
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

1.The four girls _____ in Chinese,
A. are both B. both are C. are all D. all are
2. The student’s parents want to see hi _____ his study.
A. success B. succeed C. succeed in D. success in
3. The girl would like ____ their own clothes, but I feel like _____ school unifors.
A. to wear , to wear B. to wear, wearing C. wearing, wearing D. wearing, to wear
4. ?It’s very hot today. --______.
A. so is it B. so it is C. It is so D. such is it.
5. Who ____ this building belong to ?
A. is B. does C. was D. has
6. I’d tell her to aks y perission before she ____ soething next tie.
A. borrows B. will borrow C. would borrow D. borrowed
7. Let’s have a rest, ______ ?
A. wiil you B. won’t you C. don’t you D. shall we
8. It’s hot here. Why not _____ your coat?
A. put on B. dress up C. try on D. take off
9. Could you tell e ____ the neords?
A. how can I pronouce B. how to pronouce C. how do I pronouce D. how pronoucing
10. ?Jack, could you help e ___ when the plane will take off on the Internet?
?I’ sorry. y coputer doesn’t work.
A. get out B. look out C. take out D. find out
11. --_____ does the notebook belong to ? --_________.
A. Who, Larry B. Who, Larry’s Whose , larry D. Whose Larry’s
12. y necklace is not only thing ___ is issing.
A. which B. that C. when D. what
13.His coputer is ___ expensive ____ To’s .
A. as, than B. so, as C. uch , as D. as, as
14.Heripolite words ade e ___ angry that I left without saying a word.
A. feel, so B. feel,very C. felt, very D. feeling
15.Ji sat next ___ e ___ the doctor’s .
A. fro, in B. at, to C. to, at D. with, at
16.Could you ___ open the door? It’s so cold.
A. please not B. not please C. please not to D. please to
17. Lin Tao ran faster tha ___ in his class.
A. other B. the other boy C. any other boy another boy
18.Do you know the girl ____ to oour English teacher?
A. talks B. taliking C. to talk D. talked
19.--____ should get the job, Peter or Sandy ?—I think Sandy should get the job.
A. Do you think whose B. Whose do you think C. Who do you think D. Do you think who
20. There is always soething ___ in the world.
A. happening B. to happen C. happens D. is happening

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/36433.html

相關(guān)閱讀:新目標(biāo)九年級英語Unit3 Section B(2c-Self Check)習(xí)題(帶答案