
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

英 語(yǔ) 試 題

聽(tīng)下面的8段短對(duì)話(huà)。每段對(duì)話(huà)后有一個(gè)小題,從每小題A、B、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出一個(gè)最佳答案,聽(tīng)完每段對(duì)話(huà)后你有10秒鐘的時(shí)間回答 有關(guān)小題和下一小題。每段對(duì)話(huà)僅讀一遍
( )1. What does r. Black do?
A. He is a waiter.B. He is a shop assistant.C. He is a teacher.
( )2. Where are they talking?
A. In a school.B. In a hotel.C. In a shop.
( )3. Where does the woan coe fro?
A. Canada.B. England.C. France.
( )4. What does the an want to be now?
A. A scientist.B. A teacher.C. A doctor.
( )5. What does iss Black ask the boy to do?
A. To read ore books.B. Not to read in class.C. To read good books.
( )6. What kind of class does the an prefer?
A. P.E class. B. Art class. C. usic class.
( )7. Which language does r. Black speak best?
A. French. B. Chinese. C. Japanese.
( )8. Where does iss Sith coe fro?
A. Canada. B. Aerica. C. Australia.

( )9 . What are they going to do in the evening?
A. To eat out together. B. To have a party. C. To cook at hoe.
( )10. Why don’t they want to have Sichuan food?
A. It’s expensive.B. It’s too hot.C. It’s not delicious.
( )11. What kind of food are they going to have?
A. Japanese food. B. Italian food.C. Indian food.
( )12. Why didn’t Lucy go to school?
A. It was raining hard.  B. She hurt her leg.C. Her parents were ill.
( )13. How did she go hoe yesterday?
A. By bus.B. By car.C. By bike.
( )14. Who ight r. Sith be?
A. Her teacher.B. Her father.C. Her doctor.
( ) 15. What is Kathy doing for vacation?
A. Studying . B. Traveling. C. Doing a part-tie job.
( ) 16. How does she feel these days?
A. Bored. B. Excited. C. Tired.
( ) 17. Where is she ost probably going on vacation?
A. To Hawaii. B. To Switzerland. C. Soewhere cold.
( )18. What’s the woan’s new job??
A. A doctor. B. A teacher.   C. A driver.
( )19. When should the woan arrive if the class begins at 2:30 p?
A. 2:15. B. 2:45.   C. 2:30.
( )20. How any days will the woan be free every week?
A. Two days. B. Three days.  C. One day.
( )21. What was the ain reason for people to have dogs in the past?
A. To help the work. B. To ake oney. C. To keep the safe.
( )22. Who do any people walk with in a park?
A. Dogs. B. onkeys. C. Elephants.
( )23. What do young people regard a dog as?
A. A child. B. A friend. C. A teacher.
( )24. What is a dog for a child?
A. A sart teacher. B. A playing partner. C. A helpful brother.
( )25. Why do old people keep dogs?
  A. They regard dogs as their children. B. Dogs can play with the.
  C. Dogs are their friends
( )26. The best way iprove your English is to ________ an English club.
A. join B. take part in C. join in D. buy
( )27. I have trouble _________ English graar.
A. learn B. to learn C. learns D. learning
( )28. _______ used to _______ a post office near y house.
A. There; be B There; have C. It; be D. There; having
( )29. -- You didn’t used to be short, did you?
-- _______. I was the shortest in y class.
A. Yes, I did. B. No, I didn’t. C. Yes, I was. D. No, I wasn’t.
( )30. I used to go to sleep ________ y bedroo light ________.
A. with, open B. with, on C. and, open D. in, on
( )31. If I _______ you, I would go to Aerica to study.
A. a B. was C. was D. were
( )32. Teenagers should do instead of ________ too uch.
A. talk B. say C. talking D. speaking
( )33. Why not consider________ fishing toorrow?
A. going B. to go C. went D. goes
( )34.You won’t pass the exa ________ you work hard at your lessons.
A. if B. and C. unless D. or
( )35.-- Where would you like to go?
-- Well, I’d go ________.
A. anywhere relaxing B. relaxing soewhere
C. soewhere relaxing D. soewhere relaxed
( )36. The red bike ________be Tina’s. Hers is black.
A. ust B. ight C. can D. can’t
( )37. -- I’ not allowed to go out on school nights.
A. So a I B. Neither a I C. So I do D. Will be
( )38. People think Paul is ________. But in fact he talks a lot with his friends.
A. nervous B. tired C. shy D. patient
( )39. I haven’t seen y cat for two days. I’ ________ about her.
A. careful B. worried C. anxious D. iss
( )40. —When did you have your hair ?
—Last Saturday.
A. cut B. to cut C. cutting D. be cut

I still reeber I fell in love with English fro a very young age, because I thought it was such a ________41 language. Full of strong wishes of learning English, I began to ________ 42 it. But soon I found it ________43 than expected. There were too any words, expressions and any other things to reeber. And even if you know ________44, you can’t use the correctly and exactly. And I did rather ________45 in y first English test. I was worried about it. This ade e upset and dropped y interest in English ________46.
While I was in trouble, y English teacher gave e uch help. I knew that interest didn’t ean ________47 and I should have soe learning ethods. I did as he said and tried any different ways of learning English. As the days went by, I could do ________48 and better and becae ore and ore interested in it.
During suer vacation, an old lady fro Australia visited y school. She had a talk with us. It was the first tie ________49 a foreigner. I got ________50 nervous at first, but soon I found it exciting to talk with her, and I learned a lot fro her. How I wish to practice speaking English with foreigners every day!
( )41. A. helpful B. wonderful C. exciting D. careful
( )42. A. read B. teach C. learn D. write
( )43. A. better B. ore difficult C. worse D. easier
( )44. A. how to write the B. how to write C. what to write the D. what to write
( )45. A. well B. worse C. better D. badly
( )46. A. one by one B. one another C. little by little D. each other
( )47. A. everything B. anything C. nothing D. soething
( )48. A. well B. better C. good D. best
( )49. A. to talk B. to speak C. to eet D. eet
( )50. A. a little B. little C. a few D. few

It was other’s Day. A an stopped his car at a flower shop to order(訂購(gòu)) soe flowers. He wanted the shopkeeper to send the flowers to his other, who lived two hundred iles away.
As he got out of his car, he found a young girl sitting on the road crying. He asked her what was wrong and she answered, “I want to buy a red rose for y other, but I only have seventy-five cents. A rose costs two dollars.”
The an siled an d said, “Coe into the shop with e, and I’ll buy you a rose.”
He bought the little girl her rose and ordered his own other’s flowers. As they were leaving, he offered to drive the girl hoe. She said, “Yes, please! You can take e to y other,” She brought hi to a ceetery(墓地), where she placed the rose on the grave.
The an was oved. He returned to the flower shop, picked up the flowers he ordered, and drove two hundred iles to his other’s house. Today is the day for your other. Send a flower to your kind and beautiful other.
( )51. The an went to the shop to ______.
A. help the girl B. buy soe food C. order soe flower D. visit his other
( )52. The girl was crying on the road because ______.
A. she was hungryB. she couldn’t buy a rose
C. she couldn’t find her way hoe D. she hurt her leg
( )53. Fro the passage we can infer(推斷) that ______.
A. the girl loved flowers very uch
B. The girl loved her other very uch
C. The shopkeeper sent the flowers to the an’s other
D. The girl was very rich

Ea had kept her secret for so long, letting it grow in her heart. But the secret was so big that she knew she couldn’t keep it inside uch longer. She wanted to show people how beautiful it was, but she wasn’t sure ho
At first she noticed the secret trying to get out when she began siling at everyone, and they siled back. Oh, that felt good. So she did it soe ore. Then she saw her secret working its way out when she talked to people in the store, or on the school playground, or in th e neighborhood. She’d say siple things to the like, “Nice weather,” or “I like your baby,” or “Where’d you get those cool shoes?” And they would answer with siple “Yes it is,” or “Thank you,” or “At Penney’s.” She found that being friendly to others ade the friendly to her.
Next she tried telling soe of her best jokes to soeone she thought ight need a good laugh. Then she would get to laugh along with the.
Then she would write funny stories in her notebook and paint pictures to ake herself sile. Then she would give the to her friends.
Her secret was getting out. She was sharing her happiness with others. At first she was a little afraid she ight run out of good feelings for herself, but what she soon discovered was it was quickly being refilled(再裝滿(mǎn)) as others shared their happiness with her.
( )54. Ea couldn’t keep her secret any longer because it was _________ to anyone.
A. a secret B. beautiful C. expensive D. a chance
( )55. The phrase “working its way out” in the second paragraph eans _______ in Chinese.
A. 鉆出 B. 尋路 C. 出軌 D. 結(jié)束
( )56. Fro this article we learned _________.
A. no one had a secret in his heart
B. Ea was liked by a few people
C. good feelings were easily run out of
D. a person would be friendly treated if he was friendly to others

aybe you are an average student(中等生). You probably think you will never be a top student. However, anyone can becoe a better student if he or she wants to. Here’s ho
1. Plan your tie carefully. When you plan your work, you should ake a list of things that you have to do. After aking the list, you should ake a schedule(日程表) of your tie. First,your tie for eating, sleeping, dressing, etc. Then decide a good, regular(規(guī)律的) tie for studying. Don’t forget to relax soeties. A weekly schedule ay not solve all your probles, but it will ake you realize what is happening to your tie.
2. Find a good place to study. Look around the house for a good study area. Keep this space, which ay be a desk or siply a corner of your roo, free of everything but study things. No gaes, radios, or television! When you sit down to study, concentrate on the subject.
3. ake g ood use of your tie in class. Listen to everything the teacher says carefully. Really listening in class eans less work later. Taking notes will help you reeber what the teacher says.
4. Study regularly. When you get hoe fro school, go over your notes. Review the iportant points that your teacher entioned in class. If you knohat your teacher is going to discuss the next day, read that aterial(材料). This will help you understand the next class. If you do these things regularly, the aterial will becoe ore eaningful, and you will reeber it longer.
5. Develop a good attitude about tests. The purpose of a test is to shohat you have learned about a subject. They help you reeber your new knowledge. The world won’t end if you don’t pass a test, so don’t be overly worried.
There are other ethods that ight help you with your studying. You will probably discover any others after you have tried these.
( ) 57. A schedule will help you _____.
A. finish your work quickly B. solve all your probles
C. find ore tie for your habits D. knohat is happening to your tie
( ) 58. If you listen carefully in class, you _____.
A. can do less work after class
B. don’t have to take any notes
C. don’t have to do any work after class
D. can reeber e verything the teacher says
( ) 59. The underlined word “free” eans _____.
A. 免費(fèi) B. 自由 C. 沒(méi)有 D. 空閑
( ) 60. The best title for this passage is _____.
A. How to ake a Plan B. How to Iprove Your Study
C. How to Pass a Test D. How to Review Your Lessons

A) 根據(jù)句意及首字母提示,補(bǔ)全單詞,完成句子
61. The food t___________ delicious. I like it very uch.
62. Tina is a h__________ girl, she never tells lies.
63. I got up late and I ___________ the early train.
64. Li lei is outgoing, he has ade p___________ of friends here.
65. We should work hard. We shouldn’t w_________ our tie.
B) 用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空
66. We all know the ___________ (iportant) of learnin g English well.
67. A good __________ (listen) can help you a lot in learning.
68. Work hard and try to be a __________ (knowledge) person.
69. Our teachers are very __________ (friend) to us.
70. Students need at least 8 hours’ sleep, or they will be ___________ (sleep) in class.

A:I want to see 2012 London Olypic Gaes! Can you tell e soething about London?
B: 71 What would you like to know?
A:Well, what’s good tie to visit?
B: 72 The weather is always nice.
A:Oh, good! 73
B:Well, you should visit the Big Ben and London Eye.
A: 74
B:Oh, you shouldn’t iss the Olypic Stadiu. People call it “London bowl”. 75
A:It all sounds really exciting.
A.And what should I visit there? B.Of course not.
C.What else? D.Anytie.
E.Sure, I can. F.It’s very great.

七、完成句子 (本大題滿(mǎn)分14分,每小題2分)
76. If you don’t know ____________________________, look it up in a dictionary.
(不知道怎樣讀準(zhǔn)單詞) (pronounce)
77. I learn English ___________________________________________________.
(聽(tīng)收音機(jī)) (listen)
78. The an ________________________________. They wear the sae clothes.
79. y sister ________________________________________________ at night.
(過(guò)去害怕獨(dú)處) (used)
80. The caera I lent you _____________________________________________.
(是) (belong)
81. Sixteen-year-olds _________________________________________________.
(不應(yīng)該允許駕車(chē)) (allow)
82.I prefer usic ___________________________________________________ ?
(我能隨之而舞的) (that)

The weekend is usually a tie of rest. But today’s Chinese teenagers can h________83 rest during the weekends.
According to a survey, 24% of the Junior students in Beijing have classes at the weekend. Over 40% of the Junior 3 have l________84 than eight hours’ sleep each night because of study.
Li Ping, a Junior student in Guangzhou, has to get up at 6:30 a on Saturday. Then she has a w__________85 day of classes. On Sunday she gets to extra classes for ath and English. But she doesn’t c________86. She says that all her classates work hard on Sunday.
Liu Yang is fro Dalian. As a Junior 2 student, his weekends are less busy. But he a________87 spends Saturday in school. On Sunday, after f________88 hoework, he plays basketball. He feels happy because he s________89 has tie to do the things he likes.
A few students are quite a bit l__________90. Yang Qing, a Junior 3 student fro Zibo, Shandong, is one of the. During the weekends, she gets up at 8:00. Then she s________ 91 soe tie doing hoework. After that she is f_______92 to go shopping or watch TV. “Don’t push yourself too uch. Learning well at school is e________93,” she said. And she is a top student.

2) 談?wù)勀阏J(rèn)為中學(xué)生可被允許做和不應(yīng)做的事情并簡(jiǎn)述理由。

I a a student in Grade 9 no

1. W: What do you do, r Black?
: I teach ath in No. 2 iddle School.
2. W: We'd like to have a single roo with a bath.
: OK. ada. How long will you stay here?
3. : You speak good English. Are you fro Aerica?
W: No. I' fro France. But I stayed in Canada for a few years.
4. W: What do you want to be in the future?
: When I was a little boy, I wanted to be a doctor. But now I want to be a scientist.
What about you?
W: I'd like to be a teacher.
5. W: What are you doing, To?
: I…….I' reading a book, iss Black.
W: Oh, it's a good book. But you'd better read it after class.
6. W: Which do you prefer, P.E class or art class?
: I prefer singing. So usic class is y favorite.
7. W: r. Black speaks French well and now he’s beginning to study Chinese.
: He also knows a little Japanese.
8. W: This is iss Sith. She is fro Australia, but she lives ost of her life in Aerica.
: Glad to eet you. I’ fro Canada.
: Do you have any plan for this evening?
W: No, not yet.
: How about going out for dinner tonight?
W: Great. Where would you like to go?
: Well, what about Sichuan food?
W: I don't feel like having Sichuan food today.
: I don't, either. It's too hot .
W: How do you like Italian food?
: , I like it a lot.
W: e, too, And I know a good Italian restaurant nearby.
: Good! Let's go.
Qs: 9 . What are they going to do in the evening?
10. Why don’t they want to have Sichuan food?
11. What kind of food are they going to have?
: Hello! ay I speak to Lucy, please?
W: Hi, r Sith! This is Lucy speaking.
: You didn't coe to school today. What's wrong?
W: Oh, I hurt y leg when I was riding hoe yesterday and I can't walk no
: I' sorry to hear that. How did it happen?
W: It was raining hard then, but I didn't take y raincoat. I tried to ride hoe quickly. When I turned left at a corner, I fell down and hurt y leg,
: Did you see a doctor?
W: Yes. y parents took e to a hospital, and luckily it wasn't serious.
: Have a good rest and you'll be well soon.
W: Thank you.
Qs: 12. Why didn’t Lucy go to school?
13. How did she go hoe yesterday?
14. Who ight r. Sith be?
: Hi, Kate! What are your plans for the coing vacation?
W: I have no idea. aybe I a traveling around Europe. I just want to relax because I feel very tired these days.
: If I were you, I would go to Switzerland. It's really a nice place.
W: It's very cold there this tie of the year, I don't like cold weather. I'd like to go soewhere war.
: What about Hawaii? There is lots of sunshine and it's war all the year round there.
W: That's a good idea. I can lie on the beach and enjoy the sunshine. Thanks for your suggestion.
: y pleasure.
Questions: 15. What is Kathy doing for vacation?
16. How does she feel these days?
17. Where is she ost probably going on vacation? 
: Well, iss Sith. Before you begin your new job, you have to know the rules.
W: OK.
: During the class, you should be patient and friendly to the students.
W: Of course. What else?
: You have to arrive fifteen inutes earlier before the first class in the orning and in the afternoon.
W: Sure!
: Finally, you are allowed to have two days off every week.
Questions: 18. What’s the woan’s new job?
19. When should the woan arrive if the class begins at 2:30 p?
20. How any days will the woan be free every week?
When I take a walk around the park, I often see any people walking with dogs. Perhaps a dog is one of the ost useful anials in the world. People keep dogs for different reasons. In the past any people kept dogs ainly for their safety. But now ore and ore people keep dogs as their friends. For a child, a dog is a friend when he has no other children to play with. For young people, a dog is their friend when they are alone at hoe. For old people, a dog is their child when their own children grow up and leave hoe. Now you can see the reasons why people keep dogs.
21. What was the ain reason for people to have dogs in the past?
22. Who do any people walk with in a park?
23. What do young people regard a dog as?
24. What is a dog for a child?
25. Why do old people keep dogs?

2012 -2013學(xué)年度九年級(jí)上學(xué)期期中水平測(cè)試英語(yǔ)參考答案
五、61. tastes 62. honest 63. issed 64. plenty 65. waste 66. iportance 67. listener
68. knowledgeable 69. friendly 70. sleepy
六71-75 EDACF
七、76. how to pronounce a word 77. by listening to the radio 78. reinds e of y uncle
79. used to being/staying alone 80. belongs to y father 81. shouldn’t be allowed to drive
82. that I can dance to
八、83. hardly 84. less 85. whole 86. coplain 87. also 88. finishing 89. still
90. luckier 91. spends 92 free 93. enough


本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/35258.html

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