
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學習網

          第Ⅰ卷  選擇題(共65分)
Ⅰ. 聽對話,選答案(共15小題,計15分).
(  )1.A. Ran there.              B.Walked there            C.Drove there.
(   ) 2.A. Noodles                B. Dumplings.             C.Fruit.
(   ) 3.A. It’s about 3 kilometers away.  B. It’s about 30 kilometers away.  C. It’s about 13 kilometers away.
(   ) 4.A. On Tuesday.             B.On Wednesday.          C. On Thursday.
 (   ) 5.A. At 8:00.                B. At 8:15 .                C. At 7:55.
 (   ) 6.A. John.                  B.Sara.                    C. Mary.
 (   ) 7.A. A tiger.                B. A .bear.                   C. A horse.
 (   ) 8.A. He feels cold.           B. He feels warm.            C. He feels hot.
 (   ) 9.A. She is a doctor.          B. She is a singer.            C. She is a nurse.
 (   ) 10.A.Sonia.                 B. Mike.                   C. Jane
(  )11.How long has the boy learned English?
       A. For 3 years       B. For 4 years.         C. For 5 years.
 (   ) 12. When will the two speakers meet?
       A. At 6:30.          B. At 6:00.            C. At 5:30.
 (   ) 13. What does think of the garden?
       A. Beautiful.        B. Small.              C. Big.
 (   ) 14. What color is Jane’s bedroom?
A. White.          B. Blue.               C. Pink.
 (   ) 15. Which of the following is true ?
       A. The kitchen is very big.                  B. The living room is small.
       C. Jane’s bedroom is upstairs.
Ⅱ 聽短文,選答案(共5小題,計10分).
(  )16. Where does Lin Feng work?
        A. In a factory.      B. In a hospital.         C. In an office.
 (   ) 17. Lin Feng’s vacation is ________ every year.
        A. 30 days.         B. 15 days.             C. 7 days.
 (   ) 18. How did he go to Sichuan?
        A. By plane.        B. By sea              C. By train.
 (   ) 19. Lin Feng saw _________ when he arrived there?
        A. a poster         B. a letter              C. a friend
 (   ) 20. What did he do in Sichuan?
A. He traveled in the countryside.           B.He helped the injured.
C. He talked to the people there.
Ⅲ. 單項選擇(共10小題,計10分)
21. Taking photos with  _____  real tiger is _______ unusual experience for us.
   A. an; an      B. a; an       C. the, a          D. a; a
22. ?My watch is different from ______ .
   -But _____ is the same as mine.
   A. Nick; yours    B. Nick’s; your       C. Nick’s; you        D. Nick’s; yours
23. -Math isn’t as ______ as Chinese.
   -I agree with you. I thnk Chinese is ____ than any other subject.
   A. easy; easier    B. easier; easier      C. easy; harder        D. hard; easier
24. The students of our class _____ to swim last month and we can swim very well now.
   A. taught        B. had taught        C. was taught         D. were taught
25. ?Are you going to Shanghai by bus?
   --I am not sure. It’s cheap, but uncomfortable. I _____ take a trai n.
   A. may         B. must             C. can              D. should
26. I _______ to Beihai Park if I _______ time next weekend.
   A. will go; will have   B. go; will have    C. will go; have     D. go; have
27. He _____ for two years. We are still sad about his ______.
   A. died; dead     B. died; death       C. has been dead; dead      D. has been dead; death
28. I _______ be afraid to sleep alone in my room, but now I _______ sleeping there alone.
   A. was used to; used to   B. used to; am used to   C. used to; used to    D. am used to; used to
29. Friends are those _____ always stand by your side when you need help.
   A. which        B. whose           C. whom           D. who
30. ?Could you tell me ______ yuanxiao in China?
   --Usually at the Lantern Festival.
   A. when do people eat   B. how do people eat   C. when people eat     D. how people eat
   Athough 19-year-old Geoge Dennehy is armless, he isn’ t letting that stop him from pursuing (追求) his dreams and sharing his passion(熱情)with the world.
   Born _31_ arms, the young boy’s birth parents left him. Luckily, a warm-hearted couple adopted(收養(yǎng))him and _32_ him . _33_ , his new parents never allowed him to use his disability as an excuse to be _34_. When Geoge was eight, they asked him to sigh up  (報名) for cello (大提琴) lessons. The instrument is _35_ even for people who have the use of both their hands, so it was far more challenging(挑戰(zhàn)性的)for Geoge, who had to learn to play it with his feet.
   Thanks to his music teacher, the young boy not only interested i n the cello, but also realized that he had a passion and talent for _36_ . During middle school years, he also _37_ the piano and the guitar.
   His music talent caught the eye of an American rock band who _38_ him to perform alongside them at a ten-day-long music festival.
   The experience has inspired (激勵) this once shy boy to pursue a career (事業(yè)) in music. He has also become a motivational speaker _39_ encorages both able and disabled people to pursue their dreams, no matter _40_ impossible these dreams may sound.
31. A. in              B. with         C. without       D. of
32. A. looked after      B. worried      C. gave up       D. put on
33. A. As              B. Though      C. But          D. However
34. A. lazy             B. busy        C. nervous       D. serious
35. A. easy             B. difficul t     C. interesti       D. beautiful
36. A. dancing          B. singing      C. music         D. drawing
37. A. taught           B. mastered     C. discovered     D. hated
38. A. warned          B. forced       C. trained        D. invited
39. A. who             B. whom       C. which        D. whose
40. A. why             B. where       C. how          D. when
It is reported that a 14-year-old girl, Winter Vinecki, runs marathons in memory of her faher who died of cancer. Now she bocome the youngest person to complete a marathon on every continent after completing her seventh marathon in Athens, Greece.
Winter began running at five. When her father died in 2009, she decided to coplete a marathon on every continent before her 15th birthday. After finishing her goal,she said, “I know that I’ve done something amaing here and I’m very happy. I guess the world is magical(有魔力的).”
Winter will share th e title of completing seven marathons around the globle with her mother who shared each moment with her. They have run marathons in the United States, Kenya, Antarctica, Mongolia, New Zealand and Greece. Winter said her favorite two races were in Kenya and Peru.
After losing her dad, Winter set up a non-profit organization to raise money for researching the cancer. She said, “I’ll do everything I can do to put an end to the cancer and help find a cure, so other people don’t have to endure the hardship that I faced.”
Now Winter is training to compete in the 2018 Winter Olympics as an aerial(空中的)skier.
41. Winter began running in 2009.
42. Now Winter has become the youngest person to complete seven marathons around the globle.
43. Winter’s favorite two races were in Antarctica and Kenya.
44. After losing her father, Winter set up a non-profit organization to raise money for researching the cancer.
45.Winter has decided to compete in the 2018 Winter Olympics.
                       Love is a two-way street
A father sat at his desk and looked at his bills when his young son rushed in and announced: “ Dad, because today is your birthday and you’re 40 years old, I’m going to give you 40 kisses, one for each year!” When the boy started making good on his word(履行諾言),the father shouted: “ Andrew, don’t do it now. I’m too busy!”
The boy soon fell silent as tears fell from his big blue eyes. Feeling sorry, the father said: “ You can finish later.” The boy said  nothing but walked away. That evening the father said: “ Come and finish the kisses now, Andrew!”
Unfortunately, a few days later after the father’s birthday, the boy had an accident and died. His father wrote: “ If only(要是••• •••,該多好)I could tell him how sorry I am for my thoughtless words, and how much my heart is hurting.”
Love is a two-way street. We must warmly accept any loving act, or others will take it as a “NO” and it can leave a scar(傷疤). If we don’t receive love, our life will lose its true meaning. Nothing is more important than accepting love from those who are near and dear to us.
46. On his father’s birthday, the boy wanted to _____.
   A. help pay the bills      B. have a talk with his father
   C. buy his father a gift    D. give his father kisses
47. A few days after the father’s birthday, the boy _____.
   A. was badly hurt in an accident                  B. was killed in an accident
   C. had to go back to school                      D. became unhappy with his father
48. The headline “Love is a two-way street” means _____.¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬
   A. love keeps one busy all the time          B. love can make people happy and unhappy
   C. we should learn to give and receive love    D. it’s important to love people around us   
Many people use their mobile phones as the alarm clock and are more used to checking e-mails before sleeping. However, these habits are becoming sleeping problems.
Several years ago, my boss used to stay up working on her mobile phone and got badly ill because of that. Now she always leaves her phone in another room at night. And she encourages friends to do so. “I sent each of my friends the same christmas gift ? an alarm clock so that they could stop using their phones as the alarm clock,” she said.
If your mobile phone wakes you up in the morning, it may also be keeping you up at night. A study in 2008 showed that people in mobile phone radiation(輻射)mostly had sleeping problems. And according to a Swedish study, a quarter of young people in this country feel like there must be phones around them. Most of them feel sorry for not returning messages. So they even have to reply to their friends before sleeping.
So what kind of people prefer to use mobile phones in their bedrooms? A recent study has shown that three-quarter people aged between 18 and 34 prefer to sleep with their phones near them. That number falls off a little in middle age, but only people aged 65 and older are used to leaving the phone in another room while sleeping.
49. The underlined word “that” refers to “_____”.
   A. using the mobile phone as the alarm clock        B. checking e-mails
   C. staying up working on the mobile phone         D. leaving the mobile phone in the bedroom
50. According to the Swedish study, ____ of young people in Sweden always put phones around them while sleeping.
   A. 25%       B. 50%         C. 75%        D. 100%
51. According to the recent study, people _____ prefer to sleep with their phones near them.
   A. aged 12 and 18    B. aged between 18 and 34  C. in middle age    D. aged over 65X Kb1 .Co m
   It seems more and more Americans want schools to teach foreign languages to children younger than five years old.The most popular way to teach these young children another language is called immersion (沉浸式語言教學法).
Children in immersion programs hear only the new language in the classroom.The children play games, sing songs and talk to one another in the new languages, some experts (專家) say immersion programs are the most effective (有效的) way for young children to learn a language.But there can be a problem when children in the United States begin to learn another language at such an early age.Not many elementary schools continue to teach a foreign language.Only seven of the fifty states require (要求) schools to teach a foreign language to students between the ages of six and twelve.Language experts say it is easier for younger children to learn a language.Still, American schools generally do not begin to teach foreign languages until secondary schools.By then, students are about th irteen years old.
American schools face difficult choices about the cost of educational programs.The government has increased support for foreign language study in its education law called No Child Left Behind.
At the college, the Modern Language Association says more students than ever are studying foreign languages and more languages are being studied now than in the past.Spanish is the most widely (廣泛地) taught in American colleges and universities.French, German, Chinese and Italian are also popular.
52. The most popular way to teach the American children another language is called ________.
A.task       B.speaking   C.immersion    D.listening
53. Students in immersion programs can do the following things EXCEPT ________.
A.talking to one another in the new language   B.hearing their native language
C.playing games in the new language         D.hearing the new language
54. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The government doesn't support this program.  B.All schools will take part in the immersion program.
C.It's the best for children to learn a foreign language at an early age.
D.Not many elementary schools continue to teach a foreign language.
55. What is the passage mainly about?
A.Foreign language teaching in America.
B.Foreign language teaching ways in America.
C.Foreign language teaching in American universities.
D.Foreign language teaching in America high schools.

第II卷 非選擇題(共55 分)
VI. 完成句子:根據中文意思,完成下列各句,每空一詞。(每題2分,共10分)
56. 努力學習,你一定會實現你的夢想。
Study hard, and you are sure to _________.
57. 錯過早班車使他很生氣。
_______________ made him very angry.
58. 多么干凈的街道!
_____________ the street is!
  ___________  the students in our class ________ 60.
60. 我一直渴望升入理想的高中。
I am ______________ going to an ideal senior high school.
VII. 短文填空:用所給詞的適當形式填空,使短文完整正確,每個單詞限用一次,。(每空1分,共10分)]
usual  mistake  rest  hundred   make  although  them  think  fly   how
Every morning, kids from a high school are working hard. They are _61_ and selling special coffee at a coffee shop. They are also making a lot of money.
These students can make up to nine _62_ dollars a day. They are selling their special coffee to airplane passengers. After the students get paid, the _63_ of the money goes to a local youth project.
These high school students use a space in the Oakland airport. It is _64_ very crowded. Many people who _65_ on the planes like to drink the special coffee.
One customer _66_that the coffee costs a lot but it is good and worth it. Most customers are pleasant but some are unhappy. _67_ do not like it if the coffee cafe is not open for business.
The students earn $ 6.10 an hour. They also get school credit while they learn _68_ to run a business. Many of the students enjoy the work  _69_ it took some time to learn how to do it.
They have to learn how to heat milk, load the pots, and add flavor. It takes some skill and sometimes _70_ are made. The most common mistake is forgetting to add the coffee.
Ⅷ. 任務型閱讀:閱讀下面短文,根據短文內容,完成下列各題。(每題2分,共10分)
   The Spring Festival Gala hosted by China Central Television each year has become an important part of the Chinese Lunar New Year celebration since 1983. As an important part of traditional Chinese culture, the celebration of Spring Festival is spreading around the world.
   The Spring Festival Gala is combined with songs, dances, comic sketches, opera and folk arts. Harmony(和諧)and reunion(團聚)are the two themes of the gala. With a cheerful atmosphere, the gala is filled with laughter and applause from the beginning to the end. The gala usually  starts at 8 on New Year’s Eve and lasts for about four hours. The program’s TV ratings have ranked first among China’s different shows over the past twenty years.
   But it’s difficult to fit all audiences’ tastes. Each year the gala hopes to absorb(吸收) new ideas and surprise people. So it has become a big challenge for CCTV and its creative staff. In recent years, some people have thought the Spring Festival Gala should be canceled. But lots of people still support it. Some people local TV stations even have begun to host their own shows, which have met the growing cultural needs of audiences. One successful example is Hunan TV’s gala, which now ranks second. Another new type of show is the Shanzhai (copycat) Spring Festival Gala Show. Whether people watch CCTV’s gala or other similar shows, Chinese people will surely enjoy themselves on the Lunar New Year’s Eve.
71. Why does the celebration of the Spring Festival spread around the world?
   It spreads around the world because it is __________________________.
72. What are the themes of CCTV’s Spring Festival Gala?
  The themes of the gala are ______________________.
73. How long does CCTV’s Spring Festival Gala usually last?
  It uaually lasts for ____________.
74. Why does the Spring Festival Gala become a big challenge for CCTV and its staff?
  It becomes a big challenge because it is difficult _____________.
75. What is the best title of this  passage?    ____________.
Ⅸ. 補全對話。(每小題1分,滿分10分)
A) 根據對話內容,將方框內符合對話情境的句子抄寫在對話空白處,使對話恢復完整。選項中有兩項是多余的。
A: Where do you prefer to live, in the city or in the countryside?.
B: 76_________________
A: Don’t you think it’s too noisy to live there?
B: A little. 77______________  And there are theatres, restaurants, libraries and many ither interesting places to go and have fun.
A: I see. 78___________ It’s dangerous somtimes. While in the country, it’s quite different. People  there often go by bike or on foot. It’s much safer and cheaper.
B: So what about you?. 79_____________
A: Yes, I like its fresh air, blue sky and I can climb up the trees to pick fruits..80__________________
B: Maybe you are right. But I think every coin has its two sides.

It’s really cool.
Where do you prefer to live?
Do you like living in the countryside?
But I like to go shopping in the city.
I prefer to live in the city.
But there is much traffic in the city.
Where do you think of the countryside?
B) 根據下面對話中的情境,在空白處各寫一個句子,使對話完整正確。
A: Hello! May I Speak to Sand ra?
B: Hello! This is Sandra speaking. 81 ______________?
A: This is William. I hear you are going to a trip next weekend.82 _______________?
B: I’m going to Fuping, Shaanxi Province with my family.
A: Really? That’s really a beautiful place. It’s President Xi’s hometown.
B: It seems that you’re familiar with it. 83 ______________?
A: Yes, I have been there twice.
B: 84 _________________?
A: I went there two years ago. By the way, don’t pack anything to eat.
B: 85 ________________? What if I can’t get anything delicious to eat?
A: Don’t worry. There are many kinds of delicious food there. It’s reported that our president invited Lian Zhan to eat some famous snacks from Shaanxi including Fuping. Don’t you know that?
B: I nearly forgot! And I think Fuping and its food will be more and more famous like Qing Feng Steamed Stuff Bun.
X. 書面表達(共1題,滿分15分):
參考詞匯:long history, splendid culture, places of interest(名勝古跡), obey the rules, protect, cultural beritage(文化遺產),scenic spot s(景點)
1.W: Did you get to school this morning by bus or on foot?
M: On foot.That could make me healthy.
Q: How did the boy get to school?
2.W: I prefer dumplings to noodles.
 M: Ok.Let’s have dumplings for supper.
Q: What will they have for supper?
3. W: Exxcuse me.Is there a bank near here?
M: No, there isn’t.The nearest one is about 3 kilometers away.
Q: How far is the nearest bank?
4. W: It’s Tuesday today.Let’s go hiking the day after tomorrow.
M: Good idea!
Q: When will they go hiking?
5. W: Will the train leave at eight or a quarter past eight,Miss Turner?
M: Neither. It’ll leave at five to eight.
 Q: What time will the train leave?
6. W: John, have you seen Sara? I haven’t seen her for days.
M: Oh, she was ill in hospital.Mary and I have just visited her.And she is much better today.
Q: Who was ill in hospital?
7. W: Nick, you look cool on the horse in this picture. When did you take it?
M: Last year when my parents and I went on a tr ip to Mingsha Mountain.
Q: What animal is discussed in the dialogue?
8. W: It’s too hot. Would you mind me opening the window?
M: Of course not. Do it as as you like, please.
Q: How does the boy feel?
9. W: Liang Chen, your brother is a singer. How about your sister?
M: She is a nurse. She works in Chang’an Hospital.
W: Oh, I know the hospital. The nurses and doctors there are friedly.
Q: What does Liang Chen’s do?
10.M: Sonia, I heard Jane won the first prize in the music competition.
W: So she did. And Mike won the second prize.
M: Wow. They are excellent.
Q: Who won the first prize in the music competition?
第二節(jié):聽下面兩段對話,每段對話后有幾個小題,請根據每段對話的內容和后面的問題,從所給的三個選項中選出最恰當的 一項,每段對話讀兩遍。
W: Oh, you speak good English. How long have you learned it?
M: For three years. I like English very much.
W: Do you think it’s difficult to learn?
M: I don’t think so.
W: By the way, there is an English evening in our school today. Do you want to join it?
M: Yes, I’d love to. When shall we meet? How about six o’clock?
W: Six o’clock is too early. Shall we meet half an hour later?
M: OK. See you then.
M: Jane, let’s go and see our new house.
W: Which house is it, Dad?
M: This one. Here we are.
W: Wow! It’s great and the garden is beautiful.
M: I’ve got the key. Let’s go in.
W: This is nice. The living room is very big.
M: Yes, but the kitchen is quite small. Let’s go upstairs.
W: Which is my bedroom?
M: This one here. It’s your favorite color—blue.
W: It’s great. Thank you, Dad.
Ⅱ 聽短文,選答案(共5小題,計10分).
   Lin Feng is a doctor in Beijing. Every August, he has one week off for vacation.Last August he decided to take a trip to Sichuan.He didn’t want to go by air.He really wanted to enjoy the beautiful nature, so he took the train.
  The train left Beijing on Monday at 10:30 p.m. During the long trip, he looked out of the window and saw large cities, small towns, and of course the beautiful countryside. For two days, Lin Feng didn’t get off the train. He often took walks through the train and talked with the other people.
   Finally at 2:45 p.m. on Friday, the train stopped in Sichuan. When he got off the train, he saw a poster on the wall of the station. It said: Wanted! Volunteer doctors in the earthquake areas! Lin Feng went to help the injured people. He had been busy the whole week, but he was happy.

Ⅵ. (10分)
   56.make your dream come true./achieve/realize your dream.
   57.Missing the early bus.
   58.How clean.
 59.The number of ,is.
   60.looking forward to
61.making   62.hundred   63.rest  64.usually  65.fly  66.thinks   67.They   68.how  69.although   70.mistakes
71.an important part of traditional culture.
   72.harmony and reunoin.
   73.four hours.
   74.to fit all the audiences’tastes.
   75.The Spring Festial Gala.
76.I prefer to live in the city
   77.But I like to go shopping in the city.
   78.But there is much traffic in the city.
   79.Do you like living in the countryside?
   80.It’s really cool.
81.Who is that speaking?
   82.Where are you going?
   83.Have you ever been there before?
   84.When did you go there?
Ⅹ.(15分)  參考范文
   Xi’an is a beautiful city with a long history and splendid cuture. There are many places of interest in Xi’an. Many visitors from the world visit Xi’an every year. Unluckily, some places have been destroyed by visitors in recent years.
   So people do as following to protoect these places, as they are a part of the cultural heritage of the world. First, obey all rules at scenic spots.Second, don’t draw or write on any of the building. Last, don’t throw rubbish everywhere.
   Let’s work together to make Xi’an a more attractive city.   

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/332115.html

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