f               to each other.
9. His uncle is a d              . He works in a hospital in Beijing
10. Mr Wang’s o                is on the fourth floor.
1. It’s impolite to ______________ (指向)at others with chopsticks at table.
2. This is an _____________ (空的)box. Could I have a full one, please?
3. It’s                (冷)outside. Please put on your coat.
4. Would you mind not making a loud ___________ (噪音)here? Your father is sleeping.
5. If we do our homework more carefully, we will make fewer _____________(錯誤).
6. Don’t w              any water. We should save it.
7. “ S               is the first” he said to all the workers.
8. There is a beautiful g              in front of the tall building.
9. He is neither blind nor  d               . He can see and hear anything well.
10. We should learn to r                the bad things.
1.She hasn’t              (看見) her pet dog for a week.
2. There is a supermarket near my home. Let’s go ____________(購物).  
3. —What are people in China supposed to do when they meet for the           (第一) time? —They are supposed to shake hands.
4. He often            (借)books to us. And we return them to him as soon as possible.
5. Of four             (季節(jié)), I like autumn best, because it’s cool.  
6. Ruth loves to tell a j                  .             
7. — Could you please take out the trash?  —With p                . 
8. Hi, little boy, don’t  climb the tree. It’s d                . 
9. I didn’t c             the last bus, so I had to take a taxi home last night.
10. We’ll have tea in the garden i                of in the sitting-room.
1. — When was the telephone _____________(發(fā)明)?  — In 1876.
2. He is ___________(渴). He wants something to drink.
3. Lucy spoke too                (快) and I couldn’t follow her.
4. The manatee weighs about 1,000 ___________(英鎊). It’s too heavy.
5. Teachers’ Day is                     (九月)10th.
6. The computer is too expensive. I don’t have e              money to buy it.
7. — W             backpack is this?    — Oh, it’s Lily’s.
8. I will feel p             when I see the national flag of China.
9. — What do you think of soap operas?  — I can’t s              them..
10. I like soft music. It always makes me r                .
1. Julia’s sister is a nurse. She works in a _______________(醫(yī)院) .
2. This question is very ________________(難). I can’t answer it.
3. We visited a small village in Gansu Province. The ______________(村民) there are really friendly.
4. He was upset, because he didn’t ___________(通過) the math test again last week.
5. Be              (小心) when you drive, it’s very dangerous to drive in such bad weather.
6. — Paul, what day is today?  — It is F           .
7. The weather r               says that tomorrow will be cloudy.
8. Eating more vegetables and less meat can make you h               .
9. Sally, can you b           some story-books here from your home?
10. Good f               can make you happy. So we all need friends.
1. —What’s wrong with Jenny?  —She’s not well, she has a __________ (發(fā)燒), 39.5 ℃.
2. —What’s your e-mail             (地址)? ?It’s cindyj@pep.com.cn.
3. —How did you get to school yesterday?  —I                 (騎)my bicycle.
4. —What’s your hobby?     —I like to _____________ (收集)shells.
5. Liu Ming is very tall, but Zhang Qiang is quite                 (矮).
6. —Excuse me, where’s the bank?
  —Walk along this street and turn r              . It’s next to the movie theater.
7. —Do you know my n             friend? —I think I know him. He often smokes
8. Chen Yong always plays computer g                . He doesn’t want to go to school.
9. France is a beautiful country. It’s f                  for its wine.
10. Alice made a living by h               when she was young.
1. We               (錯過)the last bus. So we had to walk home.
2. Talking loudly in the library is i_____________(不禮貌).
3. —How often do you go to the movies? —I go to the movies ___________(一次) a month.
4. When is Sally’s birthday              (聚會)?
5. She               (成為)a basketball player in 2009.
6. Everyone goes to play soccer e                 Tom because he doesn’t like it.
7. Are you f              next Sunday? Let’s go to the zoo.
8. It is n               to learn a foreign language.
9. Lucy is thinner than Lily, but Lily is t               than Lucy.
10. Science is one of my favorite s                 . What about yours?
1. Please keep ____________ (安靜). I' m trying to study. 
2. She didn’t go to bed             (直到)her mother came back last night.
3. Take the medicine               (兩次)a day, then you’ll be better soon.
4. My father doesn’t let me               (踢) football after lunch.
5. I received a gift yesterday. My grandma             (寄) it to me from Nanning.
6. Our classroom is very d              . Please clean it at once.
7. He borrowed my pen and didn’t return it l                 week.
8. Li Hua is one of the m                of the school football club. 
9. We should take an a              part in protecting environment.
10. Get up early, go out for some f           air and enjoy a healthy life.
1. What is your friend going to be when he               (長大) up ?
2. They can’t go to a movie tonight, because they have lost their               (票).
3. One hundred years is a               (世紀) .
4. Last week we held a concert to               (籌集)500,000 yuan for Hope Project.
5. She has two               (孩子), a son and a daughter
6. Monkeys like to eat b               .
7. We are strongly against dropping litter e                   .
8. He’s poor at spelling. He made a lot of spelling m            in his writing.
9. Confidence is the k                to success.
10. The nice dress was bought by my uncle as a birthday p             .
1. Don’t forget to               (鎖)the doors when you leave the classroom.
2. Will you join us in the              (討論)about the teenage problems.
3. Make sure you put all the answers in your             (試卷) before handing it in.
4. In the morning taking a walk is good for your                (健康).
5. Broccoli and tomatoes are healthy               (蔬菜).  
6. Listening to tapes is h                for you to improve your English.
7. Lana always gets n              when she answers the teacher’s questions.
8. What do you want to be in the f            ?
9. You’ve d               so much wine. You mustn’t drive.
10. China has a long history of a             5,000 years.  
1. Don’t            (橫過)the street when the light is red. 
2. My               (最喜愛的)movie star is Jackie Chan.
3. Did you listen to the                (天氣) report last night?
4. —What' s Jim doing ?  — He' s watching a football ___________(比賽) .
5. An accident                (發(fā)生)on the road yesterday. A man was hurt.
6. I have m            hobbies, such as swimming, rowing and hiking.
7. —Where does he l            ? — In a town in South China.
8. I b              your dream will come true if you work harder.
9. If I am wrong, I will not mind saying s                   to him.
10. This kind of bus is m            in a southern city.
1. Sandy likes listening to                  (音樂).She often listens to CDs.
2. The water in this lake is very                (深的). It is no swimming area.
3. Sue                 (總是) shares things with her friends .
4. In order to make our hometown more beautiful, more trees are            (種)every year.
5. Now many students have known the importance of being                  (誠實的). The
6. People Road is the b                 street in our city.
7. Please don’t go out. It’s raining h                 outside.
8. Tom is old enough to know how to look after h                .
9. You can finish the work without g                 up early.
10. There is something w                with my computer. I have to have it repaired.
1. If I am wrong, I will not mind                   (說) sorry to him.
2.Learning from Leifeng in our school is very                     (受歡迎)with students.
3.The music is sweet, she often                   (分享)it with me.
4. He can speak English                (更好)than I.
5.He               (買) a useful dictionary as a present for my birthday yesterday
6.We have four classes in the m                 and three in the afternoon.
7.He said he would n              forget the trip to Guilin.
8.We should do more exercise to k                healthy.
9.Laibin has developed rapidly into a modern city in the last five y               .
10.The little girl is so strong that she can look after h               when facing difficulties .
1.—Why not               (煮) some noodles for supper?  —Good idea!
2.—Which                 (季節(jié))do you like best?—Summer.
3. —I like listening to English                  (歌曲).—So do I.
4. It is               (禮貌的)to wait in line.
5. Listen carefully and                    (回答)my question.
6. Let’s come together and say good l                   to the people in Yaan.
7. What a p                ! I failed the math exam again.
8. My parents are s               money to buy a new house.
9. If you are f                 this afternoon, let’s go shopping.
10. We should try our best to help those who are in t               .
1.Please help                (你自己) to some fish, Tom. Don’t be so shy.
2.Man can’t live                   (沒有) water, so we must make good use of it.
3. Thanks very much for                 (邀請) me to your birthday party
4.She is such a pleasant and                    (有幫助的)girl that we all like her.
5. I believe you will               (成功) if you don’t give up.
6.My English teacher always encourages me to speak more English in c             .
7. Tomorrow is Sunday. Don’t w             me up too early.
8. Alice used to be q             , but now she is very outgoing.
9.P             are lovely animals and they live mainly in Sichuan province.
10. Thanks to the Party, China dream is sure to come t               .
1. The have planted about five               (千)trees in the town in the past few years. 
2. “ Why are you late for school again?” said his teacher               (生氣地).
3.Eating more vegetables is good for                 (你的) health.
4.He               (借)a book from the library yesterday. 
5. Light music often makes us               (感覺) relaxed. 
6 Susan was b                in a village but she works in the city now.
7.You can go a            the street when the traffic lights turn green.
8. If the sky is c             , there’s no rain or cloud and you can see very far.
9. My mother is a teacher and she has t            English in this school for 20 years.
10. Mother is always worried a              her son or daughter’s health and safety. 
1. We have music class                 (兩次) a week.
2.Here is a                  (禮物) for you.
3.Thomas Edison had many               (發(fā)明)in his life.
4. If you take more exercise, you will be much               (健康) than before.  
5.Are you sure it’s nothing                 (嚴重的)?
6.The children in China live h                .
7. We must learn how to get on w               with others.
8. I  g               up at haft past six last Sunday.
9. In Changsha it's very hot in summer and very cold in w          .
10.Let’s work hard and try to b                 a great and strong country.

單詞拼寫(1)1.like   2.hungry  3.fine/sunny   4.tells   5English
6.busy   7.lucky   8.research   9.important  10.much
單詞拼寫(2) 1.better   2.solve  3.noodles    4.save    5. turning
6.country  7.easily   8.friendly  9.doctor  10.office
單詞拼寫(3) 1.point   2.empty   3.cold   4.noise    5.mistakes
6.waste   7.Safety     8.garden   9.deaf    10.refuse
單詞拼寫(4) 1. seen    2.shopping    3.first   4.lends      5.seasons
6.joke     7.pleasure     8.dangerous    9.catch     10.instead
單詞拼寫(5) 1.invented  2.thirsty   3.quickly/fast   4.pounds   5.September
6.enough  7.Whose   8.proud   9.stand      10.relaxed
單詞拼寫(6) 1.hospital    2.difficult    3.villagers 4.pass  5.careful 
6.Friday  7.report   8.healthy   9.bring  10.friendship
單詞拼寫(7) 1.fever  2.address     3.rode     4.collect 5.short 
6.right  7.new 8.games  9.famous  10.herself
單詞拼寫(8)  1.missed  2.impolite  3.once   4.party   5.became
6.except   7.free   8.necessary   9.taller  10.subjects  
單詞拼寫(9)1.quiet   2.until   3.twice   4.play    5. sent/posted
6.dirty   7.last 8.members   9.active   10.fresh
單詞拼寫(10)1.grows  2.tickets   3.century   4.raise   5. children
6. bananas 7. everywhere 8. mistakes 9. key 10. present
單詞拼寫(11) 1.lock   2.discussion   3.paper  4.health   5.vegetables
6.helpful   7.nervous  8.future 9.drunk 10.about
單詞拼寫(12)1.cross  2.favorite   3. weather  4.match   5.happened 
6.many  7.live  8.believe   9.sorry  10.made
單詞拼寫(13)1. music 2. deep 3. always 4. planted 5. honest
6. busiest 7. heavily 8. himself 9. getting  10. wrong
單詞拼寫(14)1. saying 2. popular 3 shares .4. better 5. bought
6. morning 7. never 8. keep 9. years 10. herself
單詞拼寫(15)1. cook 2.season 3. songs 4. polite 5. answer
6. luck 7. pity 8.saving 9. free 10.trouble

單詞拼寫(16) 1.yourself  2. without  3.inviting   4. helpful 5. succeed
6. class 7. wake 8. quiet 9.Pandas 10. true
單詞拼寫(17) 1.thousand 2. angrily 3.your 4.borrowed  5. feel
 6. born 7. across 8. clean9. taught 10.about
單詞拼寫(18)1. twice2. present 3. inventions 4. healthier 5. serious 
6. happily 7. well  8. got 9. winter  10. build

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/316016.html

相關閱讀:新目標九年級英語Unit3 Section B(2c-Self Check)習題(帶答案