
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級(jí) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

Unit 1 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)檢測
(時(shí)間:100分鐘 滿分:120分 得分:________)
(  )1.What did the boy get?
A. B. C.
(  )2.What does Bob want to be?
A. B. C.
(  )3.What will the weather be like?
A. B. C.
(  )4.Where will Julie go if she gets enough oney?
A. B. C.
(  )5.How does To learn English?
A. B. C.
(  )6.What is Peter doing?
A.He’s writing.
B.He’s drawing.
C.He’s singing.
(  )7.What sport are they talking about?
A.Baseball. B.Volleyball. C.Basketball.
(  )8.What does the an want now?
A.A blue shirt.
B.A blue jacket.
C.A black shirt.
(  )9.Where does the an want to go?
A.To the book store.
B.To the post office.
C.To the bus stop.
(  )10.How does Susan study for a Chinese test?
A.By aking flashcards.
B.By aking vocabulary lists.
C.By working with friends.
(  )11.What’s Ann going to do this weekend?
A.She’s going to ski.
B.She’s going to skate.
C.She’s going to cycle.
(  )12.Who is Jack going to do sports with?
A.His friends.
B.His classates.
C.His parents.
(  )13.Where is Jane going to do exercise?
A.On the playground.
B.In the classroo.
C.In the gy.
(  )14.When does Jane do exercise?
A.Every orning.
B.Every afternoon.
C.After school.
(  )15.What sport is ike going to take part in?
A.Hiking. B.Running. C.Swiing.
(  )16.Carol is ________ this year.
A.12 B.13 C.14
(  )17.Carol is good at English because ________.
A.she has studied with a group
B.she has joined an English language club
C.she has written vocabulary lists
(  )18.Carol ________ at weekends.
A.watches English ovies
B.goes out with her brother
C.goes shopping with her other
(  )19.Carol goes to the club ________.
A.on onday evenings
B.on Friday evenings
C.at weekends
(  )20.Carol ________ at night.
A.watches TV
B.writes to her pen pal on the coputer
C.watches English ovies
SeasonSportsLeaving TieHow longHow to go there
In (21)________To (22)________ and rowIn the first (23) _______ in January A (24)_______By (25)_______

(  )26.—________ do you tell hi about the event (事件)?
—By ________ e­ail.
A.How; sending B.How; send
C.What; sending D.What; send
(  )27.Have you coe up with any idea to ________ the air pollution?
A.deal to B.deal with
C.do about D.do to
(  )28.________ too uch is bad for your health.
A.Eating B.Eat
C.To eating D.Eatting
(  )29.He often practices ________ with his teacher.
A.running B.runs C.run D.to run
(  )30.I don’t know this word.I ust ________ in the dictionary.
A.look up it B.look the up
C.look up the D.look it up
(  )31.I find ________ very difficult to understand people who speak fast.
A.that B.this C.it D.they
(  )32.What ________ reading aloud to practice pronunciation?
A.of B.about C.around D.at
(  )33.I can’t believe what you said ________ I see what you do.
A.without B.unless
C.if not D.with
(  )34.Why ________ an English­language club?
A.don’t join
B.not joins
C.don’t you joining
D.not join
(  )35.We regard hi ________ the best teacher in our school.
A.for B.as C.like D.to
(  )36.It’s ipolite to ________ other’s talking.
A.break out B.break off
C.break up D.break in
(  )37.It was very iportant for e ________ English.
A.study B.to study
C.studies D.studying
(  )38.I couldn’t always ake sentences, ________.
A.too B.either C.never D.also
(  )39.Lillian tried her best ________ a good student.
A.becoe B.becoing
C.becoes D.to becoe
(  )40.The teacher was very angry ________ e.
A.with B.to C.of D.in
(  )41.I got an A this ter, so y teacher was ________.
A.ipressed B.ipressing C.ipress D.ipresses
(  )42.—I hope you don’t ind y pointing out your istakes.
A.Not at all B.You’re welcoe
C.Of course D.It’s a pleasure
(  )43.In the orning classes, all the students are reading Chinese texts ________.
A.loud B.aloudly C.aloud D.noisily
(  )44.Don’t laugh ________ anybody.You should help the when they are in trouble.
A.at B.to C.of D.with
(  )45.I had a little trouble ________ English graar.
A.to learn B.learning
C.learned D.learn
y parents took e to Japan when I was little. I lived there for five years. __46__ I cae back, y Japanese was very good. “Can I do soething useful with y Japanese?” I asked yself. Then, one day last spring, I got a good opportunity (機(jī)會(huì)). I stayed at hoe with __47__ to do, so y father brought e a Japanese book. “Why don’t you translate it into Chinese? It will be better than __48__ coputer gaes all day.” I proised (許諾) to do 2,000 words each day. But __49__ I found it was hard to keep the proise. One day in ay, the weather was beautiful. But I couldn’t go out. Those 2,000 words were still __50__ e. After translating only three pages, I already lost interest in the book. I looked at it for a long tie. But I couldn’t ake yself turn the pages. How I wished I could just go outside and __51__ football with y friends! I counted the words again and again. I just wanted to give up. I felt as if two people were fighting __52__ y ind. One said, “Don’t give up! Keep working hard, and you’ll do well!” But then the other one said, “Go and play! It will be ore __53__ than translating. Do your work toorro” I stood up and would __54__ the coputer. But then I reeber __55__ y parents had told e, “Whatever you do, don’t stop halfway.” So I sat down and went on with it.
(  )46.A.Because B.Until
C.Since D.When
(  )47.A.nothing B.soething
C.everything D.anything
(  )48.A.doing B.playing
C.practicing D.seeing
(  )49.A.just then B.right now
C.soon D.suddenly
(  )50.A.talking to B.looking at
C.siling at D.waiting for
(  )51.A.play B.give C.buy D.watch
(  )52.A.in B.with C.about D.for
(  )53.A.fun B.iportant
C.useful D.dangerous
(  )54.A.turn on B.turn off
C.open D.close
(  )55.A.how B.where
C.which D.what
Coe and see the Indian elephants and the new tigers fro Aerica. The bears are waiting to eet you, and the onkeys fro China are waiting to throw things at you. The lovely dogs fro Australia are waiting to laugh at you, and the giraffes fro Zabia are waiting to look down on you.
Children:Over 12 $1.00
Under 12 Free
Opening tie
9:00 a-4:00 p
Except Friday 10:00 a-3:00 p
Keep the zoo clean!
Do not touch, give food or go near the anials.
(  )56.How any kinds of anials are talked about in the passage?
A.Four. B.Five.
C.Six. D.Seven.
(  )57.Now r. Sith is in the zoo with his two sons, one aged 14 and the other 10.How uch are the tickets together?
A.$4.00. B.$2.00.
C.$3.00. D.$1.00.
(  )58.Which of the following is the visiting tie?
A.8:30 a on onday.
B.9:30 a on Friday.
C.3:00 p on Sunday.
D.5:00 p on Tuesday.
(  )59.Fro the passage we can guess the anial “giraffe” ust be very ________.
A.fat B.long C.strong D.tall
(  )60.Which of the following can we do in the zoo?
A.To give soe food to the dogs.
B.To touch the onkey on the head.
C.To throw things everywhere.
D.To take a few nice photos.
I often hear soe students say English is difficult, and it gives the a headache. But English is very easy for e. I’ good at it. I’ very glad to tell you soething about how I study English.
First, I think an interest in English is very iportant. When I learned English first, it was fresh for e. I was interested in it, so I worked hard at it. Soon we had an English exa and I got a very good ark. How happy I was! After that, I learned English harder and harder. Our English teacher often teaches us English songs, and the songs sound nice. I often think how interesting English is!
Second, I think English is a foreign language. I should learn it well in the following ways: Listen to the teacher carefully, speak bravely, read aloud and have a good vocabulary. Then practice again and again, never be tired. And I also have a good habit: Asking whenever (不論何時(shí)) I have a question. I ust ake it clear by asking our English teacher. How happy I a when I understand!
Besides this, I often read English stories, jokes and easy novels. They help e understand a lot of things. So to do ore reading is an iportant way to learn English well. And I also write English diaries. English has becoe a close friend of ine.
(  )61.Why do soe students often “have a headache”?
A.Because they are easy to catch a cold.
B.Because it’s often very cold
C.Because they think English is easy.
D.Because they don’t think English is easy.
(  )62.The writer tells us that we should be ________ in English if we want to learn it well.
A.kind B.interested
C.angry D.strict
(  )63.The sentence “I got a very good ark” eans ________.
A.I got a good way
B.I had a good idea
C.I did badly in the exa
D.I did well in the exa
(  )64.The writer thinks English is interesting because ________.
A.English is full of stories
B.English is full of jokes
C.his teacher often teaches the nice English songs
D.of nothing
(  )65.Which of the following is not the way the writer studies by?
A.Speaking bravely.
B.Writing to foreign friends.
C.Reading aloud.
D.Writing English diaries.

配對(duì)閱讀 左欄是五個(gè)人的需求信息,右欄是七條信息。請(qǐng)將這五個(gè)人與相應(yīng)的信息配對(duì)。
(  )66.It’s Tina’s first tie to coe to New York.She wants to visit soe popular attractions, and she likes to go soewhere interesting.
(  )67.Nick has got uch lucky oney at the Spring Festival.He is looking for a eaningful way to help poor kids in China with his oney.
(  )68.Celina knows that the news online usually spreads ore quickly than that in the newspaper.She wants to read news online for kids.
(  )69.r. Sith cae across an old friend today.They went to a pub and had a good drink.After the drink, r. Sith needed soeone to drive hi hoe.
(  )70.Linda is going on a trip noShe knows the Hudson River Greenway is a path for pedestrian ≈cyclists only.It is a wonderful way to see the river and the cityscape.So she is looking for a rental bike no
A.Net Faily News is a non­profit public service for parents and educators of kids.Please visit us at .
B.Do you have any difficulty in learning English graar? This book tells you how to be successful in learning it and it also gives soe valuable advice to you.
C.Project Hope is a Chinese public service project.It ais to help children whose failies are too poor to afford to coplete eleentary school education.People can donate oney to it to help children in need and show their love.
D.Do you like a bike ride around the city? We have hundreds of bikes for renting.We offer hourly, half­day and full­day rates.Please call us to discuss availability at 212­260­0400 or eail us at .
E.The Aerican useu of Natural History is one of New York City’s ost popular attractions, featuring four floors filled with exhibitions on every natural history topic fro dinosaurs and aals (哺乳動(dòng)物) to biodiversity (生物多樣性) and outer space.
F.You can talk to our P.E.teacher who ight introduce a club to you, or ight know a local yoga class.
G.Are you looking for a good driver to drive your car? Please call John at 332­768 and he’d like to help you.

Henry Brown is a new teacher in No.2 Priary School.He (71)________ ath.He likes his children and is kind to the.He (72)________ his best to teach the well.But as (73)________ new teacher, he has little experience, so his students are not good at ath.
One day, the headaster of the school cae to listen to Henry’s class.(74)________ class, he cae to the front of the classroo.He wanted to check (75)________ the children understood the lesson just noSo he said, “Excuse e, r.Brown.ay I ask your students soe (76)________?”
“Of course, r.Ted.” Henry answered.Then r.Ted asked, “(77)____ is four and three?” “Seven,” the children answered together.Both Henry and r.Ted were (78)________.r.Ted went on asking, “And what is four fro four, then?” But this tie (79)________ could answer.Henry was standing behind r.Ted.He drew a circle (80)________ the air with his fingers.A boy seeed to understand hi.He put up his hand quickly and said, “An egg, sir,” the boy said loudly.
Do you often eet difficulties when you start learning English? The following ay be helpful for beginners to learn English.
◆Find out the reason
Before you begin to learn English, ask yourself, “Why do I want to learn English?” Do you learn English in order to counicate with foreigners or pass soe exas?
◆Develop (發(fā)展) interest
Interest is the best teacher. Often, the things we do best in our life are those we enjoy doing.Learning English ust be soething that you like to do.
◆Set goals (目標(biāo))
When you know your reason for leaning English, setting a goal is easy.For exaple, if you want to travel to an English­speaking country, you should iprove your listening skills and pronunciation.Whatever your goal is, write it down.
◆ake a plan
After setting the goal, the iportant thing you should do is to ake it coe true.ake a plan for yourself to realize your goal.Plan to do the things that are challenging, but not too difficult.
◆Have fun
If you are studying in the right way, it’s possible for you to have fun learning English! Find out a way that is suitable (合適的) for you.After you have studied for a feeeks, it’s necessary to develop your own study habits.
Inforation Card
Five steps to learn English
Find out the reasonTo (81)________________ foreigners or to pass soe exas.
Develop (82)__________If you want to study English well, you should like it.
Set goalsWhatever your goal is, write it down.
ake a planPlan to do the things that are challenging, but not too (83)__________.
Have funFind out a suitable (84)________________ of learning English and develop your own (85)________________.
為了鼓勵(lì)大家學(xué)好英語,你們班準(zhǔn)備辦一期英語學(xué)習(xí)經(jīng)驗(yàn)交流?U(qǐng)根據(jù)下面的內(nèi)容提示并結(jié)合實(shí)際情況,以“y English Learning”為題寫一篇短。
1.When did you start learning English?
2.What is difficult to learn?
3.How do you deal with it?
4.What other helpful ways do you know to learn English well?

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/37768.html

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